10 research outputs found

    The role of motivation in teaching mands

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tématem rozvoje komunikačních dovedností u dětí s PAS. Cílem práce je přiblížit, jak probíhá rozvoj těchto dovedností pomocí Verbálního chování aplikované behaviorální analýzy (VB ABA), konkrétně v oblasti vyjadřování žádostí dětí (mandování). Práce obsahuje teoretickou a praktickou část. Teoretická část je zaměřena na popis základních východisek a principů aplikované behaviorální analýzy a také přístupu Aplikovaná behaviorální analýza - verbální chování, který z této vědy vychází. Podrobněji se pak věnuje vysvětlení techniky mandování a principům motivace, jejichž pochopení je pro tuto techniku a pro veškerou VB ABA intervenci nezbytné. Výzkumná část práce popisuje pokroky v mandování u dvou dětí s PAS během osmi měsíční VB ABA intervence. Analyzuje faktory, které mohly mít vliv na výuku mandů, zejména roli, jakou hraje při efektivním rozvoji mandování motivace dítěte. Určitý úsek praktické části práce je extrahován do příloh jako neveřejná část práce z důvodu zachování anonymity dětí. Extrahování citlivých dat do příloh práce umožnuje opatření děkana č. 73/2017 článek 12. Klíčová slova Aplikovaná behaviorální analýza (ABA), verbální chování (VB), mand, motivující operace, posílení, zájmyThis diploma thesis deals with the developement of communication skills in children with autistic spectrum disorder. The aim of this work is to explain the development of these skills by Verbal Behavior of Applied Behavioral Analysis (VB ABA), specifically in the field of children's request (manding). The thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the basic principles of the Applied Behavioral Analysis as well as the approach Applied Behavioral Analysis - Verbal Behavior which is based on this science. In more detail, the thesis explains the manding technique and the principles of motivation, whose understanding is essential for this technique and for all VB ABA intervention. Author's research follows the progress in the manding of two children with autistic spectrum disorder during the eight-month VB ABA intervention. Also the thesis analyzes the factors that could have influenced the teaching of mands, in particular the role the child's motivation in the effective development of manding skills. A certain section of the practical part of the thesis is extracted into the annexes as a non- public part of the work in order to preserve children's anonymity. The extraction of sensitive data into the worksheets is made possible by the Dean's...Katedra psychologieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Collective responsibility in moral judgment of school age children

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    Otázka zda využívat ve výchově a vzdělávání dětí kolektivních trestů je stále aktuální. Pakliže se proviní jedno dítě, například poškozením nějakého předmětu, nepřizná se a autorita nepřijde na to, kdo to zavinil, je lépe nepotrestat nikoho a nebo celou skupinu, tedy s spolu s viníkem i nevinné? V zákonech naší společnosti platí, že nelze potrestat nikoho, komu není prokázána vina, ovšem na výchovu dětí se toto nevztahuje, v rodinách i ve školách se často ke kolektivním trestům přistupuje. Je to věc názoru a roli také hrají okolnosti každého konkrétního provinění, jaký trest je vhodný a jaký je spravedlivý, což nemusí být jedno a to samé. Ovšem jak na tyto tresty pohlížejí děti samotné a co to vypovídá o vývoji jejich morálního uvažování? Jak děti školního věku hodnotí kolektivní tresty a jaké je jejich vnímání kolektivní odpovědnosti? Na to se ptal Jean Piaget ve svém výzkumu kolektivní odpovědnosti v morálním uvažování školních dětí. Předpokládal, že jejich vnímání kolektivní odpovědnosti by se mohlo podobat vnímání "primitivních" společností, kdy na prvním místě stojí přesvědčení, že trest musí přijít za každou cenu, aby očistil společnost pošpiněnou proviněním a nezáleží příliš na tom, na koho trest dopadne. Tento předpoklad se mu však nepotvrdil, ačkoli děti, kterých se dotazoval, se nacházely...The issue of collective punishments is still relevant today. For example, if one child broke something and parents or teacher cannot find out who did it, what is the best to be done? Punish no one or all group, innocent including? According to the law of our society the innocent should not be punished but it is not relevant for school or family. On the contrary the collective punishment is common there. It is a matter of opinion and of course there are another circumstances in each particular guilt so it is difficult to say what kind of punishments is adequate and righteous which is not always the same thing. However what is the opinion of children themselves? And what does it tell us about their moral development? What is the school age children judgment of collective punishments and the collective responsibility? Jean Piaget asked these questions himself in his research of the collective responsibility in the moral judgment of school age children. His expectation was that the children's understanding of the collective responsibility will be similar as the understanding of "primitive" society. That means at first place there will be a believe in a punishment as a mystical act which will clean the society contaminated with a crime and does not matter who will be punished. However this expectation...Katedra psychologiePedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Collective responsibility in moral judgment of school age children

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    The issue of collective punishments is still relevant today. For example, if one child broke something and parents or teacher cannot find out who did it, what is the best to be done? Punish no one or all group, innocent including? According to the law of our society the innocent should not be punished but it is not relevant for school or family. On the contrary the collective punishment is common there. It is a matter of opinion and of course there are another circumstances in each particular guilt so it is difficult to say what kind of punishments is adequate and righteous which is not always the same thing. However what is the opinion of children themselves? And what does it tell us about their moral development? What is the school age children judgment of collective punishments and the collective responsibility? Jean Piaget asked these questions himself in his research of the collective responsibility in the moral judgment of school age children. His expectation was that the children's understanding of the collective responsibility will be similar as the understanding of "primitive" society. That means at first place there will be a believe in a punishment as a mystical act which will clean the society contaminated with a crime and does not matter who will be punished. However this expectation..

    The role of motivation in teaching mands

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    This diploma thesis deals with the developement of communication skills in children with autistic spectrum disorder. The aim of this work is to explain the development of these skills by Verbal Behavior of Applied Behavioral Analysis (VB ABA), specifically in the field of children's request (manding). The thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the basic principles of the Applied Behavioral Analysis as well as the approach Applied Behavioral Analysis - Verbal Behavior which is based on this science. In more detail, the thesis explains the manding technique and the principles of motivation, whose understanding is essential for this technique and for all VB ABA intervention. Author's research follows the progress in the manding of two children with autistic spectrum disorder during the eight-month VB ABA intervention. Also the thesis analyzes the factors that could have influenced the teaching of mands, in particular the role the child's motivation in the effective development of manding skills. A certain section of the practical part of the thesis is extracted into the annexes as a non- public part of the work in order to preserve children's anonymity. The extraction of sensitive data into the worksheets is made possible by the Dean's..

    Research on possibilities of ethopedic prevention in artefiletic approach (creatively-expresive atelier in institution for children in need of immediate help Klokánek))

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    The topic of my work is research of etopedic prevention in artifiletic approach to education. Research is composed as qualitative research in action. The essence of my research is design and realization (verification) of artephiletic program "Creative Atelier". Program of "Creative Atelier" is designed for children of school age placed in institution for children in need of immediate help Klokánek. It is oriented to prevention of CAN syndrome, mental inanition in childhood, emotional and behavioral disorder. Fundamental phenomenons identified in my work are artiphiletic approach to program of "Creative Atelier", actual problems of children and their development during the program. These phenomenons help me to describe the relation between artephiletics and etopedy

    Research on possibilities of ethopedic prevention in artefiletic approach (creatively-expresive atelier in institution for children in need of immediate help Klokánek))

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    The topic of my work is research of etopedic prevention in artifiletic approach to education. Research is composed as qualitative research in action. The essence of my research is design and realization (verification) of artephiletic program "Creative Atelier". Program of "Creative Atelier" is designed for children of school age placed in institution for children in need of immediate help Klokánek. It is oriented to prevention of CAN syndrome, mental inanition in childhood, emotional and behavioral disorder. Fundamental phenomenons identified in my work are artiphiletic approach to program of "Creative Atelier", actual problems of children and their development during the program. These phenomenons help me to describe the relation between artephiletics and etopedy