25 research outputs found

    Effects of a peer support programme for youth social services employees experiencing potentially traumatic events: a protocol for a prospective cohort study

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    Introduction The use of peer support programmes to help workers experiencing potentially traumatic events (PTE) has increased in high-risk organisations in the last decades. However, the scientific evidence of its effectiveness is still very limited. This paper aims to describe the protocol of a prospective cohort study that assesses the efficacy of a peer support programme among youth social services employees exposed to a PTE at work on psychological well-being, work functioning and needs of support. Methods and analysis This is a mixed-methods prospective study that will examine workers' evolution four times over a 12-month period in Canada. This study involves: (1) quantitative data obtained through selfadministrated questionnaires among 222 workers, and (2) qualitative in-depth interviews with a subsample of 45 workers. This study will compare findings from a cohort who received the support of a peer following a PTE (peer support–experimental protocol) as part of the experimental protocol of the Montreal Youth Social Services-University Institute (MYSS-UI), the second group of workers did not ask for the peer support (no peer support-experimental protocol) but was part of MYSS-UI, and the third group received standard organisational support from the Monteregie Youth Social Services (MYSS) (standard organisational protocol). Ethics and dissemination The protocol and informed consent form complied with the ethics guidelines of the MYSS-UI. The Research Ethics Board of MYSS-UI and MYSS reviewed and accepted the protocol as required. The results of the study will be published in peerreviewed journals, presented at research and general public conferences, disseminated via a public report for the institute that funded the project and for all workers. Results of this study will influence decision making regarding intervention policies following PTE and peer support interventions may be expanded throughout the youth social services in Canada and worldwide

    Caractéristiques disciplinaires et échanges en santé au travail : perception et point de vue des chercheurs

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    Cet article propose une réflexion sur les échanges qui impliquent des chercheurs issus de disciplines différentes, lors de collaborations menées dans le cadre de projets de recherche multi ou interdisciplinaire en santé au travail, en particulier quant au rôle des caractéristiques disciplinaires (potentiel d’insertion, perméabilité, flexibilité, retombées/objectifs) dans les échanges (objet, modalités d’échanges, coûts, difficultés). Pour alimenter cette réflexion, le point de vue de 20 chercheurs a été documenté par entrevue à l’aide d’un questionnaire comportant des questions fermées et ouvertes. Les résultats présentés portent sur la perception qu’ont les chercheurs sur : leur discipline, celle de leurs collaborateurs, le niveau des échanges quant aux connaissances, méthodes, perspectives et analyses, le coût perçu de ces échanges, les sources de difficulté et de satisfaction, les conditions qui favorisent ou non les échanges. Le rôle des caractéristiques disciplinaires et son importance potentielle est discuté, ainsi que les implications pratiques de certains résultats.This paper proposes reflection on the exchanges between researchers from different disciplines during collaboration in multi- and inter-disciplinary occupational health research projects, in particular regarding the role of disciplinary characteristics (insertion potential, permeability, flexibility, impacts/objectives) on the exchange process (object, ways of exchanging, costs, difficulties). In order to feed this reflection, 20 researchers were interviewed (closed and open questions). The results presented relate to the researchers’ perception of : their own discipline, their collaborators’ discipline, the level of exchanges (knowledge, methods, perspective, analyses), the resulting costs of these exchanges, the sources of difficulties and satisfaction, as well as the conditions that promote exchanges. The role of disciplinary characteristics and its potential impact is discussed, as well as the practical implications of some of the results.Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre los intercambios implicando investigadores procedentes de disciplinas diferentes, en colaboraciones llevadas en el marco de proyectos de investigación multi o interdisciplinarias de la salud en el trabajo, en particular cuanto al papel de la características disciplinarias (potencial de inserción, permeabilidad, flexibilidad, repercusiones/objectivos) en los intercambios (objeto, modalidades de intercambios, costos, dificultades). Para ilustrar esta reflexión, el punto de vista de 20 investigadores ha sido documentado por entrevistas hechas con un cuestionario incluyendo preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados presentados se refieren a la percepción de los investigadores sobre : su disciplina, la de sus colaboradores, el nivel de intercambios cuanto a los conocimientos, los métodos, perspectivos y análisis, el coste percibido de estos intercambios, las dificultades y satisfacciones y las condiciones que favorecen o nó los intercambios. Se habla del papel de las características disciplinarias y su importancia potencial, así como de ejemplos prácticos de ciertos resultados

