1,257 research outputs found

    Bioremediation in prawn grow out systems - Winter school on recent advances in diagnosis and management of diseases in mariculture, 7th to 27th November 2002, Course Manual

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    In any aquaculture systems there exist a continuous exchange of substances between the bottom sediment and the overlying water, and between the two and the reared animal body. This exchange is strongly influenced by the inputs made continuously in to the system. As a matter of fact the bottom soil conditions and water quality in ponds are very much closely interrelated. Obviously, the water quality in ponds is very much influenced by the nutrient inputs, organic matter content, primary productivity and dissolved oxygen. Any aquaculture system has a finite capacity to assimilate nutrients, organic matter and the byproducts of degradation to a level congenial for the animals to grow. Bioremediation aims at the maintenance and enhancement of this finite capacity of the pond in favour and well being of the stock. Bioremediation in principle use microorganisms to transform/ decontaminate toxic pollutants in the environment. The process has two basic methods I. Bioaugmentation. 2. Biostimulation. One of the main concerns of bioremediation is that the degradation products, whatever it may be, should be non toxic to the stocked animals. Major advantages of bioremediation are I. It can be done on site (in-situ) 2. The process does not lead to any site disruption, 3. There is every possibility for permanent waste elimination, 4. Being a biological process it will be comparatively too inexpensive and 5. Can be effectively coupled with other treatment technologie

    Use of immunostimulants in aquaculture management - Winter school on recent advances in diagnosis and management of diseases in mariculture, 7th to 27th November 2002, Course Manual

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    Immunostimuiant may be defined as an agent, which stimulate the non-specific immune mechanism when given alone, or the specific immune mechanism when with an antigen. Immunostimulants activate the immune system of animals and render them more resistant to infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. They may also be active against human cancer because they activate white blood cells, which recognize and destroy tumor cells. Immunostimulants are valuable for the control offish diseases

    Ornamental fish diseases and their management measures- Winter School on Recent Advances in Breeding and Larviculture of Marine Finfish and Shellfish

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    Aquarium fish industry constitutes an extremely large segment of the pet animal industry. Over two decades, there experienced progressive increase in the ornamental fish industrial productivity both in the domestic market and at International level. Than ever before, more and more indigenous as well as exotic varieties of fishes are being registered into the trade. Primarily being aquatic animals and secondarily being forced to remain under crowded conditions, they are subjected to diseases of varying nature


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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Ciencias AmbientalesSe estudiaron las características físicas de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios como la generación per cápita (GPC), densidad (kg/m3) y composición física, a nivel de 519 distritos pertenecientes a las 25 regiones del Perú, para determinar indicadores específicos para el Perú y su relación con factores socioeconómicos y geográficos. Las variables independientes fueron el gasto per cápita familiar (GsPC), índice de desarrollo humano (IDH), índice de pobreza total (IPT), necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI) y coeficiente de desigualdad (GINI); mientras que las variable dependientes fueron la GPC, densidad y composición física de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios. Se utilizaron datos provenientes de estudios de caracterización de residuos sólidos y la base de datos actualizada al 2014 del Sistema de Información para la Gestión de Residuos Sólidos del Ministerio del Ambiente (SIGERSOL). Los valores de la GPC fueron trabajados sin actualizar y actualizados al 2015, encontrándose que la GPC promedio ponderada nacional es de 0.577 kg/hab/día y la región natural selva es la que presenta mayores valores de GPC. A nivel espacial los valores de la GPC se agrupan en algunos casos siguiendo un patrón geográfico de región natural. Para el caso de la densidad de los residuos sólidos, esta fue mucho mayor en la región selva (233.985 kg/m3), que es la que además presenta la mayor cantidad de materia orgánica en sus residuos, diferenciándose significativamente de las otras dos regiones naturales. Con respecto a la relación entre la GPC y los factores socioeconómicos, se observó que existe una relación más marcada con el gasto per cápita familiar (GsPC), aunque estadísticamente los coeficientes de determinación y correlación no eran fuertes. Por último, la tasa de crecimiento de la GPC se encontró en el rango de 0.263 % a 14.741% dependiendo del crecimiento poblacional y el ingreso económico de los habitantes.Physical characteristics such as household solid waste generation per capita, density (kg/m3) and physical composition of 519 districts within 25 regions of Peru were studied to determine specific indicators for Peru and its relationship with socioeconomic and geographic factors. The independent variables were the household per capita expenditure, human development index, total poverty index, unsatisfied basic needs and coefficient of inequality; while the dependent variables were the household solid waste generation per capita, density and physical composition of solid household waste. Data from studies of characterization of solid waste and the database updated 2014 from Information System for Solid Waste Management of Ministry of Environment were used. Household solid waste generation per capita values were worked without updating and updated in 2015, finding that the per capita generation of solid waste is 0.577 kg/person/day and the jungle region has the higher value of per capita generation. Spatially, per capita generation values are grouped in some cases following a natural geographical pattern region. In the case of the density of solid waste, this was much higher in the jungle region (233.985 kg/m3), which is the one featuring the largest amount of organic matter in waste, significantly from the other two natural regions differing. Regarding the relationship between the per capita generation of solid waste and socioeconomic factors, it was observed that her is a stronger relationship with the family per capita spending, although statistically the coefficients of determination and correlation were not strong. Finally, the growth rate of per capita generation was found in the range of 0.263 % to 14.741 %, depending on the population growth and the income of the inhabitants.Tesi

