22 research outputs found

    Minimization of distance between group and individualdecisions using intelligent stochastic algorithms for waterand agricultural management

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    Donošenje odluka u poljoprivredi i vodoprivredi podrazumeva uvažavanje ekonomskih, društvenih i kriterijuma zaštite životne sredine. Proces je složen jer se odluke zbog nemogućnosti kvantifikacije često donose na osnovu kvalitativnih podataka, ili još češće, u kombinaciji sa postojećim kvantitativnim podacima. Analitički hijerarhijski proces (AHP) je teorijsko-metodološki koncept višekriterijumske analize i optimizacije za podršku složenih procesa individualnog i grupnog odlučivanja, koji se pokazao kao jedan od najpogodnijih da podrži takve procese i zato je u svetu široko rasprostranjen. Kod odlučivanja u poljoprivredi i vodoprivredi, zbog složenosti procesa, podrazumeva se interdisciplinarni pristup sa učešćem više interesnih strana (donosilaca odluka). Kod grupnih primena AHP, odluka se najčešće dobija objedinjavanjem individualnih ocena ili objedinjavanjem individualnih prioriteta. U novije vreme AHP se sve više kombinuje sa modelima za postizanje konsenzusa. U disertaciji je predložen mogući novi način objedinjavanja individualnih odluka u grupnu zasnovan na minimizaciji odstupanja grupne od individualnih odluka. Ideja je da se na osnovu individualnih vrednovanja elemenata odlučivanja po metodologiji AHP generiše grupni vektor pomoću algoritma simuliranog kaljenja (SA - simulated annealing) iz klase inteligentnih stohastičkih optimizacionih algoritama, posebno pogodnog kada rešenje treba tražiti u beskonačnim diskretnim prostorima. Pošto se u AHP mogu koristiti različiti metodi za određivanje vektora prioriteta, koji se uobičajeno nazivaju "prioritizacioni metodi", da bi se postupak objedinjavanja učinio nezavisnim od metoda prioritizacije, u disertaciji je definisan univerzalni pokazatelj grupne konzistentnosti nazvan grupno euklidsko rastojanje (GED - group Euclidean distance). Inteligentnim približavanjem grupnog vektora prioriteta individualnim odlukama, odnosno minimizacijom GED, identifikuje se grupni vektor koji dovoljno dobro predstavlja individualne odluke. Predloženi postupak nazvan je metod SAAP (SA aggregation procedure). Za testiranje ispravnosti metoda SAAP korišćena su tri primera i rezultati predloženog metoda su poređeni sa rezultatima najčešće korišćenih kombinacija metoda grupnog objedinjavanja, konsenzus modela i metoda prioritizacije koje su nazvane šeme objedinjavanja. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je SAAP konkurentan sa ostalim šemama objedinjavanja. U disertaciji je predložena i transparentna metodologija za grupno višekriterijumsko ocenjivanje pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje na datoj teritoriji. U FAO dokumentima je sugerisano da treba vršiti ocenu pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje a ne isključivo zemljišta i da treba uzeti u obzir sve faktore (kriterijume) koji utiču na uspešnost uvođenja navodnjavanja. Višekriterijumsko određivanje pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje je zasnovano na kombinaciji AHP i geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS) u grupnom kontekstu. Metodologija se sastoji iz četiri faze. U prvoj fazi se identifikuju podkriterijumi za određivanje pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje od interesa za dato područje. Podkriterijumi se zatim grupišu u kriterijume (kao što su osobine zemljišta, klima, socio-ekonomski kriterijum, tehničko-pravni kriterijum i zaštita životne sredine) i na taj način se formira hijerarhija problema odlučivanja. Identifikovani donosioci odluka vrednuju elemente hijerarhije, takođe po metodu AHP, a zatim se vrednovanja koriste za izračunavanje individualnih težina podkriterijuma. Sastavni deo druge faze metodologije je predloženi višekriterijumski metod za određivanje težina donosilaca odluka. Koristeći individualne težine podkriterijuma izračunate u prvoj i težine donosilaca odluka izračunate u ovoj fazi, "otežanim" aritmetičkim osrednjavanjem određuju se grupne (konačne težine) podkriterijuma (GIS slojeva). Da bi rastersko preklapanje slojeva bilo moguće, u trećoj fazi se standardizuju GIS slojevi. Množenjem vrednosti piksela u svakom sloju sa pripadajućim grupnim težinama slojeva i njihovim sabiranjem dobija se konačna mapa pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje i ona predstavlja osnovu za definisanje prostornih prioriteta izgradnje novih sistema za navodnjavanje na datom području. U četvrtoj fazi (analiza osetljivosti) se prvo isključuju slojevi koji predstavljaju antropogene podkriterijume, a zatim i slojevi zasnovani na prirodnim  karakteristikama. Na ovaj način se dobijaju dve nove mape pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje koje pružaju dodatne informacije za definisanje prostornih prioriteta izgradnje novih sistema za navodnjavanje.Agricultural and water management decision problems are usually complex because many criteria (such as economical, social and environmental) need to be considered. For this kind of problems, decision making process is often based only on qualitative data or sometimes on combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multi criteria decision-making method that has been used in many applications related with decision-making based on qualitative data, and is applicable to both individual and group decision making situations. Because of the increasing complexity of decision making problems in agriculture and water management and the necessity to include all interested participants in problem solving, nowadays many AHP decision making processes take place in group settings. There are various aggregation procedures for obtaining a group priority vector within AHP-supported decision making, the most common of which are the aggregation of individual judgments (AIJ), aggregation of individual priorities (AIP) and aggregations based on consensus models. A heuristic stochastic approach to group decision making is proposed in this dissertation as an aggregation procedure which searches for the best group priority vector for a given node in an AHP– generated hierarchy. The group Euclidean distance (GED) is used as a group consistency measure for deriving the group priority vector for a given node in the AHP hierarchy where all participating individuals already set their judgments. The simulated annealing (SA) algorithm tries to minimize the GED, of the process of which can be considered an objective search for maximum consensus between individuals within the group. The group priority vector obtained in this way is invariant to any prioritization method; that is, there is no need to have individual priority vectors as is required by some other aggregation procedures. This approach is named simulated annealing aggregation procedure (SAAP). In order to check validity of this approach, three examples are used to compare it's results with results obtained by various combinations of aggregations (AIJ and AIP), consensus models and prioritization methods. In this dissertation, SAAP and other known combinations of aggregation procedures and prioritization methods are labeled as aggregation schemes. Results shows that the SAAP performs better or at least equally to several other well known combinations of prioritization and aggregation in AHP group decision making frameworks. The second objective of this dissertation was to establish a transferable and transparent procedure for multi criteria group evaluations of land suitability for irrigation. The multi criteria approach is recommended because according to FAO documents all aspects of the problem (environment, social aspect, economy) need to be considered in the evaluation, not just soil. To make a decision on where to build new, sustainable irrigation systems, here we propose multi criteria group decision making approach which combines AHP and Geographic Information System (GIS). This approach is presented as four-phase decision making framework. In the first phase, subcriteria relevant in validating land suitability were grouped into five major criteria: soil, climate, economy, infrastructure and environment. Considered as spatially determined decision making elements, criteria and subcriteria were evaluated within the AHP framework by identified experts in the subject area. In the second phase new multi criteria method is developed for deriving decision makers' weights. Using this weights and individual priority weights of subcriteria from first phase final group weights of subcriteria (GIS layers) are computed. In third phase each subcriterion (GIS layer) is standardized. Then, the cell values in each of the subcriterion layers are multiplied by the corresponding final weights of the subcriteria and aggregated into the final land suitability maps for irrigation in GIS environment. Finally, in the fourth phase, a sensitivity analysis is applied to check the influence of different criteria on the result. By changing the weights of criteria, two more maps were generated showing land suitability for irrigation regarding natural conditions and economy-water infrastructure

    Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Forest Operations – an Introductional Review

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    Decision making in forestry is very complex and requires consideration of trade-offs among economic, environmental, and social criteria. Different multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods have been developed for structuring and exploring the decision-making process of such problems. Although MCDA methods are often used for forest management problems, they are rarely used for forest operation problems. This indicates that scholars and practitioners working with forest operations are either unaware of MCDA methods, or see no benefit in using these methods. Therefore, the prime objective of this review was to make MCDA methods more intelligible (compared with current level of understanding) to novice users within the field of forest operations. For that purpose, basic ideas as well as the strengths and limitations of selected MCDA methods are presented. The second objective was to review applications of MCDA methods in forest operations. The review showed that MCDA applications are suitable for forest operation problems on all three planning levels – strategic, tactical, and operational – but with least use on the operational level. This is attributed to: 1) limited availability of temporally relevant and correct data, 2) lack of time (execution of MCDA methods is time consuming), and 3) many operational planning problems are solved with regards to an economic criterion, with other criteria serving more as frames. However, with increased importance of environmental and social aspects, incorporating MCDA methods into the decision-making process on the operational planning horizon (e.g., by developing MCDAbased guidelines for forestry work) is essential

    Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Forest Operations – an Introductional Review

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    Decision making in forestry is very complex and requires consideration of trade-offs among economic, environmental, and social criteria. Different multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods have been developed for structuring and exploring the decision-making process of such problems. Although MCDA methods are often used for forest management problems, they are rarely used for forest operation problems. This indicates that scholars and practitioners working with forest operations are either unaware of MCDA methods, or see no benefit in using these methods. Therefore, the prime objective of this review was to make MCDA methods more intelligible (compared with current level of understanding) to novice users within the field of forest operations. For that purpose, basic ideas as well as the strengths and limitations of selected MCDA methods are presented. The second objective was to review applications of MCDA methods in forest operations. The review showed that MCDA applications are suitable for forest operation problems on all three planning levels – strategic, tactical, and operational – but with least use on the operational level. This is attributed to: 1) limited availability of temporally relevant and correct data, 2) lack of time (execution of MCDA methods is time consuming), and 3) many operational planning problems are solved with regards to an economic criterion, with other criteria serving more as frames. However, with increased importance of environmental and social aspects, incorporating MCDA methods into the decision-making process on the operational planning horizon (e.g., by developing MCDAbased guidelines for forestry work) is essential

    Minimization of distance between group and individualdecisions using intelligent stochastic algorithms for waterand agricultural management

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    Donošenje odluka u poljoprivredi i vodoprivredi podrazumeva uvažavanje ekonomskih, društvenih i kriterijuma zaštite životne sredine. Proces je složen jer se odluke zbog nemogućnosti kvantifikacije često donose na osnovu kvalitativnih podataka, ili još češće, u kombinaciji sa postojećim kvantitativnim podacima. Analitički hijerarhijski proces (AHP) je teorijsko-metodološki koncept višekriterijumske analize i optimizacije za podršku složenih procesa individualnog i grupnog odlučivanja, koji se pokazao kao jedan od najpogodnijih da podrži takve procese i zato je u svetu široko rasprostranjen. Kod odlučivanja u poljoprivredi i vodoprivredi, zbog složenosti procesa, podrazumeva se interdisciplinarni pristup sa učešćem više interesnih strana (donosilaca odluka). Kod grupnih primena AHP, odluka se najčešće dobija objedinjavanjem individualnih ocena ili objedinjavanjem individualnih prioriteta. U novije vreme AHP se sve više kombinuje sa modelima za postizanje konsenzusa. U disertaciji je predložen mogući novi način objedinjavanja individualnih odluka u grupnu zasnovan na minimizaciji odstupanja grupne od individualnih odluka. Ideja je da se na osnovu individualnih vrednovanja elemenata odlučivanja po metodologiji AHP generiše grupni vektor pomoću algoritma simuliranog kaljenja (SA - simulated annealing) iz klase inteligentnih stohastičkih optimizacionih algoritama, posebno pogodnog kada rešenje treba tražiti u beskonačnim diskretnim prostorima. Pošto se u AHP mogu koristiti različiti metodi za određivanje vektora prioriteta, koji se uobičajeno nazivaju "prioritizacioni metodi", da bi se postupak objedinjavanja učinio nezavisnim od metoda prioritizacije, u disertaciji je definisan univerzalni pokazatelj grupne konzistentnosti nazvan grupno euklidsko rastojanje (GED - group Euclidean distance). Inteligentnim približavanjem grupnog vektora prioriteta individualnim odlukama, odnosno minimizacijom GED, identifikuje se grupni vektor koji dovoljno dobro predstavlja individualne odluke. Predloženi postupak nazvan je metod SAAP (SA aggregation procedure). Za testiranje ispravnosti metoda SAAP korišćena su tri primera i rezultati predloženog metoda su poređeni sa rezultatima najčešće korišćenih kombinacija metoda grupnog objedinjavanja, konsenzus modela i metoda prioritizacije koje su nazvane šeme objedinjavanja. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je SAAP konkurentan sa ostalim šemama objedinjavanja. U disertaciji je predložena i transparentna metodologija za grupno višekriterijumsko ocenjivanje pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje na datoj teritoriji. U FAO dokumentima je sugerisano da treba vršiti ocenu pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje a ne isključivo zemljišta i da treba uzeti u obzir sve faktore (kriterijume) koji utiču na uspešnost uvođenja navodnjavanja. Višekriterijumsko određivanje pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje je zasnovano na kombinaciji AHP i geografskog informacionog sistema (GIS) u grupnom kontekstu. Metodologija se sastoji iz četiri faze. U prvoj fazi se identifikuju podkriterijumi za određivanje pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje od interesa za dato područje. Podkriterijumi se zatim grupišu u kriterijume (kao što su osobine zemljišta, klima, socio-ekonomski kriterijum, tehničko-pravni kriterijum i zaštita životne sredine) i na taj način se formira hijerarhija problema odlučivanja. Identifikovani donosioci odluka vrednuju elemente hijerarhije, takođe po metodu AHP, a zatim se vrednovanja koriste za izračunavanje individualnih težina podkriterijuma. Sastavni deo druge faze metodologije je predloženi višekriterijumski metod za određivanje težina donosilaca odluka. Koristeći individualne težine podkriterijuma izračunate u prvoj i težine donosilaca odluka izračunate u ovoj fazi, "otežanim" aritmetičkim osrednjavanjem određuju se grupne (konačne težine) podkriterijuma (GIS slojeva). Da bi rastersko preklapanje slojeva bilo moguće, u trećoj fazi se standardizuju GIS slojevi. Množenjem vrednosti piksela u svakom sloju sa pripadajućim grupnim težinama slojeva i njihovim sabiranjem dobija se konačna mapa pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje i ona predstavlja osnovu za definisanje prostornih prioriteta izgradnje novih sistema za navodnjavanje na datom području. U četvrtoj fazi (analiza osetljivosti) se prvo isključuju slojevi koji predstavljaju antropogene podkriterijume, a zatim i slojevi zasnovani na prirodnim  karakteristikama. Na ovaj način se dobijaju dve nove mape pogodnosti lokaliteta za navodnjavanje koje pružaju dodatne informacije za definisanje prostornih prioriteta izgradnje novih sistema za navodnjavanje.Agricultural and water management decision problems are usually complex because many criteria (such as economical, social and environmental) need to be considered. For this kind of problems, decision making process is often based only on qualitative data or sometimes on combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multi criteria decision-making method that has been used in many applications related with decision-making based on qualitative data, and is applicable to both individual and group decision making situations. Because of the increasing complexity of decision making problems in agriculture and water management and the necessity to include all interested participants in problem solving, nowadays many AHP decision making processes take place in group settings. There are various aggregation procedures for obtaining a group priority vector within AHP-supported decision making, the most common of which are the aggregation of individual judgments (AIJ), aggregation of individual priorities (AIP) and aggregations based on consensus models. A heuristic stochastic approach to group decision making is proposed in this dissertation as an aggregation procedure which searches for the best group priority vector for a given node in an AHP– generated hierarchy. The group Euclidean distance (GED) is used as a group consistency measure for deriving the group priority vector for a given node in the AHP hierarchy where all participating individuals already set their judgments. The simulated annealing (SA) algorithm tries to minimize the GED, of the process of which can be considered an objective search for maximum consensus between individuals within the group. The group priority vector obtained in this way is invariant to any prioritization method; that is, there is no need to have individual priority vectors as is required by some other aggregation procedures. This approach is named simulated annealing aggregation procedure (SAAP). In order to check validity of this approach, three examples are used to compare it's results with results obtained by various combinations of aggregations (AIJ and AIP), consensus models and prioritization methods. In this dissertation, SAAP and other known combinations of aggregation procedures and prioritization methods are labeled as aggregation schemes. Results shows that the SAAP performs better or at least equally to several other well known combinations of prioritization and aggregation in AHP group decision making frameworks. The second objective of this dissertation was to establish a transferable and transparent procedure for multi criteria group evaluations of land suitability for irrigation. The multi criteria approach is recommended because according to FAO documents all aspects of the problem (environment, social aspect, economy) need to be considered in the evaluation, not just soil. To make a decision on where to build new, sustainable irrigation systems, here we propose multi criteria group decision making approach which combines AHP and Geographic Information System (GIS). This approach is presented as four-phase decision making framework. In the first phase, subcriteria relevant in validating land suitability were grouped into five major criteria: soil, climate, economy, infrastructure and environment. Considered as spatially determined decision making elements, criteria and subcriteria were evaluated within the AHP framework by identified experts in the subject area. In the second phase new multi criteria method is developed for deriving decision makers' weights. Using this weights and individual priority weights of subcriteria from first phase final group weights of subcriteria (GIS layers) are computed. In third phase each subcriterion (GIS layer) is standardized. Then, the cell values in each of the subcriterion layers are multiplied by the corresponding final weights of the subcriteria and aggregated into the final land suitability maps for irrigation in GIS environment. Finally, in the fourth phase, a sensitivity analysis is applied to check the influence of different criteria on the result. By changing the weights of criteria, two more maps were generated showing land suitability for irrigation regarding natural conditions and economy-water infrastructure