225 research outputs found

    3D numerical simulation of hydro-acoustic waves registered during the 2012 negros-cebu earthquake

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    The paper investigates on the hydro-acoustic waves propagation caused by the underwater earthquake, occurred on 6 February 2012, between the Negros and Cebu islands, in the Philippines. Hydro-acoustic waves are pressure waves that propagate at the sound celerity in water. These waves can be triggered by the sudden vertical sea-bed movement, due to underwater earthquakes. The results of three dimensional numerical simulations, which solve the wave equation in a weakly compressible sea water domain are presented. The hydro-acoustic signal is compared to an underwater acoustic signal recorded during the event by a scuba diver, who was about 12 km far from the earthquake epicenter

    Injectable thermoresponsive hydrogels as drug delivery system for the treatment of central nervous system disorders: A review.

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    The central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and retina, superintends to the acquisition, integration and processing of peripheral information to properly coordinate the activities of the whole body. Neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, trauma, stroke, and brain tumors can dramatically affect CNS functions resulting in serious and life-long disabilities. Globally, the societal and economic burden associated with CNS disorders continues to grow with the ageing of the population thus demanding for more effective and definitive treatments. Despite the variety of clinically available therapeutic molecules, medical interventions on CNS disorders are mostly limited to treat symptoms rather than halting or reversing disease progression. This is attributed to the complexity of the underlying disease mechanisms as well as to the unique biological microenvironment. Given its central importance, multiple barriers, including the blood brain barrier and the blood cerebrospinal fluid barrier, protect the CNS from external agents. This limits the access of drug molecules to the CNS thus contributing to the modest therapeutic successes. Loco-regional therapies based on the deposition of thermoresponsive hydrogels loaded with therapeutic agents and cells are receiving much attention as an alternative and potentially more effective approach to manage CNS disorders. In this work, the current understanding and challenges in the design of thermoresponsive hydrogels for CNS therapy are reviewed. First, the biological barriers that hinder mass and drug transport to the CNS are described, highlighting the distinct features of each barrier. Then, the realization, characterization and biomedical application of natural and synthetic thermoresponsive hydrogels are critically presented. Advantages and limitations of each design and application are discussed with the objective of identifying general rules that could enhance the effective translation of thermoresponsive hydrogel-based therapies for the treatment of CNS disorders

    Galectin-3. One molecule for an alphabet of diseases, from A to Z

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    Galectin-3 (Gal-3) regulates basic cellular functions such as cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions, growth, proliferation, differentiation, and inflammation. It is not surprising, therefore, that this protein is involved in the pathogenesis of many relevant human diseases, including cancer, fibrosis, chronic inflammation and scarring affecting many different tissues. The papers published in the literature have progressively increased in number during the last decades, testifying the great interest given to this protein by numerous researchers involved in many different clinical contexts. Considering the crucial role exerted by Gal-3 in many different clinical conditions, Gal-3 is emerging as a new diagnostic, prognostic biomarker and as a new promising therapeutic target. The current review aims to extensively examine the studies published so far on the role of Gal-3 in all the clinical conditions and diseases, listed in alphabetical order, where it was analyzed

    Cancer rate of the indeterminate lesions at low or high risk according to italian system for reporting of thyroid FNA

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    Background: Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology (ICCRTC) has been used in almost all Italian institutions since 2014. High reliability of ICCRTC in classifying low and high risk indeterminate nodules (Tir 3A and Tir 3B, respectively) was demonstrated. Here we reviewed our casuistry of thyroid indeterminate lesions to analyze the histologic outcome. Methods: All lesions undergone FNA and final histology at S. Andrea Hospital of Rome after a cytologic assessment of Tir 3A and Tir 3B, according to ICCRTC, were included in the study. Results: A number of 157 indeterminate FNA was found after the introduction of ICCRTC. Of these, 75 undergone surgery and were finally included for the study. At histology we found a 33.3% of cancers and a 67.7% of benign lesions. Out of the overall series, 25 were classified as Tir 3A and 50 as Tir 3B. Cancer rate observed in Tir 3A (1/25, 4%) was significantly (p = 0.0002) lower than that of Tir 3B (24/50, 48%). No significant difference was found in age and size between the two subcategories. Conclusions: We confirm in our series that Italian consensus for the classification and reporting of thyroid cytology allows to discriminate indeterminate lesions at low and high risk of malignancy

