39 research outputs found

    Korelacije sagitalnog položaja vilica i međuviličnih odnosa kod dece sa malokluzijom III skeletne klase

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    Introduction/Objective The evaluation of sagittal jaw relationship is crucial in orthodontic diagnostics, orthodontic treatment planning, and monitoring of its results. A large number of parameters have been established for their assessment. The aim of this study was to determine the significance of the correlation between the indicators of sagittal jaw relationship, ANB, AOBO, AFBF, NAPg, and OJ, one with another, and with indicators of the sagittal position of the jaws, SNA and SNB, in children with skeletal class III malocclusion. Methods A total of 100 children with mixed dentition, of both genders, based on the profile cephalometric analysis, were divided into two equal groups: group 1 (test group) - children with skeletal class III (n = 50), group 2 (control group) - children with skeletal class I (n = 50). Results In children with skeletal class III malocclusion, significant correlations were found among the indicators of sagittal jaw relationships ANB, AOBO, AFBF, NAPg, OJ, mutually, except between AOBO and AFBF. Significant correlations of these parameters were also found with the SNB angle, but not with the SNA angle. Conclusion Confirmed significant correlation between tested indicators in the sagittal jaw relation indicates that, if we find skeletal jaw relationship class III, or just a simple reversed incisors overbite in children in routine application of any of the above mentioned parameters in everyday work, it should be indubitably checked and monitored using a larger number of parameters, especially those that define the sagittal position of the mandible.Uvod/Cilj Procena sagitalnih međuviličnih odnosa od ključnog je značaja u ortodontskoj dijagnostici, planiranju ortodontskog lečenja i praćenju njegovih rezultata. Za njihovu procenu ustanovljen je veliki broj parametara. Cilj ovog rada bio je da utvrdi značajnost korelacija između pokazatelja sagitalnih međuviličnih odnosa, ANB, AOBO, AFBF, NAPg i OJ, međusobno i sa pokazateljima sagitalnog položaja vilica, SNA i SNB, kod dece sa malokluzijom III skeletne klase. Metode Ukupno 100 dece sa meÅ”ovitom denticijom, oba pola, selekcionisano je na osnovu kefalometrijskih analiza profilnih telerendgenskih snimaka na dve jednake grupe: grupa 1 (ispitna grupa) - deca sa malokluzijom III skeletne klase (n = 50), grupa 2 (kontrolna grupa) - deca sa I skeletnom klasom (n = 50). Rezultati Kod dece sa malokluzijom III skeletne klase utvrđene su značajne korelacije između svih ispitivanih pokazatelja sagitalnih međuviličnih odnosa (ANB, AOBO, AFBF, NAPg, OJ), osim između AOBO i AFBF. Značajne korelacije ovih parametara ostvarene su, takođe, i sa uglom SNB, dok sa uglom SNA nisu. Zaključak Utvrđena značajna korelacija između ispitivanih pokazatelja sagitalnih međuviličnih odnosa ukazuje da ukoliko se u svakodnevnom radu rutinskom primenom bilo kog od pomenutih parametara kod dece utvrdi skeletni međuvilični odnos III klase ili samo jednostavan obrnut preklop sekutića, treba ga obavezno proveriti i pratiti primenom većeg broja parametara, posebno onih koji definiÅ”u sagitalni položaj mandibule

    The rehabilitation of the experimental brain injury with hyperbaric oxygenation

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    Uvod: Traumatske povrede centralnog nervnog sistema (CNS) predstavljaju Å”irom sveta veliki zdravstveni problem, jer spadaju među vodeće uzročnike smrtnosti i različitih oblika invaliditeta u radno sposobnoj populaciji. Činjenica je da se samo u koordinisanim istraživanjima kako eksperimentalnim i tako kliničnim, mogu razviti novi kolaborativni modeli i nove strategije za sanaciju posledica moždane traume. U ovom kontekstu hiperbarična oksigenacija (HBO) se izdvaja kako procedura koja može u sinergističkom dejstvu sa drugim terapijama dovesti do ubrzanja oporavka posle moždane traume. Cilj ove studije je da utvrdi da li primena HBO može poboljÅ”ati oporavak pacova posle sukcione ablacije desnog senzomotornog korteksa. Materijal i metode: Deset nedelja stari mužijaci pacova Wistar soja raspoređeni su u sledeće grupe (n=8, po grupi): Kontrolna (K) intakne životinje, Kontrolna + HBO (KHBO) intakne životinje koje su proÅ”le kroz HBO protokol, Å am (Å ) lažno operisane životinje, Å am + HBO (Å HBO), Lezija (L) desni sezomotorni korteks je uklonjen sukcionom ablacijom i L + HBO (LHBO). HBO protokol: pritisak 2,5 apsolutne atmosfere, 60 minuta, jedanput dnevno, tokom 10 dana. Za evaluaciju procesa oporavka lokomotornih funkcija koriŔćeni su test prelaska preko grede i merenje snage stiska. Količina malondialdehida (MDA), aktivnost superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i glutation peroksidaze (GPX) su mereni u uzorcima tkiva povređenog hemikorteksa. Postraumatski procesi su praćeni na uzorcima moždanog tkiva imunohistohemijskom metodom sa sledećim antitelima: GFAP, ED1, SMI31, GAP43 i SYP. U cilju evaluacije efekata HBO na proces neuronalne degeneracije sprovedeno je dovostruko imunofluorescentno bojenje: neuroni u procesu degeneracije su bojeni fluoro žadom B, dok je NeuN koriŔćen kao marker tela neurona...Objectives: Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are one of the leading causes of death and chronic disability especially among the working population, and represent an important public health problem worldwide. It is proposed that coordinated research efforts of basic and clinical scientists will provide the opportunity to develop collaborative models for translational neuroscience and rehabilitation research. In this view hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) appeared as an adjunctive therapy that has the synergistic effect with other treatments, strongly suggesting that combining therapies with HBO could yield better results than either alone. The aim of this study was to investigate whether HBO can improve the neurological recovery of the rat after suction ablation of the sensorimotor cortex. Methods: The experiments were conducted on the male Wister rats, 10 weeks old. Animals were organized into following groups (n = 8, per group): Control (C) intact animals, Control+HBO (CHBO) intact animals subjected to HBO treatment, Sham control (S) animals that underwent surgical procedure without damaging the brain tissue, Sham control+HBO (SHBO), Lesion group (L)ā€“the right sensorimotor cortex was removed by suction ablation, Lesion+HBO (LHBO). HBO protocol: pressure applied 2.5 absolute atmospheres (ATA), for 60 minutes, once daily for 10 days. Beam walking test and grip strength meter were used to evaluate the recovery of motor functions. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) sampled from injured hemicortex were measured. The posttraumatic processes were evaluated on the brain tissue preparations using the immunohistochemical method with antibodies: GFAP, ED1, SMI31, GAP43 and SYP..

    Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on peripheral vascular diseases

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    Introduction: Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a common and concerning symptom of several habits and illnesses and occurs most often in the lower extremities. PVD manifests itself by decreasing blood flow to tissues and therefore causing a lack of oxygenation, which, if not treated, can ultimately progress to ulcer formation. It is suggested that Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may lead to revascularization of the affected tissue. Aim: This study was performed in order to determine whether HBOT can aid wound and ulcer healing, caused by PVD. Material and methods: 20 participants (14 male, 6 female and age ranging from 45 to 89) have taken part in this case study. All of them suffered from PVD symptoms, such as developed ulcers, open wounds and pain. At 2.2 atmospheres (ATM) with 100% oxygen, the patients fulfilled 15 sessions, each lasting 60 minutes, where the decompression and compression phases lasted 10 minutes each. Treatment took place in the HBO Medical Center in Belgrade. Existing ulcers and their changes were classified. The subjective feeling of pain has been evaluated routinely. The data were analyzed with the Student t-test and ANOVA. Results: The outcome presented itself with a clear commenced healing of ulcers, wound and pain reduction. Additional improvements in elongation of intermittent claudication distance and peripheral sensation could also be observed. Ten patients partook in 5 or 10 further sessions, before noteworthy progress could be observed. Conclusion: According to this study, HBOT can facilitate the healing of existing ulcers and wounds caused by PVD, if used as a preventative method. However, a larger amount of participants, with control groups, should be used for a definitive conclusion

    Hyperbaric oxygenation as an adjuvant therapy for traumatic brain injury: a review of literature

