169 research outputs found

    Steering proton migration in hydrocarbons using intense few-cycle laser fields

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    Proton migration is a ubiquitous process in chemical reactions related to biology, combustion, and catalysis. Thus, the ability to control the movement of nuclei with tailored light, within a hydrocarbon molecule holds promise for far-reaching applications. Here, we demonstrate the steering of hydrogen migration in simple hydrocarbons, namely acetylene and allene, using waveform-controlled, few-cycle laser pulses. The rearrangement dynamics are monitored using coincident 3D momentum imaging spectroscopy, and described with a quantum-dynamical model. Our observations reveal that the underlying control mechanism is due to the manipulation of the phases in a vibrational wavepacket by the intense off-resonant laser field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Carrier-envelope phase control over pathway interference in strong-field dissociation of H2+_2^+

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    The dissociation of an H2+_2^+ molecular-ion beam by linearly polarized, carrier-envelope-phase-tagged 5 fs pulses at 4Ă—1014\times10^{14} W/cm2^2 with a central wavelength of 730 nm was studied using a coincidence 3D momentum imaging technique. Carrier-envelope-phase-dependent asymmetries in the emission direction of H+^+ fragments relative to the laser polarization were observed. These asymmetries are caused by interference of odd and even photon number pathways, where net-zero photon and 1-photon interference predominantly contributes at H+^++H kinetic energy releases of 0.2 -- 0.45 eV, and net-2-photon and 1-photon interference contributes at 1.65 -- 1.9 eV. These measurements of the benchmark H2+_2^+ molecule offer the distinct advantage that they can be quantitatively compared with \textit{ab initio} theory to confirm our understanding of strong-field coherent control via the carrier-envelope phase

    Velocity Dependence Of One- And Two-electron Processes In Intermediate-velocity Ar16++He Collisions

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    We report investigations of one- and two-electron processes in the collisions of 0.9-keV/u to 60-keV/u (vp=0.19-1.55 a.u.) Ar16+ ions with He targets. The cross sections for these processes were measured by observing the final charges of the Ar ions and the recoiling target ions in coincidence. The average Q values for the capture channels were determined by measuring the longitudinal momenta of the recoiling target ions. Single capture (SC) is the dominant process and is relatively independent of the projectile energy. The two-electron transfer-ionization (TI) process is the next largest and slowly increases with projectile energy. The Q values for both SC and TI decrease with increasing projectile energy. Our data thereby suggest that electrons are captured into less tightly bound states as the collision velocity is increased. Both double capture and single ionization are much smaller and fairly independent of the projectile energy. The energy independence of SI is somewhat surprising as our energy range spans the region of the target electron velocity where ionization would be expected to increase. Our analysis suggests that the ionization process is being suppressed by SC and TI processes. © 1993 The American Physical Society

    The importance of Rydberg orbitals in dissociative ionization of small hydrocarbon molecules in intense laser fields

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    Much of our intuition about strong-field processes is built upon studies of diatomic molecules, which typically have electronic states that are relatively well separated in energy. In polyatomic molecules, however, the electronic states are closer together, leading to more complex interactions. A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of strong-field ionization followed by hydrogen elimination in the hydrocarbon series C2D2, C2D4 and C2D6 reveals that the photofragment angular distributions can only be understood when the field-dressed orbitals rather than the field-free orbitals are considered. Our measured angular distributions and intensity dependence show that these field-dressed orbitals can have strong Rydberg character for certain orientations of the molecule relative to the laser polarization and that they may contribute significantly to the hydrogen elimination dissociative ionization yield. These findings suggest that Rydberg contributions to field-dressed orbitals should be routinely considered when studying polyatomic molecules in intense laser fields

    Auger decay and subsequent fragmentation pathways of ethylene following K-shell ionization

