16 research outputs found

    Involvement of the agmatinergic system in the depressive-like phenotype of the Crtc1 knockout mouse model of depression.

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    Recent studies implicate the arginine-decarboxylation product agmatine in mood regulation. Agmatine has antidepressant properties in rodent models of depression, and agmatinase (Agmat), the agmatine-degrading enzyme, is upregulated in the brains of mood disorder patients. We have previously shown that mice lacking CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1) associate behavioral and molecular depressive-like endophenotypes, as well as blunted responses to classical antidepressants. Here, the molecular basis of the behavioral phenotype of Crtc1(-/-) mice was further examined using microarray gene expression profiling that revealed an upregulation of Agmat in the cortex of Crtc1(-/-) mice. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blot analyses confirmed Agmat upregulation in the Crtc1(-/-) prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus, which were further demonstrated by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy to comprise an increased number of Agmat-expressing cells, notably parvalbumin- and somatostatin-positive interneurons. Acute agmatine and ketamine treatments comparably improved the depressive-like behavior of male and female Crtc1(-/-) mice in the forced swim test, suggesting that exogenous agmatine has a rapid antidepressant effect through the compensation of agmatine deficit because of upregulated Agmat. Agmatine rapidly increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels only in the PFC of wild-type (WT) females, and decreased eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) phosphorylation in the PFC of male and female WT mice, indicating that agmatine might be a fast-acting antidepressant with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist properties. Collectively, these findings implicate Agmat in the depressive-like phenotype of Crtc1(-/-) mice, refine current understanding of the agmatinergic system in the brain and highlight its putative role in major depression

    A CRTC1 deficient mouse line study : relevance to mood disorders

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    Summary Mood disorders are among the most prevalent, psychosocial^ debilitating, chronic and relapsing forms of psychiatric illnesses. Despite considerable advances in their characterization, the heterogeneous nature of susceptibility factors and patient's symptoms could account for the lack of totally effective and remissive treatment. The neurobiological hypothesis of mood disorders etiology has evolved since the monoamine and neurotrophin theories and current evidence is pointing toward their integration in a broader polygenic epistatic model resulting in defective neuroplasticity of circuitries involved in emotion processing. Consequently, the unraveling of molecular underpinning pathways involved in neuronal plasticity, commonly altered among mood disorder syndromes and symptoms, should shed light on their etiology and provide new drug target. The transcription factor CREB has been critically involved in the long-lasting forms of neuronal plasticity and in the regulation of several mood disorders susceptibility genes. In addition, altered CREB activity has been associated with mood disorders pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy. Interestingly, the newly-identified protein CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1) was shown by previous studies in the laboratory to be a neuroactivity- dependent cAMP and calcium sensor, a potent activator of CREB-dependent transcription and involved in neuroplasticity mechanisms associated with long-term synaptic potentiation. Furthermore, the major mood disorder susceptibility gene Bdnf was suggested to be transcriptional regulated by CRTC1. Therefore, we aimed to investigate a role for CRTC1 in mood disorders by generating and characterizing a Crtcl deficient mouse model at the behavioral and molecular levels. Interestingly, their comprehensive characterization revealed a behavioral profile mirroring several major symptoms comorbid in mood disorders, including altered social interactions, aggressive behaviors, obesity, psychomotor retardation, increased emotional response to stress, decreased sexual drive and depression-like behaviors. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying these pathological behaviors and the implication of CRTC1 in the regulation of CREB-regulated genes in vivo, we also quantified transcript levels of several relevant CREB-regulated susceptibility genes in brain structures involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Strikingly, we found the underexpression of primary components of the neurotrophin system: Bdnf and its cognate receptor TrkB, a marked decrease in the Nr4a family of transcription factors, implicated in neuroplasticity and associated with dopamine-related disorders, as well as in several other relevant CREB regulated genes. Moreover, neurochemical analysis revealed that Crtcl null mice presented alteration in prefrontal cortical monoamine turnover as well as in hippocampal and accumbal serotonin levels, similarly associated with mood disorders etiology and pharmacotherapy. Together, the present thesis supports the involvement of CRTC1 pathway hypofunction in the pathogenesis of mood disorders and specifically in pathological aggression, obesity and depression-related behavior comorbidities. Ultimately, CRTC1 may represent an interesting antidepressant, antiaggressive or mood stabilizer drug target candidate through the modulation of major CREB regulated susceptibility genes. Les troubles de l'humeur comptent parmi les maladies psychiatriques les plus prévalentes, psychosocialement débilitantes, chroniques et avec le plus grand risque de rechute. Malgré de considérable avancées dans leur caractérisation, la nature hétérogène des facteurs de susceptibilité et des symptômes présentés par les patients, semble justifier l'absence de traitement entraînant une rémission complète de la maladie. L'hypothèse de l'étiologie neurobiologique des troubles de l'humeur a évolué depuis la théorie des monoamines et des neurotrophines. Actuellement, elle tend à les englober dans un modèle polygénique épistatique induisant une déficience de la neuroplasticité des circuits impliqué dans la régulation des émotions. Par conséquent, il apparaît particulièrement relevant de caractériser des voies moléculaires impliquées dans la plasticité neuronale, communément altérées parmi les différents syndromes et symptômes des maladies de l'humeur, afin d'améliorer leur compréhension ainsi que de proposer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles. Le facteur de transcription CREB a été de façon répétée et cohérente impliqué dans les mécanismes à long terme de la plasticité neuronale, ainsi que dans la régulation de plusieurs gènes de susceptibilité aux maladies de l'humeur. De plus, une altération dans l'activité de CREB a été impliqué dans leur étiologie et pharmacothérapie. De façon intéressante, des résultats préliminaires sur la protéine récemment découverte CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1) ont indiqué que son activation était dépendante de l'activité neuronale, qu'il était un senseur du calcium et de l'AMPc, ainsi qu'un coactivateur de CREB requis et puissant impliqué dans les mécanismes de plasticité neuronale associés à la potentialisation à long terme. En outre, des résultats ont suggéré que le gène majeur de susceptibilité Bdnf est régulé par CRTC1. Ainsi, notre objectif a été d'investiguer un rôle éventuel de CRTC1 dans les maladies de l'humeur en générant et caractérisant une lignée de souris déficiente pour Crtcl, tant au niveau comportemental que moléculaire. De façon intéressante, leur caractérisation détaillée a révélé un profil comportemental reflétant de nombreux aspects des maladies de l'humeur incluant une altération des interactions sociales, une agression pathologique, l'obésité, un retard psychomoteur, une réponse émotionnelle au stress accrue, une diminution de la motivation sexuelle, et des comportements reliés à la dépression. Afin d'investiguer les mécanismes moléculaires sous- jacents cette altération du comportement, ainsi que l'implication de CRTC1 dans l'expression des gènes régulés par CREB in vivo, nous avons quantifié les niveaux de transcrits de plusieurs gènes de susceptibilité régulés par CREB et impliqués dans la physiopathologie des maladies de l'humeur. Remarquablement, nous avons trouvé la sous-expression de composants primordiaux du système neurotrophique: Bdnf et son récepteur TrkB, une diminution majeure de la famille des facteurs de transcription Nr4a, impliqués dans la neuroplasticité et associés à des désordres liés à la dopamine, ainsi que de nombreux autres gènes relevants régulés par CREB. De plus, une analyse neurochimique a révélé que les souris déficientes pour Crtcî présentent une altération du turn-over des monoamines du cortex préfrontal ainsi que des niveaux hippocampaux et accumbaux de sérotonine, associés de façon similaire dans l'étiologie et la pharmacothérapie des maladies de l'humeur. Vue dans son ensemble, la présente thèse supporte l'implication d'une sous-régulation de la voie de CRTCI dans la pathogenèse des maladies de l'humeur ainsi que dans la comorbidité de l'agression pathologique, l'obésité et la dépression. En conclusion, CRTCI pourrait représenter une cible médicamenteuse intéressante aux propriétés antidépressante, antiagressive ou stabilisatrice de l'humeur au travers de la modulation de gènes de susceptibilité majeurs régulés par CREB

    Deletion of CREB-Regulated Transcription Coactivator 1 Induces Pathological Aggression, Depression-Related Behaviors, and Neuroplasticity Genes Dysregulation in Mice.

