36 research outputs found

    New contributions on amphibians and reptiles distribution on the Gran Bilbao coast, Biscay (Spain) during the decade of 1970-80

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    Se revisan los especímenes de anfibios y reptiles depositados en la colección científica de la Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC, Sevilla) procedentes de la región del Gran Bilbao (Vizcaya) durante la década de 1970-80. Se completan así los muestreos realizados en seis cuadrículas (UTM 10x10 km), y se proporcionan nuevos datos sobre 11 taxones (seis de anfibios y cinco de reptiles), cuatro de ellos en cuadrículas donde hasta el momento no habían sido registrados.Universidad de Sevilla. RNM92

    La rana de Shakespeare

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    Evolutopy: problem based learning in Zoology

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    Zoología es una asignatura troncal del Grado de Biología, con 12 créditos ECTS. Durante el curso 2011-12, ensayamos el aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) como una metodología activa de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Al comienzo del curso se presentó el proyecto a los alumnos. La participación era voluntaria y sin recompensa académica (sólo por el deseo de aprender y formarse). Se apuntaron 45 alumnos (de los 371 matriculados). Los alumnos trabajaron a lo largo del curso y sucesivamente los siguientes problemas: 1. Guía de campo y características de los Phyla animales. 2: Controversia creacionismo (diseño inteligente)-evolución. 3. Corales, hormigas y ranas: Respuestas de invertebrados y vertebrados al cambio global. El tamaño de los grupos cambió según los casos (5 alumnos en los dos primeros, y 10 en el tercero). Uno de los objetivos fue evaluar el trabajo de los equipos de alumnos en pequeños grupos de distintos tamaños. Las tutorías fueron personalizadas con los profesores responsables. Para favorecer el contacto entre todos los grupos se diseñaron varias herramientas vía internet: Dropbox , web (Evolutopia: http://asignatura.us.es/ evolutopia/). Al finalizar cada problema, se realizaba una presentación al gran grupo . Algunos grupos optaron por realizar éstas en Ppoint, teatrales, imitaciones a concursos. Todas las presentaciones fueron grabadas en video. Se valoró la asistencia a las sesiones presenciales y la participación en los trabajos de grupo. Finalmente, los alumnos fueron invitados a contestar encuestas (OPINA http://portalapps.us.es/opina/ ). Más del 70 % de los alumnos se mostró contento con su participación en el proyecto y el 90 % encontraron interesantes los problemas planteados. Las capacidades que más desarrollaron, según los alumnos, fueron, además de un mejor conocimiento de la asignatura, la expresión oral y escrita, manejo de informática, búsqueda de información y originalidad e innovación. Y, en menor medida, su capacidad de organización, trabajo en grupo y liderazgo.Zoology is a main subject of the Degree in Biology, with 12 ECTS. During the 2011-12 year, we essayed problem based learning (PBL) approach as an active methodology of education-learning. We presented the project to all the students. The participation was voluntary and without any academic reward, only for the pure desire to learn and get formation. Only 45 students (of 371 enrolled) accepted the challenge. The students worked successively along the course the following three problems: 1. Field guide to the animal Phyla. 2: The controversy creacionism (Intelligent design) vs. Evolution. 3. Corals, ants and frogs: Responses of invertebrates and vertebrates to global change. The size of the groups changed according to the cases (from 5 in the first and second problems, to 10 in the third one). One of the project aims was to evaluate the work of students in small groups of different sizes. Tutorships were personalized, whenever were required by the groups, and assumed by the two teachers in charge. To facilitate the contact, the groups used several internet tools: Dropbox, web (Evolutopia: http: //asignatura.us.es/ evolutopia/) and Facebook . At the completion of each case, a presentation was displayed to the big group (all the 45 students). Some groups decided to present it as a PPoint, other in a theatrical way, imitations to TV contests, etc. All the presentations were recorded on video. We evaluated participation in the meetings and degree of participation in the works of the group. Finally, the students were invited to answer surveys (OPINA: http: // portalapps.us.es/opina/). More than 70 % of the students were satisfied with his participation in the project and 90 % found interesting the suggested problems. The capacities that more they developed, according to the students, were besides a better knowledge of Zoology, the oral and written expression, informatic skills, search of information and originality and innovation. And, in minor degree, their organization and team work habilities and leadership

    Impact of otter (Lutra lutra) predation on amphibians in temporary ponds in Southern Spain

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    We report the observation of an event of mortality of ribbed newts ( Pleu - rodeles waltl ) and Iberian spadefoot toads ( Pelobates cultripes ) due to predation by a pair of otters ( Lutra lutra ) in a temporary pond complex in southern Spain. The pecu- liar predation mode on ribbed newts, with extraction of soft organs through an inci - sion in the upper part of the thorax, may result in an underestimation of the impor - tance of this species in the diet of otters. The high number of dead amphibians killed by two otters in only several hours suggests that the presence of these predators may pose a serious threat to amphibian populations. The risk is especially high in arid are- as, with few ponds, synchronous reproductive migration, and high density of animals. We consider that measures promoting the conservation and population and range increase of otters may have a negative impact on amphibian

