11 research outputs found

    Comparison of Effective Coverage Calculation Methods for Image Quality Assessment Databases

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    This article provides a comparison of a three methods聽that can be used for calculating effective coverage of image quality assessment database. The aim of this metric is to show how well the database is filled with variety of images. Foreach image in the database the Spatial Information (SI) and Colorfulness (CF) metric is calculated. The area of convex hull containing all the points on SI x CF plane is indication of total coverage of the database, but it does not show how efficiently this area is utilized. For this purpose an effective coverage was introduced. An analysis is performed for 16 databases - 13 publicaly available and 3 artificial created for the purpose of showing advantages of the effective coverage

    Numerische Berechnung zweidimensionaler Kontaktaufgaben mit Ber眉cksichtigung der nichtlinearen Eigenschaften der Kontaktzone

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    lnkrementelle Finite-Elemente Modellierung des 2D-Kontaktproblems

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    Superior vena caval syndrome caused by the tumor of the left hilum in a patient with unilateral persistent left superior vena cava diagnosed with multislice spiral computed tomography : a case report

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    Background: Unilateral persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) is an infrequent finding with incidence of 18-20% among the individuals with PLSVC. The persistence of the left-sided superior vena cava is an effect of disturbances in development of the connection between the precardinal veins (anterior cardinal veins) and formation of the sinus venosus in early stages of embryogenesis. Case report: The paper presents a case of a 62-year-old patient with a mass lesion of the left hilum, which caused left-sided superior vena caval syndrome in the presence of unilateral PLSVC. Conclusions: Developmental mechanisms of superior vena caval syndrome are discussed. The evolution of changes related to infiltration and occlusion of PLSVC is shown on the basis of three selected MSCT examinations

    The influence of losartan and trandolapril therapy on serum glucose, insulin, homocysteine and von Willebrand factor in mild to moderate essential hypertension

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    Wst臋p W pierwotnym nadci艣nieniu t臋tniczym zaburzenia gospodarki w臋glowodanowej (ZW) cz臋sto wsp贸艂istniej膮 z zaburzeniami funkcji 艣r贸db艂onka naczy艅 (ED). Materia艂 i metody Celem pracy by艂a ocena wp艂ywu antagonisty receptora AT1 - losartanu 50 mg/dz. - oraz inhibitora ACE - trandolaprilu 2 mg/dz. - na zaburzenia gospodarki w臋glowodanowej i dysfunkcj臋 艣r贸db艂onka w pierwotnym, dotychczas nieleczonym nadci艣nieniu t臋tniczym. We krwi na czczo oceniano: glukoz臋, insulin臋, ca艂kowit膮 homocystein臋, HbA1c, kwas moczowy, czynnik von Willebranda (vWF:Ag) oraz HOMA-IR, BMI, WHR u chorych z nadci艣nieniem 艂agodnym do umiarkowanego w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 