25 research outputs found

    Beeinflussung des EMV-Grundrauschpegels durch oberirdische Kupferleitungen im Kontext von Breitbandnetzen

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    Der zunehmend umkĂ€mpfte Telekommunikationssektor erfordert von jedem Marktteilnehmer eindeutige Differenzierungsmerkmale. Dies, weil immer mehr Anbieter mit Ă€hnlichen Produkten und Angeboten auf den Markt drĂ€ngen und somit die Tarife stark unter Druck geraten. Nebst der Bedeutung von kundenorientiertem Service werden auch die Anforderungen an leistungsfĂ€hige Breitbandnetze eminent höher. Gerade neue Produkte und Telekomdienste, wie beispielsweise hochauflösendes Fernsehen, CloudDienste oder Videokonferenzen, fordern das bestehende Netz heraus. Durch diese Treiber sind neue Glasfaserhybrid Technologien entstanden, die auf den bestehenden Kupferleitungen aufbauen. Demnach wird dort, wo das Glasfasernetz nicht vorhanden ist, entsprechende neue Glasfaserhybrid Technologien ausgerollt (Spektrum von bis zu ca. 230 MHz). Swisscom plant eine Reihe von Messungen am aktiven Netz durchzufĂŒhren, um die Beeinflussung des EMV Grundrauschpegels zu untersuchen. Gleichzeitig werden auch Simulationen an der gleichen Geometrie durchgefĂŒhrt, um die Korrelation zwischen Simulation und Berechnungen nachzuweisen. FĂŒr die DurchfĂŒhrung solcher Messungen gibt es keinen Standard, daher muss ein Kompromiss zwischen Messgeschwindigkeit, QualitĂ€t der Resultate und Auflösung getroffen werden

    Towards the construction of an educational model for dual career parenting:the EMPATIA project

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    The European Union supports innovative transnational cooperation and practices between Member States on relevant issues in the field of sports, including a balanced combination of higher education and sporting careers of talented and elite athletes (dual career). Ten European academic and sport institutions aimed to construct an educational programme for parents supporting the dual career of their elite athletes. The innovative methodological approach to the co-construction of a parent education based on evidence and eminence of the actual needs of parents in relation to the age, sex, sport typology, competition and academic levels of student-athletes is described. Finally, the potentially far-reaching effects of digital technologies on adult learning and the innovative aspects of a multi-lingual and demand-driven dual career parenting education are envisaged.</p

    Interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions - a study using mobile phone data

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    In this study we analyze one year of anonymized telecommunications data for over one million customers from a large European cellphone operator, and we investigate the relationship between people's calls and their physical location. We discover that more than 90% of users who have called each other have also shared the same space (cell tower), even if they live far apart. Moreover, we find that close to 70% of users who call each other frequently (at least once per month on average) have shared the same space at the same time - an instance that we call co-location. Co-locations appear indicative of coordination calls, which occur just before face-to-face meetings. Their number is highly predictable based on the amount of calls between two users and the distance between their home locations - suggesting a new way to quantify the interplay between telecommunications and face-to-face interactions

    Calibration of centre-of-mass energies at LEP1 for precise measurements of Z properties

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    The determination of the centre-of-mass energies from the LEP1 data for 1993, 1994 and 1995 is presented. Accurate knowledge of these energies is crucial in the measurement of the Z resonance param eters. The improved understanding of the LEP energy behaviour accumulated during the 1995 energy scan is detailed, while the 1993 and 1994 measurements are revised. For 1993 these supersede the pr eviously published values. Additional instrumentation has allowed the detection of an unexpectedly large energy rise during physics fills. This new effect is accommodated in the modelling of the beam-energy in 1995 and propagated to the 1993 and 1994 energies. New results are reported on the magnet temperature behaviour which constitutes one of the major corrections to the average LEP ene rgy. The 1995 energy scan took place in conditions very different from the previous years. In particular the interaction-point specific corrections to the centre-of-mass energy in 1995 are more complicated than previously: these arise from the modified radiofrequency-system configuration and from opposite-sign vertical dispersion induced by the bunch-train mode of LEP operation. Finall y an improved evaluation of the LEP centre-of-mass energy spread is presented. This significantly improves the precision on the Z width

    Transverse Polarization beyond the Z Energy at LEP

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    Experimental results on transverse polarization obtained at LEP at a beam energy of 50 GeV are shown. The application of the refined orbit correction procedure known as Harmonic Spin Matching, implemented to compensate the depolarizing effects originating from orbit errors and misalignments of the machine elements, is described. Prospects and plans to improve the transverse polarization level at higher energies to extend the range of application of the direct and precise calibration with resonant depolarization are reported

