7,623 research outputs found

    Understanding Society: design overview

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    Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study, builds on the success of the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS). This paper describes some of the key elements of the design and conduct of the study and suggests how Understanding Society is distinctive as a longitudinal survey. Its large sample size offers new opportunities to study sub-groups that may be too small for separate analysis on other studies. The new content included in Understanding Society, not least the bio-measures, provides exciting prospects for interdisciplinary research across the social and medical sciences. The Innovation Panel is already proving to be an invaluable resource for research in longitudinal survey methodology. Finally, the inclusion of the BHPS sample within Understanding Society enables this long running panel to continue into the future, opening up inter-generational research and the opportunity to look at very long-term trajectories of change. This paper also describes the four sample components: the general population sample, ethnic minority boost sample, the Innovation Panel, and participants from the BHPS. Each component has a multistage sample designs, mostly with stratification and clustering. A complex weighting strategy is being developed to support varied analyses. This overview also describes the instruments, methods of data collection, and the timetable for data collection. A summary of the survey content?s is provided. With the data becoming available the user community is beginning to benefit from this investment in longitudinal studies

    Local environments

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    He Interpreted to Them

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    System-Size Effects on the Collective Dynamics of Cell Populations with Global Coupling

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    Phase-transitionlike behavior is found to occur in globally coupled systems of finite number of elements, and its theoretical explanation is provided. The system studied is a population of globally pulse-coupled integrate-and-fire cells subject to small additive noise. As the population size is changed, the system shows a phase-transitionlike behavior. That is, there exits a well-defined critical system size above which the system stays in a monostable state with high-frequency activity while below which a new phase characterized by alternation of high- and low frequency activities appears. The mean field motion obeys a stochastic process with state-dependent noise, and the above phenomenon can be interpreted as a noise-induced transition characteristic to such processes. Coexistence of high- and low frequency activities observed in finite size systems is reported by N. Cohen, Y. Soen and E. Braun[Physica A249, 600 (1998)] in the experiments of cultivated heart cells. The present report gives the first qualitative interpretation of their experimental results

    Oncometabolites: tailoring our genes

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    Increased glucose metabolism in cancer cells is a phenomenon that has been known for over 90 years, allowing maximal cell growth through faster ATP production and redistribution of carbons towards nucleotide, protein and fatty acid synthesis. Recently, metabolites that can promote tumorigeneis by altering the epigenome have been identified. These ‘oncometabolites’ include the tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites succinate and fumarate, whose levels are elevated in rare tumours with succinate dehydrogenase and fumarate hydratase mutations, respectively. 2-Hydroxyglutarate is another oncometabolite; it is produced de novo as a result of the mutation of isocitrate dehydrogenase, and is commonly found in gliomas and acute myeloid leukaemia. Interestingly, the structural similarity of these oncometabolites to their precursor metabolite, α-ketoglutarate, explains the tumorigenic potential of these metabolites, by competitive inhibition of a superfamily of enzymes called the α-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. These enzymes utilize α-ketoglutarate as a cosubstrate, and are involved in fatty acid metabolism, oxygen sensing, collagen biosynthesis, and modulation of the epigenome. They include enzymes that are involved in regulating gene expression via DNA and histone tail demethylation. In this review, we will focus on the link between metabolism and epigenetics, and how we may target oncometabolite-induced tumorigenesis in the future

    Understanding Transparency in Supply Chains

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    The purpose of this thesis paper is to examine what standards should be used for supply chain product transparency across industries to satisfy the needs of external stakeholders, specifically Gen Z consumers. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in supply chain management with growing stakeholder pressure, strict government regulations, and scarcity of resources. A scenario-based role-playing experiment is conducted using descriptive vignettes to measure Gen Z consumer reactions to the following factors: timing of transparency, type of product, and type of sustainability. Online survey methods are used involving 33 students in one of the Honors and Scholars Programs at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and students in classes in the Haslam College of Business. After performing moderation analysis, our results show that social sustainability matters more to Gen Z consumers than environmental sustainability. In addition, after a supply chain scandal, a company will lose sales from Gen Z consumers. Companies must address social sustainability and transparency in their supply chain to meet the expectations of their stakeholders

    The Death of Palsgraf: A Comment on the Current Status of the Duty Concept in California

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    The California courts are in the forefront of the development of modern tort law into a pro-plaintiff, pro-recovery system. This Comment analyzes the evolution of the duty concept in California tort law. Duty has become a plaintiff-oriented doctrine. Duty has reduced the importance of proximate cause in the negligence analysis. Pro-defendant aspects of duty have atrophied, replaced by an analysis based primarily on foreeseability. Duty, traditionally decided by the trial judge as a threshold question of law, has in many recent cases been decided, in effect, by the jury as a question of fact

    A Perspective on the Enhancer Dependent Bacterial RNA Polymerase

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    Here we review recent findings and offer a perspective on how the major variant RNA polymerase of bacteria, which contains the sigma54 factor, functions for regulated gene expression. We consider what gaps exist in our understanding of its genetic, biochemical and biophysical functioning and how they might be addressed

    Nuclear fragmentation studies for microelectronic application

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    A formalism for target fragment transport is presented with application to energy loss spectra in thin silicon devices. Predicted results are compared to experiments with the surface barrier detectors of McNulty et al. The intranuclear cascade nuclear reaction model does not predict the McNulty experimental data for the highest energy events. A semiempirical nuclear cross section gives an adequate explanation of McNulty's experiments. Application of the formalism to specific electronic devices is discussed
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