odpowiedni膮 kontroln膮. Ocena zosta艂a powt贸rzona w obu leczonych grupach po 3 miesi膮cach. Wyniki W obu leczonych grupach, poza obni偶eniem warto艣ci ci艣nienia, uzyskano tak偶e obni偶enie st臋偶enia HbA1c, co sugeruje korzystny wp艂yw farmakoterapii na (ZW). Stwierdzono obni偶enie vWF:Ag w grupie losartanu i wzrost vWF:Ag w grupie trandolaprilu. R贸偶ny wp艂yw na vWF:Ag (traktowany jako marker uszkodzenia 艣r贸db艂onka) mo偶na t艂umaczy膰 poprzez odmienny mechanizm ingerencji badanych lek贸w na uk艂ad RAA oraz przez prawdopodobny udzia艂 uk艂adu kinin, kt贸rych aktywno艣膰 jest wzmo偶ona w trakcie terapii inhibitorem ACE. Grupa trandolaprilu cechowa艂a si臋 wy偶szym wska藕nikiem talia-biodra (WHR) w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 kontroln膮 (ni偶 grupa losartanu), co mo偶e sugerowa膰 wyst臋powanie powa偶niejszych ZW, spowodowanych zwi臋kszon膮 ilo艣ci膮 tkanki t艂uszczowej brzusznej. Grupa trandolaprilu mia艂a wy偶sze st臋偶enia glukozy, HbA1c, ca艂kowitej homocysteiny ni偶 grupa losartanu w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 kontroln膮 (przed leczeniem). Wnioski Dane autor贸w sugeruj膮, 偶e grupa chorych z 艂agodnym do umiarkowanego nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, chocia偶 klinicznie podobna, mo偶e w r贸偶ny spos贸b odpowiada膰 na farmakoterapi臋, co mo偶e by膰 efektem stopnia zaawansowania zaburze艅 metabolicznych wyst臋puj膮cych jeszcze przed leczeniem.Background Carbohydrate metabolism disturbances (CM) and endothelial dysfunction (ED) often coexist with essential arterial hypertension (EH). Material and Methods In order to investigate the effect of AT1-antagonist losartan in a daily dose of 50 mg and ACE-inhibitor trandolapril in a daily dose of 2 mg on CM and ED in untreated EH the following were evaluated in mild to moderate EH patients during fasting: glucose, insulin, total homocysteine, HbA1c, uric acid, von Willebrand Factor (vWF:Ag), HOMA-IR, BMI and WHR and the results compared to those for matched controls. The examination was repeated after 3 months in both the groups treated. Results A decrease in HbA1c in both groups treated suggests CM correction besides the lowering of blood pressure. There was a decrease in the vWF:Ag level in the losartan group and an increase in the vWF:Ag level in the group treated with trandolapril. This difference in vWF:Ag (known as an ED marker) may be explained by the distinct way in which the drugs under examination influenced the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and by the possible role of kinins, the activity of which is elevated during ACE-inhibitor treatment. The trandolapril group had a higher WHR than the losartan group when compared to controls, which implies the possibility of more severe CM due to increased abdominal adipose tissue deposit. It was also characterised by higher fasting glucose, HbA1c, total homocysteine than the losartan group when compared to controls before treatment. Conclusions Our data may suggest that mild to moderate EH patients, even when clinically similar, may respond differently to drug treatment, which may be the result of the severity of the metabolic disturbances found in this group at the beginning of treatment

