108 research outputs found

    Laser-Cluster-Interaction in a Nanoplasma-Model with Inclusion of Lowered Ionization Energies

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    The interaction of intense laser fields with silver and argon clusters is investigated theoretically using a modified nanoplasma model. Single pulse and double pulse excitations are considered. The influence of the dense cluster environment on the inner ionization processes is studied including the lowering of the ionization energies. There are considerable changes in the dynamics of the laser-cluster interaction. Especially, for silver clusters, the lowering of the ionization energies leads to increased yields of highly charged ions.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Physiological Responses to Increasing Battling Rope Weight During two 3 Week High Intensity Interval Training Programs

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of increasing battling rope (BR) weight during 6 weeks of BR high intensity interval training (HIIT) on upper body oxygen consumption and skeletal muscle strength, endurance and power performance. Eighteen recreationally active men and 15 women (23±2y) performed ten, 30 sec bouts of all-out exercise separated by 60 secs of rest, 3x/week, for 6 weeks. Males and females exercised at a minimum of 85% of their predicted maximum heart rate, with post exercise blood lactates peaking at 10.79 mmol/L and 8.33 mmol/L, respectively, alternating between the double whip and alternating whip exercises. For the first 3 weeks, women used 40 foot, 1.5 inch, 20 lb ropes, and men used 50 foot, 1.5 inch, 25 lb ropes, after which the BR weight was increased by 10 lb for a second 3 week period of BR HIIT. After 3 weeks and 6 weeks of BR HIIT, males and females increased maximum isometric shoulder flexion and extension, shoulder power output, push-ups, sit-ups, and maximal oxygen consumption. These increases in aerobic and skeletal muscle measurements are similar to previous HIIT studies involving treadmills, cycle ergometers, and stair climbing. Battling rope HIIT produced adaptions in skeletal muscle and aerobic performance in as little as 3 weeks, and with increases in BR weight displaying further improvements after 6 weeks of BR HIIT. These data support the implementation of progressive resistance loading during BR HIIT protocols for strength and conditioning benefits

    Partially ionized plasmas in electromagnetic fields

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    The interaction of partially ionized plasmas with an electromagnetic field is investigated using quantum statistical methods. A general statistical expression for the current density of a plasma in an electromagnetic field is presented and considered in the high field regime. Expressions for the collisional absorption are derived and discussed. Further, partially ionized plasmas are considered. Plasma Bloch equations for the description of bound-free transitions are given and the absorption coefficient as well as rate coefficients for multiphoton ionization are derived and numerical results are presented.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Conf. Se

    Transport theory with nonlocal corrections

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    A kinetic equation which combines the quasiparticle drift of Landau's equation with a dissipation governed by a nonlocal and noninstant scattering integral in the spirit of Snider's equation for gases is derived. Consequent balance equations for the density, momentum and energy include quasiparticle contributions and the second order quantum virial corrections and are proven to be consistent with conservation laws.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Atomic Physics for Ion-Driven Fusion, Heidelberg 1997, appear in Laser and Particle Beam

    Nonlocal Kinetic Equation and Simulations of Heavy Ion Reactions

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    A kinetic equation which combines the quasiparticle drift of Landau's equation with a dissipation governed by a nonlocal and noninstantaneous scattering integral in the spirit of Enskog corrections is discussed. Numerical values of the off-shell contribution to the Wigner distribution, of the collision duration and of the collision nonlocality are presented for different realistic potentials. On preliminary results we show that simulations of quantum molecular dynamics extended by the nonlocal treatment of collisions leads to a broader proton distribution bringing the theoretical spectra closer towards the experimental values than the local approach.Comment: Proceedings of the Erice School, published as Vol. 42 of "Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics" by ELSEVIE

    Kinetic equation consistent with the equation of state of nuclear matter

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    A kinetic equation which combines the quasiparticle drift of Landau's equation with a dissipation governed by a nonlocal and noninstant scattering integral in the spirit of Snider's equation for gases is derived. Consequent balance equations for the density, momentum and energy include quasiparticle contributions and the second order quantum virial corrections. The medium effects on binary collisions are shown to mediate the latent heat, i.e., an energy conversion between correlation and thermal energy. An implementation to heavy ion collisions is discussed