27 research outputs found

    Dynamics of IL-4 and IFN-γ cytokine profile under the influence of combined allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens.

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    The article presents the results of the clinical evaluation of the  cytokine profile  (IL-4, IFN-γ) in combined allergen-specific ASIT immunotherapy in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. Studies were conducted in 49 patients aged 19-57 years (24 women and 25 men) suffering from polynosis from 1 to 38 years. Patients underwent an allergological examination, including history taking, diagnostic skin tests - prick test, immunological studies of blood by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and allergic component diagnosis ALEX, on the basis of which polysensitization to pollen and household allergens was revealed in all patients. All patients underwent pre-season ASIT. The main group of 31 patients received a combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allegens. 18 patients of the comparison group received ASIT only with pollen allergens. The observation groups were comparable by sex, age, and disease duration. Studies were conducted during the period of remission of the disease before the onset of ASIT and 1 year after. It was found that under the influence of combined ASIT, an immunospecific effect was observed in patients with a significant decrease in the level of IL-4 in simultaneous increase in the production of interferon-gamma by 59.8%, which indicates the activation of the process of switching the immune response from Th-2 to Th-1 cells. The positive results of clinical and immunological studies convincingly prove the advantages and effectiveness of the use of ASIT in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens

    Clinical and hygienic assessment of bone mineral density in population of ecologically contrasting territories.

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    Disorder of the relationship between biotic and abiotic elements against the background of anthropogenic stress on the human body affects the course of bone remodeling. It is bone tissue in the human body that has the greatest cumulative properties with respect to many xenobiotics, lead in particular. The accumulation of lead in the bone leads to the replacement of calcium ions by ions of the abiotic element and causes further changes in the bone structure: inhibition of growth processes, decreased density, the development of osteopenia and osteoporosis. In the article, a comparative hygienic analysis of bone mineral density levels (according to T-score) in industrial (n=68) and control (n=70) areas was conducted. The T-score, calculated at the LI-LIV level obtained by the method of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used and was evaluated according to the recommendations of the WHO. The formation of a homogeneous sample of persons for the study was conducted according to the place of residence, age, sex, absence of diseases and regular intake of drugs leading to a decrease in bone mass. Summarizing the results, it should be noted that the population of Dniprо city has a more negative and significant decrease in the bone mineral density (according to the T-score) compared to the same values of the control areas – 2.15-4.6 times and Ukraine's – 1.39-4.21 times. According to WHO recommendations, T-score indices for residents of industrial territory indicate to the presence of osteopenia, while among residents of the control area, the norm for this indicator is noted. Consequently, there is an effect of man-made including lead, pollution of the environment on the level of bone mineral density in the industrial city this contributes to the development of osteoporotic changes in the population

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки

    Dynamics of IL-4 and IFN-γ Cytokine Profile Under the Influence of Combined Allergen-specific Immunotherapy (ASIT) in Patients with Polynosis and Combined Sensitization to Pollen and Household Allergens.

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    The article presents the results of the clinical evaluation of the cytokine profile (IL-4, IFN-γ) in combined allergen-specific ASIT immunotherapy in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. Studies were conducted in 49 patients aged 19-57 years (24 women and 25 men) suffering from polynosis from 1 to 38 years. Patients underwent an allergological examination, including history taking, diagnostic skin tests - prick test, immunological studies of blood by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and allergic component diagnosis ALEX, on the basis of which polysensitization to pollen and household allergens was revealed in all patients. All patients underwent pre-season ASIT. The main group of 31 patients received a combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allegens. 18 patients of the comparison group received ASIT only with pollen allergens. The observation groups were comparable by sex, age, and disease duration. Studies were conducted during the period of remission of the disease before the onset of ASIT and 1 year after. It was found that under the influence of combined ASIT, an immunospecific effect was observed in patients with a significant decrease in the level of IL-4 in simultaneous increase in the production of interferon-gamma by 59.8%, which indicates the activation of the process of switching the immune response from Th-2 to Th-1 cells. The positive results of clinical and immunological studies convincingly prove the advantages and effectiveness of the use of ASIT in patients with polynosis and combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens

    Translocation of Trace Elements in the System "Mother-placenta-fetus" in Rats with Physiological Pregnancy and Under Conditions of Lead Exposure.

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    Heavy metals are the second major environmental pollutants. Especially toxic is lead, increased content of which in the body of a pregnant determines the development of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period complications and is potentiated by deficiency of essential trace elements - zinc and copper. Article presents the results of impact of solutions of lead acetate and citrate in experimental models. Solutions of metals were injected into the stomach through a tube once a day during 19 days of pregnancy in the dose of 0,05 mg/kg in the form of inorganic compound - lead acetate and in organic form – lead citrate. The content of trace elements - lead, cadmium, copper and zinc were determined by stripping voltamperometry. In addition, indices of placental and fetal accumulation, as well as index of transplacental migration were calculated. Effect of lead during pregnancy in all biosubstrates is increased by 1,3-1,9 times as compared with the control group. This causes imbalance of essential trace elements due to significant reduction in zinc content in all the studied biological substrates. Prolonged contact with lead during pregnancy leads to disruption of placenta, inability of the placenta to fully protect the fetus from excessive intranatal influence of xenobiotics

    Комбінована дія низькодозових рівнів свинцю та цинку на кісткову тканину щурів

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    Pollution of the environment remains a pressing problem of the global level. The greatest concern is caused by heavy metals, especially lead, which to the greatest extent - up to 90–95 % accumulates in bone tissue of the human body.Aim. The establishment of the bioeffect type of low-dose lead and zinc combined action on bone tissue density by the calcium content in it in the experiment.Materials and methods. For experimental studies Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups. To determine the type of lead and zinc effect on the calcium level in femur bone tissue the content of the latter by the titration method was identified. To evaluate the relationship between low doses of zinc and lead, the combined action coefficient and change of combined action effect coefficient were determined.Results. The analysis of the results shows that the type of lead and zinc low concentrations combined action in their influence on bone tissue density by calcium content in it is characterized as an antagonistic, since the combined action coefficient value was 0.32–0.39. The effect of subacute combined action in binary systems "lead acetate – zinc chloride" and "lead acetate – zinc citrate" is weakened by 2.6 and 3.1 times, respectively.Conclusions. The type of lead and zinc low concentrations combined action provided that they affect the bone tissue density of rats by calcium content in it, which do not exceed the threshold of general toxicity, is characterized as antagonistic, since the combined action coefficient = 0.32–0.39. The effect of subacute combined action in binary systems, "lead acetate – zinc chloride" and "lead acetate – zinc citrate" is reduced by 2.6 and 3.1 times, respectively, compared with their isolated effects, indicating active inhibition of bone tissue lead accumulation by zinc compounds, which is especially characteristic of zinc citrate.Загрязнение окружающей среды по-прежнему остается актуальной проблемой глобального уровня. Наибольшее беспокойство вызывают тяжелые металлы, особенно свинец, который в наибольшей степени – до 90–95 %, накапливается в костной ткани организма человека.Цель работы – установление типа биоэффекта комбинированного действия низкодозовых уровней свинца и цинка на плотность костной ткани по содержанию в ней кальция в эксперименте.Материалы и методы. Для проведения экспериментальных исследований распределили крыс линии Wistar на 5 групп. Для определения типа воздействия свинца и цинка на уровень кальция в костной ткани бедренной кости определили количество последнего методом титрования. Для оценки отношений низких доз цинка со свинцом определены коэффициент комбинированного действия (Ккд) и коэффициент изменения эффекта комбинированного действия (Киэ).Результаты. Анализ полученных результатов показывает, что тип комбинированного действия свинца и цинка при их влиянии на плотность костной ткани по содержанию в ней кальция в низких концентрациях характеризуется как антагонистический, поскольку величина Ккд составляла 0,32–0,39. Эффект подострого комбинированного действия в бинарных системах «ацетат свинца – хлорид цинка» и «ацетат свинца – цитрат цинка» ослаблен в 2,6 и 3,1 раза соответственно.