    PAI-1 and hyperuricaemia: another face of endothelium dysfunction in essential hypertension. Endothelium, hypertension, metabolism

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    Wst臋p Uwa偶a si臋, 偶e dysfunkcja 艣r贸db艂onka odgrywa kluczow膮 rol臋 w rozwoju mia偶d偶ycy i powstawaniu powik艂a艅 uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego w nadci艣nieniu t臋tniczym. Materia艂 i metody Celem oceny dysfunkcji 艣r贸db艂onka u nieleczonych chorych z pierwotnym nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym, bez cukrzycy, z prawid艂owym klirensem kreatyniny zbadali艣my 29 ambulatoryjnych pacjent贸w (13K/16M; wiek: 41,17 ± 11,95) w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 14 zdrowych ochotnik贸w (7K/7M), zgodnych wiekowo. W obu grupach we krwi 偶ylnej na czczo oznaczono: HbA1c, ca艂kowit膮 homocystein臋, kwas moczowy, insulin臋, glukoz臋, vWF:Ag, TM, PAI-1, E-selektyny. Obliczono HOMA-IR. W 24-godzinnej zbi贸rce moczu oznaczono mikroalbuminuri臋 (MA) i N-acetylo-β-D-glukozaminidaz臋 (NAG). Wyniki Chorzy z nadci艣nieniem prezentowali wy偶sze warto艣ci BMI, WHR, MAP, PP, cechowali si臋 insulinooporno艣ci膮 i wy偶szym st臋偶eniem kwasu moczowego. Grupy nie r贸偶ni艂y si臋 pod wzgl臋dem MA i vWF:Ag. Chorzy mieli wy偶sze warto艣ci PAI-1 i NAG ni偶 kontrola. Jedynie u chorych stwierdzono dodatnie korelacje liniowe: PP vs. MAlog10, PAI-1 vs. MAlog10, PAI-1 vs. kwas moczowy, PAI-1 vs. BMI, PAI-1 vs. WHR, WHR vs. kwas moczowy, BMI vs. HOMA-IR. Wnioski Nasze dane mog膮 wskazywa膰, 偶e we wczesnych etapach nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego, chorzy z insulinooporno艣ci膮 cechuj膮 si臋 zwi臋kszonym ryzykiem sercowo-naczyniowym zwi膮zanym z uog贸lnion膮 mia偶d偶yc膮, stanem prozakrzepowym i zwi臋kszon膮 sztywno艣ci膮 t臋tnic. Kwas moczowy prawdopodobnie wp艂ywa na 艣r贸db艂onek poprzez mediowany przez PAI-1 mechanizm, kt贸ry nie jest jasny. Odbiciem tego faktu jest podwy偶szona warto艣膰 PP wynikaj膮ca ze zmniejszenia podatno艣ci t臋tnic. Zwi臋kszone wydalanie NAG z moczem u chorych w obliczu normoalbuminurii mo偶e wskazywa膰 na uszkodzenie 艣r贸dmi膮偶szu nerek, kt贸re wyprzedza uszkodzenie k艂臋buszka i jest istotne dla dalszego rokowania.Background Attention is increasingly being paid to endothelial dysfunction (ED) as a key aspect of atherosclerosis and target organ damage in arterial hypertension. Material and methods In order to evaluate generalised ED in non-diabetic untreated essential hypertensives with normal creatinine clearance we examined 29 ambulatory patients (13F/16M; age: 41.17 ± 11.95) and compared them with 14 healthy controls (7F/7M) matched for age. Fasting blood was withdrawn for the following: HbA1c, total homocysteine, uric acid, insulin, glucose, vWF:Ag, TM, PAI-1 and E-selectins in both groups. HOMA-IR was calculated. 24-h urine was collected for microalbuminuria (MA) and N-acetyl-脽-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) urine excretion. Results The hypertensives had higher BMI, WHR, MAP and PP and were insulin resistant. They revealed hyperuricaemia. No difference was found in MA and vWF:Ag. The hypertensives also had higher PAI-1 levels and NAG excretion than the controls. The only positive linear correlations found in the hypertensives were the following: PP vs. MAlog10, PAI-1 vs. MAlog10, PAI-1 vs. uric acid, PAI-1 vs. BMI, PAI-1 vs. WHR, WHR vs. uric acid, BMI vs. HOMA-IR. Conclusion Our data may suggest that in the early stages of essential hypertension patients with insulin resistance are at high risk of serious cardiovascular complications related to diffuse atherosclerosis, a prothrombotic state and elevated arterial stiffness. Uric acid is able to affect endothelium through a PAI-1 mediated mechanism, which remains unclear. This fact is reflected in the increased PP which results from increased arterial stiffness. Higher NAG urine excretion where there is no endothelial dysfunction may indicate the early renal tubulo-interstitium tissue damage which precedes glomerular injury and is important for future clinical prognosis

    The Impact of Trandolapryl on Some Metabolic Disturbances and Endothelium Dysfunction in Non-treated Essential Hypertensive Patients

