23 research outputs found

    Вимоги видавничого відділу ІМФЕ ім. М. Т. Рильського до оформлення авторами рукописів

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    Industrial parts are manufactured to tolerances as no production process is capable of delivering perfectly identical parts. It is unacceptable that a plan for a manipulation task that was determined on the basis of a CAD model of a part fails on some manufactured instance of that part, and therefore it is crucial that the admitted shape variations are systematically taken into account during the planning of the task. We study the problem of orienting a part with given admitted shape variations by means of pushing with a single frictionless jaw. We use a very general model for admitted shape variations that only requires that any valid instance must contain a given convex polygon PI while it must be contained in another convex polygon PE. The problem that we solve is to determine, for a given h, the sequence of h push actions that puts all valid instances of a part with given shape variation into the smallest possible interval of final orientations. The resulting algorithm runs in O(hn) time, where n=|PI|+|PE|

    Pityrosporon Folliculitis

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    3D game content distributed adaptation in heterogeneous environments

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    Multi-step joint bilateral depth upsampling

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    ABSTRACT Depth maps are used in many applications, e.g. 3D television, stereo matching, segmentation, etc. Often, depth maps are available at a lower resolution compared to the corresponding image data. For these applications, depth maps must be upsampled to the image resolution. Recently, joint bilateral filters are proposed to upsample depth maps in a single step. In this solution, a high-resolution output depth is computed as a weighted average of surrounding low-resolution depth values, where the weight calculation depends on spatial distance function and intensity range function on the related image data. Compared to that, we present two novel ideas. Firstly, we apply anti-alias prefiltering on the high-resolution image to derive an image at the same low resolution as the input depth map. The upsample filter uses samples from both the high-resolution and the low-resolution images in the range term of the bilateral filter. Secondly, we propose to perform the upsampling in multiple stages, refining the resolution by a factor of 2×2 at each stage. We show experimental results on the consequences of the aliasing issue, and we apply our method to two use cases: a high quality ground-truth depth map and a real-time generated depth map of lower quality. For the first use case a relatively small filter footprint is applied; the second use case benefits from a substantially larger footprint. These experiments show that the dual image resolution range function alleviates the aliasing artifacts and therefore improves the temporal stability of the output depth map. On both use cases, we achieved comparable or better image quality with respect to upsampling with the joint bilateral filter in a single step. On the former use case, we feature a reduction of a factor of 5 in computational cost, whereas on the latter use case, the cost saving is a factor of 50

    A Content Adaptation Approach for On-Line Gaming on Various Networks and Terminals

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    Abstract: Most current multi-player 3D games can only be played on dedicated platforms, requiring specifically designed content and communication over a predefined network. To overcome these limitations, the OLGA (On-Line GAming) consortium has devised a framework to develop real distributive, multiplayer 3D games. Scalability at the level of content, platforms and networks is exploited to achieve the best complexity vs. quality. Additionally, standardised content representation and compression formats (MPEG-4, JPEG 2000) are used in OLGA’s framework, enabling easy deployment over existing infrastructure, while keeping hooks to well-established practices in the game industry