658 research outputs found


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    Environmental Economics and Policy,

    The Economics of Water Transfer

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    Modelling of the Complex CASSOWARY/SLUGS Gravitational Lenses

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    We present the first high-resolution images of CSWA 31, a gravitational lens system observed as part of the SLUGS (Sloan Lenses Unravelled by Gemini Studies) program. These systems exhibit complex image structure with the potential to strongly constrain the mass distribution of the massive lens galaxies, as well as the complex morphology of the sources. In this paper, we describe the strategy used to reconstruct the unlensed source profile and the lens galaxy mass profiles. We introduce a prior distribution over multi-wavelength sources that is realistic as a representation of our knowledge about the surface brightness profiles of galaxies and groups of galaxies. To carry out the inference computationally, we use Diffusive Nested Sampling, an efficient variant of Nested Sampling that uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to sample the complex posterior distributions and compute the normalising constant. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach with the reconstruction of the group-group gravitational lens system CSWA 31, finding the source to be composed of five merging spiral galaxies magnified by a factor of 13.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Galactic Inner Halo: Searching for White Dwarfs and Measuring the Fundamental Galactic Constant, Vo/Ro

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    We establish an extragalactic, zero-motion frame of reference within the deepest optical image of a globular star cluster, an HST 123-orbit exposure of M4 (GO 8679, cycle 9). The line of sight beyond M4 (l,b (deg) = 351,16) intersects the inner halo (spheroid) of our Galaxy at a tangent-point distance of 7.6 kpc (for Ro = 8 kpc). We isolate these spheroid stars from the cluster based on their proper motions over the 6-year baseline between these and previous epoch HST data (GO 5461, cycle 4). Distant background galaxies are also found on the same sight line using image-morphology techniques. This fixed reference frame allows us to independently determine the fundamental Galactic constant, Vo/Ro = 25.3 +/- 2.6 km/s/kpc, thus providing a velocity of the Local Standard of Rest, v = 202.7 +/- 24.7 km/s for Ro = 8.0 +/- 0.5 kpc. Secondly, the galaxies allow a direct measurement of M4's absolute proper motion, mu_total = 22.57 +/- 0.76 mas/yr, in excellent agreement with recent studies. The clear separation of galaxies from stars in these deep data also allow us to search for inner-halo white dwarfs. We model the conventional Galactic contributions of white dwarfs along our line of sight and predict 7.9 (thin disk), 6.3 (thick disk) and 2.2 (spheroid) objects to the limiting magnitude at which we can clearly delineate stars from galaxies (V = 29). An additional 2.5 objects are expected from a 20% white dwarf dark halo consisting of 0.5 Mo objects, 70% of which are of the DA type. After considering the kinematics and morphology of the objects in our data set, we find the number of white dwarfs to be consistent with the predictions for each of the conventional populations. However, we do not find any evidence for dark halo white dwarfs.Comment: 31 pages, including 6 diagrams and 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2011: Dynamical Modeling of the Broad-Line Region