    Probiotic effects of lactic acid bacteria against Vibrio alginolyticus in Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) indicus (H. Milne Edwards)

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    Cell free extracts of four strains of Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) viz. Lactobacillus. acidophilus, Streptococcus.cremoris, Lactobacillus bulgaricus –56 and Lactobacillus bulgaricus –57 inhibited growth of Vibrio alginolyticus in nutrient broth. The antagonism of LAB to Vibrio alginolyticus was further confirmed by streak plating wherein suppression of growth of Vibrio was obtained. Juveniles of Penaeus indicus (average weight 0.985 ± 0.1 g) on administering orally a moist feed base containing 5 × 106 cells·g of the four LAB probionts for a period of four weeks showed better survival (56 to 72%) when challenged with V. alginolyticus by intra-muscular injection of 0.1 ml containing 3 × 109 cells·ml. Animals maintained on a diet devoid of bacterial biomass exhibited 80% mortality

    Inhibitory compound produced by Pseudomonas with effectiveness on Vibrio harveyi

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    Persistence of the antivibrio property of the potential antagonistic probiotics, Pseudomonas MCCB 102 and 103, at di¡erent temperatures, pH and in organic solvents was studied. The antivibrio compound was extracted, puri¢ed and characterized using thin-layer chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy, UV^ Vis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and identi¢ed as N-methyl-1-hydroxyphenazine, a phenazine antibiotic. The toxicity of the compound was tested in Penaeus monodon haemocyte culture and the IC50 valuewas found to be1.4 _ 0.31mg L_1. The compound was found to be bacteriostatic at 0.5mg L_1. Its stability to varying temperature, pH, organic solvents, prolonged shelf-life and vibriostatic nature point to its suitability for prophylatic aquaculture application

    A brackishwater isolate of Pseudomonas PS-102, a potential antagonistic bacterium against pathogenic vibrios in penaeid and non-penaeid rearing systems

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    A Pseudomonas sp PS-102 recovered from Muttukkadu brackish water lagoon, situated south of Chennai, showed significant activity against a number of shrimp pathogenic vibrios. Out of the 112 isolates of bacterial pathogens comprising Vibrio harveyi, V. vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, V. fluvialis, and Aeromonas spp, 73% were inhibited in vitro by the cell-free culture supernatant of Pseudomonas sp PS-102 isolate. The organism produced yellowish fluorescent pigment on King's B medium, hydrolysed starch and protein, and produced 36.4% siderophore units by CAS assay and 32 μM of catechol siderophores as estimated by Arnow's assay. The PS-102 isolate showed wide ranging environmental tolerance with, temperatures from 25 to 40 °C, pH from 6 to 8, salinity from 0 to 36 ppt, while the antagonistic activity peaked in cultures grown at 30 °C, pH 8.0 and at 5 ppt saline conditions. The antagonistic activity of the culture supernatant was evident even at 30% v / v dilution against V. harveyi. The preliminary studies on the nature of the antibacterial action indicated that the antagonistic principle as heat stable and resistant to proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic enzymes. Pseudomonas sp PS 102 was found to be safe to shrimp when PL-9 stage were challenged at 107 CFU ml− 1 and by intramuscular injection into of 5 g sub-adults shrimp at 105 to 108 CFU. Further, its safety in a mammalian system, tested by its pathogenicity to mice, was also determined and its LD50 to BALB/c mice was found to be 109 CFU. The results of this study indicated that the organism Pseudomonas sp PS 102 could be employed as a potential probiont in shrimp and prawn aquaculture systems for management and control of bacterial infections