2,546 research outputs found

    Rude and crude?: When teens in your library respond negatively to you, think back to how you approached them

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    Skaters, taggers, gang members, and other groups of young people are being identified all over America as problems for libraries. However, these teens respond negatively to librarians because of the way that they are approached and because they experience so much discrimination. If teen behavior needs to be changed, there needs to be a change in the way they are approached and an appeal toward their code of ethics

    Sextual Healing: Solving the Teen to Teen Sexting Problem in Virginia

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    This comment analyzes how teen-to-teen sexting is presently addressed under the Code of Virginia. It also addresses the statutes under which Janie and her friends may be convicted for their various indiscretions as well as some of the long term consequences of those convictions. Additionally, it addresses the recent Virginia State Crime Commissions report on teen-to-teen sexting

    Level attraction in a microwave optomechanical circuit

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    Level repulsion - the opening of a gap between two degenerate modes due to coupling - is ubiquitous anywhere from solid state theory to quantum chemistry. In contrast, if one mode has negative energy, the mode frequencies attract instead. They converge and develop imaginary components, leading to an instability; an exceptional point marks the transition. This, however, only occurs if the dissipation rates of the two modes are comparable. Here we expose a theoretical framework for the general phenomenon and realize it experimentally through engineered dissipation in a multimode superconducting microwave optomechanical circuit. Level attraction is observed for a mechanical oscillator and a superconducting microwave cavity, while an auxiliary cavity is used for sideband cooling. Two exceptional points are demonstrated that could be exploited for their topological properties.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; includes Supplementary informatio

    Terpenoid-Induced Feeding Deterrence and Antennal Response of Honey Bees

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    Multiple interacting stressors negatively affect the survival and productivity of managed honey bee colonies. Pesticides remain a primary concern for beekeepers, as even sublethal exposures can reduce bee immunocompetence, impair navigation, and reduce social communication. Pollinator protection focuses on pesticide application guidelines; however, a more active protection strategy is needed. One possible approach is the use of feeding deterrents that can be delivered as an additive during pesticide application. The goal of this study was to validate a laboratory assay designed to rapidly screen compounds for behavioral changes related to feeding or feeding deterrence. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the synthetic Nasonov pheromone and its terpenoid constituents citral, nerol, and geraniol could alter feeding behavior in a laboratory assay. Additionally, electroantennogram assays revealed that these terpenoids elicited some response in the antennae; however, only a synthetic Nasonov pheromone, citral, and geraniol elicited responses that differed significantly from control and vehicle detections

    Utilisation de l'information historique en analyse hydrologique fréquentielle

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    L'utilisation de l'information historique dans une analyse fréquentielle permet de mieux mobiliser l'information réellement disponible et devrait donc permettre d'améliorer l'estimation des quantiles de grande période de retour. Par information historique, on entend ici de l'information relative à des grandes crues qui se sont produites avant le début de la période de mesure (dite période de jaugeage systématique) des niveaux et débits des lacs et rivières. On observe de manière générale que l'utilisation de l'information historique conduit à une diminution de l'impact des valeurs singulières dans les séries d'enregistrements systématiques et à une diminution de l'écart-type des estimations. Dans le présent article on présente les méthodes statistiques qui permettent la modélisation de l'information historique.Use of information about historical floods, i.e. extreme floods that occurred prior to systematic gauging, can often substantially improve the precision of flood quantile estimates. Such information can be retrieved from archives, newspapers, interviews with local residents, or by use of paleohydrologic and dendohydrologic traces. Various statistical techniques for incorporating historical information into frequency analyses are discussed in this review paper. The basic hypothesis in the statistical modeling of historical information is that a certain perception water level exists and that during a given historical period preceding the period of gauging, all exceedances of this level have been recorded, be it in newpapers, in people's memory, or trough traces in the catchment such as sediment deposits or traces on trees. No information is available on floods that did not exceed the perception threshold. It is further assumed that a period of systematic gauging is available. Figure 1 illustrates this situation. The U.S. Water Resources Council (1982) recommended the use of the method of adjusted moments for fitting the log Pearson type III distribution. A weighting factor is applied to the data below the threshold observed during the gauged period to account for the missing data below the threshold in the historical period. Several studies have pointed out that the method of adjusted moments is inefficient. Maximum likelihood estimators based on partially censored data have been shown to be much more efficient and to provide a practical framework for incorporating imprecise and categorical data. Unfortunately, for some of the most common 3-parameter distributions used in hydrology, the maximum likelihood method poses numerical problems. Recently, some authors have proposed use of the method of expected moments, a variant of the method of adjusted moments which gives less weight to observations below the threshold. According to preliminary studies, estimators based on expected moments are almost as efficient as maximum likelihood estimators, but have the advantage of avoiding the numerical problems related to the maximization of likelihood functions. Several studies have emphasized the potential gain in estimation accuracy with the use of historical information. Because historical floods by definition are large, their introduction in a flood frequency analysis can have a major impact on estimates of rare floods. This is particularly true when 3-parameter distributions are considered. Moreover, use of historical information is a means to increase the representativity of a outlier in the systematic data. For example, an extreme outlier will not get the same weight in the analysis if one can state with certainty that it is the largest flood in, say, 200 years, and not only the largest flood in, say, 20 years of systematic gauging.Historical data are generally imprecise, and their inaccuracy should be properly accounted for in the analysis. However, even with substantial uncertainty in the data, the use of historical information is a viable means to improve estimates of rare floods

    Burst-Timing-Dependent Plasticity of NMDA Receptor-Mediated Transmission in Midbrain Dopamine Neurons

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    SummaryBursts of spikes triggered by sensory stimuli in midbrain dopamine neurons evoke phasic release of dopamine in target brain areas, driving reward-based reinforcement learning and goal-directed behavior. NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) play a critical role in the generation of these bursts. Here we report LTP of NMDAR-mediated excitatory transmission onto dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra. Induction of LTP requires burst-evoked Ca2+ signals amplified by preceding metabotropic neurotransmitter inputs in addition to the activation of NMDARs themselves. PKA activity gates LTP induction by regulating the magnitude of Ca2+ signal amplification. This form of plasticity is associative, input specific, reversible, and depends on the relative timing of synaptic input and postsynaptic bursting in a manner analogous to the timing rule for cue-reward learning paradigms in behaving animals. NMDAR plasticity might thus represent a potential neural substrate for conditioned dopamine neuron burst responses to environmental stimuli acquired during reward-based learning

    Synthèse de modèles régionaux d'estimation de crue utilisée en France et au Québec

