210 research outputs found

    MacArthuri suhtlemise arengu testi lühiversiooni adapteerimine: eesti keelt kõnelevate 2-aastaste laste normid

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    Käesolevas töös uuriti 24 kuu vanuste laste kõne arengut ning normeeriti MacArthuri Suhtlemise Arengu Testi lühiversioon eesti keelt kõnelevatele 2 - aastastele lastele. Sõnavara suuruse osas leiti poistele ja tüdrukutele eraldi normid. Teise eesmärgina uuriti sõnavara seoseid teiste keele arengu komponentidega nagu keelekasutus ja süntaks. Selgus, et laste sõnavara suurus on seotud nii keelekasutuse kui ka süntaksi oskuste arenguga. Osalist kinnitust leidis püstitatud hüpotees, et lapse esimese sõna varasem ütlemine ennustab suuremat sõnavara ja keerukamat keelekasutust, kuid mitte süntaksi oskusi. Samuti leidis osalist kinnitust hüpotees, mille kohaselt kõrgema haridusega emade lapsed moodustavad keerulisemaid lauseid. Töö põhileiuks oli, et ema haridustase ei ole seotud 24 kuu vanuse lapse sõnavara suuruse ja keelekasutusega, mis seostusid olulisel määral hoopis ema vanusega: mida noorem oli ema, seda suurem oli lapse sõnavara ja keerukam keelekasutus. Lisaks leiti, et kõrgemalt haritud emade lapsed ning kõrgemalt haritud isade tütred ütlesid oma esimese sõna hilisemas eas.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4510901*es

    Research in haematological cancers: What do patients in the Netherlands prioritise?

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    Introduction: The experiential knowledge of patients can provide research communi‐ ties with complementary perspectives on disease. The aim of this study was to iden‐ tify and prioritise everyday problems and research needs of haematological cancer patients and

    A qualitative research on co-creating care pathways for Sarcoma and GIST by stimulating reflection

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    Introduction: Care Pathway Management intends to enhance the quality of care by restructuring care services. As recipients of care, patients have relevant experiential knowledge on the provision of care, but they are rarely involved in Care Pathway Management due to various barriers. This study aims to acquire insights into how patients can be meaningfully involved in Care Pathway Management. Methods: A case study was cond

    Research and Innovation As a Catalyst For Food System Transformation

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    Background Food systems are associated with severe and persistent problems worldwide. Governance approaches aiming to foster sustainable transformation of food systems face several challenges due to the complex nature of food systems. Scope and approach In this commentary we argue that addressing these governance challenges requires the development and adoption of novel research and innovation (R&I) approaches that will provide evidence to inform food system transformation and will serve as catalysts for change. We first elaborate on the complexity of food systems (transformation) and stress the need to move beyond traditional linear R&I approaches to be able to respond to persistent problems that affect food systems. Though integrated transdisciplinary approaches are promising, current R&I systems do not sufficiently support such endeavors. As such, we argue, we need strategies that trigger a double transformation – of food systems and of their R&I systems. Key Findings and Conclusions Seizing the opportunities to transform R&I systems has implications for how research is done – pointing to the need for competence development among researchers, policy makers and society in general – and requires specific governance interventions that stimulate a systemic approach. Such interventions should foster transdisciplinary and transformative research agendas that stimulate portfolios of projects that will reinforce one another, and stimulate innovative experiments to shape conditions for systemic change. In short, a thorough rethinking of the role of R&I as well as how it is funded is a crucial step towards the development of the integrative policies that are necessary to engender systemic change – in the food system and beyond

    A Systems Approach to Research and Innovation for Food System Transformation

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    This policy brief of the European Union (EU) Think Tank – part of the FIT4FOOD2030 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the FOOD 2030 initiative – is a response and contribution to growing pleas for a ‘systems approach’ to transform food systems for Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) for present and future generations. This policy brief specifically focusses on the necessity of the adoption of a systems approach to Research and Innovation (R&I) in order to foster the transformation of food systems

    Research and Innovation Supporting the Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Commission

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    The EU Think Tank (as part of the FIT4FOOD2030 Coordination andSupport Action) strongly supports the development of the Farm toFork Strategy as a key component of the European Green Deal,recognising the need to transform the food system as a whole