920 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton observations of the Perseus Cluster I: The temperature and surface brightness structure

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    We present preliminary results of the XMM-Newton 50 ksec observation of the Perseus cluster. The global east/west asymmetry of the gas temperature and surface brightness distributions, approximately aligned with the chain of bright galaxies, suggests an ongoing merger, although the modest degree of the observed asymmetry certainly excludes a major merger interpretation. The chain of galaxies probably traces the filament along which accretion has started some time ago and is continuing at the present time. A cold and dense (low entropy) cluster core like Perseus is probably well "protected" against the penetration of the gas of infalling groups and poor clusters whereas in non-cooling core clusters like Coma and A1367, infalling subclusters can penetrate deeply into the core region. In Perseus, gas associated with infalling groups may be stripped completely at the outskirts of the main cluster and only compression waves (shocks) may reach the central regions. We argue that the passage of such a wave(s) can qualitatively explain the overall horseshoe shaped appearance of the gas temperature map (the hot horseshoe surrounds the colder, low entropy core) as well as other features of the Perseus cluster core. As compression waves traverse the cluster core, they can induce oscillatory motion of the cluster gas which can generate multiple sharp "edges", on opposite sides or the central galaxy. Gas motions induced by mergers may be a natural way to explain the high frequency of "edges" seen in clusters with cooling cores.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Stripped Spiral Galaxies as Promising Targets for the Determination of the Cepheid distance to the Virgo Cluster

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    The measurement of precise galaxy distances by Cepheid observations out to the distance of the Virgo cluster is important for the determination of the Hubble constant (H0H_0). The Virgo cluster is thereby often used as an important stepping stone. The first HST measurement of the distance of a Virgo galaxy (M100) using Cepheid variables provided a value for H0=80(±17)H_0=80(\pm 17) km/s/Mpc (Freedman et al. 1994). This measurement was preceeded by a ground based study of the Virgo spiral NGC4571 (Pierce et al. 1994) formally providing H0=87±7H_0= 87\pm7 km/s/Mpc. These determinations rely on the accuracy with which the position of this observed spiral galaxy can be located with respect to the Virgo cluster center. This uncertainty introduces a major error in the determination of H0H_0, together with the uncertainty in the adopted Virgo infall velocity of the Local Group. Here we propose the use of spiral galaxies which show clear signs of being stripped off their interstellar medium by the intracluster gas of the Virgo cluster as targets for the Cepheid distance measurements. We show that the stripping process and the knowledge of the intracluster gas distribution from ROSAT X-ray observations allow us to locate these galaxies with an at least three times higher precision with respect to M87 than in the case of other spirals like M100. The X-ray observations further imply that M87 is well centered within the intracluster gas halo of the Virgo cluster and that M86 is associated with a group of galaxies and a larger dark matter halo. The combination of these informations could enable us to locate the two stripped spiral galaxies quite precisely within the Virgo cluster and could greatly improve the determination of the Virgo cluster distance.Comment: 21 pages, Latex(aaspp.sty), including 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL (shortened abstract:

    X-ray observations and mass determinations in the cluster of galaxies Cl0024+17

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    We present a detailed analysis of the mass distribution in the rich and distant cluster of galaxies Cl0024+17. X-ray data come from both a deep ROSAT/HRI image of the field (Bohringer et al. 1999) and ASCA spectral data. Using a wide field CCD image of the cluster, we optically identify all the faint X-ray sources, whose counts are compatible with deep X-ray number counts. In addition we marginally detect the X-ray counter-part of the gravitational shear perturbation detected by Bonnet et al. (1994) at a 2.5 σ\sigma level. A careful spectral analysis of ASCA data is also presented. In particular, we extract a low resolution spectrum of the cluster free from the contamination by a nearby point source located 1.2 arcmin from the center. The X-ray temperature deduced from this analysis is TX=5.7−2.1+4.9T_X = 5.7 ^{+4.9}_{-2.1} keV at the 90% confidence level. The comparison between the mass derived from a standard X-ray analysis and from other methods such as the Virial Theorem or the gravitational lensing effect lead to a mass discrepancy of a factor 1.5 to 3. We discuss all the possible sources of uncertainties in each method of mass determination and give some indications on the way to reduce them. A complementary study of optical data is in progress and may solve the X-ray/optical discrepancy through a better understanding of the dynamics of the cluster.Comment: Revised version, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Main Journal). Few changes in the discussio

    The Orbital Structure of Dark Matter Halos with Gas

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    With the success of the Chandra and XMM missions and the maturation of gravitational lensing techniques, powerful constraints on the orbital structure of cluster dark matter halos are possible. I show that the X-ray emissivity and mass of a galaxy cluster uniquely specify the anisotropy and velocity dispersion profiles of its dark matter halo. I consider hydrostatic as well as cooling flow scenarios, and apply the formalism to the lensing cluster CL0024+16 and the cooling flow cluster Abell 2199. In both cases, the model predicts a parameter-free velocity dispersion profile that is consistent with independent optical redshift surveys of the clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures; to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray line tomography of AGN-induced motion in clusters of galaxies

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    The thermal broadening of emission lines of heavy ions is small enough such that Doppler shifts due to bulk motions may be detected with the next generation of X-ray observatories. This opens up the possibility to study gas velocities in the intra-cluster medium. Here we study the effect of bulk motions induced by a central active galactic nucleus (AGN) on the emission lines around the FeXXV complex. We have modelled the evolution of AGN-induced bubbles in a realistic cosmological framework and studied the resulting FeXXV line profiles. We found that in clusters with AGN feedback, motions induced by the inflation of bubbles and their buoyant rise lead to distinct features in the iron emission lines that are detectable with a spectral resolution of about 10 eV. These observations will help to determine the mechanical energy that resides in the bubbles and thereby the kinetic luminosity of the AGN.Comment: to appear in Ap

    A New Radio - X-Ray Probe of Galaxy Cluster Magnetic Fields

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    Results are presented of a new VLA-ROSAT study that probes the magnetic field strength and distribution over a sample of 16 ``normal'' low redshift (z < 0.1) galaxy clusters. The clusters span two orders of magnitude in X-ray luminosity, and were selected to be free of (unusual) strong radio cluster halos, and widespread cooling flows. Consistent with these criteria, most clusters show a relaxed X-ray morphology and little or no evidence for recent merger activity. Analysis of the rotation measure (RM) data shows cluster-generated Faraday RM excess out to ~0.5 Mpc from cluster centers. The results, combined with RM imaging of cluster-embedded sources and ROSAT X-ray profiles indicates that the hot intergalactic gas within these ``normal'' clusters is permeated with a high filling factor by magnetic fields at levels of = 5-10 (l/10 kpc)^{-1/2} microGauss, where l is the field correlation length. These results lead to a global estimate of the total magnetic energy in clusters, and give new insight into the ultimate energy origin, which is likely gravitational. These results also shed some light on the cluster evolutionary conditions that existed at the onset of cooling flows.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, uses emulateapj5.sty, accepted by ApJ

    X-ray and Radio Interactions in the Cores of Cooling Flow Clusters

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    We present high resolution ROSAT x-ray and radio observations of three cooling flow clusters containing steep spectrum radio sources at their cores. All three systems exhibit strong signs of interaction between the radio plasma and the hot intracluster medium. Two clusters, A133 and A2626, show enhanced x-ray emission spatially coincident with the radio source whereas the third cluster, A2052, exhibits a large region of x-ray excess surrounding much of the radio source. Using 3-D numerical simulations, we show that a perturbed jet propagating through a cooling flow atmosphere can give rise to amorphous radio morphologies, particularly in the case where the jet was ``turned off'' and allowed to age passively. In addition, the simulated x-ray surface brightness produced both excesses and deficits as seen observationally.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A
