178 research outputs found

    Zero-point quantum swing of magnetic couples

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    Quantum fluctuations are ubiquitous in physics. Ranging from conventional examples like the harmonic oscillator to intricate theories on the origin of the universe, they alter virtually all aspects of matter -- including superconductivity, phase transitions and nanoscale processes. As a rule of thumb, the smaller the object, the larger their impact. This poses a serious challenge to modern nanotechnology, which aims total control via atom-by-atom engineered devices. In magnetic nanostructures, high stability of the magnetic signal is crucial when targeting realistic applications in information technology, e.g. miniaturized bits. Here, we demonstrate that zero-point spin-fluctuations are paramount in determining the fundamental magnetic exchange interactions that dictate the nature and stability of the magnetic state. Hinging on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we establish that quantum fluctuations correctly account for the large overestimation of the interactions as obtained from conventional static first-principles frameworks, filling in a crucial gap between theory and experiment [1,2]. Our analysis further reveals that zero-point spin-fluctuations tend to promote the non-collinearity and stability of chiral magnetic textures such as skyrmions -- a counter-intuitive quantum effect that inspires practical guidelines for designing disruptive nanodevices

    Chirality-driven orbital magnetic moments as a new probe for topological magnetic structures

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    When electrons are driven through unconventional magnetic structures, such as skyrmions, they experience emergent electromagnetic fields that originate several Hall effects. Independently, ground state emergent magnetic fields can also lead to orbital magnetism, even without the spin-orbit interaction. The close parallel between the geometric theories of the Hall effects and of the orbital magnetization raises the question: does a skyrmion display topological orbital magnetism? Here we first address the smallest systems with nonvanishing emergent magnetic field, trimers, characterizing the orbital magnetic properties from first-principles. Armed with this understanding, we study the orbital magnetism of skyrmions, and demonstrate that the contribution driven by the emergent magnetic field is topological. This means that the topological contribution to the orbital moment does not change under continous deformations of the magnetic structure. Furthermore, we use it to propose a new experimental protocol for the identification of topological magnetic structures, by soft x-ray spectroscopy.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Nature Communication

    Perpendicular Reading of Single Confined Magnetic Skyrmions

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    Thin-film sub-5 nm magnetic skyrmions constitute an ultimate scaling alternative for future digital data storage. Skyrmions are robust non-collinear spin-textures that can be moved and manipulated by small electrical currents. We show here an innovative technique to detect isolated nanoskyrmions with a current-perpendicular-to-plane geometry, which has immediate implications for device concepts. We explore the physics behind such a mechanism by studying the atomistic electronic structure of the magnetic quasiparticles. We investigate how the isolated skyrmion local-density-of-states which tunnels into the vacuum, when compared to the ferromagnetic background, is modified by the site-dependent spin-mixing of electronic states with different relative canting angles. Local transport properties are sensitive to this effect, as we report an atomistic conductance anisotropy of over 20% for magnetic skyrmions in Pd/Fe/Ir(111) thin-films. In single skyrmions, engineering this spin-mixing magnetoresistance possibly could be incorporated in future magnetic storage technologies

    Impurity-induced orbital magnetization in a Rashba electron gas

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    We investigate the induced orbital magnetization density in a Rashba electron gas with magnetic impurities. Relying on classical electrodynamics, we obtain this quantity through the bound currents composed of a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic-like contribution which emerge from the spin-orbit interaction. Similar to Friedel charge ripples, the bound currents and the orbital magnetization density oscillate as function of distance away from the impurity with characteristic wavelengths defined by the Fermi energy and the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The net induced orbital magnetization was found to be of the order of magnitude of its spin counterpart. Besides the exploration of the impact of the electronic filling of the impurity states, we investigate and analyze the orbital magnetization induced by an equilateral frustrated trimer in various non-collinear magnetic states. On the one hand, we confirm that non-vanishing three-spin chiralities generate a finite orbital magnetization density. On the other hand, higher order contributions lead to multiple-spin chiralities affecting non-trivially and significantly the overall magnitude and sign of the orbital magnetization