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    In recent years significant amount of data have been published in the filed of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The main rational for the research in this field is that in TBI patients with the existence of dormant neural tissues that maintain cellular homeostasis but are unable to participate in neurotransmission, the addition of HBO provides a favourable environment by which neuronal reactivation can be achieved. As hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not all-or-nothing phenomena and the consequences of TBI can vary from mild to moderate and severe, it is important to evaluate each TBI patient before referring him/her to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Reports from the clinical trial that were investigating the effects of HBO on severe TBI show promising results. For example, significant reduction in mortality rates and improvement in favourable neurological outcomes were reported. However, conflicting results have been reported from trials that investigated the effects of HBO on mild and moderate TBI. The results from the experimental studies indicate that HBO can preserve mitochondrial function, reduce apoptosis and neuroinflammation and promote neuronal plasticity. Therefore, conducting of methodologically-based multicentric clinical trials is necessary to determine proper guidelines for inclusion of TBI patients in HBOT. As many reports have stated that even a few exposures to HBO can contribute to the recovery process, future research must be aimed at establishing most effective HBO protocol for TBI patients

    Immunohistochemical Analysis of 4-HNE, NGAL, and HO-1 Tissue Expression after Apocynin Treatment and HBO Preconditioning in Postischemic Acute Kidney Injury Induced in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    Oxidative stress has been considered as a central aggravating factor in the development of postischemic acute kidney injury (AKI). The aim of this study was to perform the immunohistochemical analysis of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) tissue expression after apocynin (APO) treatment and hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) preconditioning, applied as single or combined protocol, in postischemic acute kidney injury induced in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Twenty-four hours before AKI induction, HBO preconditioning was carried out by exposing to pure oxygen (2.026 bar) twice a day, for 60 min in two consecutive days. Acute kidney injury was induced by removal of the right kidney while the left renal artery was occluded for 45 min by atraumatic clamp. Apocynin was applied in a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight, intravenously, 5 min before reperfusion. We showed increased 4-HNE renal expression in postischemic AKI compared to Sham-operated (SHAM) group. Apocynin treatment, with or without HBO preconditioning, improved creatinine and phosphate clearances, in postischemic AKI. This improvement in renal function was accompanied with decreased 4-HNE, while HO-1 kidney expression restored close to the control group level. NGAL renal expression was also decreased after apocynin treatment, and HBO preconditioning, with or without APO treatment. Considering our results, we can say that 4-HNE tissue expression can be used as a marker of oxidative stress in postischemic AKI. On the other hand, apocynin treatment and HBO preconditioning reduced oxidative damage, and this protective effect might be expected even in experimental hypertensive condition

    Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning and the role of NADPH oxidase inhibition in postischemic acute kidney injury induced in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury is a common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) and hypertension might contribute to the increased incidence of AKI. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of single and combined hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) preconditioning and NADPH oxidase inhibition on oxidative stress, kidney function and structure in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) after renal ischemia reperfusion injury. HBO preconditioning was performed by exposing to pure oxygen (2.026 bar) twice a day for two consecutive days for 60 minutes, and 24h before AKI induction. For AKI induction, the right kidney was removed and ischemia was performed by clamping the left renal artery for 45 minutes. NADPH oxidase inhibition was induced by apocynin (40 mg/kg b.m., intravenously) 5 minutes before reperfusion. AKI significantly increased renal vascular resistance and reduced renal blood flow, which were significantly improved after apocynin treatment. Also, HBO preconditioning, with or without apocynin treatment showed improvement on renal hemodynamics. AKI significantly increased plasma creatinine, urea, phosphate levels and lipid peroxidation in plasma. Remarkable improvement, with decrease in creatinine, urea and phosphate levels was observed in all treated groups. HBO preconditioning, solitary or with apocynin treatment decreased lipid peroxidation in plasma caused by AKI induction. Also, combined with apocynin, it increased catalase activity and solitary, glutathione reductase enzyme activity in erythrocytes. While AKI induction significantly increased plasma KIM- 1 levels, HBO preconditioning, solitary or with apocynin decreased its levels. Considering renal morphology, significant morphological alterations present after AKI induction were significantly improved in all treated groups with reduced tubular dilatation, tubular necrosis in the cortico-medullary zone and PAS positive cast formation. Our results reveal that NADPH oxidase inhibition and hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning, with or without NADPH oxidase inhibition may have beneficial effects, but their protective role should be evaluated in further studies

