6 research outputs found

    On the stochastics of human and artificial creativity

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    What constitutes human creativity, and is it possible for computers to exhibit genuine creativity? We argue that achieving human-level intelligence in computers, or so-called Artificial General Intelligence, necessitates attaining also human-level creativity. We contribute to this discussion by developing a statistical representation of human creativity, incorporating prior insights from stochastic theory, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and chaos theory. This highlights the stochastic nature of the human creative process, which includes both a bias guided, random proposal step, and an evaluation step depending on a flexible or transformable bias structure. The acquired representation of human creativity is subsequently used to assess the creativity levels of various contemporary AI systems. Our analysis includes modern AI algorithms such as reinforcement learning, diffusion models, and large language models, addressing to what extent they measure up to human level creativity. We conclude that these technologies currently lack the capability for autonomous creative action at a human level.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure with 2 sub-figure

    Does academia disfavor contextual and extraverted students

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    In a study conducted at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) 288 students volunteered to answer an electronic questionnaire constructed to classify their personality type (16 categories), their work habits and preferences, operational values and preferred direction (leadership). In addition exam grades from nine undergraduate subjects, some mathematical and some non-mathematical, were obtained for the same students. Statistical analyses revealed a clear connection between grades and some personality characteristics. This should by no means interpreted as differences in skills, but rather as an indication of biased teaching style and pedagogical structure in the university. The results show across all the nine subjects that the traditional teaching structure in universities with lectures in large auditoriums with limited dialog, a rigid and structured curriculum, textbook reading and paper-and-pencil tests, clearly disfavors students which can be characterized as extraverted and contextual/relational, and to some extent also those being intuitive and feeling. Among these students we typically find those being altruistic, creative and out-of-the box thinking. It is suggestive that academia, to probably a large extent, fail to bring such resourceful people to positions were their talents really can make a difference, for instance in research


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh profil model mental siswa pada materi materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Subyek penelitian yaitu siswa SMA kelas XI yang terdiri dari 30 siswa di beberapa SMA di kota Bandung yang sudah mempelajari materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif dengan instrumen penelitian berupa tes diagnostik model mental predict-observe-explain (TDM-POE). Jawaban siswa pada tahap prediksi mencakup level submikroskopik, tahap observasi mencakup level makroskopik dan tahap eksplanasi yaitu mempertautkan ketiga level representasi (makroskopik, submikroskopik dan simbolik). Pada konsep terbentuknya endapan, sebagian siswa cenderung hanya memahami secara makroskopik tapi tidak dapat memahami secara submikroskopik. Pada konsep penambahan ion senama, 9 dari 30 siswa yang mampu menjelaskan berdasarkan prinsip pergeseran kesetimbangan dan secara perhitungan. Pada konsep pengaruh pH, 20 dari 30 siswa tidak mampu menjelaskan secara submikroskopik dan simbolik. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam mempertautkan ketiga level representasi pada kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan. Selain itu, ditemukan beberapa miskonsepsi mengenai konsep terbentuknya endapan, pengaruh ion senama, dan pengaruh pH pada materi kelarutan dan hasil kali kelarutan melalui TDM-POE. ----------- The purpose of this study is to gain mental model of the student profile of solubility and solubility product concept. Subject of the research are 30 high school students grade XI in Bandung who have studied of solubility and solubility product concept. The method used in this research is descriptive with the research instrument used mental models diagnostic test predict-observe-explain (TDM-POE). The students’ answer on the stage predict convered submicroscopic level, observe the convered macroscopic level and explanation the convered macroscopik, submicroscopic and simbolic level. On concept of formation of precipitate, some student to understands the macroscopic level but can’t understand the submicroscopic level. On the common ion effect concept 9 of 30 student are able to explain based on the principle of equilibrium and calculations. On the concept of the effect of pH, 20 of 30 students can’t explain in submicroscopik and symbolic levels. Students having difficulty when combine in the third level of representation of solubility and solubility product. There are some misconceptions that was found about the concept of formation of precipitate, the common ion effect, and the effect of pH in solubility and solubility product used of TDM-POE

    Does academia disfavor contextual and extraverted students

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    -In a study conducted at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) 288 students volunteered to answer an electronic questionnaire constructed to classify their personality type (16 categories), their work habits and preferences, operational values and preferred direction (leadership). In addition exam grades from nine undergraduate subjects, some mathematical and some non-mathematical, were obtained for the same students. Statistical analyses revealed a clear connection between grades and some personality characteristics. This should by no means interpreted as differences in skills, but rather as an indication of biased teaching style and pedagogical structure in the university. The results show across all the nine subjects that the traditional teaching structure in universities with lectures in large auditoriums with limited dialog, a rigid and structured curriculum, textbook reading and paper-and-pencil tests, clearly disfavors students which can be characterized as extraverted and contextual/relational, and to some extent also those being intuitive and feeling. Among these students we typically find those being altruistic, creative and out-of-the box thinking. It is suggestive that academia, to probably a large extent, fail to bring such resourceful people to positions were their talents really can make a difference, for instance in research

    Does academia disfavor contextual and extraverted students?

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    I en studie utført ved Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige Universitet (NMBU) fylte 288 studenter frivillig ut et elektronisk spørreskjema for å kartlegge deres personlighetstype (16 typer), deres arbeidsvaner og -preferanser, operative verdier og foretrukket ledelse. I tillegg ble det gitt tilgang til eksamenskarakterer for ni lavere grads kurs, noen matematiske og noen ikke-matematiske, for de samme studentene. Statistiske analyser viste en klar sammenheng mellom eksamenskarakterer og noen av personlighetsvariablene. Dette bør ikke tolkes dithen at det skyldes forskjeller i evner, men heller som en indikasjon på at undervisningsstilen og den pedagogiske strukturen favorisere enkelte framfor andre. Resultatene viser på tvers av fagene at den tradisjonelle undervisningsformen med forelesninger i store auditorier med lite dialog, et fast og strukturert pensum, lærebokstudier og tekstoppgaver klart er i disfavør av studenter som kan karakteriseres som ekstroverte og kontekstuelle/ relasjonsorienterte, og til en viss grad også de som er intuitive og «feeling». Blant disse studentene finner vi typisk de som kan sies å være altruistiske, kreative og som «tenker utenfor boksen». Det er tankevekkende at akademia antagelig i stor grad mislykkes med å bringe slike ressurssterke personer fram til posisjoner, for eksempel innen forskning, hvor de virkelig kan gjøre en forskjell. Nøkkelord: Personlighet, Myers-Briggs, Big Five, eksamensresultat, pedagogikk, favoriserende undervisningsform