    ZNF274 Recruits the Histone Methyltransferase SETDB1 to the 3′ Ends of ZNF Genes

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    Only a small percentage of human transcription factors (e.g. those associated with a specific differentiation program) are expressed in a given cell type. Thus, cell fate is mainly determined by cell type-specific silencing of transcription factors that drive different cellular lineages. Several histone modifications have been associated with gene silencing, including H3K27me3 and H3K9me3. We have previously shown that genes for the two largest classes of mammalian transcription factors are marked by distinct histone modifications; homeobox genes are marked by H3K27me3 and zinc finger genes are marked by H3K9me3. Several histone methyltransferases (e.g. G9a and SETDB1) may be involved in mediating the H3K9me3 silencing mark. We have used ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq to demonstrate that SETDB1, but not G9a, is associated with regions of the genome enriched for H3K9me3. One current model is that SETDB1 is recruited to specific genomic locations via interaction with the corepressor TRIM28 (KAP1), which is in turn recruited to the genome via interaction with zinc finger transcription factors that contain a Kruppel-associated box (KRAB) domain. However, specific KRAB-ZNFs that recruit TRIM28 (KAP1) and SETDB1 to the genome have not been identified. We now show that ZNF274 (a KRAB-ZNF that contains 5 C2H2 zinc finger domains), can interact with KAP1 both in vivo and in vitro and, using ChIP-seq, we show that ZNF274 binding sites co-localize with SETDB1, KAP1, and H3K9me3 at the 3′ ends of zinc finger genes. Knockdown of ZNF274 with siRNAs reduced the levels of KAP1 and SETDB1 recruitment to the binding sites. These studies provide the first identification of a KRAB domain-containing ZNF that is involved in recruitment of the KAP1 and SETDB1 to specific regions of the human genome

    14. À l’abri des risques ? Les inégalités et le régime de santé et de sécurité du travail

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    La nature des risques auxquels les travailleurs sont exposés et l’intensité de cette exposition ont été documentées dans de très nombreuses études. Les risques varient de manière importante, principalement en fonction des catégories d’emploi et des activités de production menées sur le lieu de travail. La probabilité d’être victime d’une lésion professionnelle n’est donc pas la même pour tout le monde. Certaines catégories de travailleurs sont plus à risque que d’autres, ce qui révèle la prés..

    The political use of poll results about public support for a privatized healthcare system in Canada

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    Objectives Within the context of the political debate on privatization of healthcare funding in Canada, this paper examines the nature and the various role of polls.Methods To reach this objective we rely on available commercial polls and statistical surveys and qualitatively analyse them to illustrate methodological and logical problems as well as to distinguish between what we call the 'informative' and the 'political' use of poll results.Results We first draw a portrait of Quebecers' and Canadians' positions on the healthcare system and use this portrait to highlight a certain number of logical and methodological issues related to the political use of polls. Our analysis shows that public support for privatization of the healthcare system, as presented in the polls, is a construct whose logical underpinnings and methodological validity are extremely weak.Conclusions We then discuss those results to argue that polls are not only used to represent the public's preferences but are also political tools used to shape those preferences.Public opinion polls Health care reform Privatization Quebec Canada

    L’activité des gestionnaires au sein des espaces de discussion sur le travail : le cas de la planification opérationnelle d’une municipalité

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    L’objectif de cet article est de modéliser l’activité de travail développée par la gestionnaire d’une municipalité québécoise au sein d’un espace de discussion conçu lors d’une recherche-intervention. En développant diverses stratégies d’enquête, la gestionnaire favorise le développement de la dimension réflexive de l’activité de ses employés, ainsi que la sienne. Cette discussion, en plus de favoriser des apprentissages mutuels, permet de co-établir une planification opérationnelle, qui servira de référence tant aux employés qu’à la gestionnaire. Par le fait même, elle permettra d’identifier des situations problématiques et de les résoudre.This article aims to model the work activity developed by the manager of a Quebec municipality within a discussion space designed during a research-intervention. By developing various investigation strategies, the manager promotes the development of the reflective dimension of her employees’ activity, as well as her own. This discussion, in addition to promoting mutual learning, makes it possible to co-establish operational planning, which will serve as a reference for both the employees and the manager. Also, it will help identify problem situations and resolve them.El objetivo de este artículo es modelar la actividad laboral desarrollada por el gerente de un municipio de Quebec en un espacio de discusión diseñado durante una investigación-intervención. Mediante el desarrollo de diversas estrategias de encuesta, el gerente fomenta el desarrollo de la dimensión reflexiva de la actividad de sus empleados, así como la suya propia. Este debate, además de promover el aprendizaje mutuo, permite establecer conjuntamente un plan operativo que servirá de referencia tanto para los empleados como para el gerente. De la misma manera, permitirá identificar situaciones problemáticas y resolverlas