    Collective conceptualization of parental support of dual career athletes: The EMPATIA framework

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    BackgroundThisstudyaimedtouseaconceptmappingmethodologytodevelopaEuropeanframeworkoftheneedsofparents/guardians(P/G)forsupportingathletescombiningsportandeduca-tion(dualcareer,DC).MethodsBymeansofaconceptmappingmethodology,337French,Irish,Italian,Portuguese,andSlovenianparentssortedandrated80potentialstatementsassociatedtoparentingDCathletes.ResultsFivedistinctclustersemerged:1.P/G’roles,needsandawarenesstosupportathletes,including22statements(mean:3.7;range:3.2–4.2pt);2.Requirementsforeffectiveplan-ningofDCpathway,including19statements(mean:3.7;range:3.2–4.5pt);3.Educationalopportunity,including13statements(mean:3.5;range:3.1–4.0pt);4.PolicyandprovisionforDC,including19statements(mean:3.7;range:3.1–4.2pt);and5.Athletes’lifestyle&self-management,including7statements(mean:4.0;range:3.5–4.5pt).Estimatesofeffectsize(Partialeta-squared)werecalculatedforANOVAstoassessthedegreeofvariabilityon the statement importance ranking as the dependent variable accounted for by the demographic data. The concept mapping showed goodvalidity (stress value: 0.11) and high reliability (rSHT: 0.99, rSHM: 0.98; rRR:0.98). One-third of the statements indicated differences (p<0.05) in relation to the P/Gs’ gender and the athletes’ education level, competition level andsport typology. Conclusion In synthesizing the opinions, experience and needs of P/Gs of DC athletes the present framework provided sound theoretical underpinnings to inform the development of an online educational programme for empowering parenting DC athletes (https://edu.empatiasport. eu/eng/), as well as be a foundation for future Pan-European DC research on how these statements interact with each other, in different European contexts.1113-FF28-6C5F | Carlos Eduardo Barros Gonçalvesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conceptual study of technologies enabling novel green expendable upper stages with multi-payload/multi-orbit injection capability

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    The growing demand for cheaper space access calls for a more economically and environmentally sustainable approach for launchers. Concurrently, the shift to smaller satellites and the rise of constellations necessitate launchers capable of precise multi-payload/multi-orbit injection. ASCenSIon (Advancing Space Access Capabilities - Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection), a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network funded by Horizon 2020 (H2020), aims to respond to these demands. This paper describes the activities explored within ASCenSIon dedicated to developing novel green upper stages with multi-payload/multi-orbit injection capability. The aspects investigated here include the general system architecture, innovative solutions for the propulsion system (e.g. Hybrid Rocket Engines (HREs). green propellants and electric pump feeding). Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) solutions for the multi-payload/multi-orbit injection capability, and reliability aspects of upper stages. First, relevant space market considerations are raised. Then, solutions for more environmentally friendly propulsion systems are proposed. Since identifying a good substitute for toxic hydrazine recently became a priority, the use of green propellant technologies will be assessed, tackling specific problems such as benchmarked propulsive performances, storability and material compatibility. Another promising solution for future propulsion systems with lower environmental impact are HREs. They bring benefits in terms of flexibility, safety and cost. However, high residual mass, oxidizer-to-fuel ratio (O/F) shift during operation, low regression rate and combustion inefficiency are some of the challenges that still need to be addressed in their application. In addition, electric pump fed systems, powered by green propellants. may be a game-changer technology for future upper stages. Compared to pressure-fed. it can provide improved performance and lower inert mass. With respect to turbopumps, it may also be advantageous in terms of simplicity and costs. On the other hand, battery mass and thermal control represent some of the drawbacks to overcome. Additionally, the implementation of novel GNC solutions is critical to ensure the multi-payload/multi-orbit injection capability. The challenges brought by the design of such a system are presented, including the correlation with the overall upper stage definition. Finally, the reliability of the launchers is a key aspect to protect both the space environment and the safety of the missions. Novel methods for reliability modelling of launchers are discussed and advantageous system architectures are proposed. These novel technologies being jointly assessed, this paper presents a preliminary analysis of the discussed topics and their interconnections within ASCenSIon, aiming at satisfying new requirements for novel green upper stages.SCOPUS: cp.pinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe