9 research outputs found

    Empirical Correspondence Between Trophic Transfer Efficiency in Freshwater Food Webs and the Slope of Their Size Spectra

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    The density of organisms declines with size, because larger organisms need more energy than smaller ones and energetic losses occur when larger organisms feed on smaller ones. A potential expression of density-size distributions are Normalized Biomass Size Spectra (NBSS), which plot the logarithm of biomass independent of taxonomy within bins of logarithmic organismal size, divided by the bin width. Theoretically, the NBSS slope of multi-trophic communities is exactly 1.0 if the trophic transfer efficiency (TTE, ratio of production rates between adjacent trophic levels) is 10% and the predator-prey mass ratio (PPMR) is fixed at 104 . Here we provide evidence from four multi-trophic lake food webs that empirically estimated TTEs correspond to empirically estimated slopes of the respective community NBSS. Each of the NBSS considered pelagic and benthic organisms spanning size ranges from bacteria to fish, all sampled over three seasons in 1 yr. The four NBSS slopes were significantly steeper than 1.0 (range 1.14 to 1.19, with 95% CIs excluding 1). The corresponding average TTEs were substantially lower than 10% in each of the four food webs (range 1.0% to 3.6%, mean 1.85%). The overall slope merging all biomass-size data pairs from the four systems (1.17) was almost identical to the slope predicted from the arithmetic mean TTE of the four food webs (1.18) assuming a constant PPMR of 104 . Accordingly, our empirical data confirm the theoretically predicted quantitative relationship between TTE and the slope of the biomass-size distribution. Furthermore, we show that benthic and pelagic organisms can be merged into a community NBSS, but future studies have yet to explore potential differences in habitat-specific TTEs and PPMRs. We suggest that community NBSS may provide valuable information on the structure of food webs and their energetic pathways, and can result in improved accuracy of TTE-estimates

    A regime shift from macrophyte to phytoplankton dominance enhances carbon burial in a shallow, eutrophic lake

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    Ecological regime shifts and carbon cycling in aquatic systems have both been subject to increasing attention in recent years, yet the direct connection between these topics has remained poorly understood. A four-fold increase in sedimentation rates was observed within the past 50 years in a shallow eutrophic lake with no surface in- or outflows. This change coincided with an ecological regime shift involving the complete loss of submerged macrophytes, leading to a more turbid, phytoplankton- dominated state. To determine whether the increase in carbon (C) burial resulted from a comprehensive transformation of C cycling pathways in parallel to this regime shift, we compared the annual C balances (mass balance and ecosystem budget) of this turbid lake to a similar nearby lake with submerged macrophytes, a higher transparency, and similar nutrient concentrations. C balances indicated that roughly 80% of the C input was permanently buried in the turbid lake sediments, compared to 40% in the clearer macrophyte-dominated lake. This was due to a higher measured C burial efficiency in the turbid lake, which could be explained by lower benthic C mineralization rates. These lower mineralization rates were associated with a decrease in benthic oxygen availability coinciding with the loss of submerged macrophytes. In contrast to previous assumptions that a regime shift to phytoplankton dominance decreases lake heterotrophy by boosting whole-lake primary production, our results suggest that an equivalent net metabolic shift may also result from lower C mineralization rates in a shallow, turbid lake. The widespread occurrence of such shifts may thus fundamentally alter the role of shallow lakes in the global C cycle, away from channeling terrestrial C to the atmosphere and towards burying an increasing amount of C

    Sensor-based telerehabilitation system increases patient adherence after knee surgery.

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    ObjectivesImplementing evidence-based recommendations with the option of patient-individualised and situation-specific adaptations in telerehabilitation may increase adherence with improved clinical outcome.MethodsAs part of a registry-embedded hybrid design (part 1), digital medical device (DMD)-usage in a home-based setting was analysed in a multinational registry. The DMD combines an inertial motion-sensor system with instructions for exercises and functional tests on smartphones. A prospective, single-blinded, patient-controlled, multicentre intervention study (DRKS00023857) compared implementation capacity of the DMD to standard physiotherapy (part 2). Usage patterns by health care providers (HCP) were assessed (part 3).Results and conclusionRegistry raw data (10,311 measurements) were analysed from 604 DMD-users, demonstrating clinically expected rehabilitation progression post knee injuries. DMD-users performed tests for range-of-motion, coordination and strength/speed enabling insight to stage-specific rehabilitation (χ2 = 44.9, p<0.001). Intention-to-treat-analysis (part 2) revealed DMD-users to have significantly higher adherence to the rehabilitation intervention compared to the matched patient-control-group (86% [77-91] vs. 74% [68-82], p<0.05). DMD-users performed recommended exercises at home with higher intensity (p<0.05). HCP used DMD for clinical decision making. No adverse events related to the DMD were reported. Adherence to standard therapy recommendations can be increased using novel high quality DMD with high potential to improve clinical rehabilitation outcome, enabling evidence-based telerehabilitation

    Contrasting response of two shallow lakes to a partial winterkill of fish

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    Food-web effects of winterkill are difficult to predict as the enhanced mortality of planktivorous fish may be counterbalanced by an even higher mortality of piscivores. We hypothesised that a winterkill in a clear and a turbid shallow lake would equalise their fish community composition, but seasonal plankton successions would differ between lakes. After a partial winterkill, we observed a reduction of fish biomass by 16 and 43% in a clear-water and a turbid small temperate lake, respectively. Fish biomass and piscivore shares (5% of fish biomass) were similar in both lakes after this winterkill, but young-of-the-year (YOY) abundances were higher in the turbid lake. Top-down control by crustaceans was only partly responsible for low phytoplankton biomass at the end of May following the winterkill in both lakes. Summer phytoplankton biomass remained low in the clear-water lake despite high abundances of YOY fish (mainly roach). In contrast, the crustacean biomass of the turbid lake was reduced in summer by a high YOY abundance (sunbleak and roach), leading to a strong increase in phytoplankton biomass. The YOY abundance of fish in shallow eutrophic lakes may thus be more important for their summer phytoplankton development after winterkill than the relative abundance of piscivores

    Sensor-based telerehabilitation system increases patient adherence after knee surgery

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    Objectives Implementing evidence-based recommendations with the option of patient-individualised and situation-specific adaptations in telerehabilitation may increase adherence with improved clinical outcome. Methods As part of a registry-embedded hybrid design (part 1), digital medical device (DMD)-usage in a home-based setting was analysed in a multinational registry. The DMD combines an inertial motion-sensor system with instructions for exercises and functional tests on smartphones. A prospective, single-blinded, patient-controlled, multicentre intervention study (DRKS00023857) compared implementation capacity of the DMD to standard physiotherapy (part 2). Usage patterns by health care providers (HCP) were assessed (part 3). Results and conclusion Registry raw data (10,311 measurements) were analysed from 604 DMD-users, demonstrating clinically expected rehabilitation progression post knee injuries. DMD-users performed tests for range-of-motion, coordination and strength/speed enabling insight to stage-specific rehabilitation (χ2 = 44.9, p<0.001). Intention-to-treat-analysis (part 2) revealed DMD-users to have significantly higher adherence to the rehabilitation intervention compared to the matched patient-control-group (86% [77–91] vs. 74% [68–82], p<0.05). DMD-users performed recommended exercises at home with higher intensity (p<0.05). HCP used DMD for clinical decision making. No adverse events related to the DMD were reported. Adherence to standard therapy recommendations can be increased using novel high quality DMD with high potential to improve clinical rehabilitation outcome, enabling evidence-based telerehabilitation. Author summary Telerehabilitation refers to rehabilitation programmes delivered by electronic services such as medical apps. This technology can facilitate health care access and improve individual adherence to recommendations in a home-based setting, especially in the early phases of rehabilitation. We investigated key aspects of a sensor-guided medical app used for knee rehabilitation after surgery in three separate studies. We compared usage patterns, clinical effectiveness, and safety from 604 nationwide users and found that the sensor and medical app are able to measure correct values in the rehabilitation progress when used only by patients at home. Using the tests suggested by the app was safe. Patients with the app in the home environment were more likely to stick to recommendations of exercises given by doctors and physiotherapists and train harder compared to those only undertaking physiotherapy. Doctors and physiotherapist used sensor data and the medical app to decide what type of exercise a patient should perform. Our data show that telerehabilitation, and medical apps in particular, may become a game-changer for individualised and functional approaches to orthopaedic rehabilitation programmes

    Benthic carbon is inefficiently transferred in the food webs of two eutrophic shallow lakes

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    The sum of benthic autotrophic and bacterial production often exceeds the sum of pelagic autotrophic and bacterial production, and hence may contribute substantially to whole-lake carbon fluxes, especially in shallow lakes. Furthermore, both benthic and pelagic autotrophic and bacterial production are highly edible and of sufficient nutritional quality for animal consumers. We thus hypothesised that pelagic and benthic transfer efficiencies (ratios of production at adjacent trophic levels) in shallow lakes should be similar. We performed whole ecosystem studies in two shallow lakes (3.5 ha, mean depth 2 m), one with and one without submerged macrophytes, and quantified pelagic and benthic biomass, production and transfer efficiencies for bacteria, phytoplankton, epipelon, epiphyton, macrophytes, zooplankton, macrozoobenthos and fish. We expected higher transfer efficiencies in the lake with macrophytes, because these provide shelter and food for macrozoobenthos and may thus enable a more efficient conversion of basal production to consumer production. In both lakes, the majority of the whole-lake autotrophic and bacterial production was provided by benthic organisms, but whole-lake primary consumer production mostly relied on pelagic autotrophic and bacterial production. Consequently, transfer efficiency of benthic autotrophic and bacterial production to macrozoobenthos production was an order of magnitude lower than the transfer efficiency of pelagic autotrophic and bacterial production to rotifer and crustacean production. Between-lake differences in transfer efficiencies were minor. We discuss several aspects potentially causing the unexpectedly low benthic transfer efficiencies, such as the food quality of producers, pelagic–benthic links, oxygen concentrations in the deeper lake areas and additional unaccounted consumer production by pelagic and benthic protozoa and meiobenthos at intermediate or top trophic levels. None of these processes convincingly explain the large differences between benthic and pelagic transfer efficiencies. Our data indicate that shallow eutrophic lakes, even with a major share of autotrophic and bacterial production in the benthic zone, can function as pelagic systems with respect to primary consumer production. We suggest that the benthic autotrophic production was mostly transferred to benthic bacterial production, which remained in the sediments, potentially cycling internally in a similar way to what has previously been described for the microbial loop in pelagic habitats. Understanding the energetics of whole-lake food webs, including the fate of the substantial benthic bacterial production, which is either mineralised at the sediment surface or permanently buried, has important implications for regional and global carbon cycling

    Weak Response of Animal Allochthony and Production to Enhanced Supply of Terrestrial Leaf Litter in Nutrient-Rich Lakes

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    Ecosystems are generally linked via fluxes of nutrients and energy across their boundaries. For example, freshwater ecosystems in temperate regions may receive significant inputs of terrestrially derived carbon via autumnal leaf litter. This terrestrial particulate organic carbon (POC) is hypothesized to subsidize animal production in lakes, but direct evidence is still lacking. We divided two small eutrophic lakes each into two sections and added isotopically distinct maize litter to the treatment sections to simulate increased terrestrial POC inputs via leaf litter in autumn. We quantified the reliance of aquatic consumers on terrestrial resources (allochthony) in the year subsequent to POC additions by applying mixing models of stable isotopes. We also estimated lake-wide carbon (C) balances to calculate the C flow to the production of the major aquatic consumer groups: benthic macroinvertebrates, crustacean zooplankton, and fish. The sum of secondary production of crustaceans and benthic macroinvertebrates supported by terrestrial POC was higher in the treatment sections of both lakes. In contrast, total secondary and tertiary production (supported by both autochthonous and allochthonous C) was higher in the reference than in the treatment sections of both lakes. Average aquatic consumer allochthony per lake section was 27–40%, although terrestrial POC contributed less than about 10% to total organic C supply to the lakes. The production of aquatic consumers incorporated less than 5% of the total organic C supply in both lakes, indicating a low ecological efficiency. We suggest that the consumption of terrestrial POC by aquatic consumers facilitates a strong coupling with the terrestrial environment. However, the high autochthonous production and the large pool of autochthonous detritus in these nutrient-rich lakes make terrestrial POC quantitatively unimportant for the C flows within food webs