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    De nombreuses méthodes régionales ont été développées pour améliorer l'estimation de la distribution des débits de crues en des sites où l'on dispose de peu d'information ou même d'aucune information. Cet article présente une synthèse de modèles hydrologiques utilisés en France et au Québec (Canada), à l'occasion d'un séminaire relatif aux " méthodes d'estimation régionale en hydrologie " tenu à Lyon en mai 1997. Les modèles français sont fortement liés à une technique d'extrapolation de la distribution des crues, la méthode du Gradex, qui repose sur l'exploitation probabiliste conjointe des séries hydrométriques et pluviométriques. Ceci explique les deux principaux volets d'études régionales pratiquées en France : les travaux liés à la régionalisation des pluies et ceux liés à la régionalisation des débits. Les modèles québecois comprennent généralement deux étapes : la définition et la détermination de régions hydrologiquement homogènes, puis l'estimation régionale, par le transfert à l'intérieur d'une même région de l'information des sites jaugés à un site non-jaugé ou partiellement jaugé pour lequel on ne dispose pas d'information suffisante. Après avoir donné un aperçu des méthodes pratiquées dans les deux pays, une discussion dégage les caractéristiques principales et les complémentarités des différentes approches et met en évidence l'intérêt de développer une collaboration plus étroite pour mieux tenir compte des particularités et des complémentarités des méthodes développées de part et d'autre. Une des pistes évoquées consiste à combiner l'information régionale pluviométrique (approche française) et hydrométrique (approche québécoise).Design flood estimates at ungauged sites or at gauged sites with short records can be obtained through regionalization techniques. Various methods have been employed in different parts of the world for the regional analysis of extreme hydrological events. These regionalization approaches make different assumptions and hypotheses concerning the hydrological phenomena being modeled, rely on various types of continuous and non-continuous data, and often fall under completely different theories. A research seminar dealing with " regional estimation methods in hydrology " took place in Lyon during the month of May 1997, and brought together various researchers and practitioners mainly from France and the Province of Quebec (Canada). The present paper is based on the conferences and discussions that took place during this seminar and aims to review, classify, comparatively evaluate, and potentially propose improvements to the most prominent regionalization techniques utilized in France and Quebec. The specific objectives of this paper are :· to review the main regional hydrologic models that have been proposed and commonly used during the last three decades ;· to classify the literature into different groups according to the origin of the method, its specific objective, and the technique it adopts ; · to present a comprehensive evaluation of the characteristics of the methods, and to point out the hypotheses, data requirements, strengths and weaknesses of each particular one ; and · to investigate and identify potential improvements to the reviewed methods, by combining and extending the various approaches and integrating their particular strengths.Regionalization approaches adopted in France include the Gradex method which represents a simplified rainfall-runoff model which provides estimates of flood magnitudes of given probabilities and is based on rainfall data which often cover longer periods and are more reliable than flow data (Guillot and Duband, 1967 ; CFGB, 1994). It is based on the hypotheses that beyond a given rainfall threshold (known as the pivot point), all water is transformed into runoff, and that a rainfall event of a given duration generates runoff for the same length of time. These hypotheses are equivalent to assuming that, beyond the pivot point, the rainfall-runoff relationship is linear and that the precipitation and runoff probability curves are parallel on a Gumbel plot.In Quebec (and generally in North America), regional flood frequency analysis involves usually two steps : delineation of homogeneous regions, and regional estimation. In the first step, the focus is on identifying and regrouping sites which seem sufficiently homogeneous or sufficiently similar to the target ungauged site to provide a basis for information transfer. The second step of the analysis consists in inferring flood information (such as quantiles) at the target site using data from the stations identified in the first step of the analysis. Two types of " homogeneous " regions can be proposed : fixed set regions (geographically contiguous or non-contiguous) and neighborhood type of regions. The second type includes the methods of canonical correlation analysis and of the regions of influence. Regional estimation can be accomplished using one of two main approaches : index flood or quantile regression methods.The results of this work indicate that the philosophies of regionalization and the methods utilized in France and Quebec are complementary to each other and are based on different needs and outlooks. While the approaches followed in France are characterized by strong conceptual and geographic aspects with an emphasis on the utilization of information related to other phenomena (such as precipitations), the approaches adopted in Quebec rely on the strength of their statistical and stochastic components and usually condense the spatial and temporal information to a realistic functional form. This dissimilarity in the approaches being followed on either side may be originated by the distinct topographic and climatic characteristics of each region (France and Quebec) and by the differences in basin sizes and hydrometeorologic network densities. The conclusions of the seminar point to the large potential of improvements in regional estimation methods, which may result from an enhanced exchange between scientists from both sides : indeed, there is much to gain from learning about the dissimilarities between the various approaches, comparing their performances, and devising new methods that combine their individual strengths. Hence, the Gradex method for example could benefit from an increased utilization of regional flood information, while flood regionalization methods utilized in Quebec could gain much from the formalization of the use of rainfall information and from the integration of an improved modeling of physical hydrologic phenomena. This should result in the enhancement of the efficiency of regional estimation methods and their ability to handle various practical conditions.It is hoped that this research will contribute towards closing the gap between French and Quebec literature, and more generally between the European and the North American hydrological schools of thought, by narrowing the large literature that is available, by providing the necessary cross-evaluation of regional flood analysis models, and by providing comprehensive propositions for improved approaches for regional hydrologic modeling
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