27 research outputs found
ELM: Environmental Assessment of Fuel Supply Systems for Vehicle Fleets
This thesis is based on the idea of applying a logistics approach to fuel supply systems. The complete supply chain from energy raw material to end use in the vehicle is analysed while keeping track of energy conversion efficiency, exergy consumption and emissions to air. This method, which is referred to as Energy Logistic Modelling (ELM), is heavily influenced by LCA practices. The viability of using this approach in the decision-making process of choosing fuel for a vehicle fleet is investigated. The emphasis is on organising and structuring life cycle inventories of fuels for entire fleets of vehicles and to give recommendations and guidelines for how to define system boundaries and allocation rules. ELM is suitable for assessing trade offs between changes of fuel or system boundaries and the above mentioned fuel supply chain measures, as well as technical modifications of the supply chain itself
ELM: Environmental Assessment of Fuel Supply Systems for Vehicle Fleets
This thesis is based on the idea of applying a logistics approach to fuel supply systems. The complete supply chain from energy raw material to end use in the vehicle is analysed while keeping track of energy conversion efficiency, exergy consumption and emissions to air. This method, which is referred to as Energy Logistic Modelling (ELM), is heavily influenced by LCA practices. The viability of using this approach in the decision-making process of choosing fuel for a vehicle fleet is investigated. The emphasis is on organising and structuring life cycle inventories of fuels for entire fleets of vehicles and to give recommendations and guidelines for how to define system boundaries and allocation rules. ELM is suitable for assessing trade offs between changes of fuel or system boundaries and the above mentioned fuel supply chain measures, as well as technical modifications of the supply chain itself
Policy Measures to Realise Green Corridors - A Stakeholders Perspective
The findings from the implementation of economic incentives in Europe, such as CO2 tax and road user charges are encouraging, but it is unlikely to be enough to reduce CO2 emissions from the freight transport sector by the required amount. Creating the so-called Green Corridors is one of the many measures being applied by the EU to make the freight transport sectormore sustainable. The aim of this article is to adopt a stakeholder perspective on concepts and measures that will be necessary to establish a successful Green Corridor. A literature review and interviews with experts were used to generate input for a workshop at which stakeholders from academia, government bodies and the transport industry jointly devised newconcepts and policymeasures for the creation of Green Corridors. A combination of positive incentives, agreements, taxes and regulations is needed to maketransport companies willing to participate. A promising pathway employs measures that ensure punctuality and accessibility, but also remove bureaucratic and infrastructural bottlenecks. In return, the transport operators must use significantly improved environmental technology in the corridors. Cooperation between actors isneeded in order to raise load factors in the system, by increasing transparency and offering free capacity toother operators in the corridor
Cost Effective Measures to Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Air Freight Sector
This paper presents cost effective measures to reduce CO2 emissions in the air freight sector. One door-to-door transport chain is studied in detail from a Scandinavian city to a city in southern Europe. The transport chain was selected by a group of representatives from the air freight sector in order to encompass general characteristics within the sector. Three different ways of shipping air cargo are studied, i.e., by air freighter, as belly freight (in passenger aircrafts) and trucking. CO2 emissions are calculated for each part of the transport chain and its relative importance towards the total amount CO2 emitted during the whole transport chain is shown. It is confirmed that the most CO2 emitting part of the transport chain is the actual flight and that it is in the take-off and climbing phases that most fuel are burned. It is also known that the technical development of aircraft implies a reduction in fuel consumption for each new generation of aircraft. Thus, the aircraft manufacturers have an important role in this development. Having confirmed these observations, this paper focuses on other factors that significantly affects the fuel consumption. Analyzed factors are, e.g., optimization of speed and altitude, traffic management, congestion on and around the airfields, tankering, "latest acceptance time" for goods and improving the load factor. The different factors relative contribution to the total emission levels for the transport chain has been estimated
