53 research outputs found

    Stressful life events and cancer risk

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    In a prospective cohort study in Denmark of 8736 randomly selected people, no evidence was found among 1011 subjects who developed cancer that self-reported stressful major life events had increased their risk for cancer

    Comprehensive assessments and related interventions to enhance the long-term outcomes of child, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors – presentation of the CARE for CAYA-Program study protocol and associated literature review

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    Background Improved, multimodal treatment strategies have been shown to increase cure rates in cancer patients. Those who survive cancer as a child, adolescent or young adult (CAYA), are at a higher risk for therapy-, or disease-related, late or long-term effects. The CARE for CAYA-Program has been developed to comprehensively assess any potential future problems, to offer need-based preventative interventions and thus to improve long-term outcomes in this particularly vulnerable population. Methods The trial is designed as an adaptive trial with an annual comprehensive assessment followed by needs stratified, modular interventions, currently including physical activity, nutrition and psycho-oncology, all aimed at improving the lifestyle and/or the psychosocial situation of the patients. Patients, aged 15–39 years old, with a prior cancer diagnosis, who have completed tumour therapy and are in follow-up care, and who are tumour free, will be included. At baseline (and subsequently on an annual basis) the current medical and psychosocial situation and lifestyle of the participants will be assessed using a survey compiled of various validated questionnaires (e.g. EORTC QLQ C30, NCCN distress thermometer, PHQ-4, BSA, nutrition protocol) and objective parameters (e.g. BMI, WHR, co-morbidities like hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, diabetes), followed by basic care (psychological and lifestyle consultation). Depending on their needs, CAYAs will be allocated to preventative interventions in the above-mentioned modules over a 12-month period. After 1 year, the assessment will be repeated, and further interventions may be applied as needed. During the initial trial phase, the efficacy of this approach will be compared to standard care (waiting list with intervention in the following year) in a randomized study. During this phase, 530 CAYAs will be included and 320 eligible CAYAs who are willing to participate in the interventions will be randomly allocated to an intervention. Overall, 1500 CAYAs will be included and assessed. The programme is financed by the innovation fund of the German Federal Joint Committee and will be conducted at 14 German sites. Recruitment began in January 2018. Discussion CAYAs are at high risk for long-term sequelae. Providing structured interventions to improve lifestyle and psychological situation may counteract against these risk factors. The programme serves to establish uniform regular comprehensive assessments and need-based interventions to improve long-term outcome in CAYA survivors. Trial registration Registered at the German Clinical Trial Register (ID: DRKS00012504, registration date: 19th January 2018)

    Wie gut sind Studierende in der Kommunikation von Risiken?

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    Burn-Out und Unsicherheiten bei Ärzt:innen im Kontext Seltener Erkrankungen

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    a pilot project

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    Within the last years, the importance of communication skills regarding the doctor-patient-relationship received more attention. Medical school curricula for future physicians must include teaching of communication skills as well. A pilot project for training communicative basic skills at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf will be presented. The content of teaching was generated by employees of the Institute and Policlinics of Medical Psychology. Contents of the course will be described and experiences discussed.Die Wichtigkeit von kommunikativen Fertigkeiten in der Arzt-Patient-Beziehung erfährt in den letzten Jahren mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Auch die Ausbildungsangebote für zukünftige Mediziner müssen die Vermittlung von Kommunikationsfertigkeiten beinhalten. Vorgestellt wird ein Modellversuch zur Vermittlung von kommunikativen Basisfertigkeiten am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf. Die Lehrinhalte wurden von Mitarbeitern des Instituts und Poliklinik für Medizinische Psychologie erarbeitet. Kursinhalte werden beschrieben und Erfahrungen diskutiert