    Immobilization and marking of the Egyptian Mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon (L.) in Spain

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    Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España (CSIC)Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica de España (CAICYT

    Metodi di censimento della Volpe (Vulpes vulpes)

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    Estimating absolute or relative numbers in red fox populations is not an easy task. Although a range of methods has been described, neither an optimal nor a universally accepted technique has been found. Moreover, none has been tested on populations of known size. We reviewed the efficiency of fourteen indices of fox abundance classified into two groups: (a) methods where individuals are captured and marked, which include ear tagging or similar conspicuous markings, toe clipping, radioactive tagging of faeces, radio-tracking, and statistics from hunting and trapping; (b) methods not requiring capture, which include both direct methods (nocturnal counts, unsystematic observations, and drive censuses), and indirect methods (den counts, transects for track, scat counts, and scent stations). As a rule, statistics are rarely applicable to populations estimates. Methods involving capture are expensive but provide more accurate estimates than the second group of indices, which are not suitable for paired comparisons from one year to another. Management and wildlife specialists should have in mind such restrictions when considering their goals and the required level of accuracy. Finally, we recommend the simultaneous utilization and comparison of several methods (one from each group, as proposed in a double sampling strategy) for optimum evaluations.La valutazione della consistenza di una popolazione di Volpe, mediante censimenti assoluti o relativi, è di difficile soluzione. Tra i diversi metodi di conteggio impiegati, nessuno si è rivelato ottimale e universale. Tuttavia nessuno è stato utilizzato per popolazioni di consistenza nota. Qui esaminiamo la validità di 14 metodi impiegati per il calcolo di indici di abbondanza, ripartendoli in due gruppi: (a) metodi che implicano la cattura e il marcamento degli animali mediante marche auricolari o contrassegni similari, amputazione delle falangi, radioisotopi rilevabili nelle feci, collari radiotelemetrici e metodi che si basano sulle statistiche venatorie e sui trappolaggi; (b) metodi che non richiedono la cattura degli animali e che riguardano sia rilevamenti diretti (conteggio notturno, avvistamenti casuali, censimento in battuta), sia indiretti (conteggio delle tane, conteggio delle impronte e delle feci su percorsi definiti, stazioni odorifere). Raramente l'analisi statistica è applicabile alle stime della consistenza delle popolazioni. I metodi che implicano la cattura degli animali sono molto impegnativi in termini di tempo e costi, ma forniscono stime più accurate rispetto a quelli del secondo gruppo che non sono adatti per la comparazione dei dati da un anno all'altro. Questi limiti vanno attentamente considerati in relazione alle finalità e al grado di precisione che si intende raggiungere. Noi suggeriamo l'impiego simultaneo di più metodi di censimento (almeno uno per ciascun gruppo), per una comparazione incrociata dei dati e per ottenere una stima corretta della consistenza

    Zoowiki : un proyecto de colaboración interdepartamental

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    La presente comunicación presenta los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente, desarrollado en el seno de la Facultad de Biología, con la colaboración de profesorado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, en el que han participado más de 200 alumnos y un total de 10 profesores (adscritos a los Departamentos de Fisiología y Zoología, y Didáctica y Organización Educativa, respectivamente) durante el curso académico 2010-11. Bajo la premisa: “Facilitando el aprendizaje entre iguales”, se ha llevado a cabo el estudio, planteándonos entre otros objetivos, no sólo hacer más consciente al alumnado de que es responsable de su propio aprendizaje, sino también la necesidad de motivación y mejora del rendimiento académico del alumnado. Para ello y teniendo en cuenta la metodología de aprendizaje entre iguales, se han creado grupos de expertos en distintas temáticas en la asignatura de Zoología, culminando el trabajo desarrollado en la confección de una wiki: Zoowiki http://proyectodezoologia.wikispaces.com/This paper presents the results of a teaching innovation project, developed within the Faculty of Biology, in collaboration with faculty at the Faculty of Education, which involved over 200 students and a total 10 teachers (assigned to the Departments of Physiology and Zoology, and Teaching and Educational Organization, respectively) during the academic year 2010-11. Under the premise: "Facilitating peer learning, " has carried out the study, posing among other objectives, to make the students more aware of who is responsible for their own learning ... but also the need for motivation and performance improvement academic students. For this and taking into account the methodology of peer learning groups have been established in different thematic expert in the subject of Zoology, culminating in the work developed in the preparation of a wiki: Zoowiki (http://proyectodezoologia.wikispaces.com/)