Assessing knowledge and awareness of the sustainable urban freight transport among Swedish local authority policy planners
Sustainable freight distribution is of growing interest for many local authorities in urban areas. Numerous policy measures on urban freight transport have been taken throughout Europe during the last decade. This paper presents the results of a study on the state of urban freight transport policies and planning among Swedish local authorities. Results are compared with existing research in the European context in order to find possible links between the freight transport awareness and the successes or failures of measures addressing urban freight transport issues. A questionnaire sent to all Swedish municipalities was combined with a literature study, to map the state of policy and planning within the freight transport as well as the knowledge and awareness of the area. The importance of adequate knowledge and personnel resources in municipalities as well as communication, information dissemination and knowledge exchange is discussed. The empirical data confirm the lack of coordination, sufficient resources and effective knowledge transfer among stakeholders in urban freight transport. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Utv\ue4rdering av pilotprojekt med Kv\ue4llsdistribution i Stockholms innerstad ( 6stermalm) 2005-2006
Under 2005-2006 har ett pilotprojekt med kv\ue4llsdistribution genomf\uf6rts i Stockholms innerstad (
6stermalm). Projektet har sitt ursprung i diskussioner mellan dagligvaruhandelns akt\uf6rer inom ramen f\uf6r dialoggruppen Framtida Handel (www.framtidahandel.se).Denna rapport redovisar resultaten fr\ue5n en oberoende utv\ue4rdering av detta projekt. Arbetet har utf\uf6rts av Chalmers EnergiCentrum CEC (www.cec.chalmers.se). B\ue5de kvantitativa och kvalitativa data har samlats in. K\uf6rjournaler har genererat k\uf6rtider, stopptider, butiksl\ue4gen, k\uf6rstr\ue4cka och st\uf6rningar. En workshop med deltagande akt\uf6rer och intressenter har identifierat svagheter och styrkor i kv\ue4llsdistribution som koncept. Dessutom har individuella intervjuer f\ue5tt fram b\ue5de positiva och negativa erfarenheter p\ue5 pilotprojektets genomf\uf6rande. Detta \ue4r viktigt f\uf6r framtida bruk eftersom pilotprojekt genomf\uf6rdes i ”verkligheten” och projektgruppen st\ue4lldes inf\uf6r of\uf6rutsedda problem, som m\ue5ste l\uf6sas efter hand (och oftast ad hoc). De huvudsakliga resultaten av pilotprojektet kan sammanfattas enligt f\uf6ljande: Det sker en tydlig minskning av tids\ue5tg\ue5ngen med ca 10 minuter av en i genomsnitt 85 minuters l\ue5ng rutt n\ue4r tr\ue4ngselskatten var inf\uf6rd. Det sker en tydlig minskning av tids\ue5tg\ue5ng med ca 15 minuter vid kv\ue4llsdistribution (kl. 18-20) j\ue4mf\uf6rt med eftermiddagsdistribution (kl. 14-18). Denna bekr\ue4ftas av ”simulerad” k\uf6rning med personbil d\ue5 morgontur (kl. 8-9) j\ue4mf\uf6rs med kv\ue4llstur (kl. 18-19). Den ber\ue4knade milj\uf6belastningen minskar med drygt 20 % per fordon vid denna typ av kv\ue4llsdistribution och f\uf6r de str\ue4ckor som f\uf6rs\uf6ket handlade om. Effekten beror p\ue5 vilken medelhastighet fordonen kan h\ue5lla i olika trafiksituationer. Det \ue4r l\ue4ttare att lossa vid kaj utanf\uf6r morgontid p\ue5 grund av f\ue4rre konkurrerande lastbilar. Dock blockerar fler felparkerade personbilar lastzonerna utefter gatan. Framg\ue5ng med kv\ue4llsdistribution \ue4r beroende p\ue5 aff\ue4rsinnehavarens inst\ue4llning, dvs. om en vilja att bryta med traditionens makt och pr\uf6va nya l\uf6sningar finns. De flesta akt\uf6rerna ser positivt p\ue5 dialogen Framtida Handel. Den har redan skapat en \uf6kad kontaktyta och b\ue4ttre f\uf6rst\ue5else mellan olika akt\uf6rer inom dagligvaruhandeln. F\uf6rhoppningen \ue4r stor att flera liknande studier kan genomf\uf6ras i framtiden med m\ue5let att stimulera en milj\uf6m\ue4ssigt och ekonomiskt h\ue5llbar utveckling inom omr\ue5det. Om erfarenheterna fr\ue5n det nu aktuella pilotprojektets genomf\uf6rande tas tillvara kan detta ske med stor kraft. Vi l\ue4mnar f\uf6ljande rekommendationer inf\uf6r framtida projekt: Alla projekt med f\uf6rs\uf6k och demonstrationer av nya l\uf6sningar, d\ue4r ett syfte \ue4r att utr\uf6na om vissa (policy)m\ue5l kan n\ue5s efter inf\uf6rande i full skala, m\ue5ste utv\ue4rderas objektivt och med relevans. B\ue5de positiva och negativa erfarenheter m\ue5ste rapporteras. F\uf6rst d\ue5 kan kunskapen bli total, dvs. n\ue4sta projekt kan vara b\ue4ttre f\uf6rberett och n\ue5 l\ue4ngre i sin str\ue4van efter ny kunskap. Projektets utv\ue4rderingsbudget m\ue5ste vara tillr\ue4ckligt stor. En s\ue4rskild buffert f\uf6r f\uf6r\ue4ndringar under resans g\ue5ng m\ue5ste inr\ue4ttas
Actions for more sustainable freight transport - a comparison between theory and practice
To cope with the negative impacts from the transport sector there is a need for actions striving toward a sustainable development. To understand the complex area of sustainability and to avoid creating one problem by solving another, a holistic view needs to be taken. The purpose of this article is to compare the theory and practice in the field of future sustainable actions in the logistics system. Actions appearance in the literature and its implementation today and importance for the future are investigated among practitioners in the logistics system. Results from both a literature review and interviews provide an aggregated picture of the situation today, highlighting differences among actors, the relationship between actions and its contribution to the four principles of sustainability. This article argues that in order to contribute to all principles of sustainability not only one type of action is enough; a reduction of transport, traffic and emissions from the vehicles is needed in conjunction with governmental actions
Optimisation of the Hoechst 33342 dye efflux assay for small cell number microarray profiling of the prostate
EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
Nationell kraftsamling Transport 2050
QC 20130924KTH Transport Platfor
Life cycle assessment of the road transport sector
The road transport sector has been studied with a life-cycle perspective. Transport activities and products used for road transportation have been analysed in order to identify those with significant contribution to the total environmental impact. Detailed data on the environmental burdens caused by different transportation activities such as fuel production, fuel combustion at driving, maintenance of the vehicle and production and after use treatment of the vehicle have been collected and transformed into a form usable in life cycle assessment (LCA). A comprehensive and flexible system model for description of road transportation systems has been developed. A software program, KRABAT, has been developed from the system model. The program has been used for calculation of the environmental burdens of road transportation. The use of non-renewable energy is sometimes used as an indicator of the environmental impact of activities. In this study the consumption of non-renewable fuels, electricity and air emissions have been considered. The production, maintenance and after use treatment of the vehicle have shown to contribute significantly to the total environmental impact of road transportation, measured per vehicle kilometer. This is especially valid for passenger cars, for which the amount of fossile fuel used for production of the vehicle is about 10% of the total amount used during the whole life time of the car. This share is generally much smaller for trucks, since they are used more frequently than passenger cars. The treatment of the different materials of the car after use is of importance for the possibilities of minimization of the environmental impact from road transport. In a case study, the environmental burdens from all processes and transports in the life cycle of newspapers have been analysed. Two after use treatment scenarios were studied, one with 70% recycling and the other with 100% incineration with heat recovery. The total contribution of environmental burdens from transportation to the total of the whole life cycle were studied. It could not be concluded that transportation increased with a higher degree of recycling. This holds true for our assumptions. The result may however be different for other geographical conditions, population densities, etc