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    Abbreviation process in Korean applies to both lexical and grammatical units (cf. Borowiak 2015). This article however focuses only on one type of the former, namely acronyms. The formations in question are created in the lingual process, which could be called acronymization and are a convenient means of expression widely used in various fields of contemporary civilization such as science and technology, economy and public life, media, marketing etc. Despite their undeniable popularity the subject of acronymology is given relatively little attention in relevant literature, which concentrates mainly on morpheme-based word-formation and thus downplays acronyms as being e.g. unpredictable ‘non-rule governed innovations’ (cf. Bauer 2001). The 20th century however, as Szadyko (1997: 127) points out, belongs to acronyms – that is why the subject definitely deserves more attention. The aim of this article is to identify, analyze and classify acronyms used in Korean. Abbreviations of this particular type, as this paper will attempt to show, although rarely and rather briefly discussed, are in fact extremely numerous in Korean language. Taking into consideration their number and variety the attempt to classify them according to origin, fields of usage, lexical meaning and familiarity, the method of formation, graphemic form and the type of founding constituents is made.한국어에서의 축약 과정은 각각 어휘적인 단위와 문법적인 단위에 의해서 이루어진다 (Borowiak 2015 참조). 그러나 본 연구는 전자의 방법 중 하나인 두문자어(acronym)에만 초점을 맞춘다. 논의하고자 하는 어휘적인 단위의 축약은 두문자화(頭文字化, acronymization)라고 명명 할 수 있는 언어 과정에 의해 형성되며, 현대 사회의 여러 분야, 즉 과학과 기술, 경제와 공적 생활, 대중매체, 마케팅 등의 분야에서 불가결하고 편리한 표현 수단으로 사용된다. 이러한 두문자어의 부정할 수 없는 대중성에도 불구하고 두문자론(頭文字論, acronymology)의 주제는 대체로 형태소에 중심을 두는 조어법에 있어서 상대적으로 적은 관심을 받고 있다. 또한 두문자어를 예측이 불가한 '비규칙적으로 규정된 혁신'(Bauer 2001 참조)으로 여기고 경시한다. 그러나 Szadyko (1997:127)가 지적한 바와 같이 '20세기는 두문자어의 세기이다.' 따라서 이 분야의 연구에 더욱 주목할 만한 가치가 있음을 밝힌다. 본 연구의 목적은 한국어에서 사용되는 두문자어를 찾아내고,분석·분류하는데에 있다. 본고에서는 매우 드물고 간략하게만 다루어지는 이 독특한 형태의 축약형이 실제로는 한국어에 수적으로 대단히 많이 존재함을 제시하고자 한다. 그리하여 두문자어의 수와 다양성을 염두에 두고 어원, 사용 분야, 어휘적인 의미와 친숙함, 형성 방법,서기소(書記素)의 형태 및 구성요소의 특성에 따른 분류를 시도할 것이다.Proces abrewiacji w języku koreańskim dotyczy zarówno jednostek leksykalnych, jak i gramatycznych (por. Borowiak, 2015). Niniejszy artykuł skupia się jednak tylko na jednym rodzaju tych pierwszych, a mianowicie na akronimach. Wspomniane formacje powstają w procesie językowym, który można nazwać akronimizacją i są wygodnym środkiem ekspresji szeroko stosowanym w różnych dziedzinach współczesnej cywilizacji, takich jak nauka i technika, ekonomia, życie publiczne, media, marketing itp. Pomimo swej niezaprzeczalnej popularności, zagadnieniu akronimologii poświęca się w literaturze przedmiotu stosunkowo niewiele uwagi. Wynika to zapewne z faktu, iż koncentruje się ona głównie na słowotwórstwie, opartym na analizie morfemów jako jednostek składowych i w związku z tym bagatelizuje akronimy, traktując je jako nieprzewidywalne „innowacje, nieoparte na regułach” (por. Bauer, 2001). Jednakże, jak wskazuje Szadyko (1997: 127), wiek XX należy do akronimów, dlatego też temat ten zasługuje na zdecydowanie większą uwagę. Celem niniejszej pracy jest wskazanie, przeanalizowanie oraz sklasyfikowanie akronimów używanych w języku koreańskim. Abrewiacje tego właśnie typu, choć rzadko i raczej pobieżnie omawiane w publikacjach poświęconych koreańskiemu słowotwórstwu, w języku koreańskim bardzo często występują. Biorąc pod uwagę ich liczbę oraz różnorodność, podjęto próbę sklasyfikowania ich na podstawie takich kryteriów, jak: pochodzenie, obszar zastosowania, rozpoznawalność, sposób tworzenia, forma grafemiczna oraz rodzaj elementów składowych

    The impact of English on the urban variety of Hindi. A contact linguistics study

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    This article aims at exploring the linguistic outcomes of English impact on colloquial, urban variety of Hindi. The goal is to establish what lexical elements are loaned and how they are adapted to the structure of UCH. It will also be examined whether UCH has recently undergone any structural interference from English, since such interference occurs in addition to extensive lexical borrowing.This article aims at exploring the linguistic outcomes of English impact on colloquial, urban variety of Hindi. The goal is to establish what lexical elements are loaned and how they are adapted to the structure of UCH. It will also be examined whether UCH has recently undergone any structural interference from English, since such interference occurs in addition to extensive lexical borrowing

    Mixed Conjunct Verbs And Other Manifestations Of Hindi Englishization

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    This article aims at describing some lexical exponents of English impact observed in the urban, colloquial variety of Hindi. At the lexical level of the language, the process of Hindi Englishization involves borrowing of lexemes representing major lexical categories and the formation of hybrid structures in which the borrowed and native morphemes meet. Accordingly, we will investigate some crucial aspects of English noun, adjective and adverb insertion, and further along discuss the mixed conjuct verbs, mixed postpositons and the affixation of the borrowed items.

    European Union and its Linguistic Future: a Myth of Multilingualism or an English Domination?

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    On the threshold of the 21st century when another 12 states joined the European Union a matter of multilingualism has been recently considered as a crucial factor with regard to European integration process. Having diverse society the UE has started to promote a phrase Unity in Diversity which in turn provides patronage for a number of cultural and education campaigns. Their aim is to prepare the European citizens for cultural integration and to help them to create a sense of European identity. The main assumption of the already taken actions is taking multilingualism as the pillar of the Union and presenting it as an example of equality regardless to citizens’ nationality. The herby article reveals however, that the idea of unity in diversity – at least from the linguistic point of view – is practically impossible to accomplish especially in the face of such a strong position of English in the international arena as it has nowadays. What’s more, inside Union in its administration structures the idea of equality is not observed. Due to purely practical and organisational reasons just one language is used – English. Also English is the foreign language that is taught most often in schools throughout the Europe. A question arises whether the idea of a multilingual Union is not a myth? On the threshold of the 21st century when another 12 states joined the European Union a matter of multilingualism has been recently considered as a crucial factor with regard to European integration process. Having diverse society the UE has started to promote a phrase Unity in Diversity which in turn provides patronage for a number of cultural and education campaigns. Their aim is to prepare the European citizens for cultural integration and to help them to create a sense of European identity. The main assumption of the already taken actions is taking multilingualism as the pillar of the Union and presenting it as an example of equality regardless to citizens’ nationality. The herby article reveals however, that the idea of unity in diversity – at least from the linguistic point of view – is practically impossible to accomplish especially in the face of such a strong position of English in the international arena as it has nowadays. What’s more, inside Union in its administration structures the idea of equality is not observed. Due to purely practical and organisational reasons just one language is used – English. Also English is the foreign language that is taught most often in schools throughout the Europe. A question arises whether the idea of a multilingual Union is not a myth

    Teachers\u27 Perception Of Student Technology Use

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    Students in today’s public school system are bombarded with technology at an early age. These students are expected to learn from technology, but they are often not taught to use the technology. It is a common belief that these students are fully immersed in a world of laptops, tablets, and cell phones before entering the school system and are already prepared to use the technology at school. Evidence to prove devices for each student are beneficial is severely lacking, yet many schools across the United States have adopted the one-to-one program, providing either a tablet, laptop, or other device for every student. This study reports the perception of business and technology teachers regarding the technology aptitude of students in grades 6-12. The primary aim was to answer this question: Does the assumption of technical knowledge in digital natives lead to a demonstrated skill gap for today’s students? In context, digital natives is a term coined by Mark Prensky for individuals who have only lived in a world of digital media. The participants were six business and technology teachers from the Midwest. Three teachers were junior high teachers and three were high school teachers. This qualitative research data was collected via one-on-one virtual interviews. The results indicate that by junior high, students use technology in the classroom regularly, yet students are displaying skill gaps such as inefficiencies in use of the keyboard and time management, overconfidence in multitasking, and even deficiencies in morals such as cheating. Further research is needed to confirm the results and to identify other factors that could strengthen the effectiveness of these campaigns

    Co komunikują nazwy bułgarskich hoteli?

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    This article is devoted to hotel names in Sunny Beach, a Bulgarian Black Sea resort. The article provides a review of the names and merely classifies the hotel names in the resort in question. Formal and semantic analyses have been carried out as essential for further research into Bulgarian brand names, including accommodation place names which I intend to pursue by means of a new research methodology.Artykuł dotyczy nazw marketingowych hoteli w bułgarskim kurorcie czarnomorskim Słoneczny Brzeg. Ma on charakter przeglądowy i jedynie klasyfikuje nazwy hoteli w wybranym przeze mnie kurorcie. Zostały przeprowadzone analizy: formalna i semantyczna, co jest niezbędne do dalszych badań nad bułgarskimi nazwami marketingowymi, w tym nazwami miejsc noclegowych, które zamierzam kontynuować, uwzględniając zupełnie nową metodologię badawczą


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    Analyzing various classifications of sentence parts in Korean and Polish, it is easy to identify the existence of attributes in both of them, although the English term itself is not actually being used by Korean linguists, and thus might not be well known. Nevertheless, since the function of gwanhyeongeo (Kor. 관형어) in Korean, and attributes in Polish is similar, for the sake of transparency, this particular term will be used.The aim of this article is to propose a comprehensive classification of attributes in both target languages based on formal, syntactic and semantic parameters. In order to do it in the most exhaustive way, firstly different approaches concerning the definition of attributes, as well as the methods of their classification, proposed by various linguists in both languages will be examined. The author hopes to find out to which extent the typological differences between Korean and Polish are reflected in the attributes’ properties, according to which they can be classified.한국어와 폴란드어에 각각 존재하는 다양한 문장 성분의 분류를 분석해 보면 양국 언어에서 관형어의 실재를 쉽게 확인할 수 있다. ‘Attribute’란 용어 자체가 한국 언어학자들에 의해 실제로 사용되지 않음으로써 잘 알려져 있지 않지만, 한국어 문장에서 관형어의 기능은 폴란드어 문장에서의 ‘attribute’와 기능이 유사하기 때문에 연구의 명확성을 위해서 ‘attribute’라는 용어를 사용할 것이다.본 연구의 목적은 두 언어에서의 형태적ㆍ통사적ㆍ의미적 매개 변수를 바탕으로 둔 포괄적인 관형어의 분류를 제안하는 데에 있다. 이 과제를 최대한 철저히 수행하기 위하여 먼저 한국과 폴란드의 여러 언어학자들이 관형어를 어떻게 정의하고 분류해 왔는지를 알아볼 것이다.본고는 한국어와 폴란드어 간의 유형론적인 차이가 관형어의 속성을 분류하는 방법에 어느 정도 반영되는지를 밝혀 내고자 한다.Porównując różne klasyfikacje części zdania, istniejące w języku koreańskim i polskim, potwierdzimy występowanie przydawek. Pomimo, iż angielski termin określający przydawkę - ‘attribute’ nie jest stosowany przez koreańskich lingwistów, ze względu na podobieństwa gwanhyeongeo (kor. 관형어) w języku koreańskim i przydawkami w języku polskim oraz dla zachowania przejrzystości, termin ten będzie stosowany.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaproponowanie klasyfikacji przydawek w języku koreańskim i polskim, opartej na parametrach formalnych, syntaktycznych oraz leksykalnych. Aby precyzyjnie scharakteryzować przydawki, najpierw zostaną przeanalizowane różne definicje tej części zdania oraz metody ich klasyfikacji, zaproponowane przez różnych koreańskich i polskich językoznawców. Autor żywi nadzieję, iż niniejsze badanie ujawni, do jakiego stopnia różnice typologiczne istniejące pomiędzy językiem koreańskim i polskim są odzwierciedlone we własnościach, według których przydawki w obu językach mogą zostać sklasyfikowane

