137 research outputs found

    The ICF-CY as Framework for International Collaboration to Improve Services for Children with Communication Disorders

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    The purpose of this presentation is to describe the application of The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children and Youth Version (ICF-CY) (WHO, 2007) as a framework for international collaboration with the aim of translating an outcomes measure and to field test the clinical applicability and cultural validity thereof

    Personal Commitment Statements in Evaluating Continuing Education: Evolutionary Practice

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    The use of a Commitment-to-Change (CTC) statement to evaluate Continuing Education was investigated through a case study design. A CE event on communication disorders within the ICF-CY framework was evaluated by a Personal Commitment form and a follow-up survey. Results of a thematic analysis of statements and follow-up survey illustrate the important potential of this evolutionary approach

    The development of a primary level communication intervention protocol for children with severe disabilities

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    Service delivery to children with severe disabilities (CSDs) in developing countries share some common characteristics. These include inaccessible services due to the fact that the majority of services are located in a few large cities, the focus of services are usually on school-age children (with few for pre-schoolers), many services require specialised staff and high technology equipment that is not always available and professionals who tend to work in isolation with minimal integration between services. A particularly vulnerable group within the sphere of CSDs are beginning communicators because of their inability to articulate their needs, feelings and rights. Programmes to specifically address these communication needs by equipping them with the necessary skills to interact and participate in society, are very limited. Often the first contact that primary caregivers of a CSD have with professionals, is with the community health nurse. Furthermore, they often remain the only professionals who provide continuous support and assistance to these caregivers. It is therefore clear that these nurses need to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in order to assist caregivers in dealing with their children with severe disabilities. This can be done by training these nurses (through multiskilling) to function as transdisciplinary professionals. Furthermore, a need for appropriate materials for service delivery to this population also exists. Consequently the BCIP (Beginning Communication Intervention Protocol) was developed. The BCIP addresses four important communication domains, namely communication means (including objects, photographs, manual signs, PCS symbols and a simplified 4-option digital speaker), functions (namely informational functions e.g. requesting more, requesting help, etc. and social functions, e.g. greeting, drawing attention to self, etc.), partners (both adults and peers) and the deliberate creation of communication opportunities (e.g. by providing small portions, placing desired items out of research) etc. Care was taken to ensure culture sensitivity and the authenticity of the BCIP. Twenty community health nurses were trained in the application of the BCIP. Training employed adult learning principles and was one week long, followed by three follow-ups that were conducted in situ (at two weeks, six weeks and five months post-training). Multiple measurements were used to evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired after training, namely questionnaires, structured interviews, skill demonstrations (which were video recorded and rated by the researcher and an independent rater) and a focus group. Results indicated that the BCIP training is relevant in bringing about a significant change in the targeted domains, namely knowledge and skills. Peripheral behaviours (namely attitudes, job satisfaction and type of service delivery provided) were all rated high at the onset of the research and thus quantitative data failed to show improvement. On the other hand, qualitative data from the focus group suggested improvement.Dissertation (PhD (Augmentative and Alternative Communication))--University of Pretoria, 2004.Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC)unrestricte

    A systematic review of ethics knowledge in audiology (1980 – 2010)

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    PURPOSE : The purpose of this research was to apply multiple perspectives as part of a systematic review to analyse the literature regarding ethics in audiology. Audiologists are particularly vulnerable to the changing requirements of the discipline that compel them to straddle both professional obligations and business principles, creating a ‘hybrid’ professional. METHOD : A two-phase mixed method approach was used to analyse publications. Publications were sorted into categories, namely approach to ethics, author, decade, role of the audiologist, component of morality, and common themes. The sample consisted of peer-reviewed papers cited in MEDLINE, CINAHL, ERIC, MasterFILE Premier, E-Journals, Africa-Wide Information and Academic Search Premier electronic database indexes, as well as non-peer-reviewed papers in the Seminars in Hearing professional journal.RESULTS : The publications were predominantly philosophical, focused on the rehabilitative role of the audiologist, and addressed the moral judgement component of moral behaviour.CONCLUSIONS : Despite the fact that knowledge of ethics grew between 1980 and 2010, this retrospective analysis identified gaps in current knowledge. Research is needed to address the unique ethical problems commonly encountered in all 8 roles of the audiologist; patient perspectives on ethics; ethical approaches; factors affecting moral judgment, sensitivity, motivation, and courage; and cultural dimensions of ethical practice in audiology.http://aja.pubs.asha.org/issue.aspxhb201

    Ethical sensitivity of practising audiologists

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    THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK : An understanding of the client, his/her needs, emotions and circumstances is fundamental to an effective therapeutic relationship. This holistic focus on the therapeutic relationship and service excellence constitutes, together with ethical sensitivity, the building blocks for effective and competent practice. The Measuring Instrument for Ethical Sensitivity in the Therapeutic Sciences (MIEST) is the first multidisciplinary measuring instrument to describe the ethical sensitivity of audiologists and other therapists. In an era where therapists are daily confronted with ethical decision making, it is important to determine the different levels of skill related to ethical sensitivity. The data obtained by means of the MIEST can provide guidance through workshops and professional development programmes. Ethical sensitivity is the first step in the framework of ethical behaviour and for that reason forms the foundation of this research. AIM : To investigate the ethical sensitivity of practising audiologists in terms of defined principles and skills. METHODOLOGY : A quantitative research design using an existing measuring instrument was applied. Fifty participants completed the MIEST measuring instrument. Data collection was managed electronically and the data was quantitatively analysed using parametric and inferential statistics. RESULTS : The mean score for the practising audiologists was 65%, which places this group of participants in the developing phase of ethical sensitivity. The highest level of ethical sensitivity related to the principle of justice and the skill emotional expression. The study identified a need to further develop the ethical sensitivity of audiologists, especially with regard to nonmaleficence, controlling social bias and the interpretation of situations.TEORETIESE RAAMWERK : ʼn Begrip van die kliënt, sy/haar behoeftes, emosies en omstandighede vorm die basis van ʼn doeltreffende terapeutiese verhouding. Diensuitnemendheid en etiese sensitiwiteit vorm saam met hierdie holistiese kliënt-terapeut-benadering die boustene vir doeltreffende dienslewering. Die Meetinstrument vir Etiese Sensitiwiteit in die Terapeutiese Wetenskappe (MIEST) is die eerste multidissiplinêre meetinstrument beskikbaar om etiese sensitiwiteit van oudioloë en ander terapeute te evalueer. In ʼn eeu waar terapeute daagliks gekonfronteer word met etiese besluitneming is dit belangrik om die vlak van ontwikkeling van terapeute in verskillende fases van etiese besluitneming te bepaal. Die MIEST kan in die toekoms as rigtingwyser vir werkswinkels en professionele ontwikkelingsprogramme gebruik word. Etiese sensitiwiteit is die eerste stap in die raamwerk van etiese optrede en word daarom as die vertrekpunt vir hierdie navorsing beskou. DOEL : Om die etiese sensitiwiteit van praktiserende oudioloë te ondersoek met verwysing na spesifieke beginsels en vaardighede. METODIEK : ʼn Kwantitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gevolg met die gebruik van ʼn reeds ontwikkelde meetinstrument, naamlik die MIEST. Vyftig deelnemers het die meetinstrument voltooi. Data-insameling het elektronies plaasgevind. Die data is kwantitatief ontleed deur middel van beskrywende sowel as parametriese en inferensiële statistiek. BEVINDINGS : Die gemiddelde prestasie van praktiserende oudioloë was 65%, wat hul in die “ontwikkelende” fase van etiese sensitiwiteit plaas. Die hoogste vlak van etiese sensitiwiteit was in ooreenstemming met die beginsel van geregtigheid asook die vaardigheid, naamlik emosionele uitdrukking. ʼn Behoefte is geïdentifiseer om oudioloë se etiese sensitiwiteit spesifiek ten opsigte van nie-kwaadwilligheid, beheer oor sosiale vooroordeel en die vertolking van situasies te verhoog.http://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/akgeeshttp://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0041-4751&lng=enam2017Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC

    Motor neuron disease : the impact of decreased speech intelligibility on marital communication

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    BACKGROUND: The onset of motor neuron disease (MND), a neurodegenerative disease, results in physical and communication disabilities that impinge on an individual’s ability to remain functionally independent. Multiple aspects of the marital relationship are affected by the continuously changing roles and responsibilities. Communication is one of the most constructive ways of dealing with emotions that are elicited by these changes. METHOD: This study explored the association between the deteriorating speech of persons with MND and couples’ perception of marital communication. Fourteen couples participated in this non-experimental correlational research study. Data were collected over a 12-month period through the administration of objective and subjective measures. RESULTS: Results showed that despite decreased speech intelligibility, the relationship between the deteriorating speech and the couples’ perception of marital communication was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Overall, the results proved that the supposition that communication between couples will invariably deteriorate as a result of progressively reduced speech intelligibility is not necessarily valid. The fundamental importance of effective communication in marriage is highlighted. It is well established that augmentative and alternative communication strategies can preserve the ability to develop and maintain intimate rewarding relationships, even in the face of profound physical disabilities.http://www.safpj.co.zaam201


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    Maiden välisen liikkuvuuden lisääntyminen on tuonut monikielisyyden arkipäivänhaasteeksi monille sellaisillekin, Suomen kaltaisille maille, joissa on aiemminselviydytty hyvin yhdellä tai muutamalla virallisella kielellä. Haaste on erityisensuuri puheterapiatyön kaltaisilla ammatillisilla aloilla, joissa kieli on sekä toiminnanväline että sen kohde. Monikielisten kuntoutustilanteiden kielelliset ongelmat ovatainakin jossain määrin ratkaistavissa esimerkiksi tulkin avulla, mutta kielellistenkinratkaisujen onnistuminen riippuu siitä, kuinka asiakas ja työtekijä pystyvät sovittamaanyhteen usein hyvinkin erilaiset, kulttuurisesti määräytyneet arvomaailmansa. Muunmuassa Etelä-Afrikassa monikulttuurinen työskentely on puheterapeutin arkipäivää,ja monikulttuurisen kompetenssin kasvattaminen kuuluukin siellä olennaisenaosana myös puheterapeuttikoulutukseen. Tässä artikkelissa pohditaan muutamia,monikielisen kuntoutustyön kannalta keskeisiä kulttuurisia arvojatkumoita, joille suurinosa esimerkiksi eteläafrikkalaisista ja suomalaisista sijoittuu hyvin eri kohtaan.Avainsanat: monikulttuurisuus, monikielisyys, arvot, puheterapiaKeywords: multiculturalism, multilingualism, values, speech and language therap

