7,272 research outputs found

    Holography and CFT on Generic Manifolds

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    In this paper it is shown how the AdS/CFT correspondence extends to a more general situation in which the first theory is defined on (d+1)-dimensional manifold M~\tilde M defined as the filling in of a compact d-dimensional manifold M. The stability of the spectral correspondence mass/conformal-weight under such geometry changes is also proven.Comment: 8+1 pages, no figures, misprints correcte

    The geometry of the M5-branes and TQFTs

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    The calculation of the partition function for N M5-branes is addressed for the case in which the worldvolume wraps a manifold T2×M4T^2\times M_4, where M4M_4 is simply connected and Kaehler. This is done in a compactification of M-theory which induces the Vafa-Witten theory on M4M_4 in the limit of vanishing torus volume. The results follow from the equivalence of the BPS spectrum counting in the complementary limit of vanishing M4M_4 volumes and from a classification of the the moduli space of quantum vacua of the supersymmetric twisted theory in terms of associated spectral covers. This reduces the problem of the moduli counting to algebraic equations.Comment: 17+1 pages, LaTeX file; v2 misprints corrected and clarifications added, final version to appear in Journal of Geometry and Physic

    The M5-brane on K3 and del Pezzo's and multi-loop string amplitudes

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    We study the BPS spectrum of Little String Theory for bound states of M5-branes wrapped on six manifold of product topology M4×Σ2M_4\times\Sigma_2 and the apparence of multi-loop θ\theta-functions in a supersymmetric index calculation. We find a total reconstruction of the g-loop heterotic contribution in the case of a double K3 M-theory compactification. Moreover, we consider total wrapping of M5-branes on del Pezzo surfaces BkB_k and, by studying the relevant amplitude, we notice the arising of θ\theta-functions relative to BPS strings on Tk1T^{k-1}, i.e. membranes on TkT^k. This happens because of beautiful relations between four dimensional SYM theories and CFTs in two dimensions and seems to be linked to a duality recently observed by A.Iqbal, A.Neitzke and C.Vafa in.Comment: 1+14 pages; v2: misprints corrected, clarifications and one reference adde

    The Instanton Universal Moduli Space of N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We use the recursive structure of the compactification of the instanton moduli space of N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(2), to construct, by inductive limit, a universal moduli space which includes all the multi-instanton moduli spaces. Furthermore, with the aim of understanding the field theoretic structure of the strong coupling expansion, we perform the Borel sum which acts on the parameter defining such a universal moduli space.Comment: 1+4 pages, LaTeX. Minor changes. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Topological Gauge Theories on Local Spaces and Black Hole Entropy Countings

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    We study cohomological gauge theories on total spaces of holomorphic line bundles over complex manifolds and obtain their reduction to the base manifold by U(1) equivariant localization of the path integral. We exemplify this general mechanism by proving via exact path integral localization a reduction for local curves conjectured in hep-th/0411280, relevant to the calculation of black hole entropy/Gromov-Witten invariants. Agreement with the four-dimensional gauge theory is recovered by taking into account in the latter non-trivial contributions coming from one-loop fluctuations determinants at the boundary of the total space. We also study a class of abelian gauge theories on Calabi-Yau local surfaces, describing the quantum foam for the A-model, relevant to the calculation of Donaldson-Thomas invariants.Comment: 17 page

    Superdevelopments for Weak Reduction

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    We study superdevelopments in the weak lambda calculus of Cagman and Hindley, a confluent variant of the standard weak lambda calculus in which reduction below lambdas is forbidden. In contrast to developments, a superdevelopment from a term M allows not only residuals of redexes in M to be reduced but also some newly created ones. In the lambda calculus there are three ways new redexes may be created; in the weak lambda calculus a new form of redex creation is possible. We present labeled and simultaneous reduction formulations of superdevelopments for the weak lambda calculus and prove them equivalent

    The First-Order Hypothetical Logic of Proofs

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    The Propositional Logic of Proofs (LP) is a modal logic in which the modality □A is revisited as [​[t]​]​A , t being an expression that bears witness to the validity of A . It enjoys arithmetical soundness and completeness, can realize all S4 theorems and is capable of reflecting its own proofs ( ⊢A implies ⊢[​[t]​]A , for some t ). A presentation of first-order LP has recently been proposed, FOLP, which enjoys arithmetical soundness and has an exact provability semantics. A key notion in this presentation is how free variables are dealt with in a formula of the form [​[t]​]​A(i) . We revisit this notion in the setting of a Natural Deduction presentation and propose a Curry–Howard correspondence for FOLP. A term assignment is provided and a proof of strong normalization is given.Fil: Steren, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; ArgentinaFil: Bonelli, Eduardo Augusto. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    On The Beta-Function in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    The constraints of N=2 supersymmetry, in combination with several other quite general assumptions, have recently been used to show that N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory has a low energy quantum parameter space symmetry characterised by the discrete group \gu. We show that if one also assumes the commutativity of renormalization group flow with the action of this group on the complexified coupling constant \ta, then this is sufficient to determine the non-perturbative β\beta-function, given knowledge of its weak coupling behaviour. The result coincides with the outcome of direct calculations from the Seiberg-Witten solution.Comment: 10 pages, analysis in section 3 modified, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Solving N=2 SYM by Reflection Symmetry of Quantum Vacua

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    The recently rigorously proved nonperturbative relation between u and the prepotential, underlying N=2 SYM with gauge group SU(2), implies both the reflection symmetry u(τ)=u(τˉ)\overline{u(\tau)}=u(-\bar\tau) and u(τ+1)=u(τ)u(\tau+1)=-u(\tau) which hold exactly. The relation also implies that τ\tau is the inverse of the uniformizing coordinate u of the moduli space of quantum vacua. In this context, the above quantum symmetries are the key points to determine the structure of the moduli space. It turns out that the functions a(u) and a_D(u), which we derive from first principles, actually coincide with the solution proposed by Seiberg and Witten. We also consider some relevant generalizations.Comment: 12 pg. LaTex, Discussion of the generalization to higher rank groups added. To be published in Phys. Rev.