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    BACKGROUND: Mood disorders are polygenic disorders in which the alteration of several susceptibility genes results in dysfunctional mood regulation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their transcriptional dysregulation are still unclear. The transcription factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding protein (CREB) and the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been implicated in rodent models of depression. We previously provided evidence that Bdnf expression critically rely on a potent CREB coactivator called CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1). METHODS: To further evaluate the role of CRTC1 in the brain, we generated a knockout mouse line and analyzed its behavioral and molecular phenotype. RESULTS: We found that mice lacking CRTC1 associate neurobehavioral endophenotypes related to mood disorders. Crtc1(-/-) mice exhibit impulsive aggressiveness, social withdrawal, and decreased sexual motivation, together with increased behavioral despair, anhedonia, and anxiety-related behavior in the novelty-induced hypophagia test. They also present psychomotor retardation as well as increased emotional response to stressful events. Crtc1(-/-) mice have a blunted response to the antidepressant fluoxetine in behavioral despair paradigms, whereas fluoxetine normalizes their aggressiveness and their behavioral response in the novelty-induced hypophagia test. Crtc1(-/-) mice strikingly show, in addition to a reduced dopamine and serotonin turnover in the prefrontal cortex, a concomitant decreased expression of several susceptibility genes involved in neuroplasticity, including Bdnf, its receptor TrkB, the nuclear receptors Nr4a1-3, and several other CREB-regulated genes. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these findings support a role for the CRTC1-CREB pathway in mood disorders etiology and behavioral response to antidepressants and identify CRTC1 as an essential coactivator of genes involved in mood regulation

    MAP Kinase Phosphatase 1 (MKP-1/DUSP1) is neuroprotective in Huntington's Disease via additive effects of JNK and p38 inhibition

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    We previously demonstrated that sodium butyrate is neuroprotective in Huntington's disease (HD) mice and that this therapeutic effect is associated with increased expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase/dual-specificity phosphatase 1 (MKP-1/DUSP1). Here we show that enhancing MKP-1 expression is sufficient to achieve neuroprotection in lentiviral models of HD. Wild-type MKP-1 overexpression inhibited apoptosis in primary striatal neurons exposed to an N-terminal fragment of polyglutamine-expanded huntingtin (Htt171–82Q), blocking caspase-3 activation and significantly reducing neuronal cell death. This neuroprotective effect of MKP-1 was demonstrated to be dependent on its enzymatic activity, being ablated by mutation of its phosphatase domain and being attributed to inhibition of specific MAP kinases (MAPKs). Overexpression of MKP-1 prevented the polyglutamine-expanded huntingtin-induced activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and p38 MAPKs, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 activation was not altered by either polyglutamine-expanded Htt or MKP-1. Moreover, mutants of MKP-1 that selectively prevented p38 or JNK binding confirmed the important dual contributions of p38 and JNK regulation to MKP-1-mediated neuroprotection. These results demonstrate additive effects of p38 and JNK MAPK inhibition by MKP-1 without consequence to ERK activation in this striatal neuron-based paradigm. MKP-1 also provided neuroprotection in vivo in a lentiviral model of HD neuropathology in rat striatum. Together, these data extend previous evidence that JNK- and p38-mediated pathways contribute to HD pathogenesis and, importantly, show that therapies simultaneously inhibiting both JNK and p38 signaling pathways may lead to improved neuroprotective outcomes

    Calcineurin Mediates the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Effect on Expression of Both Subunits of the Follicle-Stimulating Hormone through Distinct Mechanisms ▿

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) regulates the expression of all three gonadotropin genes, encoding the common α subunit (αGSU) and hormone-specific β subunits, through the activation of several signal transduction pathways. We have shown that GnRH also upregulates calcineurin, and we hypothesized that calcineurin mediates the effects of GnRH on the transcription of the αGSU and follicle-stimulating hormone β (FSHβ) genes through two of its targets: nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and CREB-regulated transcription coactivator (TORC). We show that calcineurin is essential for GnRH-induced expression of both genes but that NFAT and TORC1 play quite distinct roles in activating each gene. GnRH induces calcineurin-dependent nuclear import of NFAT3, which activates the αGSU promoter, while TORC1 also mediates GnRH activation of this promoter, but not through CREB. GnRH initially stimulates the degradation of TORC1 but protects the N terminus of the newly synthesized protein to enhance its activity. Calcineurin induces Nur77 expression, likely via NFAT3, and Nur77 interacts synergistically with TORC1 and CREB to increase FSHβ promoter activity. Although TORC plays a role in the basal activity of the FSHβ promoter, it does not interact with phosphorylated CREB and probably does not play a major role in direct GnRH signaling to this gene. TORC may be part of an alternatively regulated pathway, possibly involving cross talk with other stimulatory hormones