Выводы. Тип комбинированного действия свинца и цинка в низких концентрациях, при условии их влияния на плотность костной ткани крыс по содержанию в ней кальция, которые не превышают порог общетоксического действия, характеризуется как антагонистический, так как Ккд = 0,32–0,39. Эффект подострого комбинированного действия в бинарных системах «ацетат свинца – хлорид цинка» и «ацетат свинца – цитрат цинка» уменьшается в 2,6 и 3,1 раза соответственно по сравнению с изолированным их влиянием, что свидетельствует об активном торможении соединениями цинка накопления свинца костной тканью, что особенно характерно для цитрата цинка.Забруднення довкілля, як і раніше, залишається актуальною проблемою глобального рівня. Найбільше занепокоєння викликають важкі метали, особливо свинець, який найбільше – до 90–95 %, накопичується в кістковій тканині організму людини.Мета роботи – встановлення типу біоефекту комбінованої дії низькодозових рівнів свинцю та цинку на щільність кісткової тканини за вмістом у ній кальцію в експерименті.Матеріали та методи. Для експериментальних досліджень розподілили щурів лінії Wistar на 5 груп. Для визначення типу впливу свинцю та цинку на рівень кальцію в кістковій тканині стегнової кістки визначили кількість останнього методом титрування. Для оцінювання відносин низьких доз цинку зі свинцем визначили коефіцієнт комбінованої дії (Ккд) і коефіцієнт зміни ефекту комбінованої дії (Кзе).Результати. Аналіз результатів свідчить, що тип комбінованої дії свинцю та цинку за умови їхнього впливу на щільність кісткової тканини за вмістом у ній кальцію в низьких концентраціях характеризується як антагоністичний, оскільки величина Ккд становила 0,32–0,39. Ефект підгострої комбінованої дії в бінарних системах «ацетат свинцю – хлорид цинку» та «ацетат свинцю – цитрат цинку» ослаблений у 2,6 і 3,1 раза відповідно.Висновки. Тип комбінованої дії свинцю та цинку в низьких концентраціях, за умови їхнього впливу на щільність кісткової тканини щурів за вмістом у ній кальцію, котрі не перевищують поріг загальнотоксичної дії, характеризується як антагоністичний, оскільки Ккд = 0,32–0,39. Ефект підгострої комбінованої дії в бінарних системах «ацетат свинцю – хлорид цинку» та «ацетат свинцю – цитрат цинку» зменшується у 2,6 і 3,1 раза відповідно, порівняно з ізольованим їх впливом, що свідчить про активне гальмування сполуками цинку накопичення свинцю кістковою тканиною та є особливо характерним для цитрату цинку

    Analysis of the Dynamics of Clinical Indicators in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis with Sensitization to Pollen and Household Allergens Using Combined Allergen-specific Immunotherapy

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of combined allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) with combined sensitization to pollen and household allergens. To achieve this goal, 49 patients with AR of working age were examined – 35.5±1.5 years with clinical manifestations of seasonal rhinoconjunctival syndrome with a long period of 9.2±1.1 years, among which there were 25 (51.0%) males and 24 (49%) females. All patients were divided into 2 homogeneous groups by age, sex, duration of the disease, the average number of etiologically significant allergens: the main one – 31 patients who received combined ASIT with solutions of pollen and household allergens and a comparison group – 18 patients for whom only pollen allergens were used. Allergological examination included anamnesis, skin tests with pollen allergens (wormwood, ragweed, quinoa, corn, etc.) and household (house dust, mites, epidermal agents) and / or molecular research methods using the ALEX technology. The quantitative integral assessment of the intensity of AR clinical symptoms was calculated as a total score for the main symptoms. The maximum score for the severity of nasal symptoms – 12, eye - 6, total – 18. The results obtained and their analysis indicate that under the influence of ASIT pollen and household allergens in patients there is a significant and reliable decrease in the intensity of clinical manifestations of seasonal rhinoconjunctive syndrome: nasal manifestations – by 52,2%, conjunctival – by 60%, integral – by 54.3% and an increase of 2.2 times in the percentage of patients in the main group with the disappearance or minimization of clinical symptoms of the disease after treatment compared with patients from the comparison group, which convincingly proves and confirms high efficiency of the selected type of therapy in patients with AR in combination with sensitization to pollen and household allergens

