225 research outputs found

    Large-scale adaptive multiple testing for sequential data controlling false discovery and nondiscovery rates

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    In modern scientific experiments, we frequently encounter data that have large dimensions, and in some experiments, such high dimensional data arrive sequentially rather than full data being available all at a time. We develop multiple testing procedures with simultaneous control of false discovery and nondiscovery rates when mm-variate data vectors X1,X2,…\mathbf{X}_1, \mathbf{X}_2, \dots are observed sequentially or in groups and each coordinate of these vectors leads to a hypothesis testing. Existing multiple testing methods for sequential data uses fixed stopping boundaries that do not depend on sample size, and hence, are quite conservative when the number of hypotheses mm is large. We propose sequential tests based on adaptive stopping boundaries that ensure shrinkage of the continue sampling region as the sample size increases. Under minimal assumptions on the data sequence, we first develop a test based on an oracle test statistic such that both false discovery rate (FDR) and false nondiscovery rate (FNR) are nearly equal to some prefixed levels with strong control. Under a two-group mixture model assumption, we propose a data-driven stopping and decision rule based on local false discovery rate statistic that mimics the oracle rule and guarantees simultaneous control of FDR and FNR asymptotically as mm tends to infinity. Both the oracle and the data-driven stopping times are shown to be finite (i.e., proper) with probability 1 for all finite mm and converge to a finite constant as mm grows to infinity. Further, we compare the data-driven test with the existing gap rule proposed in He and Bartroff (2021) and show that the ratio of the expected sample sizes of our method and the gap rule tends to zero as mm goes to infinity. Extensive analysis of simulated datasets as well as some real datasets illustrate the superiority of the proposed tests over some existing methods.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Takayasu arteritis in pregnancy: a case report, and clinical lessons learnt

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    A case report of known case of Takayasu arteritis (known to the woman in case report) in a primigravida, but unrevealed to the obstetrician till advanced stage of pregnancy is reported. The authors share the lessons learnt by them from this case which would improve diagnosis, evaluation and management of pregnancy hypertension. A brief account on clinical manifestations and diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis is also included

    Maxillofacial Defects: Impact on Psychology and Esthetics

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    Maxillofacial defects arising due to developmental anomalies, trauma or ablative cancer surgeries pose a challenge to an individual due to alteration in form, function and esthetics. Face is considered to be a reflection of one’s personality and existence. Any alteration in facial structures or symmetry alters the esthetics of an individual. This may have a deep psychological impact on the patient affecting self-confidence, self-worth and ability to interact among peers. Maxillofacial Prosthodontics is a specialty that deals with rehabilitation of missing or deformed structures of orofacial region to achieve normalcy as much as practically feasible. A multidisciplinary approach is required to evaluate the psychological status, understand the impact of defect altering esthetics and mental make-up of the patient and follow an organized approach to alleviate the impact of maxillofacial defects in overall life of an individual. This chapter highlights the impact of maxillofacial defect on esthetics of an individual and psychological impact of the same

    Use and inappropriate use of proton pump inhibitors in hospitalized patients

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    Background: The discovery of Helicobacter pylori infection in etiology of peptic ulcer disease and proton pump inhibitors (PPI) in management of upper gastrointestinal diseases had been the milestones in medical science. PPI are currently being both overused and misused. In countries like India, where over 500 branded formulations of PPI are available, probability of misuse and abuse increases exponentially. The aim of the study was to find out inappropriate use of PPI, among hospitalized patients.Methods: In order to find answer to the research question a cross sectional study was conducted in indoor patient of a tertiary care private hospital at Jaipur, Rajasthan. Patients of either sex, aged 18 years or above belonging to rural and urban communities were participating in study. The sample size was 500.Results: It was noted that Inappropriate PPI use was observed in most of the hospital admitted patients (78%). Most common diagnosis among inappropriate PPI use was dengue fever (due to increased number of dengue cases during study period), followed by cerebrovascular accidents and urinary tract infection. Most common indication for appropriate PPI use was stress ulcer prophylaxis, again in dengue case (due to cardinal manifestation of thrombocytopenia).Conclusions: Almost all patients were once prescribed PPI after admission and discharged on PPI (99.2%). Thus, we recommend evidence-based prescription of PPI, to reduce side effects and excess cost

    Molecular Phylogeny of OVOL Genes Illustrates a Conserved C2H2 Zinc Finger Domain Coupled by Hypervariable Unstructured Regions

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    OVO-like proteins (OVOL) are members of the zinc finger protein family and serve as transcription factors to regulate gene expression in various differentiation processes. Recent studies have shown that OVOL genes are involved in epithelial development and differentiation in a wide variety of organisms; yet there is a lack of comprehensive studies that describe OVOL proteins from an evolutionary perspective. Using comparative genomic analysis, we traced three different OVOL genes (OVOL1-3) in vertebrates. One gene, OVOL3, was duplicated during a whole-genome-duplication event in fish, but only the copy (OVOL3b) was retained. From early-branching metazoa to humans, we found that a core domain, comprising a tetrad of C2H2 zinc fingers, is conserved. By domain comparison of the OVOL proteins, we found that they evolved in different metazoan lineages by attaching intrinsically-disordered (ID) segments of N/C-terminal extensions of 100 to 1000 amino acids to this conserved core. These ID regions originated independently across different animal lineages giving rise to different types of OVOL genes over the course of metazoan evolution. We illustrated the molecular evolution of metazoan OVOL genes over a period of 700 million years (MY). This study both extends our current understanding of the structure/function relationship of metazoan OVOL genes, and assembles a good platform for further characterization of OVOL genes from diverged organisms

    Structure-Property Correlation of Hypoeutectic Al-7.6Si Alloys with and without Al-5Ti-1B Grain Refiner

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    696-700Hypoeutectic Al-7.6Si alloy has been developed with and without Al-5Ti-1B grain refiner through the gravity casting method. Effects of 2, 4, and 6 wt % master alloy (Al-5Ti-1B) addition on the microstructural morphology, mechanical properties (percentage elongation (%El) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS)), hardness and fracture behaviour of the Al-7.6Si alloy have been investigated. Unmodified hypoeutectic Al-7.6Si alloy consists of needle and rod-like eutectic Si ((Si)E) particles with sharp corners inside the Alα phase. In the grain refined Al-7.6Si alloy, TiB2 is formed and these TiB2 acts as a potential site for nucleation of Alα grains. Therefore, the grain refined alloys have fine globular Alα grains and fibrous (Si)E phase. The bulk hardness, UTS and elongation (%) are increased in the grain refined alloys. Further, fractography show that the cleavage fracture is reduced in the modified alloy and fine dimple formation is increased

    Structure-Property Correlation of Hypoeutectic Al-7.6Si Alloys with and without Al-5Ti-1B Grain Refiner

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    Hypoeutectic Al-7.6Si alloy has been developed with and without Al-5Ti-1B grain refiner through the gravity casting method. Effects of 2, 4, and 6 wt % master alloy (Al-5Ti-1B) addition on the microstructural morphology, mechanical properties (percentage elongation (%El) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS)), hardness and fracture behaviour of the Al-7.6Si alloy have been investigated. Unmodified hypoeutectic Al-7.6Si alloy consists of needle and rod-like eutectic Si ((Si)E) particles with sharp corners inside the Alα phase. In the grain refined Al-7.6Si alloy, TiB2 is formed and these TiB2 acts as a potential site for nucleation of Alα grains. Therefore, the grain refined alloys have fine globular Alα grains and fibrous (Si)E phase. The bulk hardness, UTS and elongation (%) are increased in the grain refined alloys. Further, fractography show that the cleavage fracture is reduced in the modified alloy and fine dimple formation is increased
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