Artificial insemination in sows using Guelph and two local semen extenders


Sixty two and half-year-old Large White sows and 12 boars of the same breed and age were used to study the comparative effects of conventional (Guelph) and local (coconut water and fresh raphia palm wine) extenders and storage (3 days) on the fertility of artificially inseminated sows. Semen was collected twice a week by gloved-hand method. Semen was either extended or unextended and evaluated on the day of collection (day 0) and during day 3 of storage for percentage sperm motility, acrosome morphology and fertility (Non-return rate, farrowing rate and litter size). Both Guelph and local extenders produced significant effects (P<0.01) on boar semen characteristics and fertility. Fresh semen extended in Guelph entender had the highest percentage sperm motility (86.2%) whereas fresh semen extended with coconut water gave the highest normal apical ridge (NAR) (91%); farrowing rate (88.3%). litter size (7.1 piglets/litter) and number of young born alive (5.8), with the highest number of non return to service sows. Guelph extended semen ranked second in influencing fertility in sows.Keywords: Artificial insemination, semen extenders, sperm viability, sow fertilit

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