95 research outputs found

    Lattice thermal conductivity of disordered NiPd and NiPt alloys

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    Numerical calculations of lattice thermal conductivity are reported for the binary alloys NiPd and NiPt. The present work is a continuation of an earlier paper by us [PRB, 72, 214207 (2005)]which had developed a theoretical framework for the calculation of configuration-averaged lattice thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity in disordered alloys. The formulation was based on the augmented space theorem combined with a scattering diagram technique. In this paper we shall show dependence of the lattice thermal conductivity on a series of variables like phonon frequency, temperature and alloy composition. The temperature dependence of Îș(T)\kappa(T) and its realtion to the measured thermal conductivity is discussed. The concentration dependence of Îș\kappa appears to justify the notion of a minimum thermal conductivity as discussed by Kittel, Slack and others. We also study the frequency and composition dependence of the thermal diffusivity averaged over modes. A numerical estimate of this quantity gives an idea about the location of mobility edge and the fraction of states in the frequency spectrum which is delocalized.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figure

    Exact Solution of Photon Equation in Stationary G\"{o}del-type and G\"{o}del Space-Times

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    In this work the photon equation (massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation) is written expilicitly for general type of stationary G\"{o}del space-times and is solved exactly for G\"{o}del-type and G\"{o}del space-times. Harmonic oscillator behaviour of the solutions is discussed and energy spectrum of photon is obtained.Comment: 9 pages,RevTeX, no figure, revised for publicatio

    My IoT Puzzle: Debugging IF-THEN Rules Through the Jigsaw Metaphor

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    End users can nowadays define applications in the format of IF-THEN rules to personalize their IoT devices and online services. Along with the possibility to compose such applications, however, comes the need to debug them, e.g., to avoid unpredictable and dangerous behaviors. In this context, different questions are still unexplored: which visual languages are more appropriate for debugging IF-THEN rules? Which information do end users need to understand, identify, and correct errors? To answer these questions, we first conducted a literature analysis by reviewing previous works on end-user debugging, with the aim of extracting design guidelines. Then, we developed My IoT Puzzle, a tool to compose and debug IF-THEN rules based on the Jigsaw metaphor. My IoT Puzzle interactively assists users in the debugging process with different real-time feedback, and it allows the resolution of conflicts by providing textual and graphical explanations. An exploratory study with 6 participants preliminary confirms the effectiveness of our approach, showing that the usage of the Jigsaw metaphor, along with real-time feedback and explanations, helps users understand and fix conflicts among IF-THEN rules

    The antiinflammatory potential of phenolic compounds from Emblica officinalis L. in rat

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    Antiinflammatory effects of phenolic compounds from Emblica officinalis were evaluated in carrageenan and cotton pellet induced acute and chronic inflammatory animal model. Fractions of E. officinalis containing free (FPEO) and bounded (BPEO) phenolic compounds were assessed by HPLC technique. The free and bound phenolic compounds were studied for their acute and chronic antiinflammatory activity at dose level of 20 and 40 mg/kg. The carrageenan induced acute inflammation was assessed by measuring rat paw volume at different time of intervals. Further, cotton pellet induced chronic inflammation was assessed by granulomatous tissue mass estimation along with the estimation of tissue biomarker changes (i.e. lipid peroxidation, reduced glutathione, myeloperoxidase and plasma extravasation). The results indicated that in both acute and chronic inflammation, FPEO and BPEO show reduction in the inflammation, but significant effects was observed only at high doses of both fractions which was comparable to diclofenac treated group. In conclusion, phenolic compounds of E. officinalis may serve as potential herbal candidate for amelioration of acute and chronic inflammation due to their modulatory action of free radicals

    Identification of Stk25 as a genetic modifier of Tau phosphorylation in Dab1-mutant mice.

