46 research outputs found

    Multi-material spectral photon-counting micro-CT with minimum residual decomposition and self-supervised deep denoising

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    Spectral micro-CT imaging with direct-detection energy discriminating photon counting detectors having small pixel size (< 100×100 μm2) is mainly hampered by: i) the limited energy resolution of the imaging device due to charge sharing effects and ii) the unavoidable noise amplification in the images resulting from basis material decomposition. In this work, we present a cone-beam micro-CT setup that includes a CdTe photon counting detector implementing a charge summing hardware solution to correct for the charge-sharing issue and an innovative image processing pipeline based on accurate modeling of the spectral response of the imaging system, an improved basis material decomposition (BMD) algorithm named minimum-residual BMD (MR-BMD), and self-supervised deep convolutional denoising. Experimental tomographic projections having a pixel size of 45×45 μm2 of a plastinated mouse sample including I, Ba, and Gd small cuvettes were acquired. Results demonstrate the capability of the combined hardware and software tools to sharply discriminate even between materials having their K-Edge separated by a few keV, such as e.g., I and Ba. By evaluating the quality of the reconstructed decomposed images (water, bone, I, Ba, and Gd), the quantitative performances of the spectral system are here assessed and discusse

    Central Northern Adelaide Health Service: A Social Health Atlas

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    Copyright © 2005 State of South AustraliaThe purpose of this Social Health Atlas is to provide the basis for the region to understand and determine priorities for regional health planning, and for key partners in other government or non-goverment agencies to utilise the data to inform their planning processes

    Aplicação do sistema "Apoia-Novorural" para avaliação do desempenho ambiental do agroturismo.

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    Este estudo objetivou a verificação do desempenho ambiental da atividade de agroturismo, utilizando um método desenvolvido pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente, denominado Avaliação Ponderada de Impacto Ambiental de Atividades do Novo Rural (APOIA-NovoRural). O sistema integra as dimensões ecológicas, sociais e econômicas, inclusive aquelas relativas à gestão e administração, proporcionando uma medida objetiva e abrangente da contribuição da atividade rural para o desenvolvimento local sustentável. O sistema foi aplicado em dez estabelecimentos rurais da região de Itu, no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Nos estabelecimentos estudados, o agroturismo apresentou bom desempenho econômico e ótimos indicadores relativos à conservação da qualidade da água, demandando porém atenção nos aspectos de recuperação dos habitats naturais e da paisagem, assim como melhorias nos aspectos de gestão e administração. O resultado obtido com esta abordagem permite evidenciar os principais pontos críticos a serem corrigidos por formas alternativas de manejo, no sentido de ampliar as vantagens que este tipo de atividade pode trazer em termos da contribuição para sustentabilidade

    Monochromatic Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Microscale Computed-Tomography System with a Rotating-Anode Source

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    We present an experimental setup for monochromatic propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast imaging based on a conventional rotating-copper-anode source, capable of an integrated flux up to 108 photons/s at 8 keV. In our study, the system is characterized in terms of spatial coherence, resolution, contrast sensitivity, and stability. Its quantitativeness is demonstrated by comparing theoretical predictions with experimental data on simple wire phantoms both in planar and computerized-tomography-scan geometries. Application to two biological samples of medical interest shows the potential for bioimaging on the millimeter scale with spatial resolution of the order of 10 \u3bcm and contrast resolution below 1%. All the scans are performed within laboratory-compatible exposure times, from 10 min to a few hours, and trade-offs between scan time and image quality are discussed

    Image quality comparison between a phase-contrast synchrotron radiation breast CT and a clinical breast CT: a phantom based study

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    In this study we compared the image quality of a synchrotron radiation (SR) breast computed tomography (BCT) system with a clinical BCT in terms of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise power spectrum (NPS), spatial resolution and detail visibility. A breast phantom consisting of several slabs of breast-adipose equivalent material with different embedded targets (i.e., masses, fibers and calcifications) was used. Phantom images were acquired using a dedicated BCT system installed at the Radboud University Medical Center (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and the SR BCT system at the SYRMEP beamline of Elettra SR facility (Trieste, Italy) based on a photon-counting detector. Images with the SR setup were acquired mimicking the clinical BCT conditions (i.e., energy of 30 keV and radiation dose of 6.5 mGy). Images were reconstructed with an isotropic cubic voxel of 273 µm for the clinical BCT, while for the SR setup two phase-retrieval (PhR) kernels (referred to as “smooth” and “sharp”) were alternatively applied to each projection before tomographic reconstruction, with voxel size of 57 × 57 × 50 µm3. The CNR for the clinical BCT system can be up to 2-times higher than SR system, while the SNR can be 3-times lower than SR system, when the smooth PhR is used. The peak frequency of the NPS for the SR BCT is 2 to 4-times higher (0.9 mm−1 and 1.4 mm−1 with smooth and sharp PhR, respectively) than the clinical BCT (0.4 mm−1). The spatial resolution (MTF10%) was estimated to be 1.3 lp/mm for the clinical BCT, and 5.0 lp/mm and 6.7 lp/mm for the SR BCT with the smooth and sharp PhR, respectively. The smallest fiber visible in the SR BCT has a diameter of 0.15 mm, while for the clinical BCT is 0.41 mm. Calcification clusters with diameter of 0.13 mm are visible in the SR BCT, while the smallest diameter for the clinical BCT is 0.29 mm. As expected, the image quality of the SR BCT outperforms the clinical BCT system, providing images with higher spatial resolution and SNR, and with finer granularity. Nevertheless, this study assesses the image quality gap quantitatively, giving indications on the benefits associated with SR BCT and providing a benchmarking basis for its clinical implementation. In addition, SR-based studies can provide a gold-standard in terms of achievable image quality, constituting an upper-limit to the potential clinical development of a given technique