    Collective Bargaining and Perceived Fairness: Validating the Conceptual Structure

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    The aim of this study is to conceptualize the “perceived fairness in the context of collective bargaining” and empirically validate its internal structure. This concept refers to employees’ justice perceptions formed during the collective bargaining process (the process of determining the employees’ working conditions when they are unionized). Drawing on the organizational justice literature, we derive a conceptualization and formulate hypotheses regarding the convergent, discriminant and predictive validity of the concept’s dimensionality. The study was conducted among faculty at a Canadian university, where the collective bargaining process took nearly two years to complete. Using confirmatory factor analyses and hierarchical regressions, we find support for discriminant, convergent, and predictive validity. The results show that the new conceptualization includes eight distinct dimensions, combining the two sources of (in)justice (employer and union) and the four types of justice perceptions: procedural, distributive, relational (interpersonal) and informational justice. Indeed, employees clearly distinguish eight justice dimensions, which have a differential effect on their attitudes: trust in the employer and satisfaction with the union.Moreover, collective bargaining is an allocation process which encourages employees to participate actively. Because such participation might entails costs (energy, time, loss of money), employees are likely to form their justice perceptions based on not only elements from the structural model (Leventhal, 1980) and the process control model (Thibaut and Walker, 1975), but also two new justice elements: the usefulness of actions (the probability that actions force the employer to improve their offer to the expected level) and the profitability of actions (cost-benefits ratio).Opening the black box of collective bargaining through the concept of fairness is the first step in order to understanding the attitudinal and behavioural consequences of collective bargaining after employees have returned to work.L’objectif de cette étude consiste à conceptualiser la « justice perçue dans le contexte de la négociation collective ». Ce concept concerne les perceptions de la justice que forment les salariés durant la négociation collective (le processus de détermination des conditions de travail dans les milieux syndiqués). S’appuyant sur la littérature portant sur la justice organisationnelle, nous avons procédé à un travail de conceptualisation et formulé des hypothèses visant à tester sa validité. Cette étude a été menée auprès de professeurs d’une université canadienne, dont la négociation collective a duré près de deux ans. À l’aide d’analyses factorielles confirmatoires et de régressions hiérarchiques, nous avons obtenu des résultats qui soutiennent la validité convergente, discriminante et prédictive de notre conceptualisation. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats montrent que ce concept renferme huit dimensions distinctes, combinant les deux sources d’(in)justice (employeur et syndicat) et les quatre types de perceptions de justice: procédurale, distributive, relationnelle (interpersonnelle) et informationnelle. En effet, les employés distinguent clairement les huit dimensions de justice, lesquelles affectent différemment leurs attitudes : la confiance envers leur employeur et la satisfaction à l’égard de leur syndicat.De plus, la négociation collective est un processus auquel les employés sont appelés à participer activement, ce qui peut entrainer des coûts (énergie, temps, perte d’argent). Les salariés sont donc susceptibles de construire leurs perceptions de justice en s’appuyant non seulement sur les éléments provenant du modèle structurel (Leventhal, 1980) ou du modèle du contrôle (Thibaut et Walker, 1975), mais également en utilisant deux nouvelles règles de justice: l’utilité des actions (la probabilité que les actions incitent l’employeur à améliorer son offre au niveau espéré) et la profitabilité des actions (ratio coûts/bénéfices).Ouvrir la boîte noire de la négociation collective à travers le concept de justice est le premier pas à franchir afin de comprendre les conséquences de la négociation collective sur les attitudes et les comportements des employés lorsqu’ils sont de retour au travail.El objetivo de este estudio consiste en conceptualizar la “justicia percibida en el contexto de la negociación colectiva”. Este concepto concierne las percepciones de la justicia que se hacen los asalariados durante la negociación colectiva (el proceso de determinación de las condiciones de trabajo en los medios sindicalizados). Apoyándose en la literatura que trata de la justicia organizacional, hemos procedido a un trabajo de conceptualización y hemos formulado hipótesis orientadas a evaluar su validez. Este estudio se llevó a cabo con profesores de una universidad canadiense cuya negociación colectiva duró más dos de años. Con la ayuda de análisis factoriales confirmatorios y de regresiones logísticas, hemos obtenido resultados que sostienen la validez convergente, discriminante y predictiva de nuestra conceptualización. En general, los resultados muestran que este concepto comporta ocho dimensiones distintas, combinando las dos fuentes de (in)justicia (empleador y sindicato) y los cuatro tipos de percepciones de justicia: procesal, distributiva, relacional (interpersonal) e informacional. En efecto, los empleados distinguen claramente las ocho dimensiones de justicia, las cuales afectan de manera diferente sus actitudes respecto a la confianza en sus empleadores y la satisfacción respecto a su sindicato.Además, la negociación colectiva es un proceso en el cual los empleados son llamados a participar activamente, lo que puede acarrear costos (energía, tiempo, pérdida de dinero). Los asalariados son así susceptibles de construir sus percepciones de justicia apoyándose no sólo en los elementos que provienen del modelo estructural (Leventhal, 1980) o del modelo del control (Teobaldo y Walker, 1975), pero también utilizando dos nuevas reglas de justicia: la utilidad de las acciones (la probabilidad que las acciones inciten al empleador a mejorar su oferta al nivel esperado) y el margen de provecho de las acciones (proporción costos / beneficios).Abrir la caja negra de la negociación colectiva mediante el concepto de justicia es el primer paso a franquear para comprender las consecuencias de la negociación colectiva sobre las actitudes y los comportamientos de los empleados cuando están de regreso al trabajo