    A sexuality and relationship training program for women with intellectual disabilities : a social story approach

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    A multi-method study design involving three different phases was used to develop four social stories that could be used as part of a sexuality and relationship training program for women with intellectual disabilities. Phase 1 entailed a systematic review of the literature and results indicate that social stories provide a suitable methodology for teaching socially desirable responses related to sexuality and relationships. Phase 2 entailed a focus group with women with intellectual disabilities and results showed that they wanted more information about different types of relationships, including romantic relationships. They also wanted to understand what types of behaviour (e.g. different types of greetings) were appropriate for the different types of relationships. Next, four social stories were written based on the results of these two phases. Finally, these four social stories were implemented in Phase 3 with ten caregivers of women with intellectual disabilities in order to evaluate the appropriateness of the stories. Results showed that three of the four social stories were appropriate, and that one required re-writing as it was not appropriate for the specific context, as women at that facility did not have the opportunity to go on dates. A suggestion was made that the story be re-written to reflect romantic relationships as opposed to dating.http://link.springer.com/journal/111952017-09-30hb2016Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC

    A measuring instrument for ethical sensitivity in the therapeutic sciences

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    An emerging literature in behavioural ethics conceptualized ethical sensitivity as a critical part of the decision making process. Ethical sensitivity together with an understanding of the client, their needs, emotions and circumstances is fundamental to an effective therapeutic relationship and competent practice. This study appears to be the first to empirically measure this concept in decision making related to the therapeutic sciences, including audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech-language therapy. A multidisciplinary measure of ethical sensitivity is developed and consists of 12 vignettes that represent clinically relevant ethical issues related to these four professions. The study followed a two-phase, sequential mixed-methods research approach. Phase 1, the qualitative stage, focused on developing a measuring instrument by means of a systematic review of the following: ethical codes of conduct; focus group discussions; individual in-depth interviews; an expert panel review; and public complaints websites. Phase 2, the quantitative stage, focused on implementing and evaluating the measuring instrument. One hundred participants representing the four professions completed the instrument. Participants’ overall scores on the Measuring Instrument for Ethical Sensitivity in the Therapeutic sciences (MIEST) were comparable for all four professions, confirming the multidisciplinary usability of the instrument. Participants were inclined to make grounded Beneficence centred decisions. Participants were particularly sensitive about the impact of the therapist’s actions on the individual client, and sometimes overlooked their duty to the community. The MIEST can be used to assess the ethical sensitivity of student therapists (and possibly qualified therapists) and describe the stage of their ethical sensitivity development throughout the course of their professional development. The constructed vignettes make the MIEST appropriate for use in problem-based learning programmes.The National Research Foundation (NRF)http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/hssam2017Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC

    Leadership development strategies in interprofessional healthcare collaboration : a rapid review

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    BACKGROUND : Contemporary healthcare practitioners require leadership skills for a variety of professional roles related to improved patient/client outcomes, heightened personal and professional development, as well as strengthened interprofessional collaboration and teamwork. OBJECTIVE/AIM : The aim of this study is to systematically catalogue literature on leadership in healthcare practice and education to highlight the leadership characteristics and skills required by healthcare practitioners for collaborative interprofessional service delivery and the leadership development strategies found to be effective. METHODS/DESIGN : A rapid review was conducted. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) diagram shows that the 11 databases, yielded 465 records. A total of 147 records were removed during the initial screening phase. The remaining 318 records were uploaded onto Rayyan, an online collaborative review platform. Following abstract level screening, a further 236 records were removed with 82 records meeting the eligibility criteria at full text level, of which 42 were included in the data extraction. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used for quality appraisal. RESULTS : Results showed variability in methodologies used, representing various healthcare disciplines with a range in population size (n = 6 to n = 537). Almost half of the results reported on new programs, with interprofessional collaboration and teamwork being the most frequently mentioned strategies. The training content, strategies used as well as the length of training varied. There were five outcomes which showed positive change, namely skills, knowledge, confidence, attitudes, and satisfaction. CONCLUSION : This rapid review provided an evidence-base, highlighted by qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research, which presents distinct opportunities for curriculum development by focusing on both content and the methods needed for leadership programs. Anchoring this evidence-base within a systematic search of the extant literature provides increased precision for curriculum development.The Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship (ADF) Program and the University of Pretoria’s Research Office.http://www.dovepress.com/journal-of-healthcare-leadership-journalam2024Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC)SDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein