382 research outputs found
L’ABC des fiducies entre vifs : aspects civils et fiscaux
Reproduit avec l'autorisation de la Chambre des notaires du Québec[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Fac. Droit - Coll. facultaire - Droit privé - Famille et personnes]Version acceptée / Accepted Manuscrip
Association between neighbourhood socioeconomic characteristics and high-risk injection behaviour amongst injection drug users living in inner vs. other city areas in Montréal, Canada
Ce manuscrit est une pré-publication d'un article paru dans International Journal of Drug Policy 2010; 21(1): 49-55.IRSC et FRSQ - Réseau SIDA et maladies infectieuse
Cannabis use correlates of syringe sharing among injection drug users
Ce manuscrit est une pré-publication d'un article paru dans The American Journal on Addictions 2010; 19(3): 231-237 url: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ajad.2010.19.issue-3/issuetocIRSC et FRSQ - Réseau SIDA et maladies infectieuse
Gender-Specific Situational Correlates of Syringe Sharing during a Single Injection Episode
Ce document est la pré-publication d'un article paru dans AIDS and Behavior 2011; 15(1): 75-85 url: http://link.springer.com/journal/volumesAndIssues/10461IRSC et FRSQ Réseau SIDA et maladies infectieuse
Neurobiologie de la toxicomanie : avancées récentes et nouvelles stratégies d’intervention
Pendant longtemps, la toxicomanie a Ă©tĂ© associĂ©e sur le plan neurobiologique Ă la modulation Ă court terme de diffĂ©rents systèmes de neurotransmission. Les stratĂ©gies de traitement ciblaient consĂ©quemment les rĂ©cepteurs auxquels se lie directement la substance Ă©tant source d’abus. Ces approches ont contribuĂ© Ă amĂ©liorer le soulagement des symptĂ´mes d’intoxication et de sevrage, tout en favorisant l’accès Ă des services psychosociaux adaptĂ©s. Toutefois, les donnĂ©es soulignent, chez certains sous-groupes d’individus, l’efficacitĂ© parfois mitigĂ©e de ces interventions visant Ă diminuer de façon soutenue la consommation et les symptĂ´mes associĂ©s Ă la toxicomanie, particulièrement le craving. Les avancĂ©es rĂ©centes en neurosciences ont permis de mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes neurobiologiques expliquant la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© Ă la rechute. D’une conception essentiellement dopaminergique et striatale, les thĂ©ories biologiques de la toxicomanie intègrent maintenant la contribution des systèmes glutamatergique, opioĂŻde et endocannabinoĂŻde, de mĂŞme que l’interaction entre ces diffĂ©rentes composantes au sein des structures corticales et sous-corticales. L’intĂ©rĂŞt semble avoir migrĂ© des phĂ©nomènes neurobiologiques Ă court terme vers la modulation prolongĂ©e du fonctionnement des structures en jeu dans la toxicomanie. Ce changement de paradigmes a menĂ© Ă l’émergence de plusieurs stratĂ©gies thĂ©rapeutiques visant Ă diminuer les risques de rechute en modulant de façon plus spĂ©cifique les circuits neuronaux dont le fonctionnement est altĂ©rĂ© par la prise chronique de substances. Les systèmes endocannabinoĂŻde et glutamatergique, notamment, apparaissent comme une cible de choix pour le traitement du craving et la prĂ©vention de la rechute. Le prĂ©sent article a pour objectif de rĂ©sumer certains des plus rĂ©cents courants en matière de conceptualisation neurobiologique de la toxicomanie de mĂŞme que les nouvelles pistes de traitement en dĂ©coulant.For years, the neurobiology of drug addiction was characterized by the short-term modulation of different neurotransmission systems, therapeutic strategies directly targeting the receptors that are bound by substances. These approaches have helped to improve the treatment of drug intoxication and withdrawal, while promoting access to a broad array of psychosocial services. However, the data highlight the mixed effectiveness of these interventions to induce a sustained decrease in consumption and other symptoms of addiction, especially craving, among subgroups of individuals. Recent advances in neuroscience have led to a growing understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the vulnerability to relapse and other behaviors associated with addiction. The primarily dopaminergic and striatal hypothesis of these phenomena has been replaced by a theory incorporating the contribution of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and opioid systems, as well as the interaction between these various components within cortical and sub-cortical structures. The focus has moved from the short-term neurobiological changes to the long-lasting modulation of the structures involved in addiction. This paradigm shift led to the emergence of several therapeutic strategies that aim at reducing the risk of relapse by modulating specific neural circuits whose functions are altered by chronic substance use. The endocannabinoid and glutamate systems, in particular, are promising targets for the treatment of craving and relapse. This article aims to summarize some of the latest trends in the neurobiology of addiction as well as new avenues of treatment.Durante mucho tiempo la toxicomanĂa estuvo asociada en el plano neurobiolĂłgico con la modulaciĂłn a corto plazo de diferentes sistemas de neurotransmisiĂłn. Las estrategias de tratamiento apuntaban, por consiguiente, a los receptores que se vinculan directamente con la sustancia que es el origen del abuso. Estos enfoques contribuyeron a mejorar el alivio de los sĂntomas de intoxicaciĂłn y abstinencia, favoreciendo al mismo tiempo el acceso a servicios psicosociales adaptados. Sin embargo, en ciertos grupos de individuos, los datos destacan la eficacia a veces mitigada de estas intervenciones destinadas a disminuir