    Avaliação de impacto ambiental de atividades em estabelecimentos familiares do novo rural.

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    Uma avaliação do desempenho ambiental de atividades rurais representadas pela horticultura orgânica e convencional, pelo agroturismo, e pelos pesque-pagues, foi procedida com o sistema de Avaliação Ponderada de Impacto Ambiental de Atividades do Novo Rural (APOIA-NovoRural). Este sistema consiste de um conjunto de planilhas eletrônicas que integram sessenta e dois indicadores do desempenho ambiental da atividade, no âmbito de um estabelecimento rural. Cinco dimensões de avaliação são consideradas: i. Ecologia da Paisagem, ii. Qualidade dos Compartimentos Ambientais (atmosfera, água e solo), iii. Valores Socioculturais, iv. Valores Econômicos e v. Gestão e Administração. Os resultados indicam que, em relação à horticultura, ao melhorar a conservação dos recursos naturais e as condições de gestão do estabelecimento, o manejo orgânico apresenta melhor desempenho ambiental que o manejo convencional (19% na Ecologia da Paisagem, 13% na Qualidade da Água e 74% na Gestão e Administração). Nos estabelecimentos dedicados a pesque-pague, a recomposiçãoda paisagem e dos habitats naturais, assim como melhores condições de gestão e administração do estabelecimento, são as principais medidas a serem adotadas para melhoria do desempenho ambiental da atividade. Finalmente, com excelente desempenho econômico e em termos de conservação da qualidade da água, o agroturismo carece de atenção nos aspectos de recuperação dos habitats naturais e da paisagem, bem como melhorias na gestão e administração. A aplicação do sistema APOIA-NovoRural permite melhorar a gestão ambiental de atividades no meio rural, indicando os pontos críticos para correção do manejo, bem como os aspectos favoráveis das atividades, contribuindo para o desenvolvimentolocal sustentável.bitstream/CNPMA/5374/1/boletim_17.pd

    Experimental optimization of the energy for breast-CT with synchrotron radiation

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    Breast Computed Tomography (bCT) is a three-dimensional imaging technique that is raising interest among radiologists as a viable alternative to mammographic planar imaging. In X-rays imaging it would be desirable to maximize the capability of discriminating different tissues, described by the Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR), while minimizing the dose (i.e. the radiological risk). Both dose and CNR are functions of the X-ray energy. This work aims at experimentally investigating the optimal energy that, at fixed dose, maximizes the CNR between glandular and adipose tissues. Acquisitions of both tissue-equivalent phantoms and actual breast specimens have been performed with the bCT system implemented within the Syrma-3D collaboration at the Syrmep beamline of the Elettra synchrotron (Trieste). The experimental data have been also compared with analytical simulations and the results are in agreement. The CNR is maximized at energies around 26–28&nbsp;keV. These results are in line with the outcomes of a previously presented simulation study which determined an optimal energy of 28&nbsp;keV for a large set of breast phantoms with different diameters and glandular fractions. Finally, a study on photon starvation has been carried out to investigate how far the dose can be reduced still having suitable images for diagnostics

    Aplicação do sistema "apoia-novorural" para avaliação do desempenho ambiental do agroturismo.

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    Este estudo objetivou a verificação do desempenho ambiental da atividade de agroturismo, utilizando um método desenvolvido pela Embrapa Meio Ambiente, denominado Avaliação Ponderada de Impacto Ambiental de Atividades do Novo Rural (APOIA-NovoRural). O sistema integra as dimensões ecológicas, sociais e econômicas, inclusive aquelas relativas à gestão e administração, proporcionando uma medida objetiva e abrangente da contribuição da atividade rural para o desenvolvimento local sustentável. O sistema foi aplicado em dez estabelecimentos rurais da região de Itu, no interior do Estado de São Paulo. Nos estabelecimentos estudados, o agroturismo apresentou bom desempenho econômico e ótimos indicadores relativos à conservação da qualidade da água, demandando porém atenção nos aspectos de recuperação dos habitats naturais e da paisagem, assim como melhorias nos aspectos de gestão e administração. O resultado obtido com esta abordagem permite evidenciar os principais pontos críticos a serem corrigidos por formas alternativas de manejo, no sentido de ampliar as vantagens que este tipo de atividade pode trazer em termos da contribuição para sustentabilidade