155 research outputs found

    Rationale and design of the genotype-blinded trial of torasemide for the treatment of hypertension (BHF UMOD)

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    Background: There is evidence from genome wide association study that single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5' end of the uromodulin gene (UMOD) affect uromodulin excretion and blood pressure (BP). Uromodulin is almost exclusively expressed in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL) and its effect on BP appear to be mediated via the TAL sodium transporter, NKCC2. Loop-diuretics block NKCC2 but are not commonly used in hypertension management. As volume overload is considered as one of the primary drivers for uncontrolled hypertension, targeting loop-diuretics to individuals who are more likely to respond to this drug class, using UMOD genotype, could be an efficient precision medicine strategy. Methods: A genotype-blinded, multi-centre trial comparing the BP response to torasemide between individuals possessing the AA genotype of the SNP rs13333226 and those possessing the G allele. 240 participants with uncontrolled BP aged ≥18 years, on ≥1 antihypertensive agent for ≥3 months, will be included. Uncontrolled BP is average systolic BP (SBP) >135mmHg and/or diastolic BP >85mmHg on home monitoring. Torasemide, 5mg daily, is taken for 16 weeks. The primary outcome is the change in 24h ambulatory SBP area under the curve between baseline and end of treatment. Sample size was calculated to detect a 4mmHg difference between groups at 90% power. Approval by West of Scotland Research Ethics Committee 5 (16/WS/0160). Registration at https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03354897. Results: The study should conclude August 2021. Conclusions: If hypothesis confirmed, a targeted strategy will improve BP control and could reduce the burden of uncontrolled hypertension

    Constructing female entrepreneurship policy in the UK : is the US a relevant benchmark?

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    Successive UK governments have introduced a range of policy initiatives designed to encourage more women to start new firms. Underpinning these policies has been an explicit ambition for the UK to achieve similar participation rates as those in the US where it is widely reported that women own nearly half the stock of businesses. The data underlying these objectives are critically evaluated and it is argued that the definitions and measures of female enterprise used in the UK and the US restrict meaningful comparisons between the two. It is suggested that the expansion of female entrepreneurship in the US is historically and culturally specific to that country. UK policy goals should reflect the national socioeconomic context, while drawing upon good practice examples from a range of other countries. The paper concludes by discussing the economic and social viability of encouraging more women in the UK to enter self-employment without fully recognising the intensely competitive sectors in which they are often located

    Effects of Rapid Heating on Solutionizing Characteristics of Al-Si-Mg Alloys Using a Fluidized Bed

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    Effects of rapid heat transfer using a fluidized bed on the heat-treating response of Al-Si-Mg alloys (both unmodified and Sr modified) were investigated. The heating rate in the fluidized bed is greater than in conventional air convective furnaces. Particle size analyses of eutectic Si showed that the high heating rate during fluidized bed solution heat treatment causes faster fragmentation and spherodization of Si particles compared to conventional air convective furnaces. The mechanism of Si fragmentation through fluidized bed processing is through both brittle fracture and neck formation and its propagation. In contrast to this, the mechanism of Si fragmentation using a conventional air convective furnace is through neck formation and propagation. The Sr-modified D357 alloy showed a faster spherodizing rate than the unmodified alloy. Thermal analyses showed an exothermic reaction during solution heat treatment using a fluidized bed due to recrystallization, and coarsening of eutectic Al grains. Whereas the alloy solutionized using a conventional air convective furnace showed two exothermic reactions, one due to annihilation of point defects and the other due to recrystallization, and coarsening of the eutectic grains in the aluminum matrix. The recrystallization temperature of the alloy solutionized in the fluidized bed is lower than those in the conventional air convective furnace. Both tensile strength and elongation of fluidized bed solutionized alloys are greater than those solutionized using the air convective furnace. The optimum heat-treatment time for T4 temper using a fluidized bed for unmodified and Sr-modified alloy was reduced to 60 and 30 minutes, respectively

    ChemBank: a small-molecule screening and cheminformatics resource database

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    ChemBank (http://chembank.broad.harvard.edu/) is a public, web-based informatics environment developed through a collaboration between the Chemical Biology Program and Platform at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. This knowledge environment includes freely available data derived from small molecules and small-molecule screens and resources for studying these data. ChemBank is unique among small-molecule databases in its dedication to the storage of raw screening data, its rigorous definition of screening experiments in terms of statistical hypothesis testing, and its metadata-based organization of screening experiments into projects involving collections of related assays. ChemBank stores an increasingly varied set of measurements derived from cells and other biological assay systems treated with small molecules. Analysis tools are available and are continuously being developed that allow the relationships between small molecules, cell measurements, and cell states to be studied. Currently, ChemBank stores information on hundreds of thousands of small molecules and hundreds of biomedically relevant assays that have been performed at the Broad Institute by collaborators from the worldwide research community. The goal of ChemBank is to provide life scientists unfettered access to biomedically relevant data and tools heretofore available primarily in the private sector

