108 research outputs found

    Quickscan Natura 2000 en Programma Beheer : een vergelijking van Programma Beheer met de soorten en habitats van Natura 2000

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    Nederland is bezig om voor de Europese Vogel en Habitatrichtlijn 162 gebieden aan te wijzen als Natura 2000-gebieden. In deze gebieden dient goed beheer ervoor zorg te dragen dat de instandhoudingstoestand van de soorten en habitats waarvoor de gebieden zijn aangewezen gunstig blijft of wordt. De centrale vraag van dit onderzoek is: “In hoeverre zijn de huidige pakketten van het Programma Beheer geschikt voor het beheer van de Natura 2000-habitats en de habitat van de Habitatrichtlijn-soorten?”. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat het huidige subsidieregeling wat betreft opzet en pakketbeschrijving gebruikt kan worden om subsidie aan te vragen voor het noodzakelijke beheer van de Natura 2000-habitats. De pluspakketten van de Subsidieregeling Natuurbeheer zijn in hoge mate geschikt om het gewenste beheer van de Natura 2000-habitats te reguleren met name voor de Natura 2000-typen vallend onder de heide, moeras, stuifzand en graslandpakketten

    BO-02-902-003 Landbouwactiviteiten binnen de Natura 2000-gebieden Haringvliet, Oude Maas en Hollands Diep

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    Op verzoek van LNV- Regio Zuid is voor 3 Natura 2000 gebieden (Haringvliet, Hollands Diep en Oude Maas) geanalyseerd welk type landbouw en landbouwbedrijven er in de gebieden voorkome

    Voorstudies natuurverkenningen 2002 : onderdeel internationaal

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    Internationale waarden van de Nederlandse natuur: een analyse voor het Natuurplanburea

    Information and communication on the designation and management of Natura2000 sites. Main Report 3: Towards Integrated Management

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    Following the selection of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) according to the Birds and the Habitats Directives, most European Member States are now in process of formally designating SPAs and SCIs as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) or Natura2000 sites. These protected areas collectively form the European Union’s Natura2000 network. Member States are also selecting and implementing adequate management approaches and instruments to maintain and restore the favourable conservation status of protected species and habitat types and to prevent damage to the integrity of the sites. Both actions follow Articles 6.1 and 6.2 of the Habitats Directive. To help the Member States, the European Commission wishes to improve the knowledge and exchange of information and good practice both on the designation process of SPAs and SACs and on the establishment of conservation measures and instruments for these areas. Furthermore, the Commission wants to stress the importance of the sites and their management by involving a wider group of stakeholders in the development of so-called integrated management, in accordance with Article 2 of the Habitats Directive. The project ‘PREPARATORY ACTIONS- Lot 2: Information and communication on the designation and management of sites’ (tender ENV.B.2/SER/2007/0076) is intended to help the Commission to achieve these objectives. In this report we will elaborate on the concept of integrated management as an option for managing the sites. In the first part the meaning of integrated management will be explored. In a second part we give some examples of management approaches that we think illustrate best the concept of integrated management and its potential to achieve the Natura2000 goals

    Information and communication on the designation and management of Natura2000 sites. Main Report 2: Organizing the management in 27 EU Member States

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    Following the selection of Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Sites of Community Importance (SCI) according to the Birds and the Habitats Directives, most European Member States are now in process of formally designating SPAs and SCIs as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) or Natura2000 sites. These protected areas collectively form the European Union’s Natura2000 network. Member States are also selecting and implementing adequate management approaches and instruments to maintain and restore the favourable conservation status of protected species and habitat types and to prevent damage to the integrity of the sites. Both actions follow Articles 6.1 and 6.2 of the Habitats Directive. To help the Member States, the European Commission wishes to improve the knowledge and exchange of information and good practice both on the designation process of SPAs and SACs and on the establishment of conservation measures and instruments for these areas. Furthermore, the Commission wants to stress the importance of the sites and their management by involving a wider group of stakeholders in the development of so-called integrated management, in accordance with Article 2 of the Habitats Directive. The project ‘PREPARATORY ACTIONS- Lot 2: Information and communication on the designation and management of sites’ (tender ENV.B.2/SER/2007/0076) is intended to help the Commission to achieve these objectives. This report presents a full description of the results of the project regarding the management of sites

    Robuuste verbindingen weer op de kaart

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    Het kabinet Rutte I (2010-2012) zette een streep door de robuuste verbindingen. Dit kabinet koos er voor om de Ecologische Hoofdstructuur (EHS) in een kleinere vorm te realiseren dan oorspronkelijk gepland. Voor robuuste verbindingen was geen geld. Inmiddels is kabinet Rutte II van start gegaan. Dat kabinet kiest een andere richting. Het regeerakkoord Bruggen slaan stelt simpelweg: “De ecologische hoofdstructuur wordt uitgevoerd, inclusief de verbindingszones”. De robuuste verbindingen staan dus weer op de kaart. Maar wat is de stand? Waar waren we gebleven

    Policy instruments and modes of governance in environmental policies of the European Union : past, present and future

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    This report reviews the trends in EU policy instruments and governance modes. Prior to discussing these thereport provides definitions for and describes a typology for governance modes and policy instruments. Thereport identifies three major trends in policy instruments and policy modes of the EU based on the availableliterature and a quick scan of five EU environmental directives, regulations or policies (Habitats Directive,Renewable Energy Directive, Timber Regulation, Water Framework Directive & Common Agricultural Policy).The trends are: a move from strict compulsory settings to due diligence in new legislation, a move fromregulatory to networking, information based instruments and knowledge instruments and an increasingreliance on self-governance

    Towards an ecological network for the Carpathians

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    The Carpathian Biodiversity Information System (CBIS) and the proposal for an ecological network for the eastern part of the Carpathians are the two main outcomes of the project funded by the BBI Matra program of the Dutch government. This brochure presents information on how the CBIS was designed, and how the data stored can be retrieved and used. It also clarifies how the CBIS data were used to design the ecological network and, last but not least, it offers recommendations for the use of the proposed ecological network in supporting sustainable developmentin the Carpathians. Due to funding restrictions, the project focused on three east Carpathian countries: Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, which together host the largest area of the Carpathians (Fig. 2). Geographically, the Eastern Carpathians also include parts of the Carpathians located in Poland and Slovakia. Data collection in the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) will be completed by 2010 and is funded by a parallel project