3 research outputs found


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    [EN] Gradad tevets (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%) of raw soybean (RSB) were incorporated into six tormulated isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets and fed ad libitum to 48 young rabbits of the New Zealand and Californian stra1ns. Diet A (0% RSB) containing toasted soybean meal served as the control. The rabbits were aged between 6-8 weeks. The experiment lastad 56 days. Feed intake and feed conversion showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between the treatment groups and the control. However, average daily feed intake appeared to increase non signiflcantty as the level of raw soybean in the diets increased, from 5% to 25%. There was atso no significant difference (P>0.05) in live weight gain between the treatment groups and the control. Nevertheless, animals in the 15% RSB diet showed su13erior numerical value for average daity live weight gain (14.0Q/day vs 11. 7 for 5% RSB diet). The dietary incorporat1on of raw sovbean had no significant effect (P>0.05) on weight of spteen, kidney, heart, testes and liver. However, RSB inctusion at 25% level led to gross morphological alterations in soma organs, particutarty inflammat1on as watt as necrosis of llepat~es with infiltration by tymphocytes, in the liver. The results indicated that rabbits, unlike other monogastrics such as pigs and poultry do not show growth depresslon to dietary raw soybean which can be incorporated in their ration up to 20% level for short periods under tropical conditions.[FR] Des Quantités croissantes de graines de soffe brutes (0, 10, 15, 20 et 25%) ont été mcorporées a des régimes isocaloriques et isoazotés QUÍ ont été distribués ad libifum a 48 jeunes Japins de race Neo Zélandais et Califomiens agés de 6-8 semaines. L'expérimentation a duré 56 jours. La différence de consommation et d'indice de consommation des groupes expé_rimentaux _par rapport au groupe témoin n'est pas significative. Cependant la consommation augmente l~erement mais non signfflcativement en m,jme temps que s eleve le taux de RSB dans l'aliment, entre 5 et 25%. JI ny a pa,s non plus de différence significativa (P>0.05) entre le gain de potds des groupes expérimentaux et le groupe de contróle. Néanmoins, les anímaux du groupe 15% RSB ont montré un gain de poids journalier moyen plus élevé [ 14.0g/jour vs 11.7 pour le lot 5% de soja brut). 'incorporation dans l'aliment du soja brut napas d'effet significatíf (P>0.05) sur le poids de la rate, des rems, du foie, des testicules et du foie. Toutefois, l'incorporation au taux de 25% conduít a d'ímportantes altérations morphologiques de certains organes, plus particulierement dans le Jote avec inflammation voire nécrose des ce/Ju/es avec infiltration de ly_mphocytes. Les résultats montrent que contrairement a il'autres monog_astriQues tels que les porcs ou la volaille, le Japin ne ra/ent1t pas sa croissance avec /'incorporation dans l'áliment de grames de soja brotes qui peut 'litre effectuée jusqu'au taux de 20% pour de courtes périodes dans des condítions de climat tropical humide.Sese, B.; Berepubo, N. (1996). GROWTH RESPONSE AND ORGAN WEIGHTS OF YOUNG RABBITS FED GRADED LEVELS OF DIETARY RAW SOYBEAN IN THE HOT HUMID TROPICS. World Rabbit Science. 04(1). doi:10.4995/wrs.1996.264SWORD04

    Artificial insemination in sows using Guelph and two local semen extenders

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    Sixty two and half-year-old Large White sows and 12 boars of the same breed and age were used to study the comparative effects of conventional (Guelph) and local (coconut water and fresh raphia palm wine) extenders and storage (3 days) on the fertility of artificially inseminated sows. Semen was collected twice a week by gloved-hand method. Semen was either extended or unextended and evaluated on the day of collection (day 0) and during day 3 of storage for percentage sperm motility, acrosome morphology and fertility (Non-return rate, farrowing rate and litter size). Both Guelph and local extenders produced significant effects (P<0.01) on boar semen characteristics and fertility. Fresh semen extended in Guelph entender had the highest percentage sperm motility (86.2%) whereas fresh semen extended with coconut water gave the highest normal apical ridge (NAR) (91%); farrowing rate (88.3%). litter size (7.1 piglets/litter) and number of young born alive (5.8), with the highest number of non return to service sows. Guelph extended semen ranked second in influencing fertility in sows.Keywords: Artificial insemination, semen extenders, sperm viability, sow fertilit