    Czy firmonimy można rozpatrywać w kontekście projektowym? Wprowadzenie do problematyki badań

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    This article presents the author’s conclusions on firmonyms (chrematonyms) located in urban space, drawn partly on the basis of the object-oriented philosophy. The material in the form of photographs of shop signs was collected during the field exploration, mostly in Poznań. The design context of firmonyms is based on relevant communicative functions they fulfil as described in the theory of business communication (see Wacław Šmid). New design context, which, in the author’s opinion, should constitute a separate category in research on proper names that blend into our “urban (linguistic) landscape”, can be a starting point for conclusions concerning aesthetics, utility or simplicity of form and can underline marketing or linguistic assets as well as problems of onomastic texts. The author also presents another methodological suggestion based on the word-picture composition created in the 16th century, i.e. an emblem. It can be used in the onomastic-design aspect, using literary terms such as lemma, imago or subscription as components of the emblem, connecting the image with the text. The above-presented research problem shall be the scope of further studies in the field of marketing and design in its broad sense, bordering on onomastics.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie kwestii dotyczących nazw firmowych (chrematonimów) umiejscowionych w przestrzeni miejskiej, z wykorzystaniem teorii zwrotu ku rzeczom. Materiał w postaci zdjęć szyldów został zebrany podczas eksploracji terenu, w przeważającej mierze w Poznaniu. Płaszczyzną do umiejscowienia ich w kontekście projektowym jest funkcjonowanie nazw własnych w kontekstach komunikacyjnych zaczerpniętych z teorii komunikacji biznesowej (por. W. Šmid). Nowy kontekst projektowy, który warto według autora wyodrębnić w badaniach związanych z nazwami firmowymi (firmonimy) w „pejzażu miejskim (językowym)”, prowadzi nie tylko do wniosków związanych z estetyką, użytkowością czy prostotą formy, ale także uwypukla marketingowe oraz językowe walory i problemy omawianych onimów. Autor ukazuje także jeszcze jedną propozycję metodologiczną, której podstawę stanowi powstała w XVI wieku kompozycja słowno-obrazkowa, jaką jest emblemat.Wykorzystać ją można w onomastyczno-projektowym aspekcie, stosując literaturoznawcze pojęcia, takie jak lemma, imago czy subskrypcja, jako składowe emblematu, łączące obraz z tekstem. Przedstawione zagadnienie jest jedynie wprowadzeniem do szerszych badań z pogranicza onomastyki, szeroko rozumianego marketingu i dizajnu, których wynik zostanie przedstawiony w formie oddzielnej monografii

    Selected Issues on a Language in the Information Society

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    In this paper the author asks questions concerning a language: its role, place and function in the information society. Finding the answers she defines the issues by categorizing the concept of a language in relation to its users and the ICT tools used by these users. As a result they fall into three categories: 1. unintentional users, 2. intentional users and 3. pre-users; each with a set of ICT tools assigned to their group.In this paper the author asks questions concerning a language: its role, place and function in the information society. Finding the answers she defines the issues by categorizing the concept of a language in relation to its users and the ICT tools used by these users. As a result they fall into three categories: 1. unintentional users, 2. intentional users and 3. pre-users; each with a set of ICT tools assigned to their group