2,367 research outputs found


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    The Revenue Act of 1936 provides that in computing net income from oil and gas properties there shall be allowed as a deduction from gross income a reasonable allowance for depletion, according to the peculiar conditions in each case. The allowance is made under regulations prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The first problem is to fix the amount the taxpayer is entitled to recover before he is considered as earning income which is not in essence a mere return of his capital investment. The difficulty of clearly defining the difference between a return of capital and of income has often been discussed

    Another Year Passes

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    The three outstanding events of the club last spring quarter were \u27the Foresters’\u27 Banquet; the Veishea Parade and Open-House; and the Spring Campfire

    An Exploratory Study of the Electronic Distribution of Hotel Rooms in Europe

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    Hotels sell a great deal of their inventory by means of third party distribution through the use of technology and marketing intermediaries. More recently the Internet along with other emerging technologies has offered the potential to disrupt enduring distribution arrangements. The question of strategic change is important as the low-cost, multi-channel possibilities offer considerable potential benefits to hotels, but these are also linked to considerable risks. The focus of the study is on the drivers behind the choice of distribution intermediaries by hotel groups. A research questionnaire designed to establish the factors influencing hotels’ choice of intermediaries, was developed from the extant literature. Subsequently principal component analysis uncovered an overriding factor, (referred to here as ‘risk preference’) which is shown to influence heavily channel strategy choice. This indicates the concern by hoteliers over the impact of negative direct or intermediary-related performance on hotel brand image and reputation. The results of this study further support the theory that the hotel industry has yet to define a strategic direction that will leverage the capabilities of the Internet

    Landforce 2010 : some implications of technology for ADF future land force doctrine, leadership and structures

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    This monograph examines new developments in military technology of significance to Australia, then considers their implications for ADF land force doctrine and leadership, and combat force structures. Technological developments likely to lead to significant changes in land force future capabilities are examined against a speculative scenario making effective use of technology. Significant trends are identified, including the lethality of current and projected weapon systems, increased battlefield mobility and fluidity, and the potential for a fourth generation in warfare; promoting a doctrinal need for dispersed operations and 'directive control' as an operating norm. The demands of such operations under Australian conditions are seen to require increased combat soldier competence and leader ability, suggesting a need to restructure the present officer/NCO hierarchy and develop a less conventional land force

    MHD Wave Propagation in the Neighbourhood of Two Null Points

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    The nature of fast magnetoacoustic and Alfv\'en waves is investigated in a zero ÎČ\beta plasma in the neighbourhood of a pair of two-dimensional null points. This gives an indication of wave propagation in the low ÎČ\beta solar corona, for a more complicated magnetic configuration than that looked at by McLaughlin & Hood (2004). It is found that the fast wave is attracted to the null points and that the front of the wave slows down as it approaches the null point pair, with the wave splitting and part of the wave accumulating at one null and the rest at the other. Current density will then accumulate at these points and ohmic dissipation will then extract the energy in the wave at these points. This suggests locations where wave heating will occur in the corona. The Alfv\'en wave behaves in a different manner in that the wave accumulates along the separatrices. Hence, the current density will accumulate at this part of the topology and this is where wave heating will occur. However, the phenomenon of wave accumulation at a specific place is a feature of both wave types, and illustrates the importance of studying the topology of the corona when considering MHD wave propagation.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Space Climate Manifestation in Earth Prices - from Medieval England Up to Modern Usa

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    In this study we continue to search for possible manifestations of space weather influence on prices of agricultural products and consumables. We note that the connection between solar activity and prices is based on the causal chain that includes several nonlinear transition elements. These non-linear elements are characterized by threshold sensitivity to external parameters and lead to very inhomogeneous local sensitivity of the price to space weather conditions. It is noted that "soft type" models are the most adequate for description of this class of connections. Two main observational effects suitable for testing causal connections of this type of sensitivity are considered: burst-like price reactions on changes in solar activity and price asymmetry for selected phases of the sunspot cycle. The connection, discovered earlier for wheat prices of Medieval England, is examined in this work on the basis of another 700-year data set of consumable prices in England. Using the same technique as in the previous part of our work (Pistilnik and Yom Din 2004) we show that statistical parameters of the interval distributions for price bursts of consumables basket and for sunspot minimum states are similar one to another, like it was reported earlier for wheat price bursts. Possible sources of these consistencies between three different multiyear samples are discussed. For search of possible manifestations of the "space weather - wheat market" connection in modern time, we analyze dynamics of wheat prices in the USA in the twentieth century. We show that the wheat prices revealed a maximum/minimum price asymmetry consistent with the phases of the sunspot cycle. We discuss possible explanations of this observed asymmetry, unexpected under conditions of globalization of the modern wheat market.Comment: First International Symposium on Space Climate: Direct and Indirect Observations of Long-Term Solar Activity, 20-23 June 2004, Oulu, Finlan

    Writing for the JRCPE

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    Direct Observation by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of the Two-Dimensional Lattice Structure of the S-Layer Sheath of the Archaeobacterium Methanospirillum hungatei GP1

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    Observation of the two-dimensional (2-D) 3 nm x 3 nm lattice structure of the S-layer sheath of the archaeobacterium Methanospirillum hungatei is reported for the first time by scanning tunneling microscopy. The samples consisted of sheath fragments deposited on a TaSe2 substrate and coated with a Pt/Ir film. In addition to confirming the 2-D structure, the images reveal some new information about the nano-scale details of the sheath structure. A lateral resolution of 1 nm was achieved, suggesting that the grain size of the Pt/Ir films was much less than for similar films deposited on a smooth metal surface

    Ion mobility mass spectrometry uncovers the impact of the patterning of oppositely charged residues on the conformational distributions of intrinsically disordered proteins

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    The global dimensions and amplitudes of conformational fluctuations of intrinsically disordered proteins are governed, in part, by the linear segregation versus clustering of oppositely charged residues within the primary sequence. Ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) affords unique advantages for probing the conformational consequences of the linear patterning of oppositely charged residues because it measures and separates proteins electrosprayed from solution on the basis of charge and shape. Here, we use IM-MS to measure the conformational consequences of charge patterning on the C-terminal intrinsically disordered region (p27 IDR) of the cell cycle inhibitory protein p27Kip1. We report the range of charge states and accompanying collisional cross section distributions for wild-type p27 IDR and two variants with identical amino acid compositions, Îș14 and Îș56, distinguished by the extent of linear mixing versus segregation of oppositely charged residues. Wild-type p27 IDR (Îș31) and Îș14, where the oppositely charged residues are more evenly distributed, exhibit a broad distribution of charge states. This is concordant with high degrees of conformational heterogeneity in solution. By contrast, Îș56 with linear segregation of oppositely charged residues leads to limited conformational heterogeneity and a narrow distribution of charged states. Gas-phase molecular dynamics simulations demonstrate that the interplay between chain solvation and intrachain interactions (self-solvation) leads to conformational distributions that are modulated by salt concentration, with the wild-type sequence showing the most sensitivity to changes in salt concentration. These results suggest that the charge patterning within the wild-type p27 IDR may be optimized to sample both highly solvated and self-solvated conformational states