    Combined effect of low dose levels of lead and zinc on bone tissue of rats

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    Pollution of the environment remains a pressing problem of the global level. The greatest concern is caused by heavy metals, especially lead, which to the greatest extent - up to 90–95 % accumulates in bone tissue of the human body. Aim. The establishment of the bioeffect type of low-dose lead and zinc combined action on bone tissue density by the calcium content in it in the experiment. Materials and methods. For experimental studies Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups. To determine the type of lead and zinc effect on the calcium level in femur bone tissue the content of the latter by the titration method was identified. To evaluate the relationship between low doses of zinc and lead, the combined action coefficient and change of combined action effect coefficient were determined. Results. The analysis of the results shows that the type of lead and zinc low concentrations combined action in their influence on bone tissue density by calcium content in it is characterized as an antagonistic, since the combined action coefficient value was 0.32–0.39. The effect of subacute combined action in binary systems "lead acetate – zinc chloride" and "lead acetate – zinc citrate" is weakened by 2.6 and 3.1 times, respectively. Conclusions. The type of lead and zinc low concentrations combined action provided that they affect the bone tissue density of rats by calcium content in it, which do not exceed the threshold of general toxicity, is characterized as antagonistic, since the combined action coefficient = 0.32–0.39. The effect of subacute combined action in binary systems, "lead acetate – zinc chloride" and "lead acetate – zinc citrate" is reduced by 2.6 and 3.1 times, respectively, compared with their isolated effects, indicating active inhibition of bone tissue lead accumulation by zinc compounds, which is especially characteristic of zinc citrate

    Comparative Evaluation of Bioprotective Action of Zinc in Organic and Inorganic Form on Osteotropism of Lead in Experimental Conditions.

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    Chemical aggression of technogenic pollution of the environment, according to experts, is the leading risk factor for population health. A systematic entry of contaminants in the related life-supporting environments – air, water, plant and animal food products by direct and indirect migration chains creates both integrated and combined effect on the body. It should be noted that a chemical factor, on the one hand, is the least studied in this respect, on the other hand it represents the most significant and rapidly growing environmental threat to human health. In the human body bone tissue has the highest cumulative properties against many xenobiotics, in particular to heavy metals, among which lead is the leader in relationship to the bone tissue. In this regard, the goal is to study peculiarities of different forms of zinc on calcium content in bone tissue in lead intoxication. As a result of researches it is established that low dosed effect of lead during subacute experience causes a significant decrease of calcium content in the bone tissue by 28% in comparison with those of control group of animals, this reduces its density and becomes a risk factor for the development of osteopenic and osteoporotic state of the organism. Combined effect of lead and organic and inorganic forms of zinc zeliably increases calcium content by 16.43% and 22,04% respectively, as compared with lead group, suggesting protective properties of zinc in lead intoxication due to the effect of bioantagonism. In the isolated introduction of organic and inorganic forms of zinc, calcium content in the bone tissue increases by 1.4 and 2.04 times respectively, as compared with the control group. The obtained results confirm osteoprotective action of zinc, particularly of organic forms in lead intoxication and give reason to believe that in the system "lead – zinc" effect of biological antagonism is formed