    A new view on the origin of zero-bias anomalies of Co atoms atop noble metal surfaces

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    Many-body phenomena are paramount in physics. In condensed matter, their hallmark is considerable on a wide range of material characteristics spanning electronic, magnetic, thermodynamic and transport properties. They potentially imprint non-trivial signatures in spectroscopic measurements, such as those assigned to Kondo, excitonic and polaronic features, whose emergence depends on the involved degrees of freedom. Here, we address systematically zero-bias anomalies detected by scanning tunneling spectroscopy on Co atoms deposited on Cu, Ag and Au(111) substrates, which remarkably are almost identical to those obtained from first-principles. These features originate from gaped spin-excitations induced by a finite magnetic anisotropy energy, in contrast to the usual widespread interpretation relating them to Kondo resonances. Resting on relativistic time-dependent density functional and many-body perturbation theories, we furthermore unveil a new many-body feature, the spinaron, resulting from the interaction of electrons and spin-excitations localizing electronic states in a well defined energy.Comment: Supplementary Information include

    SysML Model-Driven Approach to Verify Blocks Compatibility

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    International audienceIn the component paradigm, the system is seen as an assembly of heterogeneous components, where the system reliability depends on these components compatibility. In our approach, we focus on verifying compatibility of components modelled with SysML diagrams. Thus, we model component interactions with sequence diagrams (SDs) and components with SysML blocks. The SDs constitute a good start point for compatibility verification. However, this verification is still inapplicable directly on SDs, because they are expressed in informal language. Thus, to apply a verification method, it is necessary to translate the SDs into formal models, and then verify the wanted properties. In this paper, we propose a high-level model-driven approach which consists of an ATL grammar that automates the transformation of SDs into interface automata. Also, to allow an easy use of Ptolemy tool to verify properties on automata, we have proposed some Acceleo templates, which generate the Ptolemy entry specification

    Dynamical amplification of magnetoresistances and Hall currents up to the THz regime

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    Spin-orbit-related effects offer a highly promising route for reading and writing information in magnetic units of future devices. These phenomena rely not only on the static magnetization orientation but also on its dynamics to achieve fast switchings that can reach the THz range. In this work, we consider Co/Pt and Fe/W bilayers to show that accounting for the phase difference between different processes is crucial to the correct description of the dynamical currents. By tuning each system towards its ferromagnetic resonance, we reveal that dynamical spin Hall angles can non-trivially change sign and be boosted by over 500%, reaching giant values. We demonstrate that charge and spin pumping mechanisms can greatly magnify or dwindle the currents flowing through the system, influencing all kinds of magnetoresistive and Hall effects, thus impacting also dc and second harmonic experimental measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary Informatio

    Spin-resolved spectroscopic evidence for spinarons in Co adatoms

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    Single cobalt atoms on the (111) surfaces of noble metals were for a long time considered prototypical systems for the Kondo effect in scanning tunneling microscopy experiments. Yet, recent first-principle calculations suggest that the experimentally observed spectroscopic zero-bias anomaly (ZBA) should be interpreted in terms of excitations of the Co atom's spin and the formation of a novel quasiparticle, the spinaron, a magnetic polaron resulting from the interaction of spin excitations with conduction electrons, rather than in terms of a Kondo resonance. Here we present state-of-the-art spin-averaged and spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements on Co atoms on the Cu(111) surface in magnetic fields of up to 12 T, that allow us to discriminate between the different theoretical models and to invalidate the prevailing Kondo-based interpretation of the ZBA. Employing extended ab-initio calculations, we instead provide strong evidence for multiple spinaronic states in the system. Our work opens a new avenue of research to explore the characteristics and consequences of these intriguing hybrid many-body states as well as their design in man-made nanostructures.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure