9 research outputs found

    Relief transformation along footpaths in the Rila, Pirin, and Western Tatra Mountains

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    High mountain areas are characterized by substantial geodiversity and different morphogenetic processes play a key role in shaping their relief. One of the most transformed landforms within the high mountain areas affected by such processes today are footpaths and tourist trails. For this reason, this issue needs to be closely examined for a variety of mountains ranges. The main aim of the research was to characterize effects of changes in relief experienced by footpaths and their vicinity in three different high-mountain regions: the Rila Mts., the Pirin Mts, and the Western Tatra Mts. Geomorphological mapping was used to study the erosive relief in details. The comparative analysis of geomorphological effects of relief transformation along surveyed footpaths allow for the determination of regularities in landform formation. In the Tatra Mountains, the footpaths experiencing the highest degree of physical transformation are those running along the slope gradient and across eroded rock debris zones, with little or no turf. Such paths create favourable conditions for erosion to produce deep incisions, the depth of which can reach one metre. In the case of the Rila and Pirin Mountains, the deepest incisions reach 1.8 m. Research has shown that among the different forms of human impact the great amount of pressure on relief in high mountain areas is exerted by pastoral activity and forest management practices

    Trampling impact on relief transformation in the Babia G贸ra massif - dendrogeomorphological record

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    Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych: Instytut Geoekologii i GeoinformacjiPodstawowym problemem badawczym pracy s膮 przekszta艂cenia rze藕by masywu Babiej G贸ry (1725 m n.p.m.), zachodz膮ce pod wp艂ywem turystyki pieszej. Szczeg贸艂owe badania geomorfologiczne, geodezyjne oraz dendrochronologiczne przeprowadzono w obr臋bie wybranych szlak贸w turystycznych w Babiog贸rskim Parku Narodowym. Celem nadrz臋dnym pracy by艂a charakterystyka ilo艣ciowa denudacji antropogenicznej na szlakach turystycznych i w ich najbli偶szym s膮siedztwie. Istotnym elementem pracy by艂o okre艣lenie tempa denudacji na szlakach przy wykorzystaniu analizy dendrogeomorfologicznej korzeni 艣wierka (Picea abies), ods艂anianych w wyniku wydeptywania w nawierzchni szlak贸w turystycznych.Badania wykaza艂y, i偶 dominuj膮c膮 rol臋 w modelowaniu szlak贸w pe艂ni膮 powolne procesy denudacyjne. Z uwagi na du偶膮 kompakcj臋 gleby na szlakach, przewa偶aj膮 one zdecydowanie nad procesami erozji. W 艣wietle przeprowadzonych bada艅 dendrogeomorfologicznych 艣rednie tempo denudacji na szlakach turystycznych w masywie Babiej G贸ry wynios艂o 3,6 mm/rok. Najintensywniejsze oddzia艂ywanie turystyki pieszej na rze藕b臋 masywu Babiej G贸ry wykazano dla okresu 1961-1983. Najwy偶sze 艣rednie tempo denudacji uzyskano dla najbardziej obci膮偶onego turystycznie szlaku (odcinek: Krowiarki - Sokolica), gdzie wynios艂o ono 6,00 mm/rok. Niew膮tpliwym novum metodycznym pracy, w aspekcie bada艅 oddzia艂ywania pieszego ruchu turystycznego na rze藕b臋 obszar贸w g贸rskich, by艂o zastosowanie analiz dendrogeomorfologicznych szlak贸w turystycznych. Podobne badania przeprowadzono jak dotychczas jedynie w obr臋bie dw贸ch obszar贸w g贸rskich w Europie. Przedstawione w pracy analizy s膮 pierwszym przyk艂adem zastosowania tej metody w Karpatach. W pracy dodatkowo przeprowadzono szczeg贸艂owe pomiary geodezyjne w obr臋bie miejsca poddanego presji turystycznej (punkt widokowy Sokolica, 1367 m n.p.m.). Efektem prac by艂o okre艣lenie obj臋to艣ci materia艂u przemieszczanego w obr臋bie poletka (150 m2) poddanego oddzia艂ywaniu turystyki pieszej w poszczeg贸lnych sezonach morfogenetycznych. Badania wykaza艂y, i偶 najwi臋kszy ubytek materia艂u nast臋puje w okresie wiosenno-letnim. W obr臋bie badanej powierzchni ubytek ten wyni贸s艂 od 3,2 do 5,0 m3 i by艂 dziesi臋ciokrotnie mniejszy ni偶 warto艣膰 akumulacji. Wynoszenie materia艂u z powierzchni badawczej zaznaczy艂o si臋 szczeg贸lnie podczas trwania sezonu turystycznego, co nale偶y wi膮za膰 z mechanicznym oddzia艂ywaniem ruchu turystycznego na powierzchni臋 stoku i potwierdza istotn膮 rol臋 morfotw贸rcz膮 denudacji antropogenicznej. Efektywno艣膰 morfologiczna antropopresji jest wspomagana przez naturalne procesy morfogenetyczne, w tym sp艂ukiwanie linijne i powierzchniowe oraz deflacj臋 i niwacj臋. Wynikiem pracy jest r贸wnie偶, po raz pierwszy dla