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    Citation: Gaire, B., Haxton, D. J., Sturm, F. P., Williams, J., Gatton, A., Bocharova, I., . . . Weber, T. (2015). Auger decay and subsequent fragmentation pathways of ethylene following K-shell ionization. Physical Review A, 92(1), 13. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.92.013408The fragmentation pathways and dynamics of ethylene molecules after core ionization are explored using coincident measurements of the Auger electron and fragment ions by employing the cold target recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy method. The influence of several factors on the dynamics and kinematics of the dissociation is studied. These include propensity rules, ionization mechanisms, symmetry of the orbitals from which the Auger electrons originate, multiple scattering, conical intersections, interference, and possible core-hole localization for the double ionization of this polyatomic molecule. Energy correlation maps allow probing the multidimensional potential energy surfaces and, in combination with our multiconfiguration self-consistent field calculations, identifying the populated electronic states of the dissociating dication. The measured angular distributions of the Auger electrons in the molecular frame further support and augment these assignments. The deprotonation and molecular hydrogen ion elimination channels show a nearly isotropic Auger electron angular distribution with a small elongation along the direction perpendicular to the molecular axis. For the symmetric breakup the angular distributions show a clear influence of multiple scattering on the outgoing electrons. The lowest kinetic energy release feature of the symmetric breakup channel displays a fingerprint of entangled Auger and photoelectron motion in the angular emission pattern identifying this transition as an excellent candidate to probe core-hole localization at a conical intersection of a polyatomic molecule.Additional Authors: Landers, A. L.;Belkacem, A.;Dorner, R.;Weber, T

    Ultrafast temporal evolution of interatomic Coulombic decay in NeKr dimers

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    We investigate interatomic Coulombic decay in NeKr dimers after neon inner-valence photoionization [Ne+(2s-1)] using a synchrotron light source. We measure with high energy resolution the two singly charged ions of the Coulomb-exploding dimer dication and the photoelectron in coincidence. By carefully tracing the post-collision interaction between the photoelectron and the emitted ICD electron we are able to probe the temporal evolution of the state as it decays. Although the ionizing light pulses are 80 picoseconds long, we determine the lifetime of the intermediate dimer cation state and visualize the contraction of the nuclear structure on the femtosecond time scale

    Fragmentation of CD+ induced by intense ultrashort laser pulses

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    Citation: Graham, L., Zohrabi, M., Gaire, B., Ablikim, U., Jochim, B., Berry, B., . . . Ben-Itzhak, I. (2015). Fragmentation of CD+ induced by intense ultrashort laser pulses. Physical Review A, 91(2), 11. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.023414The fragmentation of CD[superscript +] in intense ultrashort laser pulses was investigated using a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging technique improved by employing both transverse and longitudinal electric fields. This allowed clear separation of all fragmentation channels and the determination of the kinetic energy release down to nearly zero, for a molecule with significant mass asymmetry. The most probable dissociation pathways for the two lowest dissociation limits, C[superscript +]+D and C+D[superscript +], were identified for both 22-fs, 798-nm and 50-fs, 392-nm pulses. Curiously, the charge asymmetric dissociation of CD[superscript 2+] was not observed for 392-nm photons, even though it was clearly visible for the fundamental 798 nm at the same peak intensity

    Incorporating real time velocity map image reconstruction into closed-loop coherent control

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    We report techniques developed to utilize three-dimensional momentum information as feedback in adaptive femtosecond control of molecular dynamics. Velocity map imaging is used to obtain the three-dimensional momentum map of the dissociating ions following interaction with a shaped intense ultrafast laser pulse. In order to recover robust feedback information, however, the two-dimensional momentum projection from the detector must be inverted to reconstruct the full three-dimensional momentum of the photofragments. These methods are typically slow or require manual inputs and are therefore accomplished offline after the images have been obtained. Using an algorithm based upon an “onion-peeling” (also known as “back projection”) method, we are able to invert 1040 × 1054 pixel images in under 1 s. This rapid inversion allows the full photofragment momentum to be used as feedback in a closed-loop adaptive control scheme, in which a genetic algorithm tailors an ultrafast laser pulse to optimize a specific outcome. Examples of three-dimensional velocity map image based control applied to strong-field dissociation of CO and O2 are presented
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