    Rationale and methods of a randomized trial evaluating the effect of neprilysin inhibition on left ventricular remodelling

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    Aims: In patients at high risk of heart failure following myocardial infarction (MI) as a result of residual left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD), the angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor sacubitril/valsartan may result in a greater attenuation of adverse left ventricular (LV) remodelling than renin angiotensin aldosterone system inhibition alone, due to increased levels of substrates for neprilysin with vasodilatory, anti‐hypertrophic, anti‐fibrotic, and sympatholytic effects. Methods: We designed a randomized, double‐blinded, active‐comparator trial to examine the effect of sacubitril/valsartan to the current standard of care in reducing adverse LV remodelling in patients with asymptomatic LVSD following MI. Eligible patients were ≥3 months following MI, had an LV ejection fraction ≤40% as measured by echocardiography, were New York Heart Association functional classification I, tolerant of an angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker at equivalent dose of ramipril 2.5 mg twice daily or greater, and taking a beta‐blocker unless contraindicated or intolerant. Patients were randomized to sacubitril/valsartan (target dose 97/103 mg twice daily) or valsartan (target dose 160 mg twice daily). The primary endpoint will be change in LV end‐systolic volume indexed for body surface area measured using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging over 52 weeks from randomization. Secondary endpoints include other magnetic resonance imaging‐based metrics of LV remodelling, biomarkers associated with LV remodelling and neurohumoral activation, and change in patient well‐being assessed using a patient global assessment questionnaire. Conclusions: This trial will investigate the effect of neprilysin inhibition on LV remodelling and the neurohumoral actions of sacubitril/valsartan in patients with asymptomatic LVSD following MI

    Classificatory Theory in Data-Intensive Science: The Case of Open Biomedical Ontologies

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    publication-status: Publishedtypes: ArticleThis is the author's version of a paper that was subsequently published in International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Please cite the published version by following the DOI link.Knowledge-making practices in biology are being strongly affected by the availability of data on an unprecedented scale, the insistence on systemic approaches and growing reliance on bioinformatics and digital infrastructures. What role does theory play within data-intensive science, and what does that tell us about scientific theories in general? To answer these questions, I focus on Open Biomedical Ontologies, digital classification tools that have become crucial to sharing results across research contexts in the biological and biomedical sciences, and argue that they constitute an example of classificatory theory. This form of theorizing emerges from classification practices in conjunction with experimental know-how and expresses the knowledge underpinning the analysis and interpretation of data disseminated online.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)The British AcademyLeverhulme Trus

    Top-Level Categories of Constitutively Organized Material Entities - Suggestions for a Formal Top-Level Ontology

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    Application oriented ontologies are important for reliably communicating and managing data in databases. Unfortunately, they often differ in the definitions they use and thus do not live up to their potential. This problem can be reduced when using a standardized and ontologically consistent template for the top-level categories from a top-level formal foundational ontology. This would support ontological consistency within application oriented ontologies and compatibility between them. The Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) is such a foundational ontology for the biomedical domain that has been developed following the single inheritance policy. It provides the top-level template within the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies Foundry. If it wants to live up to its expected role, its three top-level categories of material entity (i.e., 'object', 'fiat object part', 'object aggregate') must be exhaustive, i.e. every concrete material entity must instantiate exactly one of them.By systematically evaluating all possible basic configurations of material building blocks we show that BFO's top-level categories of material entity are not exhaustive. We provide examples from biology and everyday life that demonstrate the necessity for two additional categories: 'fiat object part aggregate' and 'object with fiat object part aggregate'. By distinguishing topological coherence, topological adherence, and metric proximity we furthermore provide a differentiation of clusters and groups as two distinct subcategories for each of the three categories of material entity aggregates, resulting in six additional subcategories of material entity.We suggest extending BFO to incorporate two additional categories of material entity as well as two subcategories for each of the three categories of material entity aggregates. With these additions, BFO would exhaustively cover all top-level types of material entity that application oriented ontologies may use as templates. Our result, however, depends on the premise that all material entities are organized according to a constitutive granularity

    The Roles of Standardization, Certification and Assurance Services in Global Commerce

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    In this article we examine the rapid emergence and expansion of standardized product and process frameworks and a private-sector compliance and enforcement infrastructure that we believe may increasingly be providing a substitute for public and legal regulatory infrastructure in global commerce. This infrastructure is provided by a proliferation of performance codes and standards, many of which define acceptable social and environmental behavior, and a rapidly-growing number of privately-trained and authorized inspectors and certifiers that we call the third-party assurance industry. We offer reasons for this development, evidence of its scope and scale, and then describe the phenomenon in more detail by examining supply chain arrangements in two industries, food products and apparel, where the use of third-party standards and assurance services has expanded especially rapidly. We conclude with a discussion of the implications for the make or buy decision at the core of the theory of the firm. We argue that as quasi-regulatory standards are developed within various industries, and as performance to these standards can be systematically evaluated using third-party inspectors and certifiers, the costs of moving production outside of vertical firm hierarchies drop. We believe this may be an important factor in accelerating the shift to outsourcing that has been observed over the last two decades

    Structural View of a Non Pfam Singleton and Crystal Packing Analysis

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    Comparative genomic analysis has revealed that in each genome a large number of open reading frames have no homologues in other species. Such singleton genes have attracted the attention of biochemists and structural biologists as a potential untapped source of new folds. Cthe_2751 is a 15.8 kDa singleton from an anaerobic, hyperthermophile Clostridium thermocellum. To gain insights into the architecture of the protein and obtain clues about its function, we decided to solve the structure of Cthe_2751.The protein crystallized in 4 different space groups that diffracted X-rays to 2.37 Å (P3(1)21), 2.17 Å (P2(1)2(1)2(1)), 3.01 Å (P4(1)22), and 2.03 Å (C222(1)) resolution, respectively. Crystal packing analysis revealed that the 3-D packing of Cthe_2751 dimers in P4(1)22 and C222(1) is similar with only a rotational difference of 2.69° around the C axes. A new method developed to quantify the differences in packing of dimers in crystals from different space groups corroborated the findings of crystal packing analysis. Cthe_2751 is an all α-helical protein with a central hydrophobic core providing thermal stability via π:cation and π: π interactions. A ProFunc analysis retrieved a very low match with a splicing endonuclease, suggesting a role for the protein in the processing of nucleic acids.Non-Pfam singleton Cthe_2751 folds into a known all α-helical fold. The structure has increased sequence coverage of non-Pfam proteins such that more protein sequences can be amenable to modelling. Our work on crystal packing analysis provides a new method to analyze dimers of the protein crystallized in different space groups. The utility of such an analysis can be expanded to oligomeric structures of other proteins, especially receptors and signaling molecules, many of which are known to function as oligomers

    Deficient Liver Biosynthesis of Docosahexaenoic Acid Correlates with Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Reduced brain levels of docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3), a neurotrophic and neuroprotective fatty acid, may contribute to cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease. Here, we investigated whether the liver enzyme system that provides docosahexaenoic acid to the brain is dysfunctional in this disease. Docosahexaenoic acid levels were reduced in temporal cortex, mid-frontal cortex and cerebellum of subjects with Alzheimer's disease, compared to control subjects (P = 0.007). Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores positively correlated with docosahexaenoic/α-linolenic ratios in temporal cortex (P = 0.005) and mid-frontal cortex (P = 0.018), but not cerebellum. Similarly, liver docosahexaenoic acid content was lower in Alzheimer's disease patients than control subjects (P = 0.011). Liver docosahexaenoic/α-linolenic ratios correlated positively with MMSE scores (r = 0.78; P<0.0001), and negatively with global deterioration scale grades (P = 0.013). Docosahexaenoic acid precursors, including tetracosahexaenoic acid (C24:6n-3), were elevated in liver of Alzheimer's disease patients (P = 0.041), whereas expression of peroxisomal d-bifunctional protein, which catalyzes the conversion of tetracosahexaenoic acid into docosahexaenoic acid, was reduced (P = 0.048). Other genes involved in docosahexaenoic acid metabolism were not affected. The results indicate that a deficit in d-bifunctional protein activity impairs docosahexaenoic acid biosynthesis in liver of Alzheimer's disease patients, lessening the flux of this neuroprotective fatty acid to the brain