36 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of contact resistance of Au-Ti-Pd2Si-n+-Si ohmic contacts

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    We investigated temperature dependence of contact resistance of an Au-Ti-Pd2Si ohmic contact to heavily doped n+-Si. The contact resistance increases with temperature owing to conduction through the metal shunts. In this case, the limiting process is diffusion input of electrons to the metal shunts. The proposed mechanism of contact resistance formation seems to realize also in the case of wide-gap semiconductors with high concentration of surface states and dislocation density in the contact

    On a feature of temperature dependence of contact resistivity for ohmic contacts to n-Si with an n+-n doping step

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    We present both theoretical and experimental temperature dependences of contact resistivity ρс(Т) for ohmic contacts to the silicon n+-n-structures whose n+-layer was formed using phosphorus diffusion or ion implantation

    A new mechanism of contact resistance formation in ohmic contacts to semiconductors with high dislocation density

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    About new mechanism of contact resistance formation in ohmic contacts to semiconductors with high dislocation densit

    Mechanism of contact resistance formation in ohmic contacts with high dislocation density

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    A new mechanism of contact resistance formation in ohmic contacts with high dislocation density is proposed. Its specific feature is the appearance of a characteristic region where the contact resistance increases with temperature. According to the mechanism revealed, the current flowing through the metal shunts associated with dislocations is determined by electron diffusion. It is shown that current flows through the semiconductor near-surface regions where electrons accumulate. A feature of the mechanism is the realization of ohmic contact irrespective of the relation between the contact and bulk resistances. The theory is proved for contacts formed to III-V semiconductor materials as well as silicon-based materials. A reasonable agreement between theory and experimental results is obtaine

    Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 8 PACS 85

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    Abstract. We consider the features of formation of AuTiPd ohmic contacts to p + -Si. Metallization was made by vacuum thermal sputtering of Pd, Ti and Au films onto the Si substrate heated up to 330 С. It is shown that the contact resistivity increases with temperature; this is typical of metallic conductivity. We suggest that the ohmic contact is formed owing to appearance of shunts at Pd deposition on dislocations or other structural defects. The number of shunts per unit area is close to the measured density of structural defects at the metalSi interface

    Microwave technologies development at

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    A Novel Mechanism for Ensuring the Ohmicity of Contacts to n-InP & n-GaAsover a Wide Range of Temperatures down to Helium One: Experiment and Theory

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    At present two physical mechanisms that ensure realization of ohmic contacts to semiconductorsare known [1S.M.Sze]. These are: 1) field emission in presence of a doping step that leads toformation of a strongly degenerate layer in the near-contact semiconductor region and 2) thecase of Schottky contacts with low barrier height, below 25 mV.Here we present the results of investigation of temperature dependence of contact resistivity forn-InP- and n-GaAs-based contacts with high dislocation density, performed over a wide range oftemperatures down to helium one. We revealed that the above contacts are ohmic over the wholetemperature range. The results obtained are explained using a novel mechanism of current flow inmetal-semiconductor contacts that differs from those described in [1]. A new mechanism isrelated to the current flow through nano-sized metal shunts associated with dislocations. Becauseof very strong electric fields appearing at the shunt ends adjacent to semiconductor, a highmirror-image potential is realized that reverses sign of band bending in the semiconductor regionsadjacent to the metal shunts. As a result, accumulation band bending is realized in those regions,and the contacts remain ohmic at any temperature.The experimental temperature dependence of contact resistivity curves are nonmonotonic andare in good quantitative agreement with those described theoretically using a new mechanism ofcurrent flow with additional allowance for electron freeze-out at low temperatures

    Solid state reactions in thin film Au/Ni/Mo and Au/Ni/W systems deposited on silicon

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    20.00; Translated from Russian (Fiz. Khim. Obrab. Mater. 1989 v. 23(5) p. 108-111)Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9023.19(VR-Trans--4712)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo