66 research outputs found

    A munkavállalói tudás hasznosításának új lehetősége felsőoktatási keretek között

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    A szerzők tanulmányukban áttekintést kívánnak adni az előzetes tudás, a munkahelyi tanulás és a tudás felsőoktatási keretekben való elismeréséről. Céljuk az, hogy ráirányítsák a szervezetek figyelmét egy olyan törvény által biztosított lehetőségre, amelynek bevezetése érdeke a munkaerő-piaci szereplőknek is. Hazánkban az egyetemek/főiskolák még csak ismerkednek az előzetes tudás elismerésének elveivel, de a kutatások szerint nagyon gyenge az érdekeltségük. Ez a megközelítés változhat, ha a szervezetek, a szakmai kamarák megfogalmazzák a tudáselismerés iránti igényüket, s ezzel felgyorsítják a törvény által már biztosított validáció széles körű elterjedését

    Funkcionalizmus a vezetésben : a magyarországi kutatás eredményei

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    For the research of managerial questions, We worked out a program called „The functional study of corporate management”, which starts out from the examination of managerial tasks.Its approach is functional, and as it is based on corporate, practical experiences, it is empirical, too.The applied experimental method of mine is built up of moduls, these contain separately researchable moduls, certain moduls form a part of a larger researchal subject. The individual subjects generate a more comprehensive researchal field. These subjects, partial subjects are organized into a privately prepared structure proper to systematize managerial tasks, these can be widened and tightened horizontally, vertically, concentrated and these can be broken into smaller parts. To examine the diverse subjects of management, it provides a uniform methodological frame, through this enables the comprehensive and harmonized research of different managerial tasks and activities. Since this researchal method aims to examine managerial tasks, it is suitable for opening and analyzing those special managerial problems, which are the charasteristics of the corporate processes

    Regionalitás a menedzsmentben: környezeti hatások és a vezetés = Regionalism in management: environmental effects and governance

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    Examining the evolution, development of management, most of the authors have the final consequence, that the history of management science can only be examined in a social context. Management has always followed the social requirements, and its priorities and preferences have changed according to the requirements of the environment claims towards the management of social and economic actors. The only question is that either an effect of a greater social unit dominates in the management processes, or direct environmental effects also influence the tasks of it. According to our researches, three main groups of factors can be defined: personality of the manager, parameters of the organisation and environmental effects. As environmental factors effect personal characteristics and parameters of the organisation, thus influencing effect of environment on management will be appreciated. Direct environmental characteristics, namely regional effects are more dominant compared to the larger social environmental effects

    N/z equilibration in deep inelastic collisions and the fragmentation of the resulting quasiprojectiles

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    When target and projectile nuclei have a difference in neutron to proton ratio (N/Z), the quasiprojectiles formed in a deep inelastic collision (DIC) should have a mean N/Z between the N/Z of the target and the N/Z of the projectile, depending on the amount of N/Z equilibration that occurred. Data from six reaction systems at two beam energies (32 and 45 MeV/nucleon) were collected. The systems in order of increasing difference between target and projectile N/Z (shown in parentheses) are 40Ar + 112Sn (âÂÂN/Z = 0.018), 48Ca + 124Sn (âÂÂN/Z = 0.080), 48Ca + 112Sn (âÂÂN/Z = 0.160), 40Ca + 112Sn (âÂÂN/Z = 0.240), 40Ar + 124Sn (âÂÂN/Z = 0.258) and 40Ca + 124Sn (âÂÂN/Z = 0.480). The quasiprojectile N/Z was determined by two techniques. The first technique used the isotopically resolved fragments to reconstruct the quasiprojectile N/Z. The second technique, developed in this thesis, used fragment yield ratios and a simple equation to simultaneously fit all six systems to determine the quasiprojectile N/Z. Simulations and a filter of the FAUST (Forward Array Using Silicon Technology) acceptance were used to calculate neutron loss; this accounted for the difference between the two techniques. To study the fragmentation of quasiprojectiles the fragment yields were used to calculate the isobaric, isotopic, fractional and mean N/Z yields. The results showed that as neutron richness increased, more neutron-rich fragments were produced. In addition observation showed evidence for an inhomogeneous distribution of N/Z between the light charged particles (LCPs Z less than 3) and intermediate mass fragments (IMFs Z greater than 2). The theoretical results, which used different values of the symmetry energy, were compared to experimental data to determine which symmetry energy best represents the experimental data. The comparison showed the experimental data was the overall best fit with a lower value of the symmetry energy. These results were not conclusive and further investigation is required

