1,084 research outputs found

    Evidence for Substantial Charge Symmetry Violation in Parton Distributions

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    In principle one can test the validity of charge symmetry for parton distributions by comparing structure functions measured in neutrino and charged lepton deep inelastic scattering. New experiments make such tests possible; they provide rather tight upper limits on parton charge symmetry violation [CSV] for intermediate Bjorken x, but appear to show evidence for CSV effects at small x. We examine two effects which might account for this experimental discrepancy: nuclear shadowing corrections for neutrinos, and strange quark contributions s(x) unequal to sbar(x). We show that neither of these two corrections removes the experimental discrepancy between the structure functions. We are therefore forced to consider the possibility of a surprisingly large CSV effect in the nucleon sea quark distributions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 postscript figure

    A foszfor- és a lipidtartalom, valamint a kondíciófaktor összefüggése és szezonális változása három halfaj példáján

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    A sztöchiometriai elmélet szerint az élőlények elemi összetétele és a testben raktározott tápanyagok egymáshoz viszonyított aránya fajra jellemző, állandó érték. Újabb vizsgálatok azonban bebizonyították, hogy egy fajon belül is lehetnek szignifikáns különbségek tápanyagtartalom tekintetében. Munkánk során három halfaj (amurgéb, naphal, vörösszárnyú keszeg) foszfortartalmát, lipidtartalmát és kondíciófaktorát mértük, továbbá vizsgáltuk ezek szezonális változását a populációkon belül. A test foszfortartalmának szezonális változását megvizsgálva elmondható, hogy egy populáción belül is előfordulnak szignifikáns különbségek. Hozzá kell tennünk azonban, hogy a fajok közötti különbségek sokkal számottevőbbek. Feltételezésünk szerint a lipidtartalom mennyiségének csak jelentős változása révén képes a test foszfortartalmát megváltoztatni a szén‐foszfor arány befolyásolásán keresztül. A lipidtartalom és a kondíciófaktor közötti szoros kapcsolat nem minden populáció esetében figyelhető meg. Előfordulhat, hogy a kondíciófaktor emelkedését nem a lipidtartalom növekedése, hanem más szövetek gyarapodása okozza

    Derivation of an integral of Boros and Moll via convolution of Student t-densities

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    We show that the evaluation of an integral considered by Boros and Moll is a special case of a convolution result about Student t-densities obtained by the authors in 2008

    Lambda Polarization in Polarized Proton-Proton Collisions at RHIC

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    We discuss Lambda polarization in semi-inclusive proton-proton collisions, with one of the protons longitudinally polarized. The hyperfine interaction responsible for the Δ\Delta-NN and Σ\Sigma-Λ\Lambda mass splittings gives rise to flavor asymmetric fragmentation functions and to sizable polarized non-strange fragmentation functions. We predict large positive Lambda polarization in polarized proton-proton collisions at large rapidities of the produced Lambda, while other models, based on SU(3) flavor symmetric fragmentation functions, predict zero or negative Lambda polarization. The effect of Σ0\Sigma^0 and Σ\Sigma^* decays is also discussed. Forthcoming experiments at RHIC will be able to differentiate between these predictions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Analyzing powers in inclusive pion production at high energy and the nucleon spin structure

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    Analyzing powers in inclusive pion production in high energy transversely polarized proton-proton collisions are studied theoretically in the framework of the quark recombination model. Calculations by assuming the SU(6) spin-flavor symmetry for the nucleon structure disagree with the experiments. We solve this difficulty by taking into account the %We overcome this difficulty by taking into account the realistic spin distribution functions of the nucleon, which differs from the SU(6) expectation at large xx, %but coincides with a perturbative QCD constraint on the ratio of the unpolarized valence distributions, u/d5u/d \to 5 as x1x \to 1. We also discuss the kaon spin asymmetry and find AN(K+)=AN(K0)A_N(K^+) = -A_N(K^0) in the polarized proton-proton collisions at large xFx_F.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, late

    How Much Is Winning a Matter of Luck? A Comparison of 3 × 3 and 5v5 Basketball

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    Background: The comparison of team sports based on luck has a long tradition and remains unsolved. A contrast between the new Olympic format three-on-three (3 × 3) and five-on-five (5v5) forms of basketball has never been analyzed and provides a comparison within the same form of sports. Methods: We developed a new method to calculate performance indicators for each team and invented the Relative Score Difference Index, a new competitive balance indicator that allows the comparison of luck in the two basketball forms for both men and women. We collected game-level data about 3 × 3 and 5v5 from the World Cups held between 2010 and 2019 (N = 666). Luck was defined as the difference between the expected and the actual outcomes of games. Using the basketball World Cup data, we applied the Surprise Index, ran probit regression models, and compared the basketball forms on the goodness-of-fit of the models. Results: As we predicted, there are differential effects of luck between game formats and sex, such that the 3 × 3 form depends more on luck and women’s games are less influenced by luck when compared to men’s games. Conclusion: Coaches may better understand the differences between the two forms and sexes regarding luck if they are aware that the 3 × 3 and men’s competitions are usually more influenced by luck. The findings provide a leverage point for testing new performances and competition balance indicators and will acknowledge the number of games we enjoy watching

    Baryon Magnetic Moments and Proton Spin: A Model with Collective Quark Rotation

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    We analyse the baryon magnetic moments in a model that relates them to the parton spins Δu\Delta u, Δd\Delta d, Δs\Delta s, and includes a contribution from orbital angular momentum. The specific assumption is the existence of a 3-quark correlation (such as a flux string) that rotates with angular momentum Lz\langle L_z \rangle around the proton spin axis. A fit to the baryon magnetic moments, constrained by the measured values of the axial vector coupling constants a(3)=F+Da^{(3)}=F+D, a(8)=3FDa^{(8)}=3F-D, yields Sz=0.08±0.13\langle S_z \rangle = 0.08 \pm 0.13, Lz=0.39±0.09\langle L_z \rangle = 0.39 \pm 0.09, where the error is a theoretical estimate. A second fit, under slightly different assumptions, gives Lz=0.37±0.09\langle L_z \rangle = 0.37 \pm 0.09, with no constraint on Sz\langle S_z \rangle. The model provides a consistent description of axial vector couplings, magnetic moments and the quark polarization Sz\langle S_z \rangle measured in deep inelastic scattering. The fits suggest that a significant part of the angular momentum of the proton may reside in a collective rotation of the constituent quarks.Comment: 16 pages, 3 ps-figures, uses RevTeX. Abstract, Sec. II, III and IV have been expande

    Lambda polarization and single-spin left-right asymmetry in diffractive hadron-hadron collisions

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    We discuss Lambda polarization and single-spin left-right asymmetry in diffractive hadron-hadron scattering at high energies. We show that the physical picture proposed in a recent Letter is consistent with the experimental observation that Λ\Lambda polarization in the diffractive process, ppΛK+ppp\to \Lambda K^+p, is much higher than that in the inclusive reaction, ppΛXpp\to \Lambda X. We make predictions for the left-right asymmetry, A_N, and for the spin transfer, DNNΛD_{NN}^\Lambda, in the single-spin process p()pΛK+pp(\uparrow)p\to \Lambda K^+p and suggest further experimental tests of the proposed picture.Comment: 14 pages, 3 ps-figures. Phys. Rev. D (in press