206 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi mahasiswa calon PPL2 bahwa  lebih dari 65% mahasiswa tersebut kompetensi matematika sekolah menengah belum pada standar yang diharapkan (paling tidak 75% mahasiswa memiliki kompetensi dalam katagori baik). Temuan tersebut terungkap dari beberapa catatan informasi di lapangan, hasil pra-survey dan hasil wawancara. Beberapa penyebab dari kondisi mahasiswa tersebut, diantaranya: (1) dalam perkuliahan matematika sekolah menengah mahasiswa menyelesaikan dengan cara kurang mandiri; (2) beberapa materi kuliah penunjang (geometri, aljabar, dan trigonometri) tidak dikuasai dengan baik oleh kebanyakan mahasiswa, dan (3) mahasiwa yang memiliki potensi di atas rata-rata kurang diberdayakan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan model pembelajaran tutor sebaya pada mahasiswa prodi pendidikan matematika FKIP Untan dilakukan sesuai langkah penelitian pengembangan ADDIE, dan langkah yang cukup menantang adalah pada langkah development, karena pada langkah ini memperoleh kelemahan mahasiswa yang beragam sehingga pengembangan tingkat lanjut perlu kreativitas yang memadai. Ketiga, Kemampuan komunikasi  dan representasi matematis mahasiswa prodi pendidikan matematika FKIP Untan sesudah pengembangan model pembelajaran tutor sebaya, berada di atas standar; yakni rata-rata skor tes I sebesar 72,1 dan rata-rata skor tes II sebesar 77,4. Melalui pengembangan model pembelajaran terjadi perubahan prinsip belajar pada diri mahasiswa yang memperoleh kontribusi dari penguatan karakter tanggungjawab, kepedulian dan solidaritas


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    AbstractThis research was aimed to know and describe  the effectiveness of contextual approach in the algebraic expression topic at Class VII MTs Negeri 2 Pontianak. The aspects that want to be know and describe are the implementation of the learning process, student’s learning activites, and student’s outcomes. The research method is descriptive method. The research subject is student in class VII E. Base on the data analysis from three aspects are: (1) the implementation of the learning process categorized good with average score 3,45; (2) student’s learning activities categorized active (69,21%); (3) students’s outcomes is not reached classical completeness with only 69,44% of student can achieve the minimum completeness criteria. Because only two out of three aspects that achieved, the coclusion of this research is the implementation of contextual approach less effective in the algebraic expression topic at class VII E MTs Negeri 2 Pontianak.    Keywords: Contextual Approach, Implementation of Learning Process, Learning Activities, and learning outcome’


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    Abstract This research aimed to reveal the mathematical concept in the traditional procession of the Gunting Rambut and Tinjak Tanah at desa Matan Jaya. The research form used in this research was a case study. The research subjects in this research were the people at desa Matan Jaya. Data processing in this research used qualitative analysis techniques. The data analyzed was data obtained direct observation, documentation, and interviews. The research result found knowledge, preparation, and implementation of the custom procession of the Gunting Rambut and step Tinjak Tanah at the desa Matan Jaya. The data analysis result showed that the procession of the Gunting Rambut and Tinjak Tanah at desa Matan Jaya contained ethnomatematics. The mathematical concepts contained in the custom procession of the Gunting Rambut and Tinja Tanah at desa Matan Jaya was operations on integers and fractions, odd numbers, number intervals, flat shapes, spatial shapes, time, probability, combinations, sets, rows and series, and social arithmetic.Keywords: Customs of the Gunting Rambut and Tinjak Tanah, Ethnomatematics, Mathematical concept

    Pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Microsoft Power Point untuk Peserta Didik Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 39 Pontianak Kota

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    This research aims to produce a product in the form of learning media based on Microsoft PowerPoint that has been validated. The research method used is research and development or in English Research and Development (R&D) by adapting the Borg and Gall design development model. The data sources for this research are the results of observations, interviews, expert validation, student responses, and documentation during the use of Microsoft PowerPoint-based learning media. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and questionnaires. The research results show that the process of developing learning media based on Microsoft PowerPoint has gone through 7 research steps, namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, product validation, revision, testing, and revision of the final product. The level of suitability of the learning media developed is very good from the design and material aspects with an average value of 3.33 and 3.78 and the product trial results are very good with an average value of 3.53 and 3.88

    Deskripsi Proses Pembelajaran IPAS Dengan Memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 28 Pontianak Kota

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    This research was conducted to describe the science learning process in utilizing Information and Communication Technology. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The sample is 2 teachers in class IV SDN 28 Pontianak City. Data collection techniques used are observation and interviews. The research data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed the implementation of science learning using ICT, in the core learning activities the teacher used ICT more often, in the preliminary and closing activities of learning only occasionally. Intensity Utilization of teachers looks enthusiastic and the number of applications using power point only. Teachers have obstacles in utilizing ICT, such as a lack of facilities and infrastructure, for example ICT devices that are lacking to operate properly, lack of technicians, lack of time in teaching due to too long to install ICT devices and lack of funding to facilitate computer labs . The solution is the school must improve infrastructure better, provide ICT facilities in each class and provide regular teacher training. Can be concluded that the implementation of science learning by utilizing ICT, teachers are more dominant in using it in the core learning activities


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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to analyze student learning obstacles from the results oferrors made by students in solving problems on the circle subjeck matter. Thisresearch method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques in this studywere written tests and interviews. The subjects of this study were grade VIII studentsSMPN 13 Pontianak in year 2020/2021. The results showed that the errors thatoccurred were conceptual, procedural and technical errors. And there are sixlearning obstacles found, namely learning obstacle type 1 is learning in sketchingcircles, type 2 learning obstacle is learning obstacles in using rules or formulascorrectly, type 3 learning obstacle is learning obstacle in writing rules or formulaswith appropriate, type 4 learning obstacle is learning obstacle in problem solvingsystematics, type 5 learning obstacle is learning obstacle in understanding questionsand type 6 learning obstacle is learning obstacle in writing degree symbols on thevalue of an angle. And there are three learning obstacles that occur, ontogeny,didactic and epistemological learnng.Keywords: Analysis of learning obstacle, errors, circle probem

    Development of Interpretation for Strengthening Mathematical Thinking Through Worksheets of Learners in Junior High Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the development of interpretations to strengthen mathematical thinking in comparative material, using worksheets developed for class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Embaloh Hilir. This study uses a 4D model which consists of 4 stages, namely definition, design, development and dissemination. Students in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Embaloh Hilir are the research subjects. The research results were obtained from each stage of the implementation of development activities using the 4D model with the instrument questions in the LKPD and interviews. The results of research on class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Embaloh Hilir show that the development of interpretation through LKPD is feasible and can improve mathematical thinking skills. This is shown from the results of the LKPD work which obtained an average of 71.87. Students use interpretation abilities when working on questions in LKPD so that students' mathematical thinking indicators become good

    Creative Thinking Ability In Learning Mathematics Assess From Scientific Attitudes In Elementary Schools

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    Creative thinking ability is a high-level ability that is being developed at this time. One of the important factors that are in line with creative thinking in achieving learning objectives is scientific attitude. This research on creative thinking skills studied from a scientific attitude was carried out in order to determine the extent of students' creative thinking abilities and become a benchmark for educators to continue to improve creative thinking skills. The type of research conducted is descriptive qualitative research. Subjects were taken using purposive sampling covering six fourth grade students of Muhammadiyah 2 Pontianak Elementary School. The research was conducted by means of observation, tests, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of data analysis from the subjects studied, it can be concluded that students' creative thinking abilities are in the moderate category with an average of 6.2 or 52% followed by a fairly good scientific attitude, namely 29 or 60%, students with high creative thinking skills tend to have a very good scientific attitude, Students with moderate creative thinking skills tend to have a good scientific attitude, and students with low creative thinking skills tend to have a poor scientific attitude

    Deskripsi Kondisi dan Penggunaan Media Nonproyeksi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 73 Pontianak Barat

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    This study aims to describe the conditions and use of non-projection media in learning mathematics of State Elementary School 73 West Pontianak. The research methode used is descriptive method. There are 2 data sources in tis study, primary data sources is educators, and secondary data sources is observation sheets, inteview guides and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model. The results of the study show that the condition of non-projection media in learning is in good condition and can function, but the use of non-projection media is rarely used by teachers during the learning proces
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