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    We present models of the Hβ\beta-emitting broad-line region (BLR) in seven Seyfert 1 galaxies from the Lick AGN (Active Galactic Nucleus) Monitoring Project 2011 sample, drawing inferences on the BLR structure and dynamics as well as the mass of the central supermassive black hole. We find that the BLR is generally a thick disk, viewed close to face-on, with preferential emission back toward the ionizing source. The dynamics in our sample range from near-circular elliptical orbits to inflowing or outflowing trajectories. We measure black hole masses of log10(MBH/M)=6.480.18+0.21\log_{10}(M_{\rm BH}/M_\odot) = 6.48^{+0.21}_{-0.18} for PG 1310-108, 7.500.18+0.257.50^{+0.25}_{-0.18} for Mrk 50, 7.460.21+0.157.46^{+0.15}_{-0.21} for Mrk 141, 7.580.08+0.087.58^{+0.08}_{-0.08} for Mrk 279, 7.110.17+0.207.11^{+0.20}_{-0.17} for Mrk 1511, 6.650.15+0.276.65^{+0.27}_{-0.15} for NGC 4593, and 6.940.14+0.146.94^{+0.14}_{-0.14} for Zw 229-015. We use these black hole mass measurements along with cross-correlation time lags and line widths to recover the scale factor ff used in traditional reverberation mapping measurements. Combining our results with other studies that use this modeling technique, bringing our sample size to 16, we calculate a scale factor that can be used for measuring black hole masses in other reverberation mapping campaigns. When using the root-mean-square (rms) spectrum and using the line dispersion to measure the line width, we find log10(frms,σ)pred=0.57±0.19\log_{10}(f_{{\rm rms},\sigma})_{\rm pred} = 0.57 \pm 0.19. Finally, we search for correlations between ff and other AGN and BLR parameters and find marginal evidence that ff is correlated with MBHM_{\rm BH} and the BLR inclination angle, but no significant evidence of a correlation with the AGN luminosity or Eddington ratio.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Lick AGN Monitoring Project 2011: Dynamical Modeling of the Broad Line Region in Mrk 50

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    We present dynamical modeling of the broad line region (BLR) in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 50 using reverberation mapping data taken as part of the Lick AGN Monitoring Project (LAMP) 2011. We model the reverberation mapping data directly, constraining the geometry and kinematics of the BLR, as well as deriving a black hole mass estimate that does not depend on a normalizing factor or virial coefficient. We find that the geometry of the BLR in Mrk 50 is a nearly face-on thick disk, with a mean radius of 9.6(+1.2,-0.9) light days, a width of the BLR of 6.9(+1.2,-1.1) light days, and a disk opening angle of 25\pm10 degrees above the plane. We also constrain the inclination angle to be 9(+7,-5) degrees, close to face-on. Finally, the black hole mass of Mrk 50 is inferred to be log10(M(BH)/Msun) = 7.57(+0.44,-0.27). By comparison to the virial black hole mass estimate from traditional reverberation mapping analysis, we find the normalizing constant (virial coefficient) to be log10(f) = 0.78(+0.44,-0.27), consistent with the commonly adopted mean value of 0.74 based on aligning the M(BH)-{\sigma}* relation for AGN and quiescent galaxies. While our dynamical model includes the possibility of a net inflow or outflow in the BLR, we cannot distinguish between these two scenarios.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 8 pages, 6 figure

    Planet Hunters: New Kepler planet candidates from analysis of quarter 2

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    We present new planet candidates identified in NASA Kepler quarter two public release data by volunteers engaged in the Planet Hunters citizen science project. The two candidates presented here survive checks for false-positives, including examination of the pixel offset to constrain the possibility of a background eclipsing binary. The orbital periods of the planet candidates are 97.46 days (KIC 4552729) and 284.03 (KIC 10005758) days and the modeled planet radii are 5.3 and 3.8 R_Earth. The latter star has an additional known planet candidate with a radius of 5.05 R_Earth and a period of 134.49 which was detected by the Kepler pipeline. The discovery of these candidates illustrates the value of massively distributed volunteer review of the Kepler database to recover candidates which were otherwise uncatalogued.Comment: Accepted to A

    Thymic stromal lymphopoietin is released by human epithelial cells in response to microbes, trauma, or inflammation and potently activates mast cells

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    Compelling evidence suggests that the epithelial cell–derived cytokine thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) may initiate asthma or atopic dermatitis through a dendritic cell–mediated T helper (Th)2 response. Here, we describe how TSLP might initiate and aggravate allergic inflammation in the absence of T lymphocytes and immunoglobulin E antibodies via the innate immune system. We show that TSLP, synergistically with interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor, stimulates the production of high levels of Th2 cytokines by human mast cells (MCs). We next report that TSLP is released by primary epithelial cells in response to certain microbial products, physical injury, or inflammatory cytokines. Direct epithelial cell–mediated, TSLP-dependent activation of MCs may play a central role in “intrinsic” forms of atopic diseases and explain the aggravating role of infection and scratching in these diseases