3,462 research outputs found

    Family Law – Handling a Hague trial: the courts’ perspective

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    The authors examine the themes and provisions of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, looking at presumption in favour of returning the child, with reference to case law examples. Article by William M. Hilton (Attorney at Law, Santa Clara, California) and Margaret H. Bennett (Solicitor, London) published in Amicus Curiae - Journal of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and its Society for Advanced Legal Studies. The Journal is produced by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

    Gender Politics and Secure Services For Women: Reflections on a study of staff understandings of challenging behaviour.

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    This paper discusses the findings of a Q methodological study that investigated the complexity of professional understandings of (attitudes towards) residents in a secure unit for women with learning disabilities and challenging behaviours. Particular attention is afforded to the critical debate regarding women in psychiatric and secure care, including the significant contribution made to this literature by feminist perspectives. A multiprofessional group of staff (n = 38) participated in the study and nine distinct accounts of women's challenging behaviour are described. Despite a considerable amount of recent policy concern with the position of women in psychiatric services, the findings of this research suggest that many front line staff are reluctant to highlight gender in their explanations of women's behaviour. This supports the assertion by Williams et al. (2001), who were involved in the National Gender Training Initiative (NGTI), that most critical theorizing about women's mental health has had minimal impact at the level of individuals’ understandings of these important issues. This state of affairs suggests a powerful case for the expansion of staff training as provided in the NGTI, which makes gender central to understanding and emphasizes feminist perspectives

    Entanglement sharing among qudits

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    Consider a system consisting of n d-dimensional quantum particles (qudits), and suppose that we want to optimize the entanglement between each pair. One can ask the following basic question regarding the sharing of entanglement: what is the largest possible value Emax(n,d) of the minimum entanglement between any two particles in the system? (Here we take the entanglement of formation as our measure of entanglement.) For n=3 and d=2, that is, for a system of three qubits, the answer is known: Emax(3,2) = 0.550. In this paper we consider first a system of d qudits and show that Emax(d,d) is greater than or equal to 1. We then consider a system of three particles, with three different values of d. Our results for the three-particle case suggest that as the dimension d increases, the particles can share a greater fraction of their entanglement capacity.Comment: 4 pages; v2 contains a new result for 3 qudits with d=

    Cyst fluid antibiotic concentrations in polycystic kidney disease: Differences between proximal and distal cysts

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    Cyst fluid antibiotic concentrations in polycystic kidney disease: Differences between proximal and distal cysts. The concentrations of several antibiotics were measured in the cyst fluid of six adult patients with polycystic kidney disease Seventy-nine cysts were aspirated at surgery or autopsy Sixty-one cysts could be categorized as arising from the proximal nephron and 16 from the distal nephron by cyst fluid to serum sodium ratios. Serum, urine, and cyst fluid were simultaneously analyzed for sodium, creatinine, and various antibiotics. Gentamicin, tobramycin, cephapirin, and ticarcillin were either undetectable or present in low concentrations in renal cysts. Cyst fluid antibiotic concentrations did not correlate with cyst volume or creatinine clearance. Cysts of proximal nephron origin had higher antibiotic concentrations than distal cysts. In one patient with normal renal function, inulin was undetectable in renal cysts after a continuous 36-hour i.v. infusion. Para-aminohippurate, however, was detected in the renal cysts of this patient. These data help explain the poor clinical response of infected renal cysts to antibiotic therapy. They also suggest that antibiotics and other solutes may enter cyst fluid across tubular cells in addition to entry by glomerular filtration.Concentration intra kystique d'antibiotiques dans la maladie poly kystique rĂ©nale: DiffĂ©rences entre les kystes proximaux et distaux. Les concentrations de plusieurs antibiotiques dans le liquide des kystes ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es chez six sujets adultes atteints de maladie polykystique. Soixante dix neuf kystes ont Ă©tĂ© ponctionnĂ©s pendant des interventions chirurgicales ou des autopsies. Soixante et un kystes ont pu ĂȘtre classĂ©s comme proximaux et seize comme distaux en fonction du rapport de concentration de sodium kyste/plasma. Des dĂ©terminations de concentration de sodium, de creatinine et de divers antibiotiques ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es simultanĂ©ment pour le plasma, l'urine et le liquide des kystes. La gentamicine, la tobramycine, la cephapirine et la ticarcilline Ă©taient soit non dĂ©tectables soit Ă  des concentrations trĂšs faibles dans les kystes. Les concentrations d'antibiotiques dans les kystes n'Ă©taient pas corrĂ©lĂ©es avec le volume du kyste ou la clearance de la creatinine. Les kystes proximaux avaient des concentrations d'antibiotiques plus Ă©levĂ©es que les kystes distaux. Chez un malade dont la fonction rĂ©nale Ă©tait normale l'inuline n'Ă©tait pas dĂ©tectable dans les kystes aprĂšs une perfusion continue de 36 heures. Le para-aminohippurate, cependant, a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ© dans les mĂȘmes kystes. Ces rĂ©sultats permettent de comprendre la rĂ©ponse clinique faible des kystes infectĂ©s au traitement antibiotique. Ils suggĂšrent aussi que les antibiotiques ainsi que d'autres substances dissoutes peuvent pĂ©nĂ©trer dans les kystes Ă  travers les cellules tubulaires en sus de la pĂ©nĂ©tration par filtration glomĂ©rulaire

