16 research outputs found

    Grain yield, efficiency and the allocation of foliar N applied to soybean canopies

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    Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield is closely associated with the level of optimal nitrogen (N) supply, especially during the reproductive stages. Foliar fertilization with low rates of N have been considered as a strategy for furnishing additional N and enhancing grain yields. Field studies using 15N tracer were conducted over two growing seasons to investigate the impact of foliar N fertilization on grain yield, plant N content, the amount of N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE). Four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g ha–1) were supplied by two equal split applications at the R1 and R3 stages. Foliar N fertilization of soybean canopies did not affect grain yield, grain N content, shoot N content nor plant N content. Total NDFF was increased from 0.7 to 2.0 kg ha–1 across the N rates. Nonetheless, NRE was unaffected by foliar N fertilization, which averaged 53 %. Soybean plants allocated the same amount of N fertilizer to both grains and shoots. No significant effects of low rate foliar N fertilization were registered on soybean grain yield nor plant N content, despite considerable N fertilizer recovery by plant organs

    Produtividade de milho, produção e qualidade de forragem afetadas pelos métodos de consórcio do milho com Panicum maximum

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate methods of intercropping corn and Panicum spp. forages and their effects on corn yield and forage development. Two experiments with Panicum spp. were conducted, one with 'Tanzania' and other with 'Massai' in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the 2012/2013 growing season. In both experiments, the treatments were: broadcast seeding of Panicum spp. at the same time of corn sowing; corn with Panicum spp. between rows; Panicum spp. sown with fertilizer; Panicum spp. sown between corn rows after corn establishment; broadcast seeding of Panicum spp. after corn establishment; and sole corn sowing. For corn, leaf nitrogen content, ear height, and grain yield were evaluated. For Panicum spp. cultivars, height, dry mass, tiller density, and leaf:stem ratio were evaluated. The intercropping establishment methods used do not affect corn growth, grain yield, and N leaf content. The seeding of both cultivars of Panicum spp. when corn plants had four expanded leaves reduces forage dry mass production and increases the leaf:stem ratio. The Panicum spp. broadcast method, performed after corn was established, does not allow appropriate establishment, with few plants in the area.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos de implantação do consórcio milho e espécies forrageiras de Panicum spp. e os efeitos na produtividade do milho e no desenvolvimento das forragens. Dois experimentos com Panicum spp. foram conduzidos, um com 'Tanzania' e outro com 'Massai' em Piracicaba, SP, na safra 2012/2013. Em ambos os experimentos, os tratamentos foram: Panicum spp. semeado a lanço no momento da semeadura do milho; milho com Panicum spp. nas entrelinhas; Panicum spp. semeado com fertilizante; Panicum spp. semeado nas entrelinhas depois do estabelecimento do milho; Panicum spp. semeado a lanço depois do estabelecimento do milho; e milho solteiro. Para o milho, avaliaram-se a concentração de nitrogênio foliar, a altura de espigas e a produtividade de grãos. Para as cultivares de Panicum spp., avaliaram-se altura, massa seca, número de perfilhos e relação folha:colmo. Os métodos de implantação do consórcio avaliados não afetam o crescimento, a produtividade de grãos e a concentração foliar de N do milho. A implantação das cultivares de Panicum spp., quando o milho apresenta quatro folhas expandidas, reduz a massa seca e aumenta a relação folha:colmo das plantas forrageiras. A semeadura a lanço de Panicum spp., depois do estabelecimento do milho, não permite o estabelecimento adequado, com poucas plantas na área

    Yield losses in off-season corn crop due to stalk rot disease

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as perdas causadas pelas podridões da base do colmo em híbridos de milho (Zea mays), bem como identificar os principais patógenos causadores da doença, durante a safrinha, no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Foram realizados dois ensaios, um com cinco híbridos, em 2015, e outro com quatro, em 2016. Espigas de plantas sadias e doentes foram colhidas em cada parcela, por ocasião da colheita. Foram medidos tamanho de espigas, peso de grãos e espigas, e umidade dos grãos. De cada planta doente, foi retirado um fragmento do colmo com dois a três entrenós, utilizado para identificação e quantificação dos patógenos. Os patógenos mais comuns foram: Fusarium graminearum, Stenocarpella maydis e Macrophomina phaseolina. Todas as variáveis de produtividade foram significativamente menores nas plantas doentes, com perdas médias de 30,6%, em 2015, e de 34,3% em 2016. As maiores perdas são observadas em híbridos com maior relação entre pesos de grãos e espigas.The objective of this work was to assess yield losses due to stalk rot in corn (Zea mays) hybrids, as well as to identify the main pathogenic fungi responsible for the disease during the off-season, in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Two field experiments were carried out, one with five hybrids, in 2015, and another with four, in 2016. Ears of healthy and stalk rot-infected plants were collected from each plot, at harvest. Ear size, grain and ear weights, and grain moisture content were measured. From each diseased plant, a stalk piece with two to three nodes was removed for pathogen identification and quantification. The most common pathogens were: Fusarium graminearum, Stenocarpella maydis, and Macrophomina phaseolina. All yield parameters were significantly lower in stalk rot-infected plants, with average losses of 30.6%, in 2015, and of 34.3% in 2016. The highest yield losses are observed in hybrids with the highest grain/ear weight ratio

    Potassium timing application in the soybean - corn succession

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    A antecipação de potássio (K) do milho segunda safra na cultura da soja é um sistema de adubação que pode apresentar aproveitamento do K-fertilizante pela sucessão soja - milho similar ao parcelamento de potássio para cada cultura, sem alterar o desempenho da sucessão soja - milho em região de Cerrado. A viabilidade da antecipação do K de base e cobertura do milho na cultura da soja se dá pela aplicação a lanço, que reduz o tempo de reabastecimento da semeadora durante o plantio. Isto permite rápida semeadura do milho para garantir seu desenvolvimento em época de precipitação pluviométrica adequada. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o desempenho da sucessão soja - milho, assim como o aproveitamento de K-fertilizante (acúmulo e recuperação), em razão da aplicação de doses de potássio feitas a lanço em dois sistemas de adubação (antecipação e parcelamento). Os estudos de campo foram feitos nas safras 2014/15 e 2015/16 no estado do Tocantins. Os tratamentos foram as doses 0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1 de K2O com aplicação parcelada (40% - soja e 60% - milho) e antecipada, uma única vez na soja. As avaliações foram acúmulo de biomassa, potássio e magnésio (Mg) na parte aérea das plantas, a concentração K e Mg na folha diagnóstica, e a produtividade de soja e milho. Foram quantificados também, o acúmulo e a recuperação de potássio proveniente do fertilizante por meio de rubídio como traçador de potássio. Os resultados mostraram que antecipação de potássio não alterou a produtividade de grãos das culturas de soja e milho. No entanto, as doses de potássio mostraram efeito positivo na nutrição de K e negativo na de Mg, independente do sistema de adubação. O aproveitamento de K-fertilizante pela sucessão soja-milho foi similiar e até superior (22%) para a antecipação de potássio. Portanto, justifica-se ao produtor fazer a aplicação de potássio uma única vez, por ganhar agilidade durante a semeadura do milho.Early application is a practice that brings potassium (K) fertilizer from corn to soybean in the soybean - corn succession. Recovery of K-fertilizer by these crops might be similar between early (to soybean) and split (soybean and corn) application, without change crops performance at Cerrado\'s region. Broadcast application allow these practices because planter stops is reduced: avoiding recharges of fertilizer during corn sowing and ensure a good plant development until the end of rainy season. So, the aim of this dissertation was assess crop`s performance, and uptake and recovery of K from fertilizer in the soybean - corn affected by potassim application at two practices (split application and early). Field study was conducted in the rainy season 2014/15 and 2015/16 at Tocantins State, Brazil. Treatments are rates 0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1of K2O with two practices: spplit application (40% - soja e 60% - milho) and early application (once in soybean). Evaluations were aboveground biomass, potassium and magnesium (Mg) accumulation, and leaf K and Mg content, and yield of soybean and corn. Potassium uptake and recovery from fertilizer was meseuared by rubidium as a tracr of potassium. Results showed that early application did not change grain yield for soybean and corn. However, regardless practice, the rate of potassium showed positive effect on K plant nutrition, whilst negative effect was observed on Mg. Overall, K recovery from fertilizer by soybean - corn succession was similar and higher (22%) for early application. Therefore, farmers can do early application for improve corn sowing

    Potassium timing application in the soybean - corn succession

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    A antecipação de potássio (K) do milho segunda safra na cultura da soja é um sistema de adubação que pode apresentar aproveitamento do K-fertilizante pela sucessão soja - milho similar ao parcelamento de potássio para cada cultura, sem alterar o desempenho da sucessão soja - milho em região de Cerrado. A viabilidade da antecipação do K de base e cobertura do milho na cultura da soja se dá pela aplicação a lanço, que reduz o tempo de reabastecimento da semeadora durante o plantio. Isto permite rápida semeadura do milho para garantir seu desenvolvimento em época de precipitação pluviométrica adequada. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o desempenho da sucessão soja - milho, assim como o aproveitamento de K-fertilizante (acúmulo e recuperação), em razão da aplicação de doses de potássio feitas a lanço em dois sistemas de adubação (antecipação e parcelamento). Os estudos de campo foram feitos nas safras 2014/15 e 2015/16 no estado do Tocantins. Os tratamentos foram as doses 0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1 de K2O com aplicação parcelada (40% - soja e 60% - milho) e antecipada, uma única vez na soja. As avaliações foram acúmulo de biomassa, potássio e magnésio (Mg) na parte aérea das plantas, a concentração K e Mg na folha diagnóstica, e a produtividade de soja e milho. Foram quantificados também, o acúmulo e a recuperação de potássio proveniente do fertilizante por meio de rubídio como traçador de potássio. Os resultados mostraram que antecipação de potássio não alterou a produtividade de grãos das culturas de soja e milho. No entanto, as doses de potássio mostraram efeito positivo na nutrição de K e negativo na de Mg, independente do sistema de adubação. O aproveitamento de K-fertilizante pela sucessão soja-milho foi similiar e até superior (22%) para a antecipação de potássio. Portanto, justifica-se ao produtor fazer a aplicação de potássio uma única vez, por ganhar agilidade durante a semeadura do milho.Early application is a practice that brings potassium (K) fertilizer from corn to soybean in the soybean - corn succession. Recovery of K-fertilizer by these crops might be similar between early (to soybean) and split (soybean and corn) application, without change crops performance at Cerrado\'s region. Broadcast application allow these practices because planter stops is reduced: avoiding recharges of fertilizer during corn sowing and ensure a good plant development until the end of rainy season. So, the aim of this dissertation was assess crop`s performance, and uptake and recovery of K from fertilizer in the soybean - corn affected by potassim application at two practices (split application and early). Field study was conducted in the rainy season 2014/15 and 2015/16 at Tocantins State, Brazil. Treatments are rates 0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1of K2O with two practices: spplit application (40% - soja e 60% - milho) and early application (once in soybean). Evaluations were aboveground biomass, potassium and magnesium (Mg) accumulation, and leaf K and Mg content, and yield of soybean and corn. Potassium uptake and recovery from fertilizer was meseuared by rubidium as a tracr of potassium. Results showed that early application did not change grain yield for soybean and corn. However, regardless practice, the rate of potassium showed positive effect on K plant nutrition, whilst negative effect was observed on Mg. Overall, K recovery from fertilizer by soybean - corn succession was similar and higher (22%) for early application. Therefore, farmers can do early application for improve corn sowing

    K use efficiency according to fertilization system in oat-corn rotation

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    O potássio (K) é o segundo nutriente mais requerido pelo milho. Os produtores de milho em sistema de plantio direto (SPD) antecipam na aveia a dose de K que seria aplicada no milho. O uso da adubação antecipada se deve a redução de custo da semeadura, e a possibilidade de instalar a cultura de acordo com o zoneamento agroclimático. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de uso do K proveniente do fertilizante, por meio do marcador rubídio (85Rb), em razão dos sistemas de adubação potássica na rotação aveia-milho. Os experimentos foram realizados em Guarapuava-PR e Taquarituba-SP, entre abril de 2012 e abril de 2013, em solos com alto teor de K. A eficiência de uso do K proveniente do fertilizante foi determinada nos seguintes sistemas de adubação: K no perfilhamento da aveia; K em pré-semeadura do milho; K na semeadura do milho; K em cobertura no estádio V3; e K em cobertura nos estádios V3 (50%) e V6 (50%). Os sistemas de adubação foram casualizados em quatro blocos, nos dois experimentos. A maior eficiência de uso do K foi obtida no sistema de adubação em pré-semeadura do milho, entre 15 e 30 dias, sem prejuízo da produtividade.Potassium (K) is the second most required nutrient for corn. Farmers that grow corn in no-tillage system (NTS) have been anticipated on oats crop the K fertilizer amount that should be applied in corn crop. The adoption of early fertilization system is related to cost reduction and the possibility of the main crop establishment in the period recommended by the agroclimatic zoning. This research aims to evaluate the K use efficiency from the fertilizer with the tracer Rubidium (85Rb), according to potassium fertilization systems in oat-corn rotation. The experiments were conducted in Guarapuava-PR and Taquarituba-SP between April 2012 and April 2013, in soils with high content of K. Potassium use efficiency from the fertilizer was determined in the following fertilization systems: K on oat tillering, K in corn pre-sowing, K in corn sowing, K topdressing in stage V3, and K topdressing in stages V3 (50%) and V6 (50%). The fertilization systems were randomized into four blocks, in both experiments. The system of K fertilization was applied pre-sowing corn, between 15 and 30 days, was more efficient in the use of K from the fertilizer without damaging productivity