masywu Babiej G贸ry, szczeg贸艂owe scharakteryzowanie wielko艣ci oraz rozk艂adu ruchu turystycznego na szlakach turystycznych w sezonie 2008, jak i 2009 roku. Zastosowanie czujnik贸w pyroelektrycznych do automatycznego zliczania ruchu turystycznego na szlakach pozwoli艂o na przeprowadzenie kompleksowej analizy ruchu turystycznego na dw贸ch najbardziej ucz臋szczanych szlakach w masywie Babiej G贸ry.Wyniki pracy, dotycz膮ce zar贸wno wielko艣ci ruchu turystycznego jak i tempa denudacji na szlakach turystycznych posiadaj膮 wysoki aspekt aplikacyjny i mog膮 pos艂u偶y膰 do analizy odporno艣ci poszczeg贸lnych odcink贸w szlak贸w, a tym samym by膰 przydatne w ich zarz膮dzaniu i ochronie.The main goal of the study was to quantify the effects of trampling activity and to assess the rate of soil loss from the tourist trails in the Babia G贸ra National Park (Flysch Carpathians). Tourist traffic within the Babia G贸ra massif (1725 m a.s.l.) contributes to intensification or initiation of various geomorphic processes. Intensive utilization of footpaths contributes to vegetation damage and soil loss, as well exposure of tree roots within the trail surface and their nearest vicinity. The methodological approach consisted of several methods: geomorphological mapping, geodetic surveys and dendrogeomorphological analyses. In additional monitoring of visitors frequency were carried out in the year 2008 and 2009 by using infrared trail counters (pyroelctric sensors) mounted next to two the most important trails. The main method, which has been applied in the study, was a dendrogeomorphological analyse. The study focused on the analysis of anatomical variations in the annual growth rings of exposed roots of spruce (Picea abies) taken form trail surface. Changes in the root morphology and especially in its anatomy offered a great opportunity to situate erosion processes in time and space. Both macro- and microanalyses of root samples were carried out. A considerable majority of the samples have shown a continuous exposure, rather than an erosive event and a sudden changes in a root anatomy. This fact clearly argue an important role of denudational processes in a slope modeling within footpaths. The study enable to indicate tree periods of tourism impact on relief transformation within the footpaths. The highest trampling pressure has occurred from 1961 to 1983, when 70% roots were exposed on trails. The mean denudation rates, obtained from dendrogeomorphological analyses, were in the ranges of 1.93-6.00 mm/year. The highest rate (6.00 mm/year) was indicated for the most frequently used trail, tracked from Krowiarki Pass to Sokolica.The geodetic surveys have improved a significant soil loss from the bare surface prone to trampling and modeling by natural processes. An annual rate of soil loss on the Sokolica (1367 m a.s.l.) view point ranged from 3.2 to 5.0 m3 and was ten times greater than an accumulation rate.This study made it possible to observe that the high mountain environment is sensitive not only to climatic and environmental changes, but also to tourist presence. The dendrogeomorphological method was applied for the first time on tourist trails in the Polish mountains. The results show how dendrogeomorphological techniques are very helpful to evaluate the human impact

    Methodological problems in dendrochronological analysis of erosional processes in mountain catchments

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    Upper forested parts of the mountain catchments are characterized by high retention, underground run-off and non-concentrated episodic surface run-off and they are mostly shaped during extreme events. One of the goal of the analyses is to determine the direction of the root exposure which enables to distinguish between erosive and tunneling processes coupled with the interflow. While perfor- ming the dendrogeomorphological assessments of spruce roots (Picea abies L. Karst) we are facing some methodical problems. Wedging rings and missing rings are typical artifacts in the root structure. To eliminate the underestimations in the tree-rings counting whole cross-sections of the roots were scanned and measured by using the WinDENDRO and WinCELL software. The same samples were then analyzed microscopic according to the procedure introduced by F. H. Schweingru- ber (1991). Divergences between the results of macro- and microscopic measure- ments indicate the need of the thin-sections of the whole cross-sections, as well as cross-dating between the root growth series and a site chronology