    Renal cyst epithelial transport in non-uremic polycystic kidney disease

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    Renal cyst epithelial transport in non-uremic polycystic kidney disease. Renal cyst epithelial transport of organic molecules was investigated during three separate cyst drainage procedures in a non-uremic patient with polycystic kidney disease (PCKD). Following constant intravenous inulin infusion, four of eight sampled cysts achieved concentrations exceeding those expected by glomerular filtration alone. Likewise, cyst concentrations of the filtered radionuclide Tc DTP A were up to 3.7 times simultaneous plasma levels. Both PAH and I-131 hippuran accumulated in all cysts suggesting intact tubular secretory mechanisms. Quantitative amino acid levels in two proximal nephron cysts were identical to serum. Since concentrations of inulin, DTPA, and amino acids exceed levels expected if cystic nephrons had normal glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorptive properties, other mechanisms are likely. Simple diffusion across altered epithelial surfaces could partially account for the observed cyst concentrations of each organic molecule and, by ion trapping, contribute to progressive cyst growth in PCKD.Transport Ă©pithĂ©lial kystique rĂ©nal dans la maladie polykystique rĂ©nale non-urĂ©mique. Le transport Ă©pithĂ©lial kystique rĂ©nal de molĂ©cules organiques a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© pendant trois drainages kystiques sĂ©parĂ©s chez un malade non urĂ©mique atteint de maladie polykystique (PCKD). AprĂšs une perfusion constante intraveineuse d'inuline, les recueils de quartre sur huit kystes indiquaient des concentrations dĂ©passant celles attendues par la seule filtration glomĂ©rulaire. De mĂȘme, les concentrations kystiques du radionuclide Tc DTPA filtrĂ© atteignaient jusqu'Ă  3,7 fois les valeurs plasmatiques au mĂȘme moment. Le PAH et le I-131 hippuran s'accumulaient dans tous les kystes, suggĂ©rant des mĂ©canismes sĂ©crĂ©toires tubulaires intacts. Les niveaux quantitatifs d'aminoacides dans deux kystes nĂ©phroniques proximaux Ă©taient identiques au sĂ©rum. Puisque les concentrations d'inuline, de DTPA et d'aminoacides dĂ©passent les niveaux attendus si les nĂ©phrons kystiques avaient une filtration glomĂ©rulaire normale et des propriĂ©tĂ©s de rĂ©absorption tubulaire, d'autres mĂ©canismes sont probables. La simple diffusion Ă  travers des surfaces Ă©pithĂ©liales altĂ©rĂ©es pourrait partiellement rendre compte des concentrations kystiques observĂ©es pour chaque molĂ©cule organique, et, par capture ionique, contribuer Ă  la croissance progressive des kystes dans la PCKD

    Synthesis and reactivity of tricarbonyl(1-methoxycarbonyl-5-phenylpentadienyl)iron(1+) cation

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    Tricarbonyl(1-methoxycarbonyl-5-phenylpentadienyl)iron(1+) hexafluorophosphate (7) was prepared in two steps from tricarbonyl(methyl 6-oxo-2,4-hexadienoate)iron. While addition of carbon and heteroatom nucleophiles to 7 generally occurs at the phenyl-substituted dienyl carbon to afford (2,4-dienoate)iron products, the addition of phthalimide proceeded at C2 to afford a (pentenediyl)iron product (18). Complex 18 was structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis. The reaction of the title cation with carbon and heteroatom nucleophiles was examined. In general, the products arise from nucleophilic attack at C5 to give E,E- or E,Z-dienoate iron complexes. Addition of phthalimide anion proceeds at C2 of the cation to afford a (pentenediyl)iron complex, whose structure was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis

    Remote State Preparation

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    Quantum teleportation uses prior entanglement and forward classical communication to transmit one instance of an unknown quantum state. Remote state preparation (RSP) has the same goal, but the sender knows classically what state is to be transmitted. We show that the asymptotic classical communication cost of RSP is one bit per qubit - half that of teleportation - and becomes even less when transmitting part of a known entangled state. We explore the tradeoff between entanglement and classical communication required for RSP, and discuss RSP capacities of general quantum channels.Comment: 4 pages including 1 epsf figure; v3 has an additional author and discusses relation to work of Devetak and Berger (quant-ph/0102123); v4 improves low-entanglement protocols without back communication to perform as well as low-entanglement protocols with back communication; v5 (journal version) has a few small change

    Structurally Distinct Active Sites in the Copper(II)-Substituted Aminopeptidases from \u3cem\u3eAeromonas proteolytica\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e

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    The aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP) was titrated with copper, which bound sequentially at two distinct sites. Both the mono- and disubstituted forms of AAP exhibited catalytic hyperactivity relative to the native dizinc enzyme. Monosubstituted AAP exhibited an axial Cu(II) EPR spectrum with slight pH dependence:  at pH 6.0 g|| = 2.249, g⊄ = 2.055, and A||(63/65Cu) = 1.77 × 10-2 cm-1, whereas at pH 9.65 g|| = 2.245, g⊄ = 2.056, and A||(63/65Cu) = 1.77 × 10-2 cm-1. These data indicate oxygen and nitrogen ligation of Cu. AAP further substituted with copper exhibited a complex signal with features around g ∌ 2 and 4. The features at g ∌ 4 were relatively weak in the B0 ⊄ B1 (perpendicular) mode EPR spectrum but were intense in the B0 || B1 (parallel) mode spectrum. The g ∌ 2 region of the perpendicular mode spectrum exhibited two components, one corresponding to mononuclear Cu(II) with g|| = 2.218, g⊄ = 2.023, and A||(63/65Cu) = 1.55 × 10-2 cm-1 and likely due to adventitious binding of Cu(II) to a site distant from the active site. Excellent simulations were obtained for the second component of the spectrum assuming that two Cu(II) ions experience dipolar coupling corresponding to an inter-copper distance of 5 Å with the two Cu(II) gz directions parallel to each other and at an angle of ∌17° to the inter-copper vector (ℋ = ÎČB·gCuA·SCuA + ÎČB·gCuB·SCuB + [S·A·I]CuA + [S·A·I]CuB + [SCuA·J·SCuB]; g||(CuA,CuB) = 2.218, g⊄(CuA,CuB) = 2.060; A||(CuA,CuB)(63/65Cu) = 1.59 × 10-2 cm-1, Jisotropic = 50 cm-1, rCu-Cu = 4.93 Å, and χ = 17°). The exchange coupling between the two copper ions was found to be ferromagnetic as the signals exhibited Curie law temperature dependence. The Cu−Cu distance of ∌5 Å indicated by EPR was significantly higher than the inter-zinc distance of 3.5 Å in the native enzyme, and the dicopper species therefore represents a novel dinuclear site capable of catalysis of hydrolysis. In contrast to AAP, the related methionyl aminopeptidase from Escherichia coli (EcMetAP) was found to bind only one Cu(II) ion despite possessing a dinuclear binding site motif. A further difference was the marked pH dependence of the signal in EcMetAP, suggestive of a change in ligation. The structural motifs of these two Cu(II)-substituted aminopeptidases provide important insight into the observed catalytic activity

    A Study on Advanced Lithium-Based Battery Cell Chemistries to Enhance Lunar Exploration Missions

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    NASAs Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP) Energy Storage Project conducted an advanced lithium-based battery chemistry feasibility study to determine the best advanced chemistry to develop for the Altair Lunar Lander and the Extravehicular Activities (EVA) advanced Lunar surface spacesuit. These customers require safe, reliable batteries with extremely high specific energy as compared to state-of-the-art. The specific energy goals for the development project are 220 watt-hours per kilogram (Wh/kg) delivered at the battery-level at 0 degrees Celsius ( C) at a C/10 discharge rate. Continuous discharge rates between C/5 and C/2, operation between 0 and 30 C and 200 cycles are targeted. Electrode materials that were considered include layered metal oxides, spinel oxides, and olivine-type cathode materials, and lithium metal, lithium alloy, and silicon-based composite anode materials. Advanced cell chemistry options were evaluated with respect to multiple quantitative and qualitative attributes while considering their projected performance at the end of the available development timeframe. Following a rigorous ranking process, a chemistry that combines a lithiated nickel manganese cobalt oxide Li(LiNMC)O2 cathode with a silicon-based composite anode was selected as the technology that can potentially offer the best combination of safety, specific energy, energy density, and likelihood of success