    Extended mild-slope equations for compressible fluids

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    In this paper we derive new forms of the mildslope equation (MSE) for water waves in a weakly compressible fluid on a slowly varying bathymetry, with surface and bottom disturbances. The MSE is a powerful tool to model the refraction-diffraction dynamics of water waves propagating on a variable bathymetry [1]. Traditionally, mild-slope models are derived by assuming that the wave steepness is small, the fluid is inviscid and incompressible and the motion is irrotational. Furthermore, no disturbances are normally considered both on the free surface and at the bottom of the fluid domain [2]. In this paper we shall find new expressions of the MSE by relaxing the incompressibility hypothesis and considering both surface and bottom disturbances. We shall name the set of new formulae as the extended acoustic-gravity mild-slope equations (EAG-MSE). Such a system of equations can be implemented in numerical models for the early detection of coastal flooding based on the hydro-acoustic precursors of surface gravity waves (see [3]–[5])

    a depth integrated equation for large scale modeling of tsunami in weakly compressible fluid

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    Pressure waves generated by fast seabed movement in weakly compressible sea water, namely hydro-acoustic waves travel at the sound celerity in water (about 1500 m/s). These waves are precursors of the counterpart long free-surface gravity waves and contain significant information on the tsunamigenic source. Measurement of hydro-acoustic waves can therefore anticipate the tsunami arrival and significantly enhance the promptness and accuracy of tsunami early warning systems. In this paper derivation of a novel depth-integrated numerical model for reproduction of hydroacoustic waves is presented and the application of this computationally ecient model on two devastating historical tsunamis of Mediterranean Sea in real bathymetry analyzed to reveal the eect of variable bathymetry. On the basis of the model results, some hints for deep sea observatory are given

    Tsunamis Generated by Submerged Landslides: Numerical Analysis of the Near-Field Wave Characteristics

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    ABSTRACT: The accurate modeling of the landslide?generated tsunami characteristics in the so-called near-field is crucial for many practical applications. In this paper, we present a new full-3-D numerical method for modeling tsunamis generated by rigid and impermeable landslides in OpenFOAM® based on the overset mesh technique. The approach has been successfully validated through the numerical reproduction of past experiments for landslide?generated tsunamis triggered by a rigid and impermeable wedge at a sloping coast. The method has been applied to perform a detailed numerical study of the near-field wave features induced by submerged landslides. A parametric analysis has been carried out to explore the importance of the landslide's initial acceleration, directly related to the landslide-triggering mechanisms, on the tsunami generation process and on the related wave properties. Near-field analysis of the numerical results confirms that the influence of the initial acceleration on the tsunami wave properties is significant, affecting wave height, wave period, and wave celerity. Furthermore, it is found that the tsunami generation mechanism experiences a saturation effect for increasing landslide's initial acceleration, confirming and extending previous studies. Moreover, the resulting extended database, composed of previous experimental data and new numerical ones, spanning a wider range of governing parameters, has been represented in the form of a “nondimensional wavemaker curve,” and a new relationship for predicting the wave properties in the near-field as a function of the Hammack number is proposed

    Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Generated Tsunamis with OpenFOAM®: a New Approach

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    In this paper we present a new method for numerically modelling landslide-generated tsunamis in OpenFOAM® by using a new approach based on the Overset mesh technique. This technique, which is based on the use of two (or more) numerical domains, is new in the coastal engineering field and appears to be extremely powerful to model the interaction between a moving body and one or more fluids. Indeed, the accurate resolution around the moving body (i.e. body-fitted approach), guaranteed by this method, offers a great advantage to study the momentum exchange between the body and the water. Furthermore, in order to overcome a drawback of the Overset mesh implementation we modelled the solid boundaries, along which the landslide body moves, as a porous media with a very low permeability. The new approach has been preliminarily, and successfully, validated through the numerical reproduction of past experiments for landslide-generated tsunamis triggered by a solid and impermeable wedge at a sloping coast
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