124 research outputs found

    Entre la colère… et la rupture du lien social : Des personnes ayant des incapacités témoignent de leur expérience face aux carences de la protection sociale

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    L’article présente les résultats d’une recherche qualitative qui avait pour objectif d’identifier et de décrire les conséquences sociales sur la santé de l’inaccessibilité aux services et aux compensations financières pour les personnes ayant des incapacités et leurs proches. Cinquante-deux personnes ont été rencontrées lors d’une entrevue individuelle. L’analyse de contenu des entrevues révèle que l’inaccessibilité entraîne des conséquences négatives sur la santé physique, la santé mentale et la participation sociale. L’analyse fait également ressortir comment les personnes composent face aux carences de la protection sociale. Ces résultats sont discutés à la lumière des transformations récentes dans les pratiques de compensation au Québec.This article presents the results of a qualitative study aiming to identify and describe the social and health consequences of the inaccessibility of services and financial compensations for people with disabilities and their close relations. Fifty-two people were individually interviewed. Content analysis of the interviews reveals that inaccessibility leads to negative consequences on physical health, mental health and social participation. The analysis also revealed how people deal with inadequacies in social protection. These results are discussed in light of recent transformations in Quebec’s compensation practices

    The Change of Alveolar Bone Thickness on Mandibular Central Incisors of Skeletal Class II Patients After Orthodontic Treatment Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.

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    Objective: To test the null hypothesis that orthodontic tooth movement does not create dehiscences and the sagittal width dimension of alveolar bone is maintained. Materials and Methods: In 60 skeletal class II patients, CBCT images at pre- (T1) and post-orthodontic treatment (T2) were obtained and the presence of dehiscences was recorded. Based on the presence of dehiscences at T1 and T2, the patients were divided into four groups. The alveolar bone thickness at the level of 2 (CEJ2), 5 (CEJ5), 10 (CEJ10), and 15 (CEJ15) mm from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) was measured on CBCT images in cross section along the long axis on the central incisors. CBCT-synthesized lateral cephalometric images were analyzed. Statistical analysis and the Pearson correlation analyses were utilized at a pResults: CBCT imaging showed that 27.1% of the mandibular central incisors had dehiscences at T1. With pre-existing dehiscence, the incidence of dehiscence increased to 50% at T2. Patients that developed dehiscences after orthodontic treatment showed the highest percentage of alveolar bone loss (-23.7% at CEJ2, -19.9% at CEJ5 at T2). In the group where patients developed dehiscences after orthodontic treatment, there was statistically significant mean increase of L1-NB (3.1mm) and IMPA (9.8°) (pConclusions: When camouflaging skeletal Class II patients, the limits of mandibular anterior incisor forward movement might be less than previously thought. In order to prevent the development of inadvertent dehiscences during the orthodontic treatment, careful diagnosis with CBCT images is recommended. Furthermore, when excessive protrusion and/or proclination is planned, additional treatment modalities such as orthognathic surgery, tooth extraction, and partial corticotomy with bone grafting should be considered

    Sagittal and Vertical Growth of the Maxillo–Mandibular Complex in Untreated Children: A Longitudinal Study on Lateral Cephalograms Derived from Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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    The aim of this longitudinal study was to evaluate the sagittal and vertical growth of the maxillo–mandibular complex in untreated children using orthogonal lateral cephalograms com-pressed from cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Two sets of scans, on 12 males (mean 8.75 years at T1, and 11.52 years at T2) and 18 females (mean 9.09 years at T1, and 10.80 years at T2), were analyzed using Dolphin 3D imaging. The displacements of the landmarks and rotations of both jaws relative to the cranial base were measured using the cranial base, and the maxillary and mandibular core lines. From T1 to T2, relative to the cranial base, the nasion, orbitale, A-point, and B-point moved anteriorly and inferiorly. The porion moved posteriorly and inferiorly. The ANB and mandibular plane angle decreased. All but one subject had forward rotation in reference to the cranial base. The maxillary and mandibular superimpositions showed no sagittal change on the A-point and B-point. The U6 and U1 erupted at 0.94 and 1.01 mm/year (males) and 0.82 and 0.95 mm/year (females), respectively. The L6 and L1 erupted at 0.66 and 0.88 mm/year (males), and at 0.41 mm/year for both the L6 and the L1 (females), respectively. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Influence of gender on people with disabilities’ work relationships : prospects for ergonomics interventions

