1,614 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Spectrograms of High Speed Steels for Minor Elements Plate Calibration Method

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    Minor elements occurring in high speed steels do not exceed a total of two percent Such steels of our Works manufacture designated as T.H.S. a are of the conventional type 18-4-1. The time-scale method of plate calibration due to Smith has been adopted and applied to the ferrous analysis of the above samples; the spectra evaluated and compared with the usual method of log ratio of galvanometer deflections against composition. The elements receiving attention were manganese, silicon and vanadium. Conventional spark technique for exciting spectra was used. The standard deviations of results which have been computed, do not exceed 2 to 3 per cent of contents

    Relativistic U(3) Symmetry and Pseudo-U(3) Symmetry of the Dirac Hamiltonian

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    The Dirac Hamiltonian with relativistic scalar and vector harmonic oscillator potentials has been solved analytically in two limits. One is the spin limit for which spin is an invariant symmetry of the the Dirac Hamiltonian and the other is the pseudo-spin limit for which pseudo-spin is an invariant symmetry of the the Dirac Hamiltonian. The spin limit occurs when the scalar potential is equal to the vector potential plus a constant, and the pseudospin limit occurs when the scalar potential is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the vector potential plus a constant. Like the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator, each of these limits has a higher symmetry. For example, for the spherically symmetric oscillator, these limits have a U(3) and pseudo-U(3) symmetry respectively. We shall discuss the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of these two limits and derive the relativistic generators for the U(3) and pseudo-U(3) symmetry. We also argue, that, if an anti-nucleon can be bound in a nucleus, the spectrum will have approximate spin and U(3) symmetry.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of "Tenth International Spring Seminar-New Quests in Nuclear Structure", 6 page

    Four-quark spectroscopy within the hyperspherical formalism

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    We present a generalization of the hyperspherical harmonic formalism to study systems made of quarks and antiquarks of the same flavor. This generalization is based on the symmetrization of the NN-body wave function with respect to the symmetric group using the Barnea and Novoselsky algorithm. The formalism is applied to study four-quark systems by means of a constituent quark model successful in the description of the two- and three-quark systems. The results are compared to those obtained by means of variational approaches. Our analysis shows that four-quark systems with exotic 0+0^{+-} and non-exotic 2++2^{++} quantum numbers may be bound independently of the mass of the quark. 2+2^{+-} and 1+1^{+-} states become attractive only for larger mass of the quarks.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    The thermodynamic limit for fractional exclusion statistics

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    I discuss Haldane's concept of generalised exclusion statistics (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 67}, 937, 1991) and I show that it leads to inconsistencies in the calculation of the particle distribution that maximizes the partition function. These inconsistencies appear when mutual exclusion statistics is manifested between different subspecies of particles in the system. In order to eliminate these inconsistencies, I introduce new mutual exclusion statistics parameters, which are proportional to the dimension of the Hilbert sub-space on which they act. These new definitions lead to properly defined particle distributions and thermodynamic properties. In another paper (arXiv:0710.0728) I show that fractional exclusion statistics manifested in general systems with interaction have these, physically consistent, statistics parameters.Comment: 8 page

    Number Fluctuation in an interacting trapped gas in one and two dimensions

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    It is well-known that the number fluctuation in the grand canonical ensemble, which is directly proportional to the compressibility, diverges for an ideal bose gas as T -> 0. We show that this divergence is removed when the atoms interact in one dimension through an inverse square two-body interaction. In two dimensions, similar results are obtained using a self-consistent Thomas-Fermi (TF) model for a repulsive zero-range interaction. Both models may be mapped on to a system of non-interacting particles obeying the Haldane-Wu exclusion statistics. We also calculate the number fluctuation from the ground state of the gas in these interacting models, and compare the grand canonical results with those obtained from the canonical ensemble.Comment: 11 pages, 1 appendix, 3 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular & Optica

    The Vector Analyzing Power in Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    We compute the vector analyzing power (VAP) for the elastic scattering of transversely polarized electrons from protons at low energies using an effective theory of electrons, protons, and photons. We study all contributions through second order in E/ME/M, where EE and MM are the electron energy and nucleon mass, respectively. The leading order VAP arises from the imaginary part of the interference of one- and two-photon exchange amplitudes. Sub-leading contributions are generated by the nucleon magnetic moment and charge radius as well as recoil corrections to the leading-order amplitude. Working to O(E/M)2{\cal O}(E/M)^2, we obtain a prediction for AnA_n that is free of unknown parameters and that agrees with the recent measurement of the VAP in backward angle epep scattering.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Typos fixe

    Production and detection of doubly charmed tetraquarks

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    The feasibility of tetraquark detection is studied. For the cc\bar{u}\bar{d} tetraquark we show that in present (SELEX, Tevatron, RHIC) and future facilities (LHCb, ALICE) the production rate is promising and we propose some detectable decay channels.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Electron-deuteron scattering in the equal-time formalism: beyond the impulse approximation

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    Using a three-dimensional formalism that includes relativistic kinematics, the effects of negative-energy states, approximate boosts of the two-body system, and current conservation, we calculate the electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron up to Q^2 of 4 GeV^2. This is done using a dynamical boost for two-body systems with spin. We first compute form factors in impulse approxmation, but then also add an isoscalar meson-exchange current of pion range that involves the gamma-pi contact operator associated with pseudovector pi-N coupling. We also consider effects of the rho-pi-gamma meson-exchange current. The experimentally measured quantities A, B, and t20 are calculated over the kinematic range probed in recent Jefferson Laboratory experiments. The rho-pi-gamma meson-exchange current provides significant strength in A at large Q^2 and the gamma-pi contact-term exchange current shifts t20, providing good agreement with the JLab data. Relativistic effects and the gamma-pi meson-exchange current do not provide an explanation of the B observable, but the rho-pi-gamma current could help to provide agreement if a nonstandard value is used for the tensor rho-N coupling that enters this contribution.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. (v2) Added references on rho-pi-gamma current as well as comparison to recent Novosibirsk data on T20. Implemented \includegraphics in place of \BoxedEPSF. (v3) Modified in order to clarify the nature of the boost we implemented for particles with spin. Other minor changes. Version to be published in Physical Review

    Universal behaviour of ideal and interacting quantum gases in two dimensions

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    I discuss ideal and interacting quantum gases obeying general fractional exclusion statistics. For systems with constant density of single-particle states, described in the mean field approximation, the entropy depends neither on the microscopic exclusion statistics, nor on the interaction. Such systems are called {\em thermodynamically equivalent} and I show that the microscopic reason for this equivalence is a one-to-one correspondence between the excited states of these systems. This provides a method, different from the bosonisation technique, to transform between systems of different exclusion statistics. In the last section the macroscopic aspects of this method are discussed. In Appendix A I calculate the fluctuation of the ground state population of a condensed Bose gas in grandcanonical ensemble and mean field approximation, while in Appendix B I show a situation where although the system exhibits fractional exclusion properties on microscopic energy intervals, a rigorous calculation of the population of single particle states reveals a condensation phenomenon. This also implies a malfunction of the usual and simplified calculation technique of the most probable statistical distributions.Comment: About 14 journal pages, with 1 figure. Changes: Body of paper: same content, with slight rephrasing. Apendices are new. In the original submission I just mentioned the condensation, which is now detailed in Appendix B. They were intended for a separate paper. Reason for changes: rejection from Phys. Rev. Lett., resubmission to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Thomas-Fermi Method For Particles Obeying Generalized Exclusion Statistics

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    We use the Thomas-Fermi method to examine the thermodynamics of particles obeying Haldane exclusion statistics. Specifically, we study Calogero-Sutherland particles placed in a given external potential in one dimension. For the case of a simple harmonic potential (constant density of states), we obtain the exact one-particle spatial density and a {\it closed} form for the equation of state at finite temperature, which are both new results. We then solve the problem of particles in a x2/3 x^{2/3} ~ potential (linear density of states) and show that Bose-Einstein condensation does not occur for any statistics other than bosons.Comment: 10 pages (TeX), 2 figures available upon reques