de manera continua el consumo y los sĂntomas relacionados con la toxicomanĂa, particularmente el craving. Los recientes progresos de la neurociencia permitieron comprender mejor los mecanismos neurobiolĂłgicos que explican la vulnerabilidad ante la recaĂda. De concepciĂłn esencialmente dopaminĂ©rgica y estratial, las teorĂas biolĂłgicas de la toxicomanĂa integran ahora la contribuciĂłn de los sistemas glutamatĂ©rgico, opiáceo y endocanabinoide, asĂ como la interacciĂłn entre estos diferentes componentes dentro de las estructuras corticales y subcorticales. El interĂ©s parece haberse desplazado de los fenĂłmenos neurobiolĂłgicos de corto plazo hacia la modulaciĂłn prolongada del funcionamiento de las estructuras que están en juego en la toxicomanĂa. Este cambio de paradigmas condujo al surgimiento de numerosas estratĂ©gicas terapĂ©uticas destinadas a disminuir los riesgos de recaĂda al modular más especĂficamente los circuitos neuronales cuyo funcionamiento está alterado por el consumo crĂłnico de drogas. Los sistemas endocanabinoide y glutamatĂ©rgico, principalmente, aparecen como un objetivo a privilegiar para el tratamiento del craving y la prevenciĂłn de la recaĂda. El presente artĂculo está destinado a resumir algunas de las más recientes corrientes en materia de conceptualizaciĂłn neurobiolĂłgica de la toxicomanĂa y las nuevas vĂas de tratamiento a las que dichas corrientes dan origen
The rising prevalence of prescription opioid injection and its association with hepatitis C incidence among street-drug users
Ce manuscrit est une pré-publication d'un article paru dans Addiction 2012; 107(7): 1318-1327 url: http://www.addictionjournal.org/IRSC et FRSQ - Réseau SIDA et maladies infectieuse
New testosterone derivatives as semi-synthetic anticancer agents against prostate cancer : synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation
Prostate cancer (PC) is a major health issue in the world. Treatments of localized PC are quite efficient and usually involve surgery, radiotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. Metastatic PC is however rarely curable to this day. Treatments of metastatic PC involve radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal treatment such as orchiectomy, antiandrogens and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists. The suppression of tumor growth by hormonal treatment is efficient but overtime resistance still occurs and the disease progresses. Thus, more urgently than ever there is a need for discovery of new treatment options for castration-resistant PC (CRPC). Hence, we designed and tested a series of amide derivatives located at position 7α of testosterone as prospective “natural” or “semisynthetic” anticancer agents against CRPC with the goal of discovering therapeutic alternatives for the disease. This manuscript describes an efficient path towards the target molecules that are made in only 6 or 7 chemical steps from testosterone in good overall yields. This strategy can be used to make several compounds of interest that present higher biological activity than the classic antiandrogen; cyproterone acetate (3). The best testosterone-7α-amide was the N-2-pyridylethylamide (25) which was as active as the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate (3) on androgen-dependent LNCaP cells and 2.7 times more active on androgen-independent PC3 prostate cancer cells. The results obtained show the synthetic feasibility and the potential for future development of this unique class of semi-synthetic anticancer agents that offer the premise of new treatment modalities for patients afflicted with CRPC
Associations of substance use patterns with attempted suicide among persons who inject drugs: Can distinct use patterns play a role?
Background: While the elevated risk of suicide attempt among persons who inject drugs
(PWID) is well documented, whether use of different substances is associated with varying
degrees of risk remains unclear. We sought to examine the associations between substance use
patterns and attempted suicide in a prospective cohort of PWID in Montreal, Canada.
Methods: Between 2004 and 2011, participants completed an interviewer-administered
questionnaire eliciting information on socio-demographic, substance use patterns, related
behaviors, and mental health markers. Generalized estimating equations were used to model the
relationship between self-reported use of six common substances (cocaine, amphetamine,
opioids, sedative-hypnotics, cannabis and alcohol), associated patterns of use (chronic,
occasional and none), and a recent (past six-month) suicide attempt.
Results: At baseline, of 1,240 participants (median age: 39.1, 83.7% male), 71 (5.7%) reported a
recent suicide attempt. Among 5,621 observations collected during follow-up, 221 attempts were
reported by 143 (11.5%) participants. In multivariate analyses adjusting for socio-demographic
and psychosocial stressors, among primary drugs of abuse, chronic [Adjusted Odds Ratio
(AOR): 1.97] and occasional (AOR: 1.92) cocaine use, and chronic amphetamine use (AOR:
1.96) were independently associated with attempted suicide. Among co-used substances, chronic
sedative-hypnotic use was independently associated with an attempt (AOR: 2.29). No
statistically significant association was found for the remaining substances.
Conclusion: Among PWID at high risk of attempted suicide, stimulant users appear to constitute
a particularly vulnerable sub-group. While the mechanisms underlying these associations remain
to be elucidated, findings suggest that stimulant-using PWID should constitute a prime focus of
suicide prevention efforts
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