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    [EN] A study was undertaken to determine, in tropical breeding conditions, the effect of mate presence and/or photoperiod on age at puberty attainment, oestrous behaviour and breeding performance in prepubertal female rabbits. The study involved 3 treatment groups of seven does each, designated as A, B and C. Group A, rabbits were exposed to both extended light (+ 6 hours) and male presence. Group B, does were subjected to extended light only, whereas those in group C were treated to male presence only. Group D rabbits which were not subjected to any of the two treatment factors (photoperiod and male presence) servad as the control group. The data obtained indicated that the does subjected to either one or both treatment factors attained puberty earlier (142.4 ± 2.0 days) than the control group (167.1 ± 5.0 days). Weight at puberty was also significantly (P<0.05) lighter (1.34 ± 0.04 kg) in the does exposed to male presence and/or photoperiod than the control group (1.50 ± 0.06 kg). Oestrous behaviour in terms of mean frequency and "intensity" of oestrus as well as length of the cycle were significantly (P<0.05) improved in the treatment groups than the control. The duration of oestrus (heat) was however shorter among the treatment groups. With respect to breeding performance, kindling rate was much higher among the treatment does (66.03 ± 2.8 %) than the control (50.00 ± 3.1 %). However, differences in gestation length, litter size and litter weight were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Pseudopregnancy in proportion of non fertile matings was significantly (P<0.05) higher among the treatment groups ( 50. 1 ± 2.3 % ) than the control ( 33.33 ± 3.5 % ). lt was concluded that the exposure of young female rabbits to male presence and/or photoperiod may serve as a useful and relatively inexpensive management tool in improving rabbit production in the tropics since the technique has the potential to induce early puberty, amplify behaviour eostrus and improve kindling ratas.[FR] Cette étude a pour but d'évaluer l'intluence de la présence du male et/ou de l'éclairement sur /'age a la puberté, le comportement oestral et les pertormances d'élevage de lapines prépuberes, dans des conditions d'élevage tropical. Quatre groupes de 7 lapines ont suivis le traitement suivant : A - 6 heures supplémentaires d'exposition a la lumiere et présence du male. B - 6 heures supplémentaires d'exposition a la lumiere. C - présence du male. D - groupe témoin (aucun traitement). Les résultats obtenus indiquent que les lapines soumises soit a /'un des deux traitements ou aux deux combinés, atteignent plus t6t l'age de la puberté (142.4 ± 2.04 jours) que ce/les du groupe témoin (167.1 ± 5.0 jours). Le poids a la puberté est significativement (P<0.05) inférieur dans les 3 lots expérimentaux (1.34 ± 0.04 kg) par rapport au lot témoin (1.50 ± 0.06 kg). Le comportement oestral évalué en termes de fréquence moyenne et d'intensité de /'oestrus ainsi que la longueur du cycle sont significativement améliorés dans les groupes expérimentaux (P<0.05). En outre la durée de l'oestrus étaient plus courte dans ces groupes. Compte tenu des performances d'élevage, le taux de mise bas est plus élevé dans les lots expérimentaux (66.03 ± 2.8 %) que dans le lot témoin (50.0 ± 3.1 %). En outre, les différences de durée de gestation, de taille et de poids des portées n'étaient pas significatives (P>0.05). Par rapport aux saillies fécondes., le nombre de pseudogestations était significativement plus élevé (P<0.05) dans les groupes expérimentaux (50. 1 ± 2.3 %) que dans le groupe témoin (33.33 ± 3.5 %). On peut conclure que l'exposition des jeunes lapines a la présence du male et!ou a un éclairement prolongé peut etre un moyen utile et relativement peu onéreux d'améliorer la production cunicole tropicale puisque cette technique permet de favoriser une puberté précoce, d'amplifier le comportement oestral et d'améliorer les taux de mise bas.Berepubo, N.; Nodu, M.; Monsi, A.; Amadi, E. (1993). REPRODUCTIVE RESPONSE OF PREPUBERTAL FEMALE RABBIT TO PHOTOPERIOD AND/OR MALE PRESENCE. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1993.199SWORD01