12 research outputs found


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    The paper aims to compare how the concept of corporate reputation is understood in the fields of law and marketing. This comparative investigation determines whether interdisciplinary communication between these two domains, and consequently interdisciplinary research on corporate reputation, is possible. Due to the lack of a legal definition (i.e. definition in a legal act) of corporate reputation, the meaning of this concept is reconstructed on the basis of Polish legislation and case law. Then the legal concept of corporate reputation is compared with numerous definitions proposed by marketing scholars. As a result of this investigation, two approaches to corporate reputation are distinguished: reputation as a process and reputation as a result. Legal scholars focus on the latter, whereas marketing researchers consider both approaches. This difference results from diverse objectives of marketing and legal research on corporate reputation. The former aims at developing a good reputation (process) and evaluating it (reputation as a result), while the latter focuses on protecting corporate reputation (reputation as a result). Despite the differences in approaches towards the concept, interdisciplinary research is not only possible (especially, when both domains investigate reputation as a result), but also needed, as both lawyers and marketing experts operate in the same market and have the same client, i.e. an entrepreneur. The comparative analysis explained in this paper is the first step to bringing legal and marketing knowledge together

    Wokół rekodyfikacji prawa cywilnego. Prace jubileuszowe

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrezentowana książka to głos w debacie nad stanem naszej kodyfikacji cywilnej. Jubileusz 50-lecia uchwalenia Kodeksu cywilnego, Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego oraz Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego zbiega się z jubileuszem Profesora Janusza Szwai1. Profesor, wybitny cywilista, obchodzi swoje 80. urodziny, mija także 50 lat od obrony przez Niego doktoratu. Jest to doskonała okazja by przyjrzeć się propozycjom zmian prawa cywilnego płynących z różnych środowisk akademickich. Wszak dużą część swojego życia Profesor Szwaja poświęcił pracom legislacyjnym, ich komentowaniu czy krytykowaniu. Sam aktywnie w zmianach różnych kodyfikacji uczestniczył. Jego poglądy zawsze były wyważone. Dziś właśnie taki wyważony głos w dyskusji nad kształtem polskiego prawa cywilnego stał się niezbędny

    An alias as a trademark

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    Artykuł przedstawia istotną kwestię możliwości rejestracji pseudonimu jako znaku towarowego. Analiza orzecznictwa i poglądów doktryny pozwala na sformułowanie następujących wniosków. Po pierwsze, brak jest specyficznych regulacji dotyczących rejestracji pseudonimu jako znaku towarowego. W konsekwencji powoduje to, że judykatura tworzy reguły pozwalające na taką rejestrację. Po drugie, wskazać można wzajemne przenikanie się regulacji dotyczących ochrony dóbr osobistych i znaku towarowego. Powoduje to niejednolitość w kontekście materialnego i niematerialnego charakteru tego dobra. Po trzecie, pseudonim, podobnie jak inne dobra, podlega komercjalizacji. Powoduje to nadanie mu mieszanego charakteru, podobnie jak prawu do firmy, i przyznanie mu ekonomicznej wartości.  An article presents an studies of possibilities to register an alias as a trademark. The analyses of the doctrine and cases of Polish and European jurisprudence rise the following conclusions. Firstly, there is no special regulations which allows registrations alias as a trademark. As the consequence that’s the jurisprudencia who creates their own regulations. Secondly, we can observe insinuation of two legal systems – protecting the personal rights in civil law and trademarks. This can be problematic cos the jurisdiction of the court. Thirdly, the alias can also become distinctive per se which in consequence allowed to protect them as the surname as a trademarks in some circumstances. As far, we need to take in consideration the process of commercialization of this kind of personal rights which gives them the economic value

    Protection of a Reputed Trademark. Notes in Light of the Judgement I CSK 778/15 of the Supreme Court

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    The article seeks to demonstrate differences between Polish and EU regulations concerning the infringement of reputed trademarks, in particular in light of a comparison of the concept of likelihood of confusion and that of association made between reputed trademarks. The basis for this article was the judgement of the Supreme Court of 2 February 2017, I CSK 778/15

