481 research outputs found

    Aufklärung über die "Aufklärer". Patrick Bahners "Panikmacher"

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    Rezension zu: Patrick Bahners, Die Panikmacher. Die deutsche Angst vor dem Islam. Eine Streitschrift. C.H. Beck, München 201

    Thoughts on Renaut's Use of Marie's Fresne in Galeran de Bretagne

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    An Examination Of Effort: An Experimental Approach

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    This dissertation studies issues associated with various topics related to a worker’s effort. For example, I explore how different wage incentives affect a worker’s productivity. I explore how exogenous shocks, what we often refer to as “luck,” can affect a worker’s motivation. In addition, I explore how different wage contracts destroy cooperation and can lead to destructive activities such as cheating and sabotage, as well as how these activates, in turn, affect productivity. Finally, in the last chapter, I analyze behavioral issues related to fairness and altruism in tournaments, and how these behaviors affect worker’s effort

    Spirituelle Subtexte des Politischen: Prophetische Rede

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    Masse et fascisme

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    L’époque du fascisme s’est annoncée comme une époque des masses, plus précisément des masses fascinées ou séduites par des chefs (Führer). Lorsque l’ouvrage majeur du sociologue Max Weber fut publié en 1921 à titre posthume, l’un de ses chapitres fut déjà consacré à la « domination charismatique » pour nommer, à travers le concept de « charisme », les qualités d’une personnalité « qui font qu’elle est perçue comme un chef, qui le font apparaître comme un émissaire de Dieu ou comme une personn..

    Philosophische Ethik und Pädagogik

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    Im Unterschied zur Moral, in der es um strikt Gebotenes geht, geht es der Ethik um die Wünschbarkeit und Verträglichkeit von Lebensformen und Lebensweisen. Der Beitrag thematisiert derlei wünschbare Lebensformen mit Blick auf das komplexe Verhältnis von Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern. (DIPF/Orig.

    Parasite Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases as Drug Discovery Targets to Treat Human Protozoan Pathogens

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    Protozoan pathogens are a highly diverse group of unicellular organisms, several of which are significant human pathogens. One group of protozoan pathogens includes obligate intracellular parasites such as agents of malaria, leishmaniasis, babesiosis, and toxoplasmosis. The other group includes extracellular pathogens such as agents of giardiasis and amebiasis. An unfortunate unifying theme for most human protozoan pathogens is that highly effective treatments for them are generally lacking. We will review targeting protozoan mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) as a novel drug discovery approach towards developing better therapies, focusing on Plasmodia, Leishmania, and Toxoplasma, about which the most is known