    Évaluation des processus : comprendre comment le contexte des entreprises influence le déroulement des premières étapes d’interventions ergonomiques

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    Although a consensus exists on the fact that ergonomists adapt the intervention to each organization’s context, the precise way in which this adaptation is performed and its criteria have been overlooked in the scientific literature. A process evaluation was performed using a multiple case study design, in order to identify context indicators influencing four interventions adopting an activity-oriented approach to ergonomics and performed by ergonomists in training. The evaluation focussed on the steps preceding the implementation of work modifications, namely from request analysis until an action plan was adopted by key stakeholders. Data collection methods included a logbook, progress reports and interviews with ergonomists in training and key stakeholders. Our results presented in logic models show that 12 context indicators were facilitators or obstacles to the progression of the intervention or the action plan. Some combinations of indicators had a positive or negative synergistic effect on the cases. The process evaluation model developed for this interdisciplinary study could be used in future studies to get a better understanding of how the organization’s context influences other kind of ergonomic interventions

    Analyse des processus menant à des changements dans une entreprise du secteur aéronautique : vers un modèle d’évaluation des interventions ergonomiques

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    International audienceAnalysis of Processes Leading to Changes in a Company Operating in the Aeronautical Sector: Towards an Evaluation Model for Ergonomic InterventionsAlthough organizational changes are generally considered as generating longer lasting effects than those generated by individual changes, they are more difficult to implement. The literature on organizational change suggests that the participation of key actors at different hierarchical levels within the workplace can help identify changes that will be more easily accepted. Ergonomics is a discipline in which the participation of various actors has, for many years, represented a methodological necessity in order to make required changes when work organization is poor. However, there is a lack of knowledge related to the processes or actions done by the ergonomist that lead to the implementation of changes.The objective of this case study, conducted in an aeronautical company, is to accurately describe the actions of the ergonomist and to make recommendations as to which indicators to include in a process evaluation model for ergonomic interventions. In terms of results, a quantitative analysis of processes reveals how an ergonomist’s strategy can change at different stages of the intervention, based on certain key contextual elements. Qualitatively, this study shows how the stages prior to implementing changes are crucial in fostering the collective engagement of key actors involved in the action plan describing the changes to be implemented.This study makes a scientific contribution that relates to the evaluation of complex interventions, particularly the development of an evaluation model for ergonomic interventions. The results confirm the interest of conducting quantitative and qualitative analyses of processes and the importance of documenting the key contextual elements that influenced the processes and effects. That, from both the perspective of the facilitator and key actors. These findings could also apply to other types of organizational interventions. To continue this line of research, the evaluation of a series of ergonomic interventions would allow to deepen these results