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Preconditioning Upregulates Heme OxyGenase-1 and Anti-Apoptotic Bcl-2 Protein Expression in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats with Induced Postischemic Acute Kidney Injury

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    Renal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) injury is the most common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI). Pathogenesis of postischemic AKI involves hemodynamic changes, oxidative stress, inflammation process, calcium ion overloading, apoptosis and necrosis. Up to date, therapeutic approaches to treat AKI are extremely limited. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) preconditioning on citoprotective enzyme, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), pro-apoptotic Bax and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins expression, in postischemic AKI induced in normotensive Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The animals were randomly divided into six experimental groups: SHAM-operated Wistar rats (W-SHAM), Wistar rats with induced postischemic AKI (W-AKI) and Wistar group with HBO preconditioning before AKI induction (W-AKI + HBO). On the other hand, SHR rats were also divided into same three groups: SHR-SHAM, SHR-AKI and SHR-AKI + HBO. We demonstrated that HBO preconditioning upregulated HO-1 and anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein expression, in both Wistar and SH rats. In addition, HBO preconditioning improved glomerular filtration rate, supporting by significant increase in creatinine, urea and phosphate clearances in both rat strains. Considering our results, we can also say that even in hypertensive conditions, we can expect protective effects of HBO preconditioning in experimental model of AKI

    Effects of NADPH oxidase blockade and hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning on 4-HNE, NGAL, and HO-1 tissue expression in postischemic acute kidney injury induced in spontaneously hypertensive rat

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    Kidney disease represents a serious global health problem. Free radicals and prooxidants produced during ischemic acute kidney injury (AKI) may further aggravate the course of the disease and play a role in the pathogenesis of subsequent complications. The aims of our study were to examine the importance of NADPH oxidase blockade and to determine the effect of hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning on the immunohistochemical analysis of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) tissue expression in postischemic acute kidney injury induced in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Twenty-four hours before AKI induction, HBO preconditioning was carried out by exposing to pure oxygen (2.026bar) twice a day, for 60 min in two consecutive days. Acute kidney injury was induced by removal of the right kidney while the left renal artery was occluded for 45 min by atraumatic clamp. NADPH oxidase blockade was performed by Apocynin (40 mg/kg body weigh)t, intravenously, 5 min before reperfusion. We showed increased 4-HNE renal expression in postischemic AKI compared to Sham operated (SHAM) group. Apocynin treatment, with or without HBO preconditioning, improved creatinine and phosphate clearances, in postischemic AKI. This improvement in renal function was accompanied with decreased 4-HNE, while HO-1 kidney expression restored close to the control group level. NGAL renal expression was also decreased after apocynin treatment, and HBO preconditioning,with or without APO treatment. Considering our results, we can say that 4-HNE tissue expression can be used as a marker of oxidative stress in postischemic AKI. On the other hand, NADPH oxidase blockade and HBO preconditioning reduced oxidative damage, and this protective effect might be expected even in experimental hypertensive condition

    Energy detector performance in Rician fading channel

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    In this paper we analyzed the problem of detection of unknown signals in the Rician fading channel. A closed-form expression for the probability of detection is derived, followed by the numerical results. The analysis was extended to the case of cooperative sensor network in which the environment can be modelled by independent Rician fading channels

    Diagnostics of bucket wheel excavator discharge boom dynamic performance and its reconstruction

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    The paper focuses on an investigation into the possible causes of the bad dynamic performance of bucket wheel excavator C7OOS (BWE) discharge boom in the Kolubara opencast mine, Serbia. A discharge boom load carrying structure model was produced and its static and dynamic calculations were made by the finite element method (FEM). The model was then validated by the experimental method - vibration analysis. The set goals were achieved by the FEM result analysis, which were further confirmed in the experiment. The causes for discharge boom weak performance were established. The main operation problems were found in the inadequate design of the discharge boom tie(s) and the subsequent installation of a steering cabin. Possible discharge boom reconstructions were considered with a view to improving its operation performance. The selection of the reconstruction approach was limited by the technical and financial resources available to the machine users. After the completed reconstruction, the discharge boom improved operation performance was demonstrated in practice