    Internet a wolność środków społecznego przekazu

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    The Participation of Public Prosecutor General in Invalidity Proceedings Concerning an Industrial Design Registered with the Polish Patent Office

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    The question of revoking a registration right an industrial design is of current relevance due to a growing number of industrial designs for submitted registration, and consequently the number of invalidation cases. The article discusses the issue of the participation of the Polish Public Prosecutor General in opposition proceedings before the Polish Patent Office. The Author presents the regulations regarding opposition proceedings as used in Poland, focusing on the fact that the Prosecutor General represents the public interest. Also, the course of opposition proceedings is demonstrated as well as the consequences of revoking registration rights for an industrial design. Moreover, the construction of certain provisions is presented in detail

    Protection Based on the Reputed Trademark. Based on the Polish Supreme Court Judgment I CSK 778/15

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    Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest wskazanie różnić pomiędzy uregulowaniami prawa polskiego i unijnego w odniesieniu do naruszenia renomowanego znaku towarowego, w szczególności w zakresie porównania pojęcia prawdopodobieństwa wprowadzenia w błąd a skojarzenia pomiędzy renomowanymi znakami towarowymi. Podstawą do przeprowadzonych rozważań był wyrok Sądu Najwyższego z 2 lutego 2017 r., I CSK 778/15.The subject of this article is to indicate the differences between Polish and EU law regulations of the infringement of a reputable trademark, in particular – compare of the concept of likelihood of confusion and associations between reputable trademarks. The basis for this article was the Supreme Court’s judgment of 2 February 2017, I CSK 778/15

    Using a Surname in a Trademark: Has the Messi Case Changed Case-Law?

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    Using a surname as a trademark or part of a trademark has been the subject of numerous case-laws and has been widely discussed in the literature. However, it seems that after the Messi case (cases C-449/18 P and C-474/18 P), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) seems to have departed from their previous approach where it was held that surnames in trademarks should be treated as normal signs. In the Messi case, the CJEU, however, ruled that the reputation of Messi – an internationally famous football player – is so well known that an average consumer, seeing the ‘MESSI’ mark placed on clothing, gymnastic or sporting articles and protective equipment, will establish a link between the mark and the sports personality, despite the similarity between the ‘MESSI’ mark to the ‘MASSI’ brand name, a previously registered trademark. However, this ruling gives rise to the following questions, which this article seeks to address: - How can one prove that someone’s surname is globally recognised? - Why did the CJEU decide that Messi is better known than, for instance, Picasso who was the subject of the previous case? Who else can be as famous as Messi if Picasso was held not to be? - Has Messi changed the CJEU’s approach and opened the floodgates to expand trademark protection for an unlimited number of trademarks


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    The paper aims to compare how the concept of corporate reputation is understood in the fields of law and marketing. This comparative investigation determines whether interdisciplinary communication between these two domains, and consequently interdisciplinary research on corporate reputation, is possible. Due to the lack of a legal definition (i.e. definition in a legal act) of corporate reputation, the meaning of this concept is reconstructed on the basis of Polish legislation and case law. Then the legal concept of corporate reputation is compared with numerous definitions proposed by marketing scholars. As a result of this investigation, two approaches to corporate reputation are distinguished: reputation as a process and reputation as a result. Legal scholars focus on the latter, whereas marketing researchers consider both approaches. This difference results from diverse objectives of marketing and legal research on corporate reputation. The former aims at developing a good reputation (process) and evaluating it (reputation as a result), while the latter focuses on protecting corporate reputation (reputation as a result). Despite the differences in approaches towards the concept, interdisciplinary research is not only possible (especially, when both domains investigate reputation as a result), but also needed, as both lawyers and marketing experts operate in the same market and have the same client, i.e. an entrepreneur. The comparative analysis explained in this paper is the first step to bringing legal and marketing knowledge together