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    Hyperphosphorylation of the microtubule binding protein Tau is a feature of a number of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Tau is hyperphosphorylated in the hippocampus of dab1-null mice in a strain-dependent manner; however, it has not been clear if the Tau phosphorylation phenotype is a secondary effect of the morbidity of these mutants. The dab1 gene encodes a docking protein that is required for normal brain lamination and dendritogenesis as part of the Reelin signaling pathway. We show that dab1 gene inactivation after brain development leads to Tau hyperphosphorylation in anatomically normal mice. Genomic regions that regulate the phospho Tau phenotype in dab1 mutants have previously been identified. Using a microarray gene expression comparison between dab1-mutants from the high-phospho Tau expressing and low-phospho Tau expressing strains, we identified Stk25 as a differentially expressed modifier of dab1-mutant phenotypes. Stk25 knockdown reduces Tau phosphorylation in embryonic neurons. Furthermore, Stk25 regulates neuronal polarization and Golgi morphology in an antagonistic manner to Dab1. This work provides insights into the complex regulation of neuronal behavior during brain development and provides insights into the molecular cascades that regulate Tau phosphorylation

    Das "flipped classroom"-Konzept: Team-based Learning als Vorlesungs-Alternative

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    Feasibility, acceptance and impact of Team-based Learning in Neurology: a pilot study

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    Background/Goal: Neurology is rated as one of the most difficult specialties by medical students, as well as by medical practitioners in other areas. Team-based learning (TBL) as a method of active and group-based learning seems to be a suitable method to achieve greater learning success and a better understanding of neurology.Methods: The TBL neurology course was designed as a supplemental program within the regular neurology course for third-year medical students. This supplemental course consisted of six 90-minute units as a pilot study during the 2011-12 winter semester and was evaluated in terms of time and effort. The acceptance of the TBL concept in general, as well as of the TBL neurology course in particular, was assessed using written evaluations. The results of the final exam were analyzed with regard to participation in TBL and the content imparted therein.Results: The preparation time was approximately 8 hours per unit. The implementation was without difficulty. The high rate of regular attendance and the consistently very positive evaluation results indicated a high acceptance of the TBL concept in general, as well as of the TBL neurology course in particular. TBL participants displayed better results on the final exam in topics also covered in the TBL units.Conclusion: The resulting achievement of a subjectively better understanding and a simultaneously higher level of interest in neurology justified the one-time, relatively intense preparation effort for TBL. The high acceptance among students inexperienced in teamwork suggests an unproblematic transfer to other preclinical or clinical courses. The impact on measurably improved results in clinical reasoning and problem-solving skills should be further investigated in the context of controlled studies.Hintergrund/ Zielsetzung: Neurologie wird sowohl von Studierenden wie auch Ärzten anderer Fachgebiete als eines der schwersten klinischen FĂ€cher eingestuft. Der Ansatz des Team-based Learning (TBL) als Methode des aktiven und gruppenorientierten Lernens erscheint geeignet, ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis und damit einen höheren Lernerfolg fĂŒr das Fach zu erreichen. Methoden: Die freiwillige Lehrveranstaltung "TBL Neurologie" mit insgesamt sechs 90-minĂŒtigen Einheiten wurde als Pilotprojekt im Wintersemester 2011/12 im Rahmen des regelmĂ€ĂŸig stattfindenden Neurologiekurses im dritten klinischen Semester konzipiert und hinsichtlich des Arbeitsaufwandes bewertet. Die Akzeptanz des TBL-Konzeptes im Allgemeinen wie auch des "TBL Neurologie" im Speziellen wurde mittels schriftlicher Evaluationen erfasst. Die Ergebnisse der Abschlussklausur wurden hinsichtlich der Teilnahme am TBL und den darin vermittelten Inhalten ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Die Vorbereitungszeit betrug ca. 8 Stunden pro Einheit. Die DurchfĂŒhrung gelang nach kurzer EinfĂŒhrung problemlos. Die hohe Anwesenheitsquote wie auch die durchwegs sehr positiven Evaluationen der TBL-Teilnehmer sprachen fĂŒr eine sehr hohe Akzeptanz sowohl fĂŒr das TBL-Konzept im Allgemeinen wie auch fĂŒr die Umsetzung im Fach Neurologie. In der Abschlussklausur zeigte sich bei den TBL-Teilnehmern eine Verbesserung in den zusĂ€tzlich mit TBL vermittelten Inhalten. Schlussfolgerung: Der einmalig relativ hohe Vorbereitungsaufwand fĂŒr das TBL wurde durch ein subjektiv verbessertes VerstĂ€ndnis der Neurologie bei gleichzeitig höherem Interesse an dem Fach gerechtfertigt. Die hohe Akzeptanz in einem nicht team-erfahrenen Studierenden-Kollektiv lĂ€sst eine Übertragbarkeit auch auf andere vorklinische und klinische FĂ€cher problemlos erscheinen. Die Wirksamkeit hinsichtlich messbar verbesserter Ergebnisse in klinischem Denken bzw. Problemlösen sollte im Rahmen kontrollierter Studien ĂŒberprĂŒft werden

    Machbarkeit und Akzeptanz von Team-baesd Learning im Fach Neurologie

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    Ein Stationen-basiertes Konzept fĂŒr die Lehre der neurologischen Untersuchung: Eine prospektive, quasi-experimentelle Studie

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    Background: The neurological examination is considered to be complex and contributes to the phenomenon of "neurophobia". It is traditionally taught in small groups by residents ("traditional concept"), making the learning success partially dependent on the resident's level of clinical training, didactic education and personal motivation. Aim of this study was to examine the effects of a newly developed concept ("station concept") for teaching the neurological examination on achieving an improved and more equal transfer of knowledge and practical skills.Methods: A prospective quasi-experimental design was used to compare the traditional concept with the newly developed station concept, in which the teaching content was divided in eight subdivisions (stations) with one resident being assigned to one station. The primary endpoints of the study were the differences in students' self-assessments of learning success in the different subdomains of the neurological examination, and secondary analyses focused on evaluation results of students and residents.Results: 144 students and 28 residents participated in the traditional concept (summer semester 2012) and 151 students and 28 residents in the station concept (winter semester 2012/13). In the station-concept students' self-assessment significantly improved in the domains "Motor System", "Coordination" and "Mental Status" compared to the traditional concept. Students' evaluation showed significant improvement in five out of eight points. Fifty percent of residents rated the new approach superior to the traditional approach, ten percent as inferior.Conclusion: The station concept improved students' self-assessed learning success as well as evaluation results while simultaneously achieving high acceptance in residents.Hintergrund: Die neurologische Untersuchung gilt als komplex und trĂ€gt zum PhĂ€nomen der "Neurophobie" bei. Sie wird traditionell in Kleingruppen durch AssistenzĂ€rzte unterrichtet ("traditionelles Konzept"), wodurch der Lernerfolg teilweise vom klinischen Ausbildungsstand, der didaktischen Ausbildung und der persönlichen Motivation des Assistenzarztes abhĂ€ngt. Ziel der Studie war es, die Effekte eines neu entwickelten Konzeptes ("Stationen-Konzept") fĂŒr die Lehre der neurologischen Untersuchung hinsichtlich eines verbesserten und gleichmĂ€ĂŸigeren Transfers von Wissen und praktischen Fertigkeiten zu untersuchen. Methoden: Ein prospektives, quasi-experimentelles Design wurde angewandt, um das traditionelle Konzept mit dem Stationen-Konzept zu vergleichen. Dabei wurde der Lehrinhalt in acht Teilbereiche (Stationen) unterteilt wurde, wobei ein Assistenzarzt zu jeder Station zugeteilt wurde. Die primĂ€ren Endpunkte der Studie waren die Unterschiede in der SelbsteinschĂ€tzung der Studierenden hinsichtlich des Lernerfolges in unterschiedlichen Bereichen der neurologischen Untersuchung. SekundĂ€re Analysen bezogen sich auf die Ergebnisse der Evaluationen der Studierenden und der AssistenzĂ€rzte.Ergebnisse: 144 Studierende und 28 AssistenzĂ€rzte nahmen am traditionellen Konzept teil (Sommersemester 2012) und 151 Studierende und 28 AssistenzĂ€rzte am Stationen-Konzept (Wintersemester 2012/13). Beim Stationen-Konzept verbesserten sich die SelbsteinschĂ€tzungen der Studierenden im Vergleich zum traditionellen Konzept signifikant in den Bereichen "Motorisches System", "Koordination" und "Mentaler Status". Die Evaluationen der Studierenden ergaben signifikante Verbesserungen in fĂŒnf von acht Punkten. FĂŒnfzig Prozent der AssistenzĂ€rzte bewerteten den Stationen-Ansatz besser als den traditionellen Ansatz, zehn Prozent als schlechter. Schlussfolgerung: Das Stationen-Konzept verbesserte den von den Studierenden selbst eingeschĂ€tzten Lernerfolg wie auch die Evaluationsergebnisse bei gleichzeitig hoher Akzeptanz bei den AssistenzĂ€rzten
