8 research outputs found

    Repopulation of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758, in the Rovinj area

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    Plemenita periska sesilni je organizam, filtrator koji u osnovi nastanjuje gole pomične podloge, te pomične podloge obrasle morskim cvjetnicama. U posljednjih je nekoliko desetljeća uočena drastično smanjenje populacija diljem Sredozemnog mora. Pretpostavlja se da je tome glavni uzrok upravo ljudska aktivnost. U posljednjih nekoliko godina uočeno je povećanje brojnosti plemenite periske u priobalju Rovinja, čime se stvorila potreba za kvantitativnu analizu stanja populacija. Na tri lokacije u priobalju Rovinja odreĎeni su gustoća populacije, veličinski razredi, te starosne skupine. U svrhu odreĎivanja veličinskih razreda i starosne skupine, na svakoj od tri lokacije izmjereno je po 30 jedinki čime je sveukupno istraživanjem obuhvaćeno 90 jedinki. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako su istraživane populacije iznimno zdrave. U budućim istraživanjima bilo bi potrebno obuhvatiti i druge lokacije u priobalju Rovinja u svrhu usporedbe rezultata sa različitih lokacija.The fan mussel Pinna nobilis is a sessile organism, a filter feeder inhabiting bare soft-bottom areas and areas overgrown by seagrass meadows. In the past few decades a drastic population decrease was noted all along the Mediterranean sea shores. The assumptions are that the cause for this population reduction is stress, which in general comes from human activities. In the past few years population growth was noted in the coastal area of Rovinj. The need for quantitative analysis was created. On three locations in the Rovinj coastal area, population density, size classes and age classes were determined. On each location 30 specimens were measured for the size and age classes determination, which makes 90 specimens all together. The results of the research show that the populations in the Rovinj coastal area are healthy. Further quantitative investigations on other locations in the Rovinj coastal area are needed for the comparison of results from different areas

    Repopulation of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis Linnaeus, 1758, in the Rovinj area

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    Plemenita periska sesilni je organizam, filtrator koji u osnovi nastanjuje gole pomične podloge, te pomične podloge obrasle morskim cvjetnicama. U posljednjih je nekoliko desetljeća uočena drastično smanjenje populacija diljem Sredozemnog mora. Pretpostavlja se da je tome glavni uzrok upravo ljudska aktivnost. U posljednjih nekoliko godina uočeno je povećanje brojnosti plemenite periske u priobalju Rovinja, čime se stvorila potreba za kvantitativnu analizu stanja populacija. Na tri lokacije u priobalju Rovinja odreĎeni su gustoća populacije, veličinski razredi, te starosne skupine. U svrhu odreĎivanja veličinskih razreda i starosne skupine, na svakoj od tri lokacije izmjereno je po 30 jedinki čime je sveukupno istraživanjem obuhvaćeno 90 jedinki. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju kako su istraživane populacije iznimno zdrave. U budućim istraživanjima bilo bi potrebno obuhvatiti i druge lokacije u priobalju Rovinja u svrhu usporedbe rezultata sa različitih lokacija.The fan mussel Pinna nobilis is a sessile organism, a filter feeder inhabiting bare soft-bottom areas and areas overgrown by seagrass meadows. In the past few decades a drastic population decrease was noted all along the Mediterranean sea shores. The assumptions are that the cause for this population reduction is stress, which in general comes from human activities. In the past few years population growth was noted in the coastal area of Rovinj. The need for quantitative analysis was created. On three locations in the Rovinj coastal area, population density, size classes and age classes were determined. On each location 30 specimens were measured for the size and age classes determination, which makes 90 specimens all together. The results of the research show that the populations in the Rovinj coastal area are healthy. Further quantitative investigations on other locations in the Rovinj coastal area are needed for the comparison of results from different areas

    Safety of drinking water in Gorski Kotar ā€“ five-year period 2011 ā€“ 2015

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    Cilj: Osiguranje zdravstveno ispravne vode osnovna je potreba svakog čovjeka. S obzirom na dugogodiÅ”nje mikrobioloÅ”ko onečiŔćenje u vodoopskrbnoj mreži Gorskog kotara, analizirano je petogodiÅ”nje razdoblje. Cilj ovog rada bio je pratiti utjecaj promjena zakonske regulative i sanitarno-tehničkih uvjeta ā€“ ugradnje većeg broja automatskih klorinatora na broj ispitanih uzoraka iz vodoopskrbnog sustava, kao i na rezultate ispitivanja parametara zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju. U radu je uspoređen profil onečiŔćenja vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju u Gorskom kotaru i ostalim dijelovima županije. Metode: Statistički su obrađeni i interpretirani rezultati županijskog monitoringa zdravstvene ispravnosti vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju na području Gorskog kotara u razdoblju od 2011. do 2015. (broj ispitanih uzoraka N = 7.047). Rezultati: Stupanjem na snagu Pravilnika o parametrima sukladnosti i metodama analize vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju (NN 125/13, 141/13 i 128/15) broj uzoraka na temelju kojih se prati stanje vode u razvodnoj mreži Gorskog kotara je Å”esterostruko smanjen, ali je broj ispitanih pokazatelja povećan. Ugradnja automatskih klorinatora (2012. g. i 2013. g.) rezultirala je dvostrukim smanjenjem broja nesukladnih uzoraka. Zaključci: Primjena Pravilnika (NN 125/13, 141/13 i 128/15) rezultirala je značajnim smanjenjem broja analiziranih uzoraka u pojedinim vodoopskrbnim sustavima, Å”to je procjenu njihovog stanja uvelike otežalo. Ugradnjom automatskih klorinatora broj nesukladnih uzoraka u Gorskom kotaru upola je smanjen. Glavni razlog zdravstvene neispravnosti vode za ljudsku potroÅ”nju u vodovodima Gorskog kotara je fekalno onečiŔćenje vode, dok u ostalim dijelovima županije najčeŔće od zadanih kriterija odstupaju mutnoća vode, povećani broj kolonija (UBB) i nusprodukti klorinacije.Aim: Ensuring the safety of potable water is a necessity of every human being. Taking into account long-term microbiological contamination of water supply network of Gorski Kotar, the results of 5-year County monitoring program of potable water safety in that region have been analysed. The aim of this study was to monitor the impact of amendment of legal standards as well as sanitary and technical requirements Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ the insertion of higher number of chlorinators on the number of examined samples deriving from the water supply system as well as the influence on the results of testing of the health parameters of water intended for human consumption. This study compared the contamination profile of water for human consumption in Gorski Kotar and other regions of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Methods: This study presents the elaborated and interpreted results of the County monitoring program of potable water safety in the region of Gorski Kotar during the 5-year period (2011Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ2015; the number examined samples N = 7,047). Results: Application of the Regulations on the parameters of assessment and methods for the analysis of water for human consumption (Official Gazette 125/2013, 141/2013/, 128/2015) provides six times lesser number of samples for the monitoring of water supply system network in Gorski Kotar, but the number of analysed parameters was increased. Installation of automatic chlorinators (2012 and 2013) resulted with twice smaller number of non-compliant samples of drinking water. Conclusions: Application of the the Regulations (Official Gazette 125/2013, 141/2013, 128/2015) resulted with the significant reduction of samples for certain water supply systems making the objective assessment of their condition much harder. The installation of automatic chlorinators reduced the number of non-compliant water samples in Gorski Kotar by half. The main reason for non-complying samples of water for human consumption in the water supply systems of Gorski Kotar is faecal contamination, while for the other parts of the County major deviation from stipulated criteria are turbidity, increased number of colonies (Heterotrophic Plate Count Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ HPC) and chlorination by-products

    Sociability of juvenile F1 individuals from the crossing experiment of fast evolving populations of the italian wall lizard, Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810)

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    Godine 1971. premjeÅ”teno je 5 parova primorske guÅ”terice Podarcis siculus s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te na otok Pod Mrčaru. Nakon 36 godina znanstvenici su utvrdili da je populacija P. siculus na otoku Pod Mrčaru kompetitivno isključila populaciju krÅ”ke guÅ”terice P. melisellensis. Daljnja komparativna istraživanja populacija P. siculus na otocima Pod KopiÅ”te i Pod Mrčaru, pokazala su postojanje razlika između dviju populacija na fizioloÅ”koj, morfoloÅ”koj i bihevioralnoj razini. Naizgled veća socijabilnost populacije na otoku Pod Mrčaru, otvorila je potrebu za usporedbom ponaÅ”anja, kao i za testiranjem nasljednosti. Ovaj rad se fokusira na jednu bihevioralnu karakteristiku, socijabilnost. Rad je dio HRZZ projekta Genraliz, koji pokuÅ”ava dati odgovore na pitanja o brzoj adaptivnoj evoluciji. Testiraju se četiri skupine juvenilnih jedinki. Prva skupina predstavlja juvenilne jedinke čiji su roditelji s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te, druga skupina predstavlja jedinke čiji su roditelji s otoka Pod Mrčaru. Treću i četvrtu skupinu čine juvenilni hibridi nastali recipročnim križanjem roditelja s dva otoka. Testiranje se vrÅ”i pomoću 3-komornog testa socijabilnosti. PrijaÅ”nja testiranja roditeljske generacije pokazala su da su mužjaci s otoka Pod Mrčaru socijabilniji od ženki s oba otoka i od mužjaka s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na nepostojanje statistički značajne razlike u socijabilnosti između četiri testirane skupine. Buduća istraživanja bi se trebala fokusirati na komparaciji rezultata juvenilnih i adultnih jedinki te na istraživanju transkriptoma i genoma.In the year 1971., five pairs of italian wall lizard Podarcis siculus were translocated from Pod KopiÅ”te island to Pod Mrčaru island. After 36 years, scientists discovered that the P. siculus population competitively excluded the dalmatian wall lizard P. melisellensis on Pod Mrčaru island. Further comparative studies of P. siculus populations on two islands, Pod KopiÅ”te and Pod Mrčaru, have shown noticeable variations between two populations on the physiological, morphological and behavioural level. Evidence on higher sociability on Pod Mrčaru island, demonstrated a need for further studies, including behavioral comparisons and heritability testing. This work is focused on one behavioral trait, sociability. This work is part of HRZZ project Genraliz, which aims at answering questions regarding rapid adaptive evolution. Four groups of juvenile individuals are tested. The first group consists of juveniles whose parents originated from Pod KopiÅ”te island, while the second group consists of juveniles whose parents originated from Pod Mrčaru island. The third and fourth group include hybrids whose parents from both islands were reciprocally crossed. Preceding tests done on the parental generation showed that males from Pod Mrčaru island exhibit higher sociability behavior than females from both islands, and males from Pod KopiÅ”te island. The results of this study haven't shown any significant differences in sociability between the four tested groups. Future studies should include juvenile and adult comparisons, as well as genom-wide sequencing and transcriptome studies

    Sociability of juvenile F1 individuals from the crossing experiment of fast evolving populations of the italian wall lizard, Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810)

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    Godine 1971. premjeÅ”teno je 5 parova primorske guÅ”terice Podarcis siculus s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te na otok Pod Mrčaru. Nakon 36 godina znanstvenici su utvrdili da je populacija P. siculus na otoku Pod Mrčaru kompetitivno isključila populaciju krÅ”ke guÅ”terice P. melisellensis. Daljnja komparativna istraživanja populacija P. siculus na otocima Pod KopiÅ”te i Pod Mrčaru, pokazala su postojanje razlika između dviju populacija na fizioloÅ”koj, morfoloÅ”koj i bihevioralnoj razini. Naizgled veća socijabilnost populacije na otoku Pod Mrčaru, otvorila je potrebu za usporedbom ponaÅ”anja, kao i za testiranjem nasljednosti. Ovaj rad se fokusira na jednu bihevioralnu karakteristiku, socijabilnost. Rad je dio HRZZ projekta Genraliz, koji pokuÅ”ava dati odgovore na pitanja o brzoj adaptivnoj evoluciji. Testiraju se četiri skupine juvenilnih jedinki. Prva skupina predstavlja juvenilne jedinke čiji su roditelji s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te, druga skupina predstavlja jedinke čiji su roditelji s otoka Pod Mrčaru. Treću i četvrtu skupinu čine juvenilni hibridi nastali recipročnim križanjem roditelja s dva otoka. Testiranje se vrÅ”i pomoću 3-komornog testa socijabilnosti. PrijaÅ”nja testiranja roditeljske generacije pokazala su da su mužjaci s otoka Pod Mrčaru socijabilniji od ženki s oba otoka i od mužjaka s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na nepostojanje statistički značajne razlike u socijabilnosti između četiri testirane skupine. Buduća istraživanja bi se trebala fokusirati na komparaciji rezultata juvenilnih i adultnih jedinki te na istraživanju transkriptoma i genoma.In the year 1971., five pairs of italian wall lizard Podarcis siculus were translocated from Pod KopiÅ”te island to Pod Mrčaru island. After 36 years, scientists discovered that the P. siculus population competitively excluded the dalmatian wall lizard P. melisellensis on Pod Mrčaru island. Further comparative studies of P. siculus populations on two islands, Pod KopiÅ”te and Pod Mrčaru, have shown noticeable variations between two populations on the physiological, morphological and behavioural level. Evidence on higher sociability on Pod Mrčaru island, demonstrated a need for further studies, including behavioral comparisons and heritability testing. This work is focused on one behavioral trait, sociability. This work is part of HRZZ project Genraliz, which aims at answering questions regarding rapid adaptive evolution. Four groups of juvenile individuals are tested. The first group consists of juveniles whose parents originated from Pod KopiÅ”te island, while the second group consists of juveniles whose parents originated from Pod Mrčaru island. The third and fourth group include hybrids whose parents from both islands were reciprocally crossed. Preceding tests done on the parental generation showed that males from Pod Mrčaru island exhibit higher sociability behavior than females from both islands, and males from Pod KopiÅ”te island. The results of this study haven't shown any significant differences in sociability between the four tested groups. Future studies should include juvenile and adult comparisons, as well as genom-wide sequencing and transcriptome studies

    Sociability of juvenile F1 individuals from the crossing experiment of fast evolving populations of the italian wall lizard, Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810)