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    Norms and values embedded in what is referred to as ‘institutionalised gender,’ defined by the distribution of power between genders in the political, educational, religious, medical, cultural or social institutions of a society, exist even today. The above mentioned influential institutions shape societal norms that define, reproduce and justify differing expectations and opportunities for women, men, girls and boys. Using qualitative methods, 41 semi-structured interviews among employed people with deafness/hard of hearing (DHH), blindness/low vision, motor disabilities, or chronic pain from three administrative regions of Québec (Montréal, Outaouais, and Montérégie) were analysed. The results show that while gender is omnipresent in participants’ remarks, it is not necessarily associated with exclusion from employment, but most certainly with perpetuating some forms of inequity in work situations. Solutions to raise awareness among ergonomists working with people with disabilities are suggested.Encore aujourd’hui, il existe des normes et des valeurs inscrites dans ce qui est appelé le « genre institutionnalisé », défini par la répartition du pouvoir entre les sexes dans les institutions politiques, éducatives, religieuses, médicales, culturelles ou sociales d’une société. Ces institutions influentes façonnent les normes sociales qui définissent, reproduisent et justifient souvent des attentes et des opportunités différentes pour les femmes et les hommes et les filles et les garçons. C’est à partir d’une méthodologie qualitative que 41 entrevues semi-dirigées de participants en emploi présentant une surdité, une cécité, une difficulté motrice ou des douleurs de trois régions administratives au Québec, Canada (Montréal, l’Outaouais et la Montérégie) ont été analysées. Les résultats montrent que même si le genre est omniprésent dans le discours des participants, il n’est pas nécessairement associé à l’exclusion en emploi, mais certainement au maintien de formes d’iniquités dans les situations de travail. Des pistes de solutions sont suggérées pour sensibiliser les ergonomes dans leurs interventions auprès de populations en situation de handicap

    Transverse Growth of the Maxillo-Mandibular Complex in Untreated Children: A Longitudinal Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal transverse growth of the maxillo-mandibular complex in untreated children using the Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)Two sets of scans on 12 males (mean 8.75 years at T1 and 11.52 years at T2) and 18 females (mean 9.09 years at T1 and 10.80 years at T2) were analyzed using Dolphin 3D imaging. The transverse widths of various maxillary and mandibular skeletal landmarks and the dentoalveolar and dental landmarks at the level of first molars were measured. Overall, there were greater increases in the transverse dimension in the posterior than anterior portions of the maxilla and mandible. The increase in intergonial width of the mandible seems to be primarily due to the lengthening of the mandibular body. The dentoalveolar process at the first molar level increases at an equal rate corono-apically and is independent to the changes in molar inclination. When comparing maxillary dentoalveolar changes with that of the mandible, greater increases were noticed in the maxilla, which might be explained by the presence of sutural growth in the maxilla. Moreover, the first molars maintain their coordination with each other despite the differential increase in the maxillary and mandibular dentoalveolar processes. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Trunk isometric force production parameters during erector spinae muscle vibration at different frequencies

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    Background: Vibration is known to alter proprioceptive afferents and create a tonic vibration reflex. The control of force and its variability are often considered determinants of motor performance and neuromuscular control. However, the effect of vibration on paraspinal muscle control and force production remains to be determined. Methods: Twenty-one healthy adults were asked to perform isometric trunk flexion and extension torque at 60% of their maximal voluntary isometric contraction, under three different vibration conditions: no vibration, vibration frequencies of 30 Hz and 80 Hz. Eighteen isometric contractions were performed under each condition without any feedback. Mechanical vibrations were applied bilaterally over the lumbar erector spinae muscles while participants were in neutral standing position. Time to peak torque (TPT), variable error (VE) as well as constant error (CE) and absolute error (AE) in peak torque were calculated and compared between conditions. Results: The main finding suggests that erector spinae muscle vibration significantly decreases the accuracy in a trunk extension isometric force reproduction task. There was no difference between both vibration frequencies with regard to force production parameters. Antagonist muscles do not seem to be directly affected by vibration stimulation when performing a trunk isometric task. Conclusions: The results suggest that acute erector spinae muscle vibration interferes with torque generation sequence of the trunk by distorting proprioceptive information in healthy participants

    The Disability Creation Process Model: A Comprehensive Explanation of Disabling Situations as a Guide to Developing Policy and Service Programs

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    Understanding disability remains a challenge. Although the international community has largely embraced the idea that disability is the product of social and environmental practices, society still lacks good conceptual frameworks. In an era when the rights of persons with disabilities have been enshrined in international and national laws, such frameworks have become a necessity. Within the province of Quebec, Canada, the Disability Creation Process (DCP) model has served such a role. Furthermore, recent efforts to enrich the model enhance the applicability of this powerful tool to a broader range of contexts. As a result, the DCP model could be used more widely than it is today. In this paper we provide the foundations of the approach encapsulated by the model and explain how its usage guides policy development and service delivery within the province of Quebec. We also highlight its forward-looking capacities
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