15,778 research outputs found

    Dark-matter decays and Milky Way satellite galaxies

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    We consider constraints on a phenomenological dark-matter model consisting of two nearly degenerate particle species using observed properties of the Milky Way satellite galaxy population. The two parameters of this model, assuming the particle masses are >~ GeV, are v_k, the recoil speed of the daughter particle, and tau, the lifetime of the parent particle. The satellite constraint that spans the widest range of v_k is the number of satellites that have a mass within 300 pc M300 > 5 x 10^6 solar masses, although constraints based on M300 in the classical dwarfs and the overall velocity function are competitive for v_k >~ 50 km/s. In general, we find that tau <~ 30 Gyr is ruled out for 20 km/s <~ v_k <~ 200 km/s, although we find that the limits on tau for fixed v_k can change constraints by a factor of ~3 depending on the star-formation histories of the satellites. We advocate using the distribution of M300 in Milky Way satellites determined by next-generation all-sky surveys and follow-up spectroscopy as a probe of dark-matter properties.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Numerical solution to the glancing sidewall oblique shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction in three dimension

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    A supersonic three-dimensional viscous forward-marching computer design code called PEPSIS is used to obtain a numerical solution of the three-dimensional problem of the interaction of a glancing sidewall oblique shock wave and a turbulent boundary layer. Very good results are obtained for a test case that was run to investigate the use of the wall-function boundary-condition approximation for a highly complex three-dimensional shock-boundary layer interaction. Two additional test cases (coarse mesh and medium mesh) are run to examine the question of near-wall resolution when no-slip boundary conditions are applied. A comparison with experimental data shows that the PEPSIS code gives excellent results in general and is practical for three-dimensional supersonic inlet calculations

    Internal computational fluid mechanics on supercomputers for aerospace propulsion systems

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    The accurate calculation of three-dimensional internal flowfields for application towards aerospace propulsion systems requires computational resources available only on supercomputers. A survey is presented of three-dimensional calculations of hypersonic, transonic, and subsonic internal flowfields conducted at the Lewis Research Center. A steady state Parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) solution of flow in a Mach 5.0, mixed compression inlet, a Navier-Stokes solution of flow in the vicinity of a terminal shock, and a PNS solution of flow in a diffusing S-bend with vortex generators are presented and discussed. All of these calculations were performed on either the NAS Cray-2 or the Lewis Research Center Cray XMP

    Validation of a three-dimensional viscous analysis of axisymmetric supersonic inlet flow fields

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    A three-dimensional viscous marching analysis for supersonic inlets was developed. To verify this analysis several benchmark axisymmetric test configurations were studied and are compared to experimental data. Detailed two-dimensional results for shock-boundary layer interactions are presented for flows with and without boundary layer bleed. Three dimensional calculations of a cone at angle of attack and a full inlet at attack are also discussed and evaluated. Results of the calculations demonstrate the code's ability to predict complex flow fields and establish guidelines for future calculations using similar codes

    Saturn sa-9/pegasus a postflight trajectory

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    Postflight trajectory analysis and orbital flight discussion for Saturn I /SA- 9/ launch vehicle carrying Pegasus payloa

    Does the bracket-ligature combination affect the amount of orthodontic space closure over three months? A randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of bracket-ligature combination on the amount of orthodontic space closure over three months. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial with three parallel groups. SETTING: A hospital orthodontic department (Chesterfield Royal Hospital, UK). PARTICIPANTS: Forty-five patients requiring upper first premolar extractions. METHODS: Informed consent was obtained and participants were randomly allocated into one of three groups: (1) conventional pre-adjusted edgewise brackets and elastomeric ligatures; (2) conventional pre-adjusted edgewise brackets and Super Slick((R)) low friction elastomeric ligatures; (3) Damon 3MX((R)) passive self-ligating brackets. Space closure was undertaken on 0.019x0.025-inch stainless steel archwires with nickel-titanium coil springs. Participants were recalled at four weekly intervals. Upper alginate impressions were taken at each visit (maximum three). The primary outcome measure was the mean amount of space closure in a 3-month period. RESULTS: A one-way ANOVA was undertaken [dependent variable: mean space closure (mm); independent variable: group allocation]. The amount of space closure was very similar between the three groups (1 mm per 28 days); however, there was a wide variation in the rate of space closure between individuals. The differences in the amount of space closure over three months between the three groups was very small and non-significant (P = 0.718). CONCLUSION: The hypothesis that reducing friction by modifying the bracket/ligature interface increases the rate of space closure was not supported. The major determinant of orthodontic tooth movement is probably the individual patient response

    Operational alignment and calibration of the ISU for phase 2 of the V/STOL program. Volume 2 - Alignment

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    Strapdown inertia system for V/STOL program with theoretical error analysis using Kalman filter estimation theory and computer simulatio

    Characterization of multiaxial warp knit composites

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    The objectives were to characterize the mechanical behavior and damage tolerance of two multiaxial warp knit fabrics to determine the acceptability of these fabrics for high performance composite applications. The tests performed included compression, tension, open hole compression, compression after impact and compression-compression fatigue. Tests were performed on as-fabricated fabrics and on multi-layer fabrics that were stitched together with either carbon or Kevlar stitching yarn. Results of processing studies for vacuum impregnation with Hercules 3501-6 epoxy resin and pressure impregnation with Dow Tactix 138/H41 epoxy resin and British Petroleum BP E905L epoxy resin are presented

    Patchy He II reionization and the physical state of the IGM

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    We present a Monte-Carlo model of He II reionization by QSOs and its effect on the thermal state of the clumpy intergalactic medium (IGM). The model assumes that patchy reionization develops as a result of the discrete distribution of QSOs. It includes various recipes for the propagation of the ionizing photons, and treats photo-heating self-consistently. The model provides the fraction of He III, the mean temperature in the IGM, and the He II mean optical depth -- all as a function of redshift. It also predicts the evolution of the local temperature versus density relation during reionization. Our findings are as follows: The fraction of He III increases gradually until it becomes close to unity at z∼2.8−3.0z\sim 2.8-3.0. The He II mean optical depth decreases from τ∼10\tau\sim 10 at z≥3.5z\geq 3.5 to τ≤0.5\tau\leq 0.5 at z≤2.5z\leq 2.5. The mean temperature rises gradually between z∼4z\sim 4 and z∼3z\sim 3 and declines slowly at lower redshifts. The model predicts a flattening of the temperature-density relation with significant increase in the scatter during reionization at z∼3z\sim 3. Towards the end of reionization the scatter is reduced and a tight relation is re-established. This scatter should be incorporated in the analysis of the Lyα\alpha forest at z≤3z\leq 3. Comparison with observational results of the optical depth and the mean temperature at moderate redshifts constrains several key physical parameters.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; Changed content. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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