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    Godine 1971. premjeÅ”teno je 5 parova primorske guÅ”terice Podarcis siculus s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te na otok Pod Mrčaru. Nakon 36 godina znanstvenici su utvrdili da je populacija P. siculus na otoku Pod Mrčaru kompetitivno isključila populaciju krÅ”ke guÅ”terice P. melisellensis. Daljnja komparativna istraživanja populacija P. siculus na otocima Pod KopiÅ”te i Pod Mrčaru, pokazala su postojanje razlika između dviju populacija na fizioloÅ”koj, morfoloÅ”koj i bihevioralnoj razini. Naizgled veća socijabilnost populacije na otoku Pod Mrčaru, otvorila je potrebu za usporedbom ponaÅ”anja, kao i za testiranjem nasljednosti. Ovaj rad se fokusira na jednu bihevioralnu karakteristiku, socijabilnost. Rad je dio HRZZ projekta Genraliz, koji pokuÅ”ava dati odgovore na pitanja o brzoj adaptivnoj evoluciji. Testiraju se četiri skupine juvenilnih jedinki. Prva skupina predstavlja juvenilne jedinke čiji su roditelji s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te, druga skupina predstavlja jedinke čiji su roditelji s otoka Pod Mrčaru. Treću i četvrtu skupinu čine juvenilni hibridi nastali recipročnim križanjem roditelja s dva otoka. Testiranje se vrÅ”i pomoću 3-komornog testa socijabilnosti. PrijaÅ”nja testiranja roditeljske generacije pokazala su da su mužjaci s otoka Pod Mrčaru socijabilniji od ženki s oba otoka i od mužjaka s otoka Pod KopiÅ”te. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na nepostojanje statistički značajne razlike u socijabilnosti između četiri testirane skupine. Buduća istraživanja bi se trebala fokusirati na komparaciji rezultata juvenilnih i adultnih jedinki te na istraživanju transkriptoma i genoma.In the year 1971., five pairs of italian wall lizard Podarcis siculus were translocated from Pod KopiÅ”te island to Pod Mrčaru island. After 36 years, scientists discovered that the P. siculus population competitively excluded the dalmatian wall lizard P. melisellensis on Pod Mrčaru island. Further comparative studies of P. siculus populations on two islands, Pod KopiÅ”te and Pod Mrčaru, have shown noticeable variations between two populations on the physiological, morphological and behavioural level. Evidence on higher sociability on Pod Mrčaru island, demonstrated a need for further studies, including behavioral comparisons and heritability testing. This work is focused on one behavioral trait, sociability. This work is part of HRZZ project Genraliz, which aims at answering questions regarding rapid adaptive evolution. Four groups of juvenile individuals are tested. The first group consists of juveniles whose parents originated from Pod KopiÅ”te island, while the second group consists of juveniles whose parents originated from Pod Mrčaru island. The third and fourth group include hybrids whose parents from both islands were reciprocally crossed. Preceding tests done on the parental generation showed that males from Pod Mrčaru island exhibit higher sociability behavior than females from both islands, and males from Pod KopiÅ”te island. The results of this study haven't shown any significant differences in sociability between the four tested groups. Future studies should include juvenile and adult comparisons, as well as genom-wide sequencing and transcriptome studies

    First Restoration Experiment for Endemic <i>Fucus virsoides</i> on the Western Istrian Coastā€”Is It Feasible?

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    Fucus virsoides is an endemic species of the Mediterranean limited to the Adriatic Sea. In recent decades, it has undergone a severe regression, which is well documented in the northern Adriatic. To develop a tool for mitigating this problem, we tested the feasibility of F. virsoides restoration and designed a very simple yet effective method for ex situ cultivation and planting. We also tested the effect of positioning in the upper vs. lower intertidal on the growth of F. virsoides. After planting, the algae reached fertility in nine months, which was followed by a period of stagnation and reduction in size due to grazing and fouling. There were some differences in growth of the algae according to positioning in the intertidal at different measurement times, but that had little impact on the overall success of the restoration experiment. This represents, to our knowledge, the first successful F. virsoides ex situ cultivation and restoration attempt

    Croatian Action on Salt and Health (CRASH): On the Road to Successā€”Less Salt, More Health

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    The World Health Organization recommends adjusting salt intake as a part of the nine global targets to reduce premature mortality from non-communicable chronic diseases as a priority and the most cost-effective intervention. In 2006, the main aim of the Croatian Action on Salt and Health was to decrease salt intake by 16% because of its critical intake and consequences on human health. We have organized educative activities to increase awareness on salt harmfulness, define food categories of prime interest, collaborate with industries and determine salt intake (24 h urine sodium excretion). It was determined that the proportion of salt in ready-to-eat baked bread should not exceed 1.4%. In the period 2014ā€“2022, salt in semi-white bread was reduced by 14%, 22% in bakery and 25% in the largest meat industry. Awareness of the harmfulness of salt on health increased from 65.3% in 2008 to 96.9% in 2023 and salt intake was reduced by 15.9ā€“1.8 g/day (22.8% men, 11.7% women). In the last 18 years, a significant decrease in salt intake was achieved in Croatia, awareness of its harmfulness increased, collaboration with the food industry was established and regulatory documents were launched. However, salt intake is still very high, underlying the need for continuation of efforts and even stronger activities