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    Wst臋p Pierwotne nadci艣nienie t臋tnicze przebiega cz臋sto z insulinooporno艣ci膮, jako czynnikiem wsp贸lnym dla wzmo偶onej aktywno艣ci uk艂adu sympatycznego, oty艂o艣ci brzusznej, z艂o偶onych zaburze艅 metabolicznych oraz z dysfunkcj膮 艣r贸db艂onka naczy艅. Celem badania by艂a ocena wp艂ywu trandolaprylu na zaobserwowane zaburzenia metaboliczne i funkcj臋 艣r贸db艂onka. Materia艂 i metody Zbadano 13 chorych z nieleczonym nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym pierwotnym (艂agodnym do umiarkowanego wg klasyfikacji WHO). Grup臋 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 14 zdrowych ochotnik贸w, kt贸rych wiek i p艂e膰 by艂y jednakowe jak w grupie badanej. Przeprowadzono badania antropometryczne. Wykonano dobow膮 zbi贸rk臋 moczu dla oznaczenia albuminurii, kreatyniny i NAG (N-acetylo-b- -D&#64979;glukozaminidaza). Nast臋pnego dnia rano pobrano krew 偶yln膮 (na czczo) w celu wykonania bada艅 biochemicznych, oznaczenia insuliny i trombomoduliny, tkankowego aktywatora plazminogenu i czynnika von Willebranda. Badania powt贸rzono w grupie chorych po 3 miesi膮cach terapii trandolaprylem w standardowej dawce doustnej 2 mg dziennie. Wyniki Chorzy obarczeni byli czynnikami ryzyka chor贸b uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego uk艂adaj膮cymi si臋 w zesp贸艂 polimetaboliczny. Po 3 miesi膮cach terapii zaobserwowano obni偶enie warto艣ci glikowanej hemoglobiny (%) (6,01 &plusmn; 0,45 vs. 5,66 &plusmn; 0,41; p < 0,05) i wzrost vWF:Ag (%) (148,08 &plusmn; 65,10 vs. 306,77 &plusmn; 146,63; p < 0,01). Wnioski U chorych z nadci艣nieniem t臋tniczym pierwotnym monoterapia trandolaprylem, poza obni偶eniem ci艣nienia t臋tniczego, wywar艂a korzystny wp艂yw na zaburzenia gospodarki w臋glowodanowej obserwowane w zespole polimetabolicznym, ocenianej wielko艣ci膮 st臋偶enia hemoglobiny glikowanej (HbA1c). W trakcie 3-miesi臋cznej terapii trandolaprylem zaobserwowano paradoksalny wzrost st臋偶enia vWF:Ag, co mog艂oby by膰 efektem lokalnego dzia艂ania inhibitora konwertazy angiotensyny II na uszkodzony 艣r贸db艂onek naczy艅 w przebiegu nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego i zaburze艅 metabolicznych.Background Essential hypertension usually coexists with insulin resistance, which is a key factor for increased sympathetic nervous system activity, visceral obesity, composed metabolic disturbances and endothelial dysfunction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of trandolapril on metabolic disorders and endothelial injury. Material and methods We examined 13 ambulatory patients with non-treated essential hypertension. The control group was of 14 healthy volunteers matched with age and sex. The anthropometric parameters were obtained. The 24 hour urine collection was assayed for albuminuria, creatinine and NAG excretion. The next day fasting blood was withdrawn for biochemistry, insulin, thrombomodulin, tissue plasminogen activator and vWF:Ag. The examination was repeated after 3 months of trandolapril oral 2 mg per day therapy. Results The hypertensive group was characterized with a number of abnormalities, which stand for polymetabolic syndrome. After 3 months therapy the significant decrease of HbA1c (%) (6,01 &plusmn; 0,45 vs. 5,66 &plusmn; 0,41; p < 0,05) and increase of vWF:Ag (%) (148,08 &plusmn; 65,10 vs. 306,77 &plusmn; &plusmn; 146,63; p < 0,01) were observed. Conclusions Our study suggests the advantage of trandolapril monotherapy on carbohydrate metabolism seen in polymetabolic syndrome but not on endothelial function despite satisfactory blood pressure control. We observed significant increase of vWF:Ag level which may be a local effect of ACE inhibitor on already injured endothelium

    Finite element fatigue analysis of unsupported crane

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    The presented strength and fatigue calculations refer to an unsupported deck crane and its three distinct parts: housing, jib and column. Static loads applied to the structure were due to the crane鈥檚 own weight and a maximum working load, corresponding to a maximum lifting capacity at a maximum outreach of the crane. The numerical analysis was aimed at determining the thickness of the skin plating of the column and the number, shape and distribution of stiffeners in the column, housing and jib, ensuring that the crane yields correct strength and fatigue parameters. During the process of designing marine structures, the standard numerical analysis is, in many cases, limited to calculations in the basic strength range. Even when using numerical methods of analysis, complex strength and fatigue calculations are often not performed. The modern numerical analysis chain for marine structures should concentrate not only on strength analysis, but should take a further step, which encompasses fatigue analysis. The article presents a new outlook on design methods, which should be the entry point to the design of marine structures. Based on the acquired number of cycles of fatigue life, it is possible to estimate, with a sufficient degree of accuracy, the practical service life of a structure. To solve the problem, the authors used the finite element analysis software ABAQUS supported by the fe-safe system