1,273 research outputs found

    El futuro de los repositorios institucionales: algunos apuntes

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    Sección: En directoMucho ha llovido desde que se celebró la primera reunión de Archivos Abiertos en Santa Fe que dio paso al protocolo de interoperabilidad OAI-PMH usado por la comunidad internacional de repositorios y revistas de acceso abierto para exponer e intercambiar información científica en la web. A lo largo de los últimos 20 años hemos asistido a muchas novedades y transformaciones que tuvieron su punto de partida en 1999 como, por ejemplo, la consolidación de algunos repositorios temáticos como herramientas imprescindibles en ciertas disciplinas (desde el archiconocido arXiv hasta otros como RePec, ADS, y Archaeology Data Service) y la popularización de repositorios institucionales en todo el mundo (más de 2.600 según datos de OpenDOAR) con un progresivo enriquecimiento de servicios para una comunidad de usuarios cada vez más variopinta (investigadores, gestores institucionales, agencias financiadoras y otros organismos públicos, agencias evaluadoras de investigación, público interesado en los resultados científicos, agregadores de información científica y editores, fundaciones y sociedades académicas, desarrolladores de software, etc.).N

    What works when complying with the EC Open Access mandate: the experience of the Spanish National Research Council

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    Presentation at the NCP_WIDE_NET Workshop on Legal and Financial Aspects held at Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos (CSIC), Seville on March 3-4, 2016. Details about NCP_WIDE_NET project at http://www.ncpwidenet.eu/.Peer reviewe

    Making the Data and Services FAIR: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

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    Presentation delivered during the Webinar III: Making the data and services FAIR organised by the e-IRG Workshop within the framework of Croatia's Presidency of the Council of the European Union, on May 26, 2020. More information available at the website of e-IRG e-Infrastructure Reflection Group http://e-irg.eu/workshop-2020-05-programme.Overview of institutional repository DIGITAL.CSIC implementation of FAIR Principles and recommendations to secure a sustainable ecosystem based on FAIR Data and Services.N

    Engaging Researchers with DIGITAL.CSIC

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    The presentation gives a brief overview of services and strategies developed by DIGITAL.CSIC team in order to foster active participation and reuse of contents by the institutional community

    Imagen de Picasso en la prensa española. Análisis terminológico de "La Vanguardia", "ABC" Madrid y "ABC" Sevilla

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    The objective of this project is to analyze the terminology of information published about Picasso in newspapers ABC and La Vanguardia from 1931-1950, to realize the image that these newspapers have offered to society during those years of Spanish painter. We have developed a qualitative methodology to determine the incidence of Picasso at the press of these stages, as well as deepen the definitions and assumptions that were made about him. The results show that the image of Picasso has been different in each political system, from an artistic perspective in the Republic, derogatory vision in the early years of Francoism.El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar un análisis terminológico de las informaciones publicadas sobre Picasso en los diarios ABC y La Vanguardia desde 1931 a 1950, para concretar la imagen que estos periódicos han ofrecido a la sociedad del pintor español. Se ha desarrollado una metodología cualitativa para conocer la incidencia de Picasso en la prensa de esas etapas, así como profundizar las definiciones y juicios que se realizaban sobre él. Los resultados evidencian que la imagen de Picasso ha sido diferente en cada sistema político, desde una perspectiva artística en la República, a una visión despectiva en los primeros años del franquismo

    Evolución tecnológica de canalsur.es. Implantación de la televisión a la carta

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    El objetivo es describir cómo la tecnología ha influido en la producción, edición y difusión de la información en canalsur.es. Se aplica una metodología cualitativa, centrada en el estudio de caso, con una entrevista a cinco responsables del área web. Los resultados muestran que existe una convergencia de recursos con la televisión y la radio, aunque se mantiene una independencia en su selección. Se han adaptado con rapidez a las herramientas surgidas y han impulsado el desarrollo de gestores propios. Se ha potenciado la Televisión a la Carta. Como entidad pública, existen limitaciones de inversión en determinadas áreas.The objective of this research is to describe how technology affects the production, editing and diffusion of information on Canal Sur web. It is applied a qualitative methodology, focusing on the case study. It is used as tool a qualitative interview to five managers. The results show that there is a convergence of resources, while maintaining independence in their selection. They have adapted quickly to emerging tools and advanced the development of applications. In 2011 there was an empowerment of VOD. As a public company, there are investment limitations in certain areas

    Socio-Economic Determinants Of Abortion Rates

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    Abortion rates are increasing all around the world, especially for young women. Our proposals for public policies to reduce unwanted pregnancies are based on an analysis of the socio-economic determinants of abortion rates. Special attention is paid to regional levels of alcohol consumption, living conditions, and public spending on health and education. We carry out estimations using data on regions in Spain from 1999 to 2004. There is empirical evidence that socioeconomic conditions, lifestyles and regional characteristics determine regional abortion rates. Our results suggest that it is important to design public policies to reduce alcohol abuse, improve citizens’ working conditions and promote gender equality through government subsidized childcare.abortion rates; unplanned pregnancy; public policies.

    The financial performance of an innovative megaproject

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    The financial structure of megaprojects, known in the literature as project finance, is characterized by the creation of a legally independent project company financed with a concentrated equity ownership and a high level of non-recourse debt. Research in this field may yield new ideas and theories about the existing theoretical framework on capital structure, stakeholder management and risk management. A case-study is analyzed in this paper: the financial performance of the first metro line in Seville (Spain). In spite of previous cost overruns in the construction stage, the present operation stage is considered successful from the point of view of social and financial profitability, whereby the risks have been theoretically transferred to stakeholders, as defined by Value for Money considerations. The objective of this study involves: first to determine whether this megaproject meets the expectations for which it was created in terms of hope of return of the shareholders, and the expectations of the economic and financial feasibility under a change of subsidy policies; and secondly to determine whether the conditions remain for not including the investment as public debt. This issue is crucial in a budgetary constraint context for the planning of future metro lines. By taking this first experience into account, this article also provides information for potential participants in the projects of the new metro lines, which are currently in the planning stage

    FAIR EVA: Bringing institutional multidisciplinary repositories into the FAIR picture

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    The FAIR Principles are a set of good practices to improve the reproducibility and quality of data in an Open Science context. Different sets of indicators have been proposed to evaluate the FAIRness of digital objects, including datasets that are usually stored in repositories or data portals. However, indicators like those proposed by the Research Data Alliance are provided from a high-level perspective that can be interpreted and they are not always realistic to particular environments like multidisciplinary repositories. This paper describes FAIR EVA, a new tool developed within the European Open Science Cloud context that is oriented to particular data management systems like open repositories, which can be customized to a specific case in a scalable and automatic environment. It aims to be adaptive enough to work for different environments, repository software and disciplines, taking into account the flexibility of the FAIR Principles. As an example, we present DIGITAL.CSIC repository as the first target of the tool, gathering the particular needs of a multidisciplinary institution as well as its institutional repository

    European Landscape Study of Research Data Management [Reseña]

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    Reseña crítica de: Wilma Mossink, Magchiel Bijsterbosch y Joeri Nortier. European Landscape Study of Research Data Management,Utrecht, SURF, 2013.--55 páginas. Obra sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported.[EN] Review of main findings and recommendations of the report European Landscape Study of Research Data Management by European Commission funded SIM4RDM project (Support Infrastructure Models for Research Data Management, http://www.sim4rdm.eu/).[ES] Reseña de las principales conclusiones y recomendaciones del informe European Landscape Study of Research Data Management, uno de los resultados de SIM4RDM (Support Infrastructure Models for Research Data Management,http://www.sim4rdm.eu/), proyecto financiado por la Comisión Europea.Peer reviewe