    Empirical Correlation between Electrical Conductivity and Nitrogen Content in Biochar as Influenced by Pyrolysis Temperature

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    Much progress has been made in understanding the conditions of biochar production related to biochar properties and carbon (C). Still, very little knowledge has been gained regarding the effects on nitrogen (N), one of the most critical nutrients affected by pyrolysis temperature (PT). Analysis of N in biochar is costly, and alternative methods should be developed to estimate the N content in biochar quickly under different pyrolysis conditions. We hypothesized that there was a correlation between biochar N content and its electrical conductivity (EC). We aimed to evaluate total N and the effect of PT through the correlation with EC, a parameter that can be easily measured. Biochar products derived from coffee husk (CH) and chicken manure (CM) produced at increasing PT (300 to 750 °C) were used for the study and measured for total N and EC. The increase in PT caused significant N loss, consequently reducing total N content in biochars, with the highest loss (82%) and lowest total N content (1.2 g kg−1) found in CM biochar pyrolyzed at 750 °C. The lowest N loss (21% for CH biochar and 36% for CM biochar) was observed at a PT of 300 °C. A negative correlation between EC and total N and a positive correlation with N loss were found in both biochar products across the wide range of PT investigated. To preserve the N content in biochars, the PT should not exceed 400 °C. Our results indicate that EC is a fast and accurate biochar proxy attribute capable of predicting the N content and its loss in coffee husk and chicken manure-derived biochars as the pyrolysis temperature increased from 300 °C to 750 °C and could be used as an alternative to predict the N in biochar easily. A more extensive set of biochar samples and pyrolysis conditions should be tested to validate this approach

    Grain yield, efficiency and the allocation of foliar N applied to soybean canopies

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    ABSTRACT: Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield is closely associated with the level of optimal nitrogen (N) supply, especially during the reproductive stages. Foliar fertilization with low rates of N have been considered as a strategy for furnishing additional N and enhancing grain yields. Field studies using 15N tracer were conducted over two growing seasons to investigate the impact of foliar N fertilization on grain yield, plant N content, the amount of N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE). Four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g ha−1) were supplied by two equal split applications at the R1 and R3 stages. Foliar N fertilization of soybean canopies did not affect grain yield, grain N content, shoot N content nor plant N content. Total NDFF was increased from 0.7 to 2.0 kg ha−1 across the N rates. Nonetheless, NRE was unaffected by foliar N fertilization, which averaged 53 %. Soybean plants allocated the same amount of N fertilizer to both grains and shoots. No significant effects of low rate foliar N fertilization were registered on soybean grain yield nor plant N content, despite considerable N fertilizer recovery by plant organs

    Understanding N timing in corn yield and fertilizer N recovery: An insight from an isotopic labeled-N determination

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    <div><p>Early fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on cover crops or their residues during the off-season is a practice adopted in Brazil subtropical conditions under no-tillage corn (<i>Zea mays</i> L.) systems. However, the effect of early N application on yield, plant N content, and N recovery efficiency (NRE) for corn is not yet well documented. Five fertilizer N timings in an oat-corn system were evaluated in two studies utilizing an isotopic-labeled N determination, <sup>15</sup>N isotope. The N fertilization timings were: (i) oat tillering, (ii) 15 days before corn planting time, over the oat residues, (iii) at corn planting time, (iv) in-season at the three-leaf growth stage (V3), and (v) in-season split application at V3 and six-leaf (V6) growth stages. Based on the statistical analysis, the N fertilization timings were separated into three groups: 1) N-OATS, designated to N applied at oat; 2) N-PLANT, referred to pre-plant and planting N applications; and 3) N-CORN, designated to in-season corn N applications. Corn yield was not affected by the N fertilization timing. However, the N-CORN N fertilization timings enhanced NRE by 17% and 35% and final N recovery system (plant plus soil) by 16% and 24% all relative to N-OATS and N-PLANT groups, respectively. Overall, N-OATS resulted in the largest N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) amount in the deeper soil layer, in overall a delta of 10 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup> relative to the rest of the groups. Notwithstanding corn yield was not affected, early N fertilization under subtropical conditions is not a viable option since NRE was diminished and the non-recovery N increased relative to the in-season N applications.</p></div