    A funkcionalizmus lehetőségei a vezetéskutatásban

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    Menedzsment trendek hatása a vezetési iskolák kialakulására

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    To understand managerial problems of the present, we have to reveal that specific development process, through which the science of management has gone. To understand new trends, approaches it is quite often beneficial to look back on the past and recognize starting situation, and by doing this get answer for our questions. The science of management has only partially done this work and only summarized the most comprehensive development trends, establishment of ways of thinking, still some schools, workshops has debts in respect of this job. The history of development of Hungarian managerial thinking may only be put in frames, when operating schools nationally have finished this job. In this study we introduce such major steps, milestones of the development of Institute of Management and Organization Sciences working in University of Debrecen in such a way, that we draw a parallel with historic turning points of the development of the discipline itself

    Szakértői szervezetek autonómiája = Autonomy és expert organizations

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    Specialization, as base for the establishment of organizational structure obviously determined the process of organization building in the XX. century. Nevertheless, this phenomenon was not observed first at industrial productive organizations, it developed from specialties of academic, health care, legal and judicial structures. As a result, this organizational specialty is typical of the so-called expert structures (expertocracy). The point of it is that professional area is getting narrower for which people are trained, and activity is also getting narrower, which has to be performed by members of an organization. The base for this specialization is the principle of professionalization. Expert autonomy may easily be understood in these structures, and organizational autonomy is also based on it. This essay analyzes in details those factors, which influence organizational autonomy and introduces those managerial and organizational peculiarities, which characterize expert structures

    A vezetés új kihívásai a XXI. században

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    Owing to the economic crisis, the XXI. century started with excessively dynamic change procedures and after almost a decade, consolidate, stable state has not been established. Permanent changes keep organizations continuously in the state of instability. The management itself has to deal with this situation and lead organizations in this extremely dynamic, uncertain position. We must admit that organizational uncertainty is a natural state of XXI. century enterprises. This study also analyzes how new understanding of environmental effects appears in the evolutionary approach of thinking. We also interpret predictability in the XXI. century economic procedures. Considering organic approach and way of thinking, we must talk about organic organizations, indeed. New structural elements, such as project, the „ad hoc” group, the team raise new managerial problems

    Hungarikumok fogyasztói elemzése

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    A vizsgálat keretében, 1472 válasz alapján megállapítható, hogy hungarikumnak csak a mai határok közötti magyarországi termékeket tekintik, valamint azt, ami tu¬lajdonságai és hagyománya alapján egyértelműen megkülönböztethetÅ‘ más hasonló termékektÅ‘l. A hazai fogyasztók nem az ár, küllem, hanem a sajátos íz és minÅ‘ség alapján döntenek a hungarikum mellett. A külföldi megkérdezettek 75%-ban a személyes élményt jelölték meg választásuk alapjaként, míg az íz, minÅ‘ség, küllem, ár együttesen csak 25%-ot tett ki. A választ az országban eltöltött idÅ‘ és élmény magyarázhatja. ------------------------------------- The survey analysed 1472 responses and found that goods are considered Hungaricum only if they were produced in the territory enclosed by the current borders of Hungary, and only if the product’s characteristics and traditions clearly set it apart from similar goods. Domestic consumers choose Hungaricum products not on the basis of price and appearance but on the basis of special taste and quality. Of foreign respondents, 75% quoted personal experience as the basis of their choice, while taste, quality, appearance and price accounted for 25% only. This is probably due to the time spent in the country and the experience gained during that time.hungarikumok, fogyasztói magatartás, hungarikumok jellemzÅ‘i, kedveltsége, Hungaricums, consumer behaviour, characteristics and popularity of Hungaricums, Agribusiness, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Az